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Musick Me Nutrit - The Book Of 432

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posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by CHiram_Abiff

Psalm 36.9 (or 369) - Hawk 123 number x 3
Funny that it can be transferred again in your famous number.

[edit on 26-1-2010 by hawk123]

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 02:13 PM
Well the main page about the symmetry of tritones is just a reworking of Erno Lendvai's book on Bela Bartok. Lendvai claimed Bartok had a secret tritone chord -- basically two diminished sevenths stacked up together if I remember properly.... yeah here it is -- scroll down:

Anyway the Pythagorean Lamboda stuff is also Barbara Hero's work from others -- it's a repeat of the same "divide and average" analysis. Again is not real Pythagorean harmonics.

reply to post by hawk123

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by drew hempel
Well the main page about the symmetry of tritones is just a reworking of Erno Lendvai's book on Bela Bartok. Lendvai claimed Bartok had a secret tritone chord -- basically two diminished sevenths stacked up together if I remember properly.... yeah here it is -- scroll down:

Anyway the Pythagorean Lamboda stuff is also Barbara Hero's work from others -- it's a repeat of the same "divide and average" analysis. Again is not real Pythagorean harmonics.

reply to post by hawk123

Thanks Drew. That was also my impression. But we both do not understand yet your statement:

So again, as I discovered, -- in Taoism Yang is 2:3 or the Perfect 5th and yin is 3:4 or the Perfect 4th so C to G is 2:3 and G to C is 3:4 -- this violates the commutative property. It's NOT a "divide and average" system.

Can you provide some example for C and G in hertz for as well Yin as Yang?

C = 384 G = 576 (2:3) ==> G = 576 C = 768 (3:4)

This would give a C, which is one octave higher

[edit on 26-1-2010 by hawk123]

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 02:59 PM
Hertz is another example of frequency -- Hertz defines time as spatial distance by using the commutative property. Second was defined by Galileo by time over distance.

The Pythagorean harmonics again use symbols which violate western mathematics -- that's why the inverse square law had to be created for Western music. I go into this in great detail in chapter four of my blog book "Deep Disharmony." I've posted most of that chapter already on ATS.

So you can HEAR that the Perfect 4th and Perfect 5th pull to the octave as complementary opposites -- this is the perceptual emotion in music, used in the blues, for example. All cultures use this 1-4-5 relation.

Pythagoreans figured out that using ONLY ARITHMETIC you can deduce the 12 notes of the scale as repeating 5ths against octaves -- but they don't line up. That's why there's the Pythagorean Comma.

So in Western music the Comma is solved by AVERAGING the harmonics using the inverse square rule because the double octave of 2 as 4 is also the square root of the octave -- so that the next square root of 2 is the tritone interval.

So the symmetric tritone system is relying on the square root of two -- first derived as 9/8 cubed.

But any time you try to use geometry for harmonics you have to "divide and average" as distance so that the square weight gives twice the frequency.

That's where Newton got his law of gravity -- from Archytas and Plato! This was discovered in the 1960s!!

So in Pythagorean harmonics you IGNORE HERTZ AND FREQUENCY and you just go by the complementary opposite harmonics of the 1-4-5 as an INFINITE SPIRAL OF FIFTHS.

You LISTEN to this infinite process of frequency through the 1-4-5 ratios -- it can not be measured visually because it violates symmetry and all Western math relies on symmetry.

So we can then logically infer that there is no source for sound -- it's infinite.

This principle was REDISCOVERED in quantum mechanics as the "time-frequency uncertainty principle" but it is still translated back to symmetric math since western science is dependent on using geometry for technological measurements -- be it a "line" or a tool, etc.

My online articles, blogbook, masters thesis, and book -- full free preview:

reply to post by hawk123

[edit on 26-1-2010 by drew hempel]

[edit on 26-1-2010 by drew hempel]

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by drew hempel

Even after the bells were discovered in 1979, the Chinese government was slow to disclose the findings that would contradict their view of traditional music.
Is this the Chinese trick ?

It is called the circle of fifths because it ends where it began after the twelfth note. Using the string length ratio “2:3,” a perfect fifth can be tuned very easily. By tuning either up a fifth or down a fourth (inverted fifth with the ratio 3:4), all twelve notes could theoretically be tuned in one octave. Ling Lun described this as add and subtract one-third.

Thanks for your hint on this link:

This involved a conscious corruption of Pythagorean shamanic-yoga based on complimentary opposites of infinite natural harmonics (Pythagoras' 1:2:3:4 is equivalent to OM and yin/yang). The link between Freemasonry and Theosophy is well-documented in "The Stargate Conspiracy." Many new age gurus have been linked to the CIA and to these theosophist think tanks, included Drunvalo Melchizadek and Jose Arguelles who is the main promoter of Dr. Reiser's views.

The New Age people behind December 21, 2012 at 11:11

Again based on our bad mathemetical system.

[edit on 26-1-2010 by hawk123]

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 12:11 PM

So you can HEAR that the Perfect 4th and Perfect 5th pull to the octave as complementary opposites -- this is the perceptual emotion in music, used in the blues, for example. All cultures use this 1-4-5 relation.

thanks for having a look Drew and hawk
I want to invite that author here to this thread.

another question I need answered
between the Perfect 4th and Perfect 5th, as complementary opposites, do they CROSSOVER around 4.5?
Is this what Lui Di Martino was suggesting?



posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 12:36 PM
O.K. again he's still working with the "divide and average" which had to reverse the order of the ratios. The Greeks actually used "undertones" not "overtones" of the harmonic series. So you have the Pythagorean Tetrad as the harmonic series as well 1:2 is octave 2:3 is the fifth and 3:4 is the fourth. So Archytas argued that the major third 4:5 was an extension of the Tetrad -- but in fact Archytas was arguing the Tetrad was extended as 5/4 since 5/4 is the CUBE ROOT OF TWO. I give the secret equation for Archtyas' doubling of the cube from music harmonics in chapter 4 of my blogbook Deep Disharmony:

Since the cube root of this equation means that X equals 5/4 then the cube root of four, as Y, gives the harmonic ratio of 8:5, the complimentary opposite of 5/4 (the major Third, 5/4, is inverted as the minor Sixth, 8:5). 1:5/4::5/4:8/5::8/5:2.

When it's contended that the "Pythagoreans recognized" the harmonic, geometric and arithmetic means there must be the correction that in fact these means were the innovation of Archytas to create the Greek Miracle. Dr. Alan C. Bowen details how Archytas developed these means from Pythagorean harmonics (from "The Minor Sixth (8:5) in Early Greek Harmonic Science", by Alan C. Bowen, The American Journal of Philology, 1978:

"Archytas defined the genera of the tetrachord by a procedure involving the division of the fifth (3:2) into a minor third (6:5) and a major third (5:4), and of the fourth (4:3) into a septimal third (7:6) and a major tone (8:7)....The fifth is partitioned according to an arithmetic mean (3:2=6:5:4) and the fourth, according to a harmonic mean (4:3=28:24:21).

"In other words, the minor sixth is derivable from the fifth because it is a major third less than an octave [(2/1)/(5/4) = (8/5)] and a minor third more than a fourth [(8/5)/(6/5) = (4/3)]."

Archytas could not use 5:8 (the ratio of the minor Sixth as measured by frequency, not string length) because he had to extend the harmonic ratios to beyond the octave in order to derive the minor sixth and perfect 4th. As Bowen states, "For it was during this time that scales of a double octave magnitude, i.e. the Greater Perfect System, were constructed to facilitate the analysis of melody." The Greater Perfect System, using two octaves, was the extension of the ratios by Archytas as a transition to magnitude since now the middle of the octave, the geometric mean as the irrational square root of two or 9/8 cubed, could be turned into just 2:1 as the middle of the double octave.

Dr. Bowen clarifies:

"Any who doubt that the musical ratios are all of greater inequality, i.e., that the antecedent or first term in each is greater than the consequent or second term, should consult Archytas DK 47 B 2. This Fragment requires that the ratios be of this form if the assertions about the three means [arithmetic, harmonic and geometric] are to be true. Accordingly, the ratios assigned to the octave, fifth, fourth and minor sixth, must be 2:1, 3:2, 4:3 and 8:5, and not 1:2, 2:3, 3:4 and 5:8, respectively, as Mosshammer and others would have them. Indeed, there is early proof deriving from the Pythagorean school that intervals, such as the fifths, which are represented by superparticular ratios cannot be partitioned into any number of equal subintervals because the terms of these ratios admit no number of geometric means. Consider now the question of the status of the ratio (8:5) in the Pythagorean harmonic science that dates from the late fifth century B.C. to the time of Apollodorus. One should not expect that this ratio was recognized as melodic by every school of Pythagorean musical theory. For example those who sought to derive all the musical ratios from the Tetrad of the decad by compounding and dividing the ratios of the primary and most familiar intervals, the concords of the octave, fifth and fourth, would find the minor sixth unascertainable. There is reason to believe that these were supplied by Archytas in the early fourth century B.C."

At this juncture it should be pointed out that the interval of the fifth as the arithmetic mean, while representing geometrically the midpoint of a line, in fact is the value 2/3 -- not 1/2. Conversely while the geometric mean is represented as "the middle square between two squares," musically it is the midpoint of a line or string (what should be the arithmetic mean) -- the tritone interval or “Devil’s Interval,” between the fifth and the fourth. I clarify this incongruity because it appears that the Greek Miracle depends on a conversion, an actual changing of the number order from 5:8 to 8:5 so that symmetric phonetic symbols have commutative correspondence with number, at the expense of the actual asymmetric harmonics found in the Law of Pythagoras. Only when the interval of the ‘perfect fifth’ or C to G, as the arithmetic mean, is extended to the octave plus the fifth, is there a symmetrical reduction, as the interval twelve (1.5) of the line or string into thirds.

reply to post by CHiram_Abiff

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 01:59 PM

Originally posted by CHiram_Abiff

So you can HEAR that the Perfect 4th and Perfect 5th pull to the octave as complementary opposites -- this is the perceptual emotion in music, used in the blues, for example. All cultures use this 1-4-5 relation.

thanks for having a look Drew and hawk
I want to invite that author here to this thread.

another question I need answered
between the Perfect 4th and Perfect 5th, as complementary opposites, do they CROSSOVER around 4.5?
Is this what Lui Di Martino was suggesting?



Unfortunately I do not know the answer, since I first need to make the connection with planets.
Freemasons only use 3 Greek modes, but I need to find them again.

I agree with Drew that this is based on Western arithmetic.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 03:46 PM
reply to post by drew hempel

Is this the same theory as you mention?

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 04:46 PM
It's related but not quite the same. What I'm talking about is more basic yet more radical.

This example showing the Perfect 5th at C to G and the Perfect 4th as C to F needs to also be considered as complementary opposites:

G to C is the Perfect 4th and F to C is the Perfect 5th or

C to G is 2:3 and G to C is 3:4 which violates the commutative property for squaring numbers or using divide and average -- whereby "A x B = B x A."

So in strict Pythagorean harmonics you can not "square" the Tetrad to get 9:4 which is then reduced to 9:8 -- because even though the octaves are doubled -- that is arithmetic whereas the fifths have to be "squared." -- 2 doubled 7 times as the same as 2 to the 7th power (both equal 128).

So the 12 notes of the circle of fifths can not be justified as a "divide and average" system that is squared out -- so that you just reduce the octave to 2 and the 12 notes to each being the 12th root of two -- and half of the octave is then the square root of two as the

average distance

between the perfect 5th and perfect 4th.

See? That's a LIE -- the perfect 5th and perfect 4th are complementary opposites -- not averages. You can HEAR this complementary opposite relationship of the 4th and 5th and you can SEE it when you divide the octave into overtones -- as the Tetrad -- with the 5th as 2:3 and the 4th as 3:4 of the octave as 1:2.

Thanks for asking because this is very simple stuff technically but conceptually it's a very subtle difference.

reply to post by hawk123

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 08:17 AM

Originally posted by drew hempel

See? That's a LIE -- the perfect 5th and perfect 4th are complementary opposites -- not averages. You can HEAR this complementary opposite relationship of the 4th and 5th and you can SEE it when you divide the octave into overtones -- as the Tetrad -- with the 5th as 2:3 and the 4th as 3:4 of the octave as 1:2.

Thanks for asking because this is very simple stuff technically but conceptually it's a very subtle difference.

reply to post by hawk123

That's a LIE !!! Thanks DREW for presenting this alternative.
It gives me the possibility to escape the MATRIX.
Untill know I was ruled by TWO major MATRIX numbers, which are permutations of each other.
31680 as the square around the earth. (440 Hz related) = 55 x 576
10368 as the Locrian scale starting at 384 x 27 = 10368. (432 Hz related)

Between the permutations we always find the EAGLE 's number 576.
31104 = 3 x 10368 = Day in the life of Brahma
Now 31680 - 31104 = 576 (Again the Eagle)

31680 = 55 x 576 (Eagle)
31104 = 54 x 576 (Eagle)

31680 - 31104 = 576 (Eagle)

576 Spirit code:

Pythagoras is holding the PI key for Greece and Hebrew gematria.

PI-thagoras = 864 (sun) = 2 x 432 (See page 7 on above link)

864 x 360 = 311,040

864 +
311,040 +
31,104,000 +
31,415,904 as a value of Pi to 7 decimals 3.1415904

All our ancient gods are Triangle related with the (spirit) of the EAGLE.
This goes far back to Egypt, including the VEDIC math from India, including the Knight Templars gods.

Now reading a very interesting book:

Page 176
Yang pitch-pipes were made from bamboo (related to heaven)
Yin ones of copper or bronze (related to earth)

Pythagoras or Ling Lun?
He concluded that the Pythagorean, claim for the invention of this scale was nothing less than an 'act of robbery'. How precisely the plagiarism was carried out he did not explain, but assumed that Pythagoras, who was noted for his travels, must either have gone to China, or met someone from that country who transmitted the secrets of the scale.

[edit on 29-1-2010 by hawk123]

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 06:10 AM

Originally posted by hawk123

That's a LIE !!! Thanks DREW for presenting this alternative.
It gives me the possibility to escape the MATRIX.

we always find the EAGLE 's
(Again the Eagle)

31680 = 55 x 576 (Eagle)
31104 = 54 x 576 (Eagle)

31680 - 31104 = 576 (Eagle)

Pythagoras is holding the PI key for Greece and Hebrew gematria.

PI-thagoras = 864 (sun) = 2 x 432 (See page 7 on above link)

864 x 360 = 311,040

All our ancient gods are Triangle related with the (spirit) of the EAGLE.
This goes far back to Egypt, including the VEDIC math from India, including the Knight Templars gods.

Page 176
Yang pitch-pipes were made from bamboo (related to heaven)
Yin ones of copper or bronze (related to earth)

Pythagoras or Ling Lun?
He concluded that the Pythagorean, claim for the invention of this scale was nothing less than an 'act of robbery'. How precisely the plagiarism was carried out he did not explain, but assumed that Pythagoras, who was noted for his travels, must either have gone to China, or met someone from that country who transmitted the secrets of the scale.

[edit on 29-1-2010 by hawk123]

the EAGLE has landed fellas.
But the ARK it was released from will surprise folks, in a big big way.
I found the EAGLE was given its symbolic wings in the Bird/Snake Goddess worshiping cultures.
I now find my research of the past 5 years is ready to merge with another radical.
Apparently Marija Gimbutas, another TRUTH warrior has bequeathed me her life's work...the really big shew, the unveiling of the TRUTH must go on, must continue.
I located the 'script' Marija Gimbutas had recovered just recently.
A script that is being ignored by the mainstream, but not by all.
It is a script that predates the HIS-story we have been told and sold.
This script pre-dates the so called 'cradle of civilization' by at least 2000 years...and it is obvious that between 5500 B.C. and the scripting of the bibles ... something 'changed'.
This script that predates the time-line of the Bible itself, can be shown to share in MANY of the same archetypes used by the Egyptian and Mesopotamian, in the structure of their creation cosmology, the Oral traditions, folklore, song, dance and myths that worked their way into the bible and eventually the sheeple heARTs.
This script from 5500 B.C. contains many of the profound symbols cherished by Pythagoras, sacred geometry etc.
AND these symbols are still being USED by secret societies...i.e. the Free/Phreemasons.

What maligned symbol in the WEST lead me to a deeper understanding of Pythagoras, pi, phi (everything golden) and his right triangle theorem?

what symbol can I use to link ALL of the above dude?
what symbol is currently being buried, veiled under mainstream BS and religious dogma?

YES fellas...DREW please pay attention dude.
I tried to shout in yer EAR on the Acharya S. site and you ignored me.
Like you are doing again.
Is there something wrong with your EGO dude that you fail to see the obvious?

So please fellas, stop being 'distracted' details that serve to distract.
The SWASTIKA can be, and was used to solve pi, phi and the Pythagorean theorem in China, before the WESTERN scribes started scripting a HIS-story for the sheeple and seegullibles to believe in.
Everybody talks about Pythagoras, but there is NO evidence of his existence.
Everybody talks about a physical jeSuS but there is NO evidence of his physical existence.

These are the mysteries that help create and lay the foundation of a belief system.
The Pythagoras Cult was 'invented' too. IMHO
After a cataclysm...folks go into survival mode...and will believe anything...say anything....reBLEAT anything....for a full belly.

2Bee cont'd.


posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 06:14 AM
how does this image

support what I said in the previous post AND this image?

go here to find out and maybe discuss:

YES the 'E' has landed.


[edit on 31-1-2010 by CHiram_Abiff]

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 11:29 AM

Originally posted by drew hempel
This example showing the Perfect 5th at C to G and the Perfect 4th as C to F needs to also be considered as complementary opposites:

Perfectly true in the ionian mode, but if you look at it from George Russells point of view, the perfect fifth is from from F to C and the perfect fourth from G to C. I'm no mathematician but how does that affect your numbers?

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 12:05 PM
reply to post by CHiram_Abiff

BPVMTh = 528 (Solfeggio code)
BPVMTh, Baphomet which transposed by the ATBASH cipher becomes ShVPYA (wisdom)

Baphomet = Temple of peace amongst men =
Baphomet = Templi omnium hominum pads
Tem = duplex (double), oph = avis (bird), ab = generatio ( progeny),
TEM = 440 OPH = 86 AB = 2 = 440 + 88 = 528 Hertz (Solfeggio)
TEM = duplex, OPH = avis, AB = generation
TEM = double, OPH = bird, AB = progeny

Double headed eagle =

Hopefully you now understand the Double Headed Eagle

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by CHiram_Abiff

Very interesting this new 'script' of Marija Gimbutas
Last 5 years I spent a lot of time in Eastern Europe, which gives me a better understanding of everything.
Secrets in Prague, Pardubice (origin of Semtec and UFO detectors),
Budapest, Bucharest and Dracula, Athens and Moscow (Red Square)

Close to Moscow is Murom, which is aligned with Rosslyn and Roskilde in Danmark.
Roskilde Cathedral has an organ using 432 Hertz.
Rosslyn Chapel tuned to 432 Hertz

And all 3 cities are on (55,55° = 55°33' n.B.) including the EAGLE

[edit on 31-1-2010 by hawk123]

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by Bagatell

Originally posted by drew hempel
This example showing the Perfect 5th at C to G and the Perfect 4th as C to F needs to also be considered as complementary opposites:

Perfectly true in the ionian mode, but if you look at it from George Russells point of view, the perfect fifth is from from F to C and the perfect fourth from G to C. I'm no mathematician but how does that affect your numbers?

George Russells codes. See again:
31680 = 55 x 576 (Eagle) (Earth squared by moon)
At age of seven, singing "Moon Over Miami"
He was in New York: 55th Street, which is a two-mile-long, one-way street traveling east to west across

Important for him is: "F should be where middle C is on the piano" [white notes: F-F = lydian, rather than major = C-C
This is Lydian mode related.

Finally found again the 3 modes of the masons:
The Ionic order represents the East - signyfying Wisdom = DABAR
The Doric order represents the West - signyfying strength = OZ
The Corinthian order represents the South - signyfying beauty = GOMER

[edit on 31-1-2010 by hawk123]

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 03:23 PM
Yeah he's just promoting the modal lydian scale -- it makes for a more eastern sound and Bill Evans did use a lot of parallel 4ths -- so must have been like Debussy -- the augmented 4th of the Lydian scale (since b flat would normally be used for the major scale of F).

That doesn't affect the C to G or F to C -- the point being they are complementary opposites so ANY DIVIDE AND AVERAGE MATH IS WRONG.


Doesn't matter whether it's "eagle" or earth or sun -- whatever. As I stated China, Babylon, Egypt, India -- they all used DIVIDE AND AVERAGE MATH.

The secret of real Taoism and Real Pythagorean philosophy (whether Lao Tzu or Pythagoras were actually people doesn't matter because the philosophy is that only consciousness is real)....

The secret again is violation of the commutative property -- in "divide and average" math A x B = B x A but if C to G is 2:3 or F to C is 2:3 and G to C is 3:4 or C to F is 3:4 then it goes against the commutative property -- it's yang and yin as complementary opposites.

That's why I subtitled my book "Unlearning the three Rs" -- because again this is very very simple yet very very radical.

It's not at all about constructing some sort of visual symbolic system -- instead you have to LISTEN to your body-mind and then transform what you hear into electromagnetic and then light energy.

You do this through the microcosmic orbit or small universe -- it's 12 points along the outside of the body as the 12 notes of the scale -- but since they are complementary opposites the perfect 5th resonates as an INFINITE SPIRAL -- no beginning and no ending -- and so it's the only thing real. So as you resonate with it then you create free energy.

You can store the free energy but to do so you have to prevent others from getting it and others will want it since they do not know the secret of creating free energy. So it's easier just to transmit the free energy to others while taking in their extra disharmonized energy. That way you can heal other people while also healing yourself.

Only if you do not store the free energy then you do not achieve longevity and immorality. You can read the book "Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality" translated by Charles Luk for the details on the small universe exercise. You can also get a c.d. to practice it as real Pythagorean harmonics from -- Level 1 sitting meditation c.d.

O.K. you can use "divide and average" math which was converted to logarithms as the Greek Miracle -- but it is based on "deep disharmony" with an escalating diminishing rate of return for technology -- the destructive effects increase. This, again, is from the "divide and average" music harmonics: gives further details.

reply to post by Bagatell

[edit on 31-1-2010 by drew hempel]

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 03:52 PM
reply to post by drew hempel

Do all this Chi 's have the same meaning?
Qigong (Chi Kung)

Qi in English is often spelled as chi.
The Japanese form is ki (Ban Ki-Moon)

Chi-Ro symbol (including reference to Swastika)
148 is related to Venus (Netzach)
But there was not any Venus crossing during Passover.

[edit on 31-1-2010 by hawk123]

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by drew hempel

Drew, I simple try to do my best with
Unlearning the Three Rs.
The Natural Resonance Revolution

But Qigong is the same as Chi Kung.
All those Chi and Ki letters must have the same meaning.
If Chi and Ki are powers, then where do they come from?

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