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posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 03:04 PM
So this is a topic that has been discussed to the depths and back....evil in humans.

Many beliefs that have been passed on by men has tried to claim that there is a 'evil' that we are born with (original sin). Many beliefs that have been passed on by men has tried to explain why some humans are just bad seeds, with no hope.

I study many beliefs, but claim none. I dont disregard any experience of any human, for I believe that experiences themselves are 'reality'. I try to just let life flow as it needs to, showing the way or purpose of all things through itself.

Near Death Experiences have fascinated me these last couple of years, some of you here know exactly why that is....through personal experiences.

So I found a NDE story today that hit home with me in many ways....without judgment, without 'evil', with total understanding of everything as well as purpose of everything.

One of the understandings that comes to the man during the NDE is that ....there was no evil in any soul....he then goes on to wonder 'how can this be'....and experiences an understanding of how this CAN be.

I hope others enjoy the NDE and will join to discuss some of the things this particular NDE brings forth. Is it a reality? Well for this man, surely it was....

My best to all

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 03:09 PM
I think the man is just rationalizing his evil, in his life. I think there is evil in people, maybe they are born with.

One thing i am absolutely sure about, is that hardly anyone knows right from wrong. All of us are not born with this knowledge.

I think plenty in this world are pure evil, and i have been in company of some real scum, that must have an evil about them, that just is not right.

I think the man rationalized this thought in his mind so he just feels better for when he really dies.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 03:10 PM
For those who run away in the desire to not read this is the answer in short the man receives (even though without reading the entire experience I believe you are missing out on alot of great things he saw or experience)....

The answer was that no soul was inherently evil. The terrible things that happened to people might make them do evil things, but their souls were not evil. What all people seek, what sustains them, is love, the light told me. What distorts people is a lack of love. The revelations coming from the light seemed to go on and on, then I asked the light, "Does this mean that humankind will be saved?" Then, like a trumpet blast with a shower of spiraling lights, the Great Light spoke, saying, "Remember this and never forget; you save, redeem and heal yourself. You always have. You always will. You were created with the power to do so from before the beginning of the world."

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by andy1033

And that could very well be so andy, thanks for responding...

I guess through psychology, I have adapted to the thoughts that we 'learn' from our environments. It just makes sense to me that if someone seems to be 'scum' that they had help from others and their world view point to become that 'scum'. To think some are just born 'bad' is a far reach for me, but I wont say that anything is impossible.

I know as I was younger, I adapted some pride and greed growing up. These were learned behaviors from my surroundings. With age and experiences, I was blessed to have the time and patients to look at myself, judge myself, determine what I did and didnt like, and how to work on myself to become 'better'. But in who's eyes right? Just my own, of course, is all I can claim. But I do feel that I did become a better person and I overcame some of those darker traits the environment seemed to of influenced on me.

Mabey truly the soul is not evil...but when it comes into the flesh, there is tendency for it to 'seem' as such.

Your thoughts defiantly bring another viewpoint to all of this! Curious as to see where this goes, if anywhere...

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 03:22 PM
NDEs are real and demonstrable, but they are colored by the palette of the beliefs the individual subscribes to. AFAIK there is very little consensus in the accounts of people claiming NDEs. Studies are ongoing. A UK heart surgeon has been directing an experiment to provide evidence for patient claims. So far, NDEs are explainable by biological causes...oxygen starvation to the brain etc. Until there's an account that surpasses plausible explanations based on known science, NDEs will remain merely subjective.

If you think about's like trying to score the quality of a dream based on related experience. Doesn't indicate that NDEs 'aren't' deeper, just doesn't provide evidence that they aren't.....

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 03:30 PM
I understand the environment thing, but i also know that people have been trying to frame me for 17 years, desperate for it to happen. So they must of thought i would do something wrong which i have not.

I seen from primary school upto all through life how bad people can be, and i always think most people really do not know whats rigth and whats wrong. This is why people needed religion, and its upto them if they are to listen to them. I would not like to see what creatures humans would have been without someone saying something is above saying we should not do this and that as its evil.

I have lived and seen only the extreme of how bad people are, so maybe from my experience i don't do them justice as a whole, but i think i am pretty right on.

Only you people now yourself, which you are, but i know from having people desperate for me to do anything wrong, for all this time, that there must of been a reason i did not, and i have all my life been passive and will not do anything to anyone.

The thing that gets me, is today people that get government and police jobs have all this tech and can do evil without ever having to look in peoples eyes. Like how you see with american fighter pilots do not care if they blow up a wedding in some arab country. The act is pure evil, but how they do not understand its wrong, is beyond me.

Taking orders, in ww2 was shown by the nuremberg trial, that it is not an excuse, so why is it today, people in positions in power saying we are just taking orders.

No evil is more than just something people choose to do, for some reason they do not have empathy for people, and there victims.

But like everyone says today, who the hell cares.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 03:34 PM
Watch the movie Crash again.........(most have seen it)

And see what each can be capable of within a few minutes time..............

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by Kandinsky

Well noted Kandindky...

What I find so strange MANY NDE's that I have read on DO NOT follow the person's belief system. Many seem very surprised at the experiences of their own NDE.

This would also fall into the lines of 'OBE' not being evidence to anything, going by what you these things not having evidence. But I have a story for you...

My mother, who has been bed ridden for well over 3 years now....has experienced both. Even though her NDE had a much more interesting story....her OBE suggested some truth. My father had been looking for a certain envelope for several weeks. It was important that he find this, it was causing him much stress. My mother, who at the time was not ever out of her bed, had a OBE in a dream. She saw the envelope in her dream...but she didnt really pay much attention to it in the dream, for her main interests was that she was 'walking' around her house...she had not been able to walk in years and was in the knowing she would never walk for her, the 'walking' was the awesome thing for her.

But when she woke, and thought of herself walking around the house...she remembered seeing the envelope my father had been searching for. She said she noted to herself how happy my father would be to know that she had found what he needed. Low and behold, it was found exactly where she told him she saw it in her dream. There was no way she could of known this....she hadnt been in that part of the home in years.

So I tend to allow my mind to stay open to all things....

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by interestedalways
Watch the movie Crash again.........(most have seen it)

And see what each can be capable of within a few minutes time..............

I know they have used so much mind control on me for 17 years, they can and its very powerful get people to do anything. But using mind control to get someone to do something is not you doing it is it?

We are all just shells, and the ptb know how to control people, but then they are not the people they are, are they.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 03:42 PM
reply to post by interestedalways

Hi doll! Hope all is well!

I have not seen that movie...Im so behind on the movie thing. Will have to be sure to watch it though.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by andy1033

All I can suggest to you andy about these types of people is that they believe they are doing right...even if its just for their own selves, which again comes back to Earthly traits, like greed and pride (IMPO).

We feel like we are truly separate....having our own bodies, our own thoughts, our own feelings. This separate experiences in itself gives way to the right to be prideful, greedy, selfish. But could they just be blinded to their most inner core truth and being...and that through the experience of flesh, they are in a sense lacking love of their own pure self. It sounds like you are dealing with a group that are going along similar guidelines in a thought. Could someone of not programmed them in a way to think such things....could the world and their surrounding environment be the cause of what they do, and they have been desensitized to any empathy of others through others? Even though they are acting on behaviors that seem 'evil' I still struggle to say that they were born that way....

But again, I wont say anything is impossible....

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 04:02 PM
I believe evil can be born with.

As I was born I was told I was always mean to people hit strangers in the nuts bitting peoples for no reason. When I got older and studied more spiritual topics since I was born with abilities. I have made friends with other spiritual people that can read past life etc. My feelings and my hatred came from my past lifes and so did my karma (Very very bad karma...) onto this life.

I still feel the same way, but I can restrain my self and not as bad like I was.
I would consider myself a nice person now, since im really into spiritual stuff and believe negative thinking can cause negative karma, problems.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by KennyRJR
I still feel the same way, but I can restrain my self and not as bad like I was.
I would consider myself a nice person now, since im really into spiritual stuff and believe negative thinking can cause negative karma, problems.

I am someone who has come to accept the opposite, i am negative in all my thinking, and its helped me more than ever being positive did.

Being focused always in a negative way has helped me see people for more what they are, not pretending to be.

I am always passive, so my negative energy is always focused in to passive things, but i am a believer in negative feelings and thoughts being wrong.

If people have absolutely destroyed your life, like mine and what happened to others, being negative helps alot.

But each to there own, just remember if you follow a negative path just always never do it in reality, being negative is an energy, and you can find ways to get rid of it, without doing anything to anyone or anything.

But being negative, can be positive, lol. My life has proved it, maybe you find another route in life, but thats me.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

My own NDE was quite different.

Yup. I said it. And I did. Twice.

I firmly believe that we construct the experience.

It is real... but it is a function of our mind insisting on a set of familiar parameters for interpreting the act of 'existing.'

As for the spiritual, I do not deny it. It is there.

But such topics are not to be shared casually. It is too complicated and not a subject for blogging..., unless you want attention or something.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 04:22 PM
reply to post by KennyRJR

Very interesting thoughts! Imagine though, your very first incarnation....would you suspected that first incarnation to of been born evil....or with that first life experience, karma was begun for you, hence you come back reaping what you've sown....thoughts?

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 04:28 PM
reply to post by Maxmars

Thanks for sharing thoughts!

I think one should be sure before they share, they share out of concern that many people are seeking truth...and with the thought that every single little smidgen of experience may be a key to what is truth. I think there may be soe that share things for attention...but I also believe that there are some that share our of the knowing that many others are curious of such things. Sharing is caring, impo.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by LeoVirgo
reply to post by KennyRJR

Very interesting thoughts! Imagine though, your very first incarnation....would you suspected that first incarnation to of been born evil....or with that first life experience, karma was begun for you, hence you come back reaping what you've sown....thoughts?

Who knows. Maybe we never have a start or an end.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 04:31 PM
evil is a concept only relevant in 3d plane of existence.
essentially there is no "good" or "evil" though there are qualities that our society portays as "evil" that is only a human perception.
all is.
that is all.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by double_frick
evil is a concept only relevant in 3d plane of existence.
essentially there is no "good" or "evil" though there are qualities that our society portays as "evil" that is only a human perception.
all is.
that is all.


When I practice my 4d Abilities sometimes my higher self would kick in and I would lose all my emotions. Fear, hate, love, etc.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by double_frick

You summed up my personal thoughts....

Thanks so much for adding! I was wondering if anyone foster's this hope (I see it as hope, not sure what it really is).

A trust in everything having a purpose.

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