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Life :/

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posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 12:20 AM
The rhythm of life remains seemingly unchanged as we rise and fall each with each cycle of day and night. This planet we are on, we continue the work of our forefathers, creating from the ruins of the past anew. Building empires only to watch them crumble into pieces and renew. To me, on this planet, something is just terribly wrong. Perhaps I am just an ignorant fool in the face of all of it, as I do feel like I am. But I just look at the things we do and ask why? None of this makes sense. Nothing. I'm not the quickest thinker and like to take time to figure things out, but just looking at this world, our customs, our ideas about ourselves and others, our morals, standards, way of life, thinking, behaviors, everything is just so crazy. I look at myself, my own mind, the impulses to do or achieve a certain goal in life and wonder why I feel this way. Why it is so important to me to do well in school or to make my parents proud? Why should I care about looking cool or being nice to others. For how far technologically we've advanced, we're pretty much no different for the most part than we were several hundred or even thousands of years ago, depending on where you go or who you talk to. To me, the human experience is so shallow, so depressing, so unfulfilling that I wonder why anyone is able to fool themselves into thinking that they are enjoying life with this limited choice of lifestyle. We just convince ourselves that we're having a good time, that this is what we enjoy, but what really fulfills us? Honestly, who gives a # about reality tv shows, who wastes their time watching news about people's deaths or brutal murders, why even bother with such topics that are so shallow? Perhaps I'm the only one who feels this way, perhaps I'm the crazy one, but I just feel that our society and way of life is so boring, so depressing and that our society is killing itself because of it's inability to look deeply into itself and look to see what it finds.

Perhaps I am merely just reflecting on my own self and the rest of the world feels different, but I was born in this world just as you were, raised with much of the same values and ideas as any other, exposed to many of the same traditions and emotions. With this in mind, I feel that you and I aren't much different, but just one in the same.

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 12:38 AM
I too have many questions about life. I often find it confusing and chaotic. There is much devestation and strife in the world and it can be overwhelming. I was once the happy-go-lucky person, shining my light out into the world, inspiring others. Now...I just don't know anymore. I feel things deeply, see too much going on.

You are not crazy Socrates, just insightful and compassionate.

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 12:41 AM
reply to post by socrates271

Find a girl, get married, have a kid. You'll change your whole attitude. Or vice versa depending on what you are.

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 12:43 AM
reply to post by sr_robert1

that's just it

edit: to further explain

Had a beautiful girlfriend, was going to get married, everything was perfect, but just wasn't happy with this lifestyle

[edit on 11-10-2009 by socrates271]

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 12:44 AM
reply to post by sr_robert1

marriages dont always bring happiness either.

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 12:48 AM

Originally posted by sr_robert1
reply to post by socrates271

Find a girl, get married, have a kid. You'll change your whole attitude. Or vice versa depending on what you are.

Yes, this will lead to him being too preoccupied to think about the world. He will spend his life doing what most people do - take care of themselves and ignore where the world is heading.

And thats why the world sucks, basically. The more people you have in the money wheel, the worse it gets.

[edit on 11-10-2009 by Copernicus]

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 12:49 AM
reply to post by platipus

my post is about questioning the ways of old when he says just to follow them

sorry, but i have and I only grew sick.

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 12:50 AM
We are on the brink of a whole new paradigm shift.

What you are witnessing is the dying off of the old ways, magnified 1000 times so that we never forget. Seems crazy, yes.

Stay centered, stay grounded. This will be needed in the times ahead.

Focus your thoughts on the way you would like things to be, not the ways you dislike how it is. Your thoughts will create the future reality.

The wait will not be long.

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 12:50 AM
reply to post by platipus

By all means, marry. If you get a good wife, you'll become happy; if you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher.

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 12:58 AM
sounds like a rant aided by... um... oregano....

free thinking at its finest.

i have no response, just enjoeyed the rant.

and BTW wives are DEFINATELY not a road to gauranteed hapiness... ffs!

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 01:06 AM

Originally posted by wx4caster
and BTW wives are DEFINATELY not a road to gauranteed hapiness... ffs!

Glad someone else realized this. Relationships can be pure hell. Being alone can be a blessing. Not everyone even wants to live in a family and raise kids.

[edit on 11-10-2009 by Copernicus]

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 01:08 AM
reply to post by Copernicus


posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 01:16 AM

Originally posted by Violet Sky
We are on the brink of a whole new paradigm shift.

What you are witnessing is the dying off of the old ways, magnified 1000 times so that we never forget. Seems crazy, yes.

Stay centered, stay grounded. This will be needed in the times ahead.

Focus your thoughts on the way you would like things to be, not the ways you dislike how it is. Your thoughts will create the future reality.

The wait will not be long.

in the meditation i do one focuses on the motion of breath, and as this occurs, everything else magnifies a hundred-fold, many times one will become distracted, until eventually clarity is achieved.

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 01:21 AM
You seem kinda young, so I think these are typical thoughts at your age.

The world is full of cool things, actually it's very interesting times: they just founded that Europa (Jupiters' moon) might be suitable for life (in some form at least), all these groundbreaking scientific discoveries made. We might be on the verge of becoming cosmic citizens!

Damn man, the future came.. it's going to be damn cool times ahead, if we get that far that is.

Life is short.. I sometimes think that I'm wasting too much time thinking about these things, depressing myself and not really living it up. But hey, life is short and nobody lives forever!

Good times, bad times.. they all pass.

That's life.

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 01:32 AM

Originally posted by Tryptych
You seem kinda young, so I think these are typical thoughts at your age.

The world is full of cool things, actually it's very interesting times: they just founded that Europa (Jupiters' moon) might be suitable for life (in some form at least), all these groundbreaking scientific discoveries made. We might be on the verge of becoming cosmic citizens!

Damn man, the future came.. it's going to be damn cool times ahead, if we get that far that is.

Life is short.. I sometimes think that I'm wasting too much time thinking about these things, depressing myself and not really living it up. But hey, life is short and nobody lives forever!

Good times, bad times.. they all pass.

That's life.

oh yeah i definitely agree that the universe is amazing, i love to explore ideas and concepts, it seems man is slowly moving towards the point where we are eager to understand ourselves and explore our minds and the mind of the universe as we move into space seeing other forms of life instead of using our imagination. as this happens perhaps then we'll get a better understanding of ourselves and move past the shallower aspects of our lives seeking for deeper fulfillment.

[edit on 11-10-2009 by socrates271]

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 01:34 AM
I feel exactly the same as you but I'm considerably older. I have three children; two of whom are adults, the third is in those demanding early teenage years. I am divorced already a decade now. I'm embarking on a new career. But I'm exactly as unfulfilled by what life offers. I adore my children and I'm very glad I had them, despite never having wanted children in my youth. They are my best friends. But it would be really nice if life "felt" a bit more otherwise. As you say, every aspect of our existence here is shallow.

This is not to say there is no meaning in my life. This new career (foot care nurse) will help a great number of people who need it in a very concrete way. I'm going to make my own rules for payment though, not those prescribed by the profession. I'm also going to continue my one-previous career of baking. Again, on my own terms for employment conditions as well as for payment. I'm sick of the "accepted way" of doing things. We don't have to do it! We have free will! If I want to work two jobs and make less than minimum wage for it, I'm free to do so. If I ask for payment in goods from local farmers or other things I would like to have but don't want to chase all over to acquire, I will take than in lieu of money. Those things have value to me. It will keep money out of the hands of those who don't use it to our benefit - yes, government, banks, and the evil tax man. It will leave more in the hands of those old folks so that they can enjoy more foot care and maybe just something nice for themselves more often.

I'm going to work really hard to give my life meaning, to do things in new ways that I've thought of to make me happy about this existence. Don't follow the model: Break the mold! Free yourself, your heart, your soul. Be the good that is missing. It takes a few walks in nature, a few hours of really breathing life back into your soul to discover your own ways. But bit by bit I'm sure we can turn this ship around before it wrecks completely. Out of the galley, slaves! Man the sails! All hands on deck!

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 01:51 AM
Mmmmm, yes. What is life about?

My entire life I struggled for everything. I struggled to finish school, I struggled in my relationships, I was constantly looking for a job. I spent so much time struggling with everything. I HAD TO WORK SO HARD FOR EVERYTHING I EVER EARNED IN MY LIFE! Nothing ever came easy.

Ironically, a few years ago, on top of everything else in my life, I got very sick and started struggling with my health. I was diagnosed with lupus, mitral valve prolapse, chronic fatigue, and fibromyalgia. The oddest part about all of it? The fibro has caused me extreme apathy toward everything.

I mean, I adore my husband, love my dogs, get along with my family, but I'm still very sick, can't get a job, hubby and I are very poor. But through some weird twist of fate, nothing bothers me. I used to be so Type A, uptight, overachiever, graduated early from HS, graduated early from college, and now? Now I don't really care if I work again. I'm not driven to prove anything or succeed since I've been sick.

Now tell me what THATS about. Its sort of a blessing - I really wouldn't have the energy to be overachieveing and anxious anymore, but I really should care, shouldn't I? There is no reason my husband should struggle to make ends meet by himself. And yet, I just know that even with my education and experience, I still will find a $10/hr job and then REALLY not care. And make myself sicker for it anyway.

Hmmmm. Bit of a conundrum.....

But that is what life is all about, right?

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 01:51 AM

Originally posted by CosmicEgg
I'm going to work really hard to give my life meaning, to do things in new ways that I've thought of to make me happy about this existence. Don't follow the model: Break the mold! Free yourself, your heart, your soul. Be the good that is missing. It takes a few walks in nature, a few hours of really breathing life back into your soul to discover your own ways. But bit by bit I'm sure we can turn this ship around before it wrecks completely. Out of the galley, slaves! Man the sails! All hands on deck!

If people like you go out there inspiring others to unite and follow their passions of heart, of soul then that will be enough to hold this ship together. You've certainly inspired me.

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 02:05 AM
reply to post by socrates271

Heh. My ex-husband just had a go at me yesterday because I'm "a failure who lives in a dream world". You will get some of that too. Don't worry about it. Know that your world is exactly that and you have to live there. You have to be able to sleep at night. You have to walk through your days. Follow the signs, read them with your heart, and your path will be clear.

I had a fairly well-paying job until about a year and a half ago when the Universe (bless its humungous heart!) conspired to remove me from that environment. It was a full-out blessing. No disguise at all.

Remove the concept of money from your world. What would you do - what is important for you to do - when money is removed from the equation? Imagine the world without money entirely. See yourself walking through your day with no concept of status or of material wealth. What do you do all day? What would make you smile with each finished task? What would have you bound out of bed every morning, eager to start the day? That's where you start.

Another thing I really want to mention here is that fear of making mistakes and of being ridiculed that people have. Drop it now. Make mistakes! They're amusing, educational, and genuinely fun! Make lots of them. Change your course now and then just to stir things up. Explore inside and out. Erase your comfort zones.

Now go for a walk. =)

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 02:07 AM

Originally posted by socrates271
oh yeah i definitely agree that the universe is amazing, i love to explore ideas and concepts, it seems man is slowly moving towards the point where we are eager to understand ourselves and explore our minds and the mind of the universe as we move into space seeing other forms of life instead of using our imagination. as this happens perhaps then we'll get a better understanding of ourselves and move past the shallower aspects of our lives seeking for deeper fulfillment.

[edit on 11-10-2009 by socrates271]

You know, a lot of people here will say: do meditation, "spiritual" (LOL) exercises.. that might just be the key.

I used to do Kundalini yoga, or parts of it, read a lot of weird stuff, meditate etc. At some point I realized: damn, life moves fast, I'm missing out! There is almost like this fantasy-type world that is just out of reach, or will be as long as I'm not reaching the "surface".

Morbo: that's tuff. Life isn't fair. I'd like to think there would be a reason for everything, and that you will get what you deserve (at some point at least). Just try to hang on.

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