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Would the world be better off without humans?

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posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 06:19 PM
reply to post by GypsK

I agree with everything you said and then some. There has been too much suffering for humans by other humans, animals don't really nail people to a stake and torture them, cats might play with mice, but in relation to what we do there is no comparison.

Yep, I say it would be better off. The eco system would be wonderful and pristone for a start.

posted on Oct, 10 2009 @ 03:52 AM

Originally posted by De La Valletta
and to punish us for this would be a bit hypocritical as only 10% of us meaning the Super Rich , Wealthy , Politicians and Corporations are the main culprits behind pollution , climate change , wars , religious genocide , poverty , disease etc.

sure, but don't forget the other 90%, (for example) we are the consumers and in the mean time we became smart enough to know that 'production' causes 'pollution', we know there are other ways to consume less or different but most of us still don't (I'm not doing it if he's not doing it). We know our cars pollute and yet a lot of us use the car for the smallest trips.

Ofcourse I realize that less consumtion also means loss of jobs, every sollution seems to bring on another is it upto that 10% to find better ways? You know they won't unless they are forced to do so... by the other 90%.

posted on Oct, 10 2009 @ 04:26 AM
My answer is yes. The world would be better of without humans in our present way of doing things. If we were to change and be less destructive of our environment then it would be a different thing.

Also sometime in the future there will be too much people for to little space i dont know how we are going to solve that.

posted on Oct, 10 2009 @ 04:27 AM
reply to post by ineverknew

Humans are the only species on Earth who think we don't belong here.
Animals understand only too well survival of the fittest. And currently we are the fittest.

But having said that, I do think people who do evil in the world, including those who kill and torture animals needlessly should perish.

That would also include those who pollute and poison water supplies for profit and not care about the effects it has on us and other inhabitants of the world.

I think humans can live here and deserve a place. We just need really intelligent leaders who can work out a plan to make it happen globally.
Where we are all in sych with nature.

posted on Oct, 10 2009 @ 04:55 AM
Ya know, in spite of my own abject skepticism on most of this stuff - I'll say what I've commented before on this very subject.

I do not believe that the world is "just a rock" - but I also do not believe in idiocy like "manifest destiny" or some great omnipresent, omniscient being who created us and then decided to torture us with our own "evilness" or "test us" to "purify" us - sheesh! I believe the world is a living entity - a giant collective, living, breathing organism. Not in a "wave the magic wand" sort of way - but more of a "global or even universal" life-form. People are just one form of the UI by which it learns and evolves collectively. And if this particular form of UI becomes more nuisance than learning tool, I think evolution will move on to the next phase of the UI.

And while I very much prefer to lean to science and academia - science and academia can't even agree on most of the so-called laws it has come up with - at best we're constantly massaging and modifying said laws as more knowledge and data comes to the forefront - and most of those only in the past 500 years of our roughly 30,000 years of existence. And though there are many theories out there on such topics, we still can't even come close to explaining two things:

1) the universe
2) consciousness

The most interesting thing about us is we don't seem to fit into the food chain or bio-cycle anywhere anymore. Perhaps we once did - maybe we were a food source or we provided some form of benefit to the rest of the biosphere - but not anymore certainly. And that is the ONE thing that every other thing on this planet does - it contributes something worthwhile to the whole in exchange for the justification of its existence. We don't. Kinda depressing really.

posted on Oct, 10 2009 @ 04:59 AM

Humans are a damaging race. They not only damage the planet, they damage each other.

I am ashamed to belong to the human race.

posted on May, 31 2014 @ 05:08 PM

Would the world be better off without humans?

Of course. You don't even have to ask. No question.

posted on May, 31 2014 @ 06:11 PM
a reply to: ineverknew

1. I think the question is nonsensical.

2. Because . . . without the very human understanding of evil/good/better/best . . . how can one pretend to even


what would be "better off."

3. i.e. CHANCE PLUS TIME . . . still equals chaos . . . random stuff . . . chaos . . . There is NO GOOD/BAD; BETTER OR WORSE in such a context. There is only time plus chance = variations on chaos.

4. So, in essence, you are stealing a construct from the Judeo/Christian values system and pretending that it still applies without any humans around. That's nonsensical.

5. There's no evidence whatsoever that the absence of humans would spare the world's animal kingdom massive die-outs.

posted on May, 31 2014 @ 06:13 PM
a reply to: ineverknew

Of Course ! One Less Parasite to Deal With ............

posted on May, 31 2014 @ 06:24 PM
Natural cycles will take care of over population of any and all species, some will be eliminated completely.

The world will be better off with a lot less humans eventually.

Interesting seeing old dates on threads showing up here.

posted on May, 31 2014 @ 07:40 PM

originally posted by: Skeptical_Seeker
The most interesting thing about us is we don't seem to fit into the food chain or bio-cycle anywhere anymore. Perhaps we once did - maybe we were a food source or we provided some form of benefit to the rest of the biosphere - but not anymore certainly. And that is the ONE thing that every other thing on this planet does - it contributes something worthwhile to the whole in exchange for the justification of its existence. We don't. Kinda depressing really.

I've said it before, and I will say it again, bees and earthworms are more valuable to this planet than we are.

posted on May, 18 2015 @ 11:34 AM

Mankind is said to be on top of the foodchain, fact is we are no longer part of that chain due to agriculture. Hence our population has unnaturaly (culturaly) grown to be unhealty for the planet and us. Due to our dependance on culture for our health and nutrition. This has made the survival of the fittest principle no longer a reality due to culturaly letting the weak survive to. I therefor think that our evolution has stagnated, and might have done so for quite a while now..

I also think that a thriving species on any planet does so by not being dependant on exterior tools but soley on it's own body. By doing so they won't place themselves outside their foodchain and no imbalance in population will occur. Thus there not being a need to go to other planets due to lack of space. Meaning that I don't think that their are much "healthy" space travelling aliens. Only natural reason for doing so would be the ending of their sun.

posted on May, 18 2015 @ 11:42 AM

originally posted by: LiveForever8
reply to post by ineverknew

If by the world you mean the planet, then yes, of course it would be a better place.

However there would be no Great Pyramid, Chichen Itza, Colosseum, Machu Picchu, Petra, Taj Mahal and all of the other man made wonders of the world.

My vote is for humans too, but not all of us

you do know that most of those, along with the great wall of china were built by slave labor, as in, if you drop dead while working your body is simply removed, and another slave takes your place. or, if you don't want to do it, you are also killed on the spot and taken away.

posted on May, 18 2015 @ 12:08 PM
if we could eliminate the population that are psychotic, sociopathic, and simply mean a**holes (I know difficult to determine and judge), the rest of us could live quite well.

posted on May, 18 2015 @ 12:22 PM
In a word ABSOLUTELY!!
Just sayin....

posted on May, 18 2015 @ 12:31 PM

originally posted by: ineverknew Could the world be a better place without humans?

It could, but, and not to be would we know?

posted on May, 18 2015 @ 01:03 PM
a reply to: Taupin Desciple

Hope we evolve to a better being.

posted on May, 18 2015 @ 01:21 PM
Op, not to be rude, but if you don't like being alive...well you know...

The world may be better off without us, but we're here and aren't going anywhere any time soon. I like being alive here in earth, I don't want to leave earth.

If anything we need to be afraid of nature, not the other way around.

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