posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 02:17 AM
All of this is but a pipe dream,
Humans cant just assume that what is possible on their planet is possible on all others with the right planning and technology,
Introducing anything from earth (or earth-like) onto a different planet (yes including people) is going to have an infinite amount of unknown
No amount of computing power in the universe can predict what will happen, It can guess, but even then it will be very far off,
Say for example humans decide that a certain plant would survive on lets say mars, because they have tested it and found mars to have suitable living
conditions for it (based on it living on earth), If they do this, they have no idea how that plant will react once introduced to a completely foreign
environment (an entirely different planet for that matter)
Basically its an unlimited amount of trial and error involved, and since humanity doesnt have a 'back' button to 'undo' what mistakes they will
inevitably make, Terraforming will always remain a pipe dream,
My name is Seth and i hope you have enjoyed me crushing your dreams