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ET Disclosure, Predictions Webbots..

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posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 04:42 AM
Ok so i am seeing the David Wilcock say that ET disclosure is close and he has been contacted by 3 members of the Govt about the planning procedure, now you can be quick to say he is lieing, but i don't undertand why he would lie..
You woudn't make something up knowing it won't happen because it will ruin his reputation, it doesn't make sense?...

So he talks that there are 7 human looking aliens who we are going to meet..
Now i have read one of the web bot dates flying around which is the 25th October, and im sure (i might be wrong) i read that in the year 2010 a man who hasn't got Earthly DNA will emerge.
Now with all predicitions this might be out by a year and it really means 2009, or it could be wrong completely..

It also states the world will be in chaos and the obama administration doesnt know what to do, ok picture this..

Us on ATS know the ET presence, some don't beleive but at least they know and are willing to talk about it as a possiblity, so us here on ATS would be in awe, but we will be calm.

Now lets imagine the average joe coming home from the 9-5 expecting to watch a good ole game of american football, soccer or whatever, but instead there is a press meeting with aliens and govt offiicials..

1. The average joe would be pissed off because he has been proven wrong by those he kept laughing at.
2. His football game has been ruined.
3. His tiny mind explodes as he starts to realise the situation.

All the other average joes and marys will be running around outside going nuts, not knowing what to do, people start to get rowdy and riot blah blah (typical human behaviour)
They even might start to get territorial (human instinct)
The religous folk will be out banners flying (jesus hates the aliens)

October 25th or and the rest of this year is going to be interesting to say the least..

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 05:08 AM
reply to post by Haydn_17

I was thinking the same thing. You don't come out and say something like this unless you REALLY know it was coming... You wouldn't just put your reputation on the line would you? I guess we will find out...

I think if this really does go down and happen, I hope people will come accept the E.T's as people just like us, even if they didn't look human at all. Unfortunately our own racism issues will probably come into play at its worst with people, but I really hope such an event will awaken the reasonable and enlightened human spirit within.

Imagine it! We would officially know we were not alone... I hope the human race would become enlightened and overcome racism by truly feeling we are all "From Earth" and one people. And then take the next step and say
"We are all from this universe, and one people".
I hope we don't treat any E.T visitors as "Gods" and put them up on a pedestal.. I think that would be a mistake.
They are just like us, with likes and dislikes, the only real difference being our technological differences.

Yeah, I hope it happens and happens in a right kind of way.

[edit on 8-10-2009 by Echelon117]

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 05:47 AM
reply to post by Echelon117

You don't come out and say something like this unless you REALLY know it was coming... You wouldn't just put your reputation on the line would you?

Unless you have a good excuse ready for why it didnt happen when it doesn't happen .
Dont get me wrong , I really hope its true but I have fallen for too many of these Disclosure soon story's in the past .
Keep youre feet on the ground and keep looking at the sky's

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 06:03 AM

Originally posted by Haydn_17
1. The average joe would be pissed off because he has been proven wrong by those he kept laughing at.
2. His football game has been ruined.
3. His tiny mind explodes as he starts to realise the situation.

Outright hilarious. But, I certainly believe that your definition of "average joe" is about 85% of the population of the USA.

I still don't see this disclosure coming. Maybe a human without earthly DNA emerging? Wow. Can someone say anti-christ?

My thoughts: The destruction of the US dollar and the introduction of a new currency that will be a one world currency, will bring more chaos and unrulyness than any type of "disclosure".

This is the panic and disorder that people are feeling. This is whats coming.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 07:20 AM

Originally posted by Echelon117
reply to post by Haydn_17

I was thinking the same thing. You don't come out and say something like this unless you REALLY know it was coming... You wouldn't just put your reputation on the line would you? I guess we will find out...

I think if this really does go down and happen, I hope people will come accept the E.T's as people just like us, even if they didn't look human at all. Unfortunately our own racism issues will probably come into play at its worst with people, but I really hope such an event will awaken the reasonable and enlightened human spirit within.

Imagine it! We would officially know we were not alone... I hope the human race would become enlightened and overcome racism by truly feeling we are all "From Earth" and one people. And then take the next step and say
"We are all from this universe, and one people".
I hope we don't treat any E.T visitors as "Gods" and put them up on a pedestal.. I think that would be a mistake.
They are just like us, with likes and dislikes, the only real difference being our technological differences.

Yeah, I hope it happens and happens in a right kind of way.

[edit on 8-10-2009 by Echelon117]

No offense, but all of the people that listen to this guy still will after nothing happens. Way too easy for him to just say "Oh my sources are saying that the govt has delayed it. I'll let you know when they decide to again." There are no repercussions to this guy if he's wrong. The fringe people usually have blind followers. No offense.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 07:30 AM
No thanks if:

1. The 3 are former/retired US Gov't Officials or insignificant gov't members.
2. Disclosure ala France
3. Book sale

[edit on 8-10-2009 by Unregistered]

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 07:36 AM
reply to post by johnny2127

No offense taken man.

I have never even listened to David Wilcock, actually until today I had never even heard of him. Believe me, I am not one to believe people who predict "dates" and any upcoming earth shaking event for that matter. And I really do not believe him.

I just know that for him to come out and say this, that in my eyes is career suicide if it doesn't come true...
But I would say you are correct, his followers and listeners will no doubt continue to keep listening to him once this more than probably doesn't occur, and that is very sad.

I still get excited even just imagining such a scenario happening, that is the reason for my enthusiasm in my post

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 08:16 AM

Originally posted by Echelon117
reply to post by johnny2127

No offense taken man.

I have never even listened to David Wilcock, actually until today I had never even heard of him. Believe me, I am not one to believe people who predict "dates" and any upcoming earth shaking event for that matter. And I really do not believe him.

I just know that for him to come out and say this, that in my eyes is career suicide if it doesn't come true...
But I would say you are correct, his followers and listeners will no doubt continue to keep listening to him once this more than probably doesn't occur, and that is very sad.

I still get excited even just imagining such a scenario happening, that is the reason for my enthusiasm in my post

Hey if this happens I'll be stoked. But for you to say its career suicide, is more from your perspective as a non-follower of his. If people really believe he has intelligence sources telling him these things, then they will believe him when he either says that his sources told him they pushed things back, or he claims it as a campaign to discredit him. Either way, his fans and followers won't care. They'll keep paying to see him, or read his works, or anything else. He's a very smart, educated con-artist in my opinion.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 08:18 AM
Hi Haydn

I'm not too clued up on how this webbot thing works, (if someone could explain that would be great) but I'm guessing that it is programmed to respond in certain ways by reading keywords...?

Regarding the disclosure, we will just have to wait and see. There have been many rumours in the last couple of months, some which havn't happened and others that have, but not to the extent that we all where hoping for. (For example-France Poised to Disclose ET Presence on Earth .) -It happend, but was done so quietly no one really knew about it. I remember keeping the news channels on all day to see it for myself, thought it was gonna be all over the news. Silly me..

If it does happen though (which obviously I'm hoping it will) and these ETs look just like humans, I'm affraid it might be passed off as a joke or a hoax-you know how people are. On the other hand, if people take it seriously, It's more than likely that people will go insane and freak out. Until they realise, they've been here for ages and nothing interesting is happening. It's still planet earth, we are still human, they are here now and have been for a long time so we might as well chill the ..... out.

Flag for you and a star for your writing.

[edit on 06/10/2009 by jinx880101]

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 08:43 AM
statistics report that 80 to 90 percent of the population believes that Aliens and UFOs are real;

so that leaves only 20 to 10 percent of the population that would be proven wrong

so i highly doubt that anyone would be losing their minds over it;

i think the population would act the same way they act when they hear about some celebrity scandal;
like the oj simpson murder trials, or britney spears going nuts

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 08:54 AM
In my opinion, this guy is being set up to look like a fool. Some anti-intel spooks have obvioiusly fed him full of garbage 'secret info' which when he then releases, makes him look like an utter cretin. Let's just waiti and see.....!

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 08:54 AM
I believe the the guys running the bot are saying the event for this month will be 85% financial related with a pre event coming next week most likely in the markets that will set the avalanche on the 25th. And I think they said the disclosure is in a year or so, with a pick up in sightings leading up til disclosure.

The religous folk will be out banners flying (jesus hates the aliens)

I am pretty sure last year or the year before the Pope said something like "If there are other beings outside of earth, he sees no reason why they wouldn't be gods children as well"

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 10:05 AM
Hi! Well, disclosure would certainly change life here forever. We would
have trouble monitoring people comming and leaving the planet. Laws would change, people would be distarcted from their jobs and school work.
The news people would be thrilled. Productivity would slow down due to distractions. People wouldn't be sleeping at night, fear and depression would ensue. How would anyone's government keep people from shooting at aliens and vise versa? Fear, mistrust, anxiety, depression, distraction. The same emotions that 911 and the recession made us feel would happen again. Let's face it change is very hard for people. Most people have never even moved around, or traveled to other states or other countries because other people are different. People look and speak differently every 500 miles in their behaviors in the United States of America, and we are supposed to be one country.
For example going to Ireland from America you would expect it to be similar because they speak English. Wrong! Their landscapes, food, word meanings, money, clothing, houses, cars, pets, languages, social lives, history, cultural values are all different. The showers are all different to turn on. The cars work slightly differently, they even drive down the road differently. Change is hard, very stressful.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by DjSharperimage

Are those statistics for the US or global population?
I know the people here in SA are quite blind to the ET presence. You won't understand but the mentality is pretty much N.G. KERK. I haven't met anyone who believes in ETs. Exept the South Africans here on ATS and believe me I was surprised to see a couple of them on here. I hope we are catching on.

Watch District 9 if you can. That would sum up our country for you. lol

In any case... I always thought I would be happy if I saw a ufo for real- thinking I would go running up to it hoping for them to take me away.
BUT THEN- I had this dream a couple nights ago about a UFO hovering over my house- and I freaked out! I was scared #less (in my dream). Long story short, I woke up thinking 'what the hell?' Why was I scared?

Now I wonder how I would react if it had to happen in real life...

[edit on 06/10/2009 by jinx880101]

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 10:19 AM
reply to post by Haydn_17

david seems to me..a star struck charlatan..the fact that he played his god awful music at one of his talks did it for me....hes making money..

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by Haydn_17
Ok so i am seeing the David Wilcock say that ET disclosure is close and he has been contacted by 3 members of the Govt about the planning procedure, now you can be quick to say he is lieing, but i don't undertand why he would lie..You woudn't make something up knowing it won't happen because it will ruin his reputation, it doesn't make sense?...

Because these people are never wrong. When their predictions don't come true, they use all manner of excuses and special pleading about why it didn't happen. The critical thinkers will dismiss them, but those that accepted the story at face-value, who never exercised critical thinking in the first place, will accept the excuses and parrot the reasons why the charlatan wasn't wrong.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 10:25 AM
reply to post by frugal

What you say is true, you make verry good points.
That's why I think it would be better to happen sooner rather than later so that younger ones and future generations would be able to adjust to them. When you grow up with such diversity, you should have no problem adjusting to ETs.

I have this vision in my mind of elderly people telling their granchildren about the days when it was just the human species, and what it was like to live without the ETs.

Now think about inter racial couples- and I'm not talking black and white...


posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by frugal
Let's face it change is very hard for people.

Completely agree with you, but there's a big difference in something being hard to accept and being avoidable. Many of the points you raise in your post are unavoidable consequences of our own development.

You raise the point that it would be troublesome to "monitor people coming and leaving the planet". We're starting to see now the booming of the private space exploration industry. Where do you think this will lead us? It's unavoidable that our species, eventually, will go and spend much time off-planet.

Another, obvious, result of that is that, eventually, if there is indeed life out there, we will encounter it.

I see this as I see parenthood: no one is ever prepared for it, until you have to be when it happens to you. It nonetheless will be hard and you will make mistakes, but if you're waiting for the perfect time to be a parent, you will never be.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 10:34 AM
reply to post by DoomsdayRex

Originally posted by DoomsdayRex

Originally posted by Haydn_17
Ok so i am seeing the David Wilcock say that ET disclosure is close and he has been contacted by 3 members of the Govt about the planning procedure, now you can be quick to say he is lieing, but i don't undertand why he would lie..You woudn't make something up knowing it won't happen because it will ruin his reputation, it doesn't make sense?...

Because these people are never wrong. When their predictions don't come true, they use all manner of excuses and special pleading about why it didn't happen. The critical thinkers will dismiss them, but those that accepted the story at face-value, who never exercised critical thinking in the first place, will accept the excuses and parrot the reasons why the charlatan wasn't wrong.

Are you directing that to all 'believers' or the followers of these types of people?

Does that mean that we should dismiss such things immediately without discussion?

I'm not picking, just curious on what your views are.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 10:38 AM
reply to post by converge

I see this as I see parenthood: no one is ever prepared for it, until you have to be when it happens to you. It nonetheless will be hard and you will make mistakes, but if you're waiting for the perfect time to be a parent, you will never be.

That is perfectly said. Being thrown into the deep end can be verry educational.

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