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Man grows new skull after 50 years

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posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 12:35 PM

The skull belonging to a Northumberland man involved in a car crash over 50 years ago has regenerated itself.

Doctors made the discovery during an operation to treat an infection in Gordon Moore's head. They found his bone had grown back beneath the metal plate inserted after the accident.

[edit on 7-10-2009 by john124]

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 12:40 PM
Although our Liver is the only part of us that has rapid regenerative abilities, every part of us is capable of regeneration, given enough time. Granted, we aren't like geckos that can have our tail cut off and grow a new one in a couple of days. However, our bodies do rebuild themselves, it's just that the life expectancy of humans has not been long enough to see it happen in our own species until now.

My 7th Grade Shop Teacher had lost 3 fingers in different Wood Saw accidents (just like every other Shop Teacher around the United States). The first one he lost from like 40 years before was cut off at the joint, but had grown a stub in the time since. We used to joke that he was half-reptile, and none of us in the class had any doubt that given enough time it would have regrown into a finger.

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 01:04 PM
I'm never getting in a car with that guy! One accident 50 years ago and a in a SECOND car accident he dented the plate they put in from the first accident

Pretty cool though, no doubt they will look very closely at the circumstances surrounding that case - I wonder weather that's his particular genetics?


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