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Night time UFOs with flashing lights, they want to be seen!

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posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 03:25 PM
Hey everyone! By now I'm sure you have seen Heliocentric's fine thread on the UFO video below.

If not I strongly suggest checking the thread out to get in on the discussion regarding that video!

In this thread, I'd like to stay on the topic of night time UFO videos, but come at them from a slightly different angle if I may.

Now ever since Mr Uhg discovered he could make fire, we've been using flames and lights for security at night. First it was for warmth, protection from sabre toothed lions and to check out Mrs Uhg's sister!

Here are some modern examples of humans using light at night.


Obviously used by us for some time to draw attention to ourselves, so we can be rescued, assisted and found!


How helicopters fly - the basics!

The helicopter has lots of lights on the outside so that other aeroplanes and helicopters in the sky can see it and can know which way the aircraft is flying. There is a red light on the left side of the helicopter, a green light on the right side, a white light at the back, and several flashing lights on top and often underneath.

If a pilot is flying along at night and sees a red light on the right of a green light, the pilot knows that an aircraft is heading towards them!

And another example:


Aircraft Lights & Beacons

Planes are equipped with a variety of lights that are used for navigation, safety, and to improve visibility during flight or when taxiing on the ground.

There are many lights on a modern aeroplane, including:

Navigation lights, Navigation or Position lights, Anti-Collision Beacon lights and Strobe lights. Please go to the ling above for an explanation of these.

OK, thanks to all of you who are still with me, because there is a point in me showing you these obvious examples!


I know this may seem obvious, and it is, but this has quite important implications for UFOlogy.

It either means that any night time UFO sighting that involves flashing or coloured/white lights, has to be one of two things.

1) A hoax or a human trying to light up the sky!


2) A UFO piloted by beings (Human/ET or otherwise) that WANT to be seen. Want to show the world that they're here for all to see.

If a night time UFO sighting really cannot be debunked, and IS definitely a UFO, then this really means that the UFO wants to be seen. It's not just a lucky photo or video, this UFO intentionally wants to be seen lighting up the sky.

I think this is quite important for those wishing for disclosure or first contact!

So looking again at some night time UFO examples that haven't been debunked %100.

The Phoenix Lights

Now I'm not sure if these have all been debunked ( I tried getting some help from a few other ATSers but they weren't around!!), so please feel free to say so, but add your own examples of light UFOs to illustrate my point.

If these are real, then this is huge! it isn't the same as a daytime UFO being caught, this is INTENTIONAL on the part of whoever is doing it.

I'm pretty sure any ET UFO ship wouldn't need anti-collision lights, or headlights!

So this is a signal, they are signalling their intention to make contact!

That's what I think anyway!

[edit on 4-10-2009 by kiwifoot]

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 03:31 PM
Maybe the ET's saw the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind and want to talk to Steven Speilberg about a new screenplay.

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 03:33 PM
Hi Kiwifoot, a star and flag for you!
I have never looked at it this way before, never even come across my mind!
Many lights in the night sky can be debunked but one that I personally am unable to debunk is the Phoenix lights and also the 5 lights me and my mate witnessed in London back in 2007.

Good thread!

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 04:08 PM
reply to post by justjoemusic

Hey mate no worries, it's pretty simple but I never really thought like that too until I saw the French vid in the OP.

You're very lucky to have seen something. Usually in Londontown you see planes and choppers but you can usually hear those so it's pretty cool when you see the real thing, like I said lucky you!

And remember, if it's the real thing then they certainly want to be seen, and are signalling, as they're not so dumb as to leave the lights on by mistake!

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by venividivici
Maybe the ET's saw the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind and want to talk to Steven Speilberg about a new screenplay.

Yep, who really knows, but for sure if it really is a UFO and is at night, then it's intentional mate!

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 04:11 PM
As long as you keep looking up........

No One will down down...........

Where the real action is!

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 04:42 PM
UFO's do use flashing lights especially flying triangles.
They use them to disguise themselves as aircraft or low over the ocean as ships.

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 05:57 PM

Originally posted by lightchild
UFO's do use flashing lights especially flying triangles.
They use them to disguise themselves as aircraft or low over the ocean as ships.

And you know this to be fact or is it just your opinion?

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 06:26 PM
If they want to be seen then they show appear during the day or use good lighting, showing just some lights doesn't show anything.

Unless they are as those deep-sea fishes that use a small light to attract other fish, so they can eat them.

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 06:42 PM
reply to post by kiwifoot

Actually, I think UFOs sometimes do use lights for precisely that, they want to be seen. But I disagree with you that it isn't for anti-collision. I am reading a book called Flying Saucers - Serious Business. It's a bit older, but it has aot of information regarding airplanes and ufos colliding in midair. Some will believe, some won't, of course, but it seems there was a time when we first became capable of flight when we did alot of crashing into mysterious objects in the sky.

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 12:48 AM

It either means that any night time UFO sighting that involves flashing or coloured/white lights, has to be one of two things.

1) A hoax or a human trying to light up the sky!


2) A UFO piloted by beings (Human/ET or otherwise) that WANT to be seen. Want to show the world that they're here for all to see.

No, there's always the possibility of

3) Illumination is a result of natural physics.

Example, there is no general desire for military rockets to be seen upon their launch, and yet they are visible for many hundreds of miles away, especially at night. (big ones are very spectacular, and very odd looking optical things happen upon staging).

The bright light is a consequence of the physics of the rocket engine & fuel. If they could make a dark ICBM, they'd love to, but they can't.

Likewise, assuming a hypothetical ET craft with some magic warp drive propulsion, the optical effects could be an unavoidable consequence of the physics of the warp drive or the thermodynamic dump from its power reactor.

Also, on its own, radical gravitational manipulation will cause unusual optical effects since gravitation bends space-time, and light follows geodesics. (In our normal world, the distortion is so utterly minuscule we never personally perceive it in any setting.) Also, gravity can redshift or blueshift, so color changes can result as well.

Some UFO reports claim changes in brightness or color coordinated with the apparent propulsion/movement of the UFO. This phenomenon is not observed with human signal illumination---pilots turn on and off their lights in certain phases of flight, yes, but not directly correlated with their engine speed.

[edit on 5-10-2009 by mbkennel]

[edit on 5-10-2009 by mbkennel]

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 01:44 AM

Originally posted by mbkennel

It either means that any night time UFO sighting that involves flashing or coloured/white lights, has to be one of two things.

1) A hoax or a human trying to light up the sky!


2) A UFO piloted by beings (Human/ET or otherwise) that WANT to be seen. Want to show the world that they're here for all to see.

No, there's always the possibility of

3) Illumination is a result of natural physics.

Example, there is no general desire for military rockets to be seen upon their launch, and yet they are visible for many hundreds of miles away, especially at night. (big ones are very spectacular, and very odd looking optical things happen upon staging).

The bright light is a consequence of the physics of the rocket engine & fuel. If they could make a dark ICBM, they'd love to, but they can't.

Likewise, assuming a hypothetical ET craft with some magic warp drive propulsion, the optical effects could be an unavoidable consequence of the physics of the warp drive or the thermodynamic dump from its power reactor.

Also, on its own, radical gravitational manipulation will cause unusual optical effects since gravitation bends space-time, and light follows geodesics. (In our normal world, the distortion is so utterly minuscule we never personally perceive it in any setting.) Also, gravity can redshift or blueshift, so color changes can result as well.

Some UFO reports claim changes in brightness or color coordinated with the apparent propulsion/movement of the UFO. This phenomenon is not observed with human signal illumination---pilots turn on and off their lights in certain phases of flight, yes, but not directly correlated with their engine speed.

[edit on 5-10-2009 by mbkennel]

[edit on 5-10-2009 by mbkennel]

If I gave you a dollar for all the times you have mentioned "natural physics" or "gravitational manipulation" in your posts, you'd have enough money to move out of your parent's basement.

[edit on 5-10-2009 by hermantinkly]

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 02:14 AM
A flare can have a burn time up to 20 minutes. Combine that with parachutes and u have your phoenix triangle lights. All those do is sitting in the air, and drift slowly with the wind. From the 3 spooky vids the first part is a paraglider at night with flares on his feet. U can actually see the parachute/glider when he turns and illuminates it. second part was commonly agreed in another thread to be a military exercise. and as for the nasa footage.. no idea.

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 08:24 AM
reply to post by venividivici


I have seen it myself along with witnesses on many occasions.

For a more scientific studies

Frame by Frame Comparison of a DC9 and a Flying Triangle



posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 04:41 PM

Originally posted by BaronVonGodzilla
reply to post by kiwifoot

Actually, I think UFOs sometimes do use lights for precisely that, they want to be seen. But I disagree with you that it isn't for anti-collision. I am reading a book called Flying Saucers - Serious Business. It's a bit older, but it has aot of information regarding airplanes and ufos colliding in midair. Some will believe, some won't, of course, but it seems there was a time when we first became capable of flight when we did alot of crashing into mysterious objects in the sky.

Hey mate, the same idea still applies in this scenario, they still want to be seen, even if it's so as not to be crashed into!

A genuine UFO with lights, (not as a result of propulsion) wants to flash or show lights, therefore they are not hiding and want to be seen!


posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 10:07 PM
Do all planes have to have flashing lights? i see some that dont..

like these 2..

And heres a plane passing close to an object..

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 10:14 PM
Here is another great night case, no video or pictures but 30 plus witnesses. The event occurred on December 11th, 1996 in Yukon, Canada. The following is witness reports and drawings of what is described as a mile in diameter "mothership"-type craft.

Depiction of "mothership"

Map showing location of sightings courtesy of

1. Fox Lake

This region probably contains the best testimony. It consists of 6 witness reports of a saucer-like UFO ranging in size from just under to just over a mile in diameter. The witnesses requested anonymity so they are referred to as “FOX” with a number. This whole Fox Lake incident starts at about 8 PM local time with the first witness “FOX1” driving on Klondike Highway along Fox Lake when he notices a light illuminating a long smooth surface. This witness also states that he saw a group of “rectangular lights moving over a hill to the east”.
Some sketches of what FOX1 saw:

(Investigators Interpretation)

(Investigators Interpretation)

(Graphic Representation)
Witnesses FOX2 and FOX3 were traveling along the highway(in two separate vehicles) about a half hour later (8:30 PM) and witnessed a huge UFO hovering over the frozen Fox Lake, obviously they immediately stopped their vehicles to further investigate the anomaly. Within minutes the UFO was almost directly over FOX2, the UFOs size was enormous. The UFO continued to drift towards and eventually behind the hill where it disappeared from view. Here are the witness drawings:

(Witness drawing, notice the size of the UFO compared to the lake)

(Witness drawing of motion of lights under craft)

Near the same time that FOX 2 and 3 were observing this event FOX 4 and 5 (same vehicle) saw it as well from the southern end of the lake. They stated they saw many rows of lights slowly moving across the lake. They also stated that because they had a 2 year old child in the back seat they feared for the safety the child so continued about their way rather quickly. Here are their sketches:

(Stated object was 500-750 meters in length, this is in accordance with reports of the diameter of the craft)

(Witness comparison of UFO size to frames of reference)

A few minutes later, when FOX4 and FOX5 were passing the Fox Lake campground, they passed by two vehicles that were pulled over with two men outside looking up at the sky. They turned around and pulled over to talk to them. It was FOX2 and FOX3 carrying on a lively discussion, "What the ‘heck’ was that?" After a few minutes FOX4 and FOX5 left and eventually stopped at Braeburn Lodge about 34 km (21 miles) further up the highway. FOX4 walked into the lodge and said to Steve Watson, the lodge owner "Steve, I really need a coffee!" Steve replied "Oh, you must have seen what FOX1 saw?" In fact FOX4 recalled seeing FOX1 leaving Braeburn Lodge just as they got there.

On the sixth Fox Lake witness:

There was also a 6th witness to the Fox Lake sighting but it is unclear what time she had driven through the area. FOX6 was driving in the vicinity of Fox Lake when she noticed a glow on her dashboard that could not be accounted for by the interior illumination of her vehicle. She leaned forward to look up through her windshield and observed a large arrangement of multi colored lights. The interior lights in her car started to go dim and the music from her tape deck slowed down.

2. Pelly Crossing

(Witnesses known as “PEL”)

Around 8:30-9:00 PM, 2 hours drive north the town of Pelly Crossing were seeing this massive UFO as well. “PEL1”( Don Trudeau) was outside just northeast of Pelly when he saw a large row of lights come over the hill. When PEL1 pointed his flashlight at the craft the UFO accelerated speed directly towards him, until PEL1 covered the light with his hand, at which point the UFO came to a rest about 300 meters from him.

Again there was no sound at all coming from the object. A beam of light emanating from the bottom of the UFO swooped the ground once directly underneath the object. Was it a search beam? Looking for him? The UFO then drifted slowly to the right. There were other beams emanating from the craft as well; a greenish phosphorescent color beam shone horizontally out the front (right); two beams at the back (left) rotated slowly to a horizontal position. All the beams could be seen clearly as there were ice crystals in the air. PEL1 turned away from the UFO momentarily and ran across a small clearing. When he turned back to look at it, it was gone.

(Graphic depicting witness statements and sketches)

(Sketch by PEL1 witness (Don Trudeau) )

(PEL1 Sketch)

Around the same time as PEL1 saw the UFO PEL2 and 3 saw it as well as they were traveling north just south of Pelly. They saw “left to right moving rectangular lights”:

They pulled over at a gravel pit just south of the Village to get a better look and got out of their vehicle. PEL2 noticed that the Big Dipper was just above the row of lights and compared the length of the lights to the width of the Big Dipper. They were about the same length!

Because the witnesses noted the Big Dipper size relative to the UFOs light size it is possible to estimate the size of the craft. Here are the witness sketches:



The other witnesses of the Pelly Crossing Incident were from four women taking a short break from classes at a small college. The reported rows of lights traveling towards them with a slight northern vector. They reported the object as huge with no sound, here is their sketches:

The UFO then disappeared over the hills as it continued on its northerly course.

3. Carmack Village

The Carmack sighting was witnessed by two different groups of people comprising 9 total witnesses. The first group spotted the object while driving in their pick-up truck south of Carmack. When the four men in the truck spotted the object they pulled over in a landfill to better observe the UFO, which was moving noiselessly northeast, then curved around them to the south where it proceeded to “vanish” from view near a microwave tower in the hills.

At one point the UFO was partially obscured behind a nearby hill and one witness recalls the UFO slowly reappearing on the other side of it. He remembers waiting a long time for the last light to reappear from behind the hill; that’s how slow and large the object was! The object took up about a 60 to 90 degree horizontal chunk of the sky.

(Witness sketch)

Continued on THIS THREAD...

As far as wanting to be seen, maybe-maybe not. I mean lights in the sky do not equal proof of aliens, regardless of how great and likely some cases are, and 'they' know that. Personally I see no reason the lights could not be for the same reasons we have them, which is safety oriented. But I will agree that it is certainly an interesting question that we should ponder.

Good thread, S/F...

[edit on 10/5/2009 by jkrog08]

posted on Oct, 6 2009 @ 02:28 PM
reply to post by jkrog08

jkrog, what can I say mate. Thank you so very much for these examples.

Whether I'm right, wrong or something in-between, these great sightings and the supporting info you've provided are an awesome resource!

Will have a thorough read of what you posted and the links as well.

Thanks again mate, I owe you one.


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