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Questions about our material...

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posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 02:10 AM
[I am kind of thinking out loud if you don't mind]

I start off by wondering about those with cruddy material.

I wonder about those people who are challenged mentally.
I wonder about those people who are challenged physically.

To me it looks as though they got the rotten end of the deal, and got a physical form that doesn't function like the rest.

Who learns from this? they learn anything...or do we looking from our view?

Is there soul or spirit still there? It appears that way.

Are bodies like the lottery?...can you just kill yourself and try again?
If you kill yourself and havn't learned or done what you're supposed to then you end up right back here?

It's a heavy topic because we can get into eugenics and that sort of thing.

It's just odd when thinking about why people have cruddy material...
Is it a result of our worlds corruption?

What makes them that way, really? I am aware of all the possible factors here and how I am talking generally (and I am not trying to be rude either...I am talking about extremities not about the subtle physical things). Also, I am referring mostly to those who are born with mental or physical conditions......just why?

What went wrong there?

[allow me to derail for a moment]
And are there things we over look about things that happen to our material that should be re-thought?
How about something as simple as acne? Do other species get acne?
What's that really about?

Our material really doesn't seem equipped for this planet on many levels.

Are we in the wrong place?

Such a strange thing...we toast ourselves in the sun. Literally give ourselves a little toasting.
Even though that star can burn us to bits.

Aah, this is a strange place. As we sit on our thrones pooping thinking we're better than some of the other species here. Wouldn't you think the pooping part would remind us how we're not so much above them?

Oh, we really value our fresh water when we defecate and urinate in it every day don't we?

How inefficient we are. Really? 3 meals or 6 small meals a day? Bathroom breaks and 8 hours of sleep each night?
Quite inefficient.

Don't forget how we continually growing hair and nails. We must cut those off every now and then.

[back to point]

Anyway, I have lots of questions as you can tell about our material.

Just wondering if I am not alone in my wonders...anyone else?

[edit on 29-9-2009 by Before2017Victor]

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 03:46 AM

How inefficient we are. Really? 3 meals or 6 small meals a day? Bathroom breaks and 8 hours of sleep each night?
Quite inefficient.

The worst thing about the human body, IMHO.

The heart, it beats continuously for decades and decades, never taking a break.

Although the muscles are good, because if they weren't well, you'd be dead.

But an alternating heart system, duo heart, would've been great.

You could also wonder, where this soul goes when someone goes brain dead...

Or when someone hits their head, and completely forgets their entire life.

Or when someone hits their head, and now believes their someone else entirely.

Or when someone get's a brain tumor, and does things, even atrocities because of this.

lol, I'm sure we know the answers to that.

But many still believe awkward things.

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 03:52 AM

Originally posted by Republican08

How inefficient we are. Really? 3 meals or 6 small meals a day? Bathroom breaks and 8 hours of sleep each night?
Quite inefficient.

You could also wonder, where this soul goes when someone goes brain dead...

Or when someone hits their head, and completely forgets their entire life.

Or when someone hits their head, and now believes their someone else entirely.

Or when someone get's a brain tumor, and does things, even atrocities because of this.

lol, I'm sure we know the answers to that.

But many still believe awkward things.

doesn't go anywhere until they're* dead. Who ever said the soul is in the head?

[edit on 9/29/2009 by JPhish]

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 03:55 AM
reply to post by Before2017Victor
[mor Interesting topic.

Yes, those with mental and physical impairments appear to have been shortchanged, but maybe other things make up for that?

For example - Stephen Hawking - gigantic brain power.

A lot of mentally challenged people - great body power and achievements, and/or happiness, being unaware of the darker side of the brain.

It probably evens out somehow.

And we do not really appreciate what a great design our bodies actually are.

Problems with cancer etc are only because of what we have done to ourselves and/or the planet.

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 03:58 AM
reply to post by spellbound

Yes, I agree with that, but looking at the human species as seems impossible to get us all to cooperate.
I mean, most we can't really communicate with on a simple reason being that we don't have a universal language and the other than some don't have (seem to have) the brain capacity to do so.

So, WTF??

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 04:01 AM
reply to post by Republican08

lol...yea our bodies kind of...suck! lol

But, the human spirit is very much alive.

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 04:02 AM
reply to post by Before2017Victor

some souls are simply more mature than others.

once you reach a certain level, all you need to communicate is the "mind" . . .

we'll all get there eventually.

what i believe . . .

[edit on 9/29/2009 by JPhish]

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 04:03 AM
reply to post by Before2017Victor

My theory is that we weren't designed to all get along, because that would be too boring.

After all, boredom is a huge enemy we have to fight.

As for not speaking the same language - I think even if we did, a lot of us would misunderstand each other.

Sometimes I think we are pawns of a mischievous creator.

But I am a firm believer in Jesus - maybe that doesn't rule the other idea out?

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 04:08 AM
reply to post by JPhish

Are you saying that those who can't communicate (either not at all or not properly) are at a lower level or human existence?

I've heard some people say that, for example, the mentally challenged are happier than others...are they at maximum level or do they still have a lot to learn?
But, in that body how can they?

And on another note, if in 2012 or whatever time you think we are to enter another area of consciousness....then how can we when billy-bob-Joe is sitting on the crapper and jimmy with the Velcro shoes and helmet doesn't know how to count to ten...???

I don't get all this. I think things we think are impossible can happen, but I have a hard time seeing the WHOLE human race entering a new state of consciousness.

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 04:10 AM

Originally posted by spellbound
reply to post by Before2017Victor

My theory is that we weren't designed to all get along, because that would be too boring.

After all, boredom is a huge enemy we have to fight.

I agree to an extent.

I've often thought that people take issue with being 'bored'.
People very very often claim and complain of being 'bored'.

Isn't the division you speak of created in our minds?

[edit on 29-9-2009 by Before2017Victor]

[edit on 29-9-2009 by Before2017Victor]

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 04:19 AM
"Boredom" is something only us fattened westerners know. If you had to struggle for survival everyday, the last thing you´d be would be bored.

Creation doesnt make mistakes, unless you define people with dissabilities as "mistakes"

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 04:24 AM

Originally posted by Before2017Victor
reply to post by JPhish

Are you saying that those who can't communicate (either not at all or not properly) are at a lower level or human existence?
yes more or less . . . a transitory level perhaps. But I’m not necessarily saying that those who are mentally or physically impaired are on a “lower level”. They might actually be at a higher level . . . Not sure to be honest.

As an analogy . . . If the best driver ever was in the proverbial worste car ever made. You’d have no idea that he was the best driver. In fact, he’d seem pretty awful in lieu of his equipment.

I've heard some people say that, for example, the mentally challenged are happier than others...are they at maximum level or do they still have a lot to learn?
But, in that body how can they?
well if you believe that you choose this life. They chose it for a reason. Perhaps the only thing left for them to obtain is easily learned by being handicapped.

And on another note, if in 2012 or whatever time you think we are to enter another area of consciousness....then how can we when billy-bob-Joe is sitting on the crapper and jimmy with the Velcro shoes and helmet doesn't know how to count to ten...???
does it really matter?

I don't get all this. I think things we think are impossible can happen, but I have a hard time seeing the WHOLE human race entering a new state of consciousness.
don’t count your chickens before they roost. There isn’t much proof that any one thing, if anything at all will occur on 2012.

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 04:24 AM
reply to post by Dynamitrios

You are right.

We would not be bored if we had to fight for survival. Maybe that is a new game about to be launched upon the whole world?

I still think we are pawns.

Are we in some teenager's PS3 game? Ok, this is getting weird (but not beyond the realms of possibility).

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 04:36 AM
[edit] Hit wrong button.

[edit on 29-9-2009 by Before2017Victor]

[edit on 29-9-2009 by Before2017Victor]

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 04:38 AM
Reply to post by Before2017Victor

With so many different POVs in the world one can both be perfectly intelligent know the same langauge still be unable to communicate. ATS has confirmed that for me at the very least. In some ways we are the same species and other ways completely alien.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 04:47 AM
"yes more or less . . . a transitory level perhaps. But I’m not necessarily saying that those who are mentally or physically impaired are on a “lower level”. They might actually be at a higher level . . . Not sure to be honest."

Hmmm that level thing is confusing. It opens up another can of worms. More questions.

"As an analogy . . . If the best driver ever was in the proverbial worste car ever made. You’d have no idea that he was the best driver. In fact, he’d seem pretty awful in lieu of his equipment."

Excellent analogy. And this is kind of what I meat by saying that these people got kind of screwed over. There might be something in there, and we can't see it cause of their 'crappy car'.

"well if you believe that you choose this life. They chose it for a reason. Perhaps the only thing left for them to obtain is easily learned by being handicapped."

Do we choose this life? hmmm...We create it...I am not so sure we choose the container.
That's the thing what can someone learn from being handicapped?

" does it really matter?"

Well, I thought we were doing this together...I didn't think only half the human race enters a new stat of consciousness and the other half still have no idea what's going on.

"don’t count your chickens before they roost. There isn’t much proof that any one thing, if anything at all will occur on 2012."

Well, if this is a oneness thing people talk of...then really not much can happen in 2012 because some peoples containers may not let them even realize there is a consciousness shift.
unless something magically has everybody snap out of whatever and we're all on the same wave length.

That's probably a whole other thread on it's own.

[edit on 29-9-2009 by Before2017Victor]

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 05:24 AM
reply to post by Before2017Victor

I believe that people who are seriously physically impaired are definitely on a higher level, because they have given up on their bodies, so all energies are concentrated in the brain/mind.

Whereas people who have normal functioning have to divide their mind between body and brain.

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 02:58 AM
reply to post by spellbound

That's not entirely true though because some are in pain and wish they were "normal".

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