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Does 'EVIL' Reincarnate?

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posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 11:49 PM

I have heard of Altair. And that there are families that have been since Sumerian days as well, in opposition to the Annanuki.

There are in addition millions of starseeds here from many systems. This is a very negative 3D world, and it affects the waking up of starseeds. This is why I recommend meditation, Chakra meditatons, seeking Prime Creator/Divine Mother's in praer, seeking to connect to your higher self, to your source. Looking at the videos on the crop circles, sacred geometry, listening to music, and setting intentions, visualizations. "I am awake and aware. I tune out the negative and pay attention to what I need to perceive." Practice using insight.

[edit on 27-9-2009 by Unity_99]

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 12:15 AM
...does evil reincarnate?...

...theres this old story thats been passed down in my fam for many generations and one of the minor female characters says, "no one is born evil - the evil comes after"... about reincarnation - my preference is that as long as you have descendants, parts of you will show up again (iow: its totally a genetic thangy)...

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by KSPigpen
reply to post by Harman

In a way, I suppose that this could have been what I was really getting at. If we are born with the same souls that we had before, just in a different body, would our actions not be similar? Is decision making a function of the soul, or the mind? Is the mind the soul?

I think it's a combination of decisions. Let's just say the soul is real and aware before the moment of conception of the future person it wants to inhabit/join with.

If it is aware it can make decisions about where and with who it wants/needs to get born with, lets also say that time is something just for the corporal part of the human/soul combination so the soul can see every possible future of the future baby but nothing is set in stone so it branches out.

The soul will decide the starting place but when in the body it takes a back seat so to speak and lets the enviroment interact with the human/soul combination. People can quite easily be deaf to the souls quiet voice but it KNOWS that everything is timeless and an experience, even the really sucky ones that go against it's preferences (Not it's will
. ) Why should it push it's own agenda? The mind/body combination is just set on 'free' and allowed to rumble about untill it dies and the soul can go back, ready for something else.

I'm sure everyone is able to know what the soul want's if they try and listen, hunches, intuition, good and bad feelings and who knows what outside of the body but it will not impose it's presence, it's just along for the ride and appreciating the view, that is what my fingers think in any case (

So I suppose, given your viewpoint, Hitler could really be the lady sacking groceries at the wal-mart who has two cats and treats everyone with love and compassion?

Sure, why not. I do not think it is the soul that was Hitler, it was the soul that experienced being Hitler, there is a difference, more distance between the mind/body combination

That idea blows my mind. It also sort of kicks my beliefs in the ass. Does it not take away some of the 'motivation' a person would have in the world to do 'good' knowing that they just get another shot after this one? I KNOW that the motivation do good in the world should not come from fear of eternal damnation, but do you think that evil 'souls' could continue to be evil regardless of the number of times they are reincarnated?

We as a human are more challenged doing good because the soul is giving you free reign over your life, it is the timeless part of you and will remember you indefinitely. If people would really start to listen to their soul the world would be a nicer more friendly place that should be the motivation, not advancing some karmic ladder or whatever else. If we as a people could finally take the step and care for eachother instead of competing with eachother everybody would be happy most of the time but on the other hand this (for us) crappy world gives the most opportunities for people to do good so that's a plus in a way.

(thank you for your contribution, by the way.

Thanks for giving me the opportunity to ramble on

[edit on 28-9-2009 by Harman]

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

Don't you find that in today's world there is virtually NO place to find silence?

At least for me I find that's true. Even in a quiet, dark place it's hard to get away from the electronic hum of society.

Ironically the quietest, most tranquil place I've been in the last year was Juarez, Mexico. Despite the turmoil crossing over from El Paso was like a giant weight lifted. In the midst of poverty there was happiness and tranquility.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 11:03 AM
Thank you all. I really have no ability to express the gratitude I feel for your giving of yourselves ion this thread.

I'm afraid you have created more questions in my mind than what I started out with, but hey, that gives more stuff to ask.

The thought of the soul being completely independent of the physical and even of our decisions in a completely intriguing concept to me and is going to require further examination.

You guys and gals have definitely given me some food for thought.

Thank you again.

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by emsed1

Yes, our technology is invasive and harms us, it "seems to" feed the matrix and tries to imprison in our minds even more so. We can neutralize this and break free and claim awareness and enlightenment.

Though there still are frequencies in good music, but we need to seek them out. Also, simply sitting in nature, feeling mother earth and tuning out to reach our insight to her. To apologize for our being a part of the problem and harming her. To ask to listen to her, and to find ways to help her. This is a great way to develop insight and telepathy. Also connecting to nature itself, trees, insects, bees, and all around. Its gently reaching into the field and attempting to empathetic understanding, to feel like they do, to feel them, be them.
To ask them to teach you their lessons and send gentle love.

[edit on 29-9-2009 by Unity_99]

posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 01:36 PM
OP probably has a point. I know all the people that destroyed my life and thats alot, are pure evil and they probably will be back in some form, if that things exist.

There will never be a greater percentage of good people in this society. Scum will always trample over the weak.

The problem is no way to prove these things.

posted on Jun, 8 2016 @ 06:05 AM
I believe in reincarnation and I can assure you that evil does reincarnate.. I will note that just because a person is evil in one life, it doesn't mean they'll be evil in the next. In our psychical bodies our minds can become clouded by human emotions; guilt, anger, fear, and hate. We label bad people as monsters who need to be punished.. But what if they're working out karma from a past life, what if the victims agreed to what would happen to them? I know that sounds insane but I'm not the only one to propose such an idea. Bad lives are not different than good ones, at least not to the soul.. It's merely another experience.

posted on Jun, 8 2016 @ 12:23 PM

originally posted by: EternalAgony
I believe in reincarnation and I can assure you that evil does reincarnate.. I will note that just because a person is evil in one life, it doesn't mean they'll be evil in the next. In our psychical bodies our minds can become clouded by human emotions; guilt, anger, fear, and hate. We label bad people as monsters who need to be punished.. But what if they're working out karma from a past life, what if the victims agreed to what would happen to them? I know that sounds insane but I'm not the only one to propose such an idea. Bad lives are not different than good ones, at least not to the soul.. It's merely another experience.

It sounds insane because IT IS.
Who is crazier, an "insane" person, or a "healthy" person which thinks he is gonna find any sanity by listening to nonsense?

edit on 16201613pmk2016 by yosako because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2017 @ 08:02 PM
sorry m8 i have one question how is kicking a cat not worse then not paying tax. u ask if not paying tax is worse then hitler. when jesus himself said pay unto ceasar what is ceasars. alot of people don't grasp religion itself they use it as an excuse to fight. when religion should be something that unites not divides. it should create love not hate and in the process bring peace not war.

posted on May, 24 2017 @ 10:19 PM
just a question...
is the four year old who kicks the cat evil??

in the eyes of those "higher powers" we are the four year old.. they expect us to do stupid, insane things from time to time, like you said we are just human and humans often times learn by making the mistakes, through cause and effect.. if we kick the cat, more than likely the cat is gonna run and hide and won't be sharing her affection with you anytime soon. now, if you were living in a different culture, it might be perfectly acceptable to you to kill the cat and cook it for dinner!
I don't believe we are forced to reincarnate because we did bad things but rather, in order to be complete, we have to experience everything, good, bad, light, darkness, poor, rich, sick, healthy, weak, powerful, ruler, ruled. we can decide to take a vacation from the lessons that are offered in this plane, there are other playgrounds that offer other lessons that we need to learn or we can opt to spend some time serving others, helping them learn the lessons. after all, we are all in this together, and none of us will be really complete till the last of us reaches the finish line.
personally, after this life, I want to spend some time as a blueberry bush, offering berries for the birds and shelter for the rabbits far far away from the humans.

but, I don't think there are many people that are truly evil,

but all this is just my strange beliefs....

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