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'Dis-Info!' Cries on ATS and Sinister Goals

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posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 02:45 PM
By now, we have all seen videos of 'protesters', 'anarchists,' and 'military and LEO goons' in relation to the G20 'summit' in PA.

There is some speculation, and rightfully so, about the personnel and tactics employed by the alleged 'military' that abducted a guy from the street and whisked him away in a gold Crown Victoria.

The 'reality' of that event itself is difficult, if not impossible to argue. It happened. A more valid line of investigation would probably be 'why' it happened and by whom it was sanctioned and perpetrated.

The importance of these questions should be evident to any involved in the discussion, yet such an emotional event , understandably, has a terribly galvanizing effect on those that would seek to understand it in their own way. Many call for immediate action and rightfully so.

There is indeed a time for action and a time to counter oppressive tactics instituted by an unconstitutional regime and just as importantly, there is a time for careful consideration and the prevention of emotional manipulation. When a man is overcome with emotion, his ability to act rationally, and strategically, is all but lost.

ATS is a rare place indeed. We discuss things here like 'false flags', 'propaganda', and 'psyops' and on the same day can explore topics like 'enlightenment.' We also get very emotional and revert to less than mature, discerning behavior when we allow ourselves to be manipulated into ignoring clues, history and hidden motivations. Sometimes, as in my case, it is through a lack of understanding, or an unwillingness to be free from rigid thought that bias is formed.

Sometimes, when we forget our decorum and our credo, we shout obscenities and various insults at each other, ranging from 'shill' to 'dis-info', 'ignorant', 'idiot' or 'fool.' I would ask that you remember a few points that we have seen in past months used as a means to further the division amongst our people.

1. Vets are potential Terrorists
2. Protesters are low level terrorists
3. Militia - Terrorists

We have all come to realize, I would hope, that there are always at least two hands involved in any magician's trick. While we focus on one, the other is doing something completely different to further the goals of those that would manipulate us. The hand we see is often used to perpetrate an act that will enrage us and capture our attention so that we are ill-focused on the real strategy. We have all also become aware that the propaganda machine of our current regime is highly effective.

When I attempt to stifle your discussion or invalidate your inquiries with claims of 'dis-info', it also effectively furthers our division.

If we are to make educated, informed and soundly tactical decisions, every scrap of evidence that can be produced and analyzed, MUST be, and we cannot remove from the table points of view that differ from ours simply because we are unwilling to believe them. As a people, a community, or a semi-cohesive body of exploring thinkers, we MUST be willing to examine every shred, every visual, audible or sensual bit of information before we run off convinced of a motive, a perpetrator or our course of retaliatory action.

Indeed, there IS a time when no amount of thinking, postulating or examination will be of benefit; a time when instinct and decisive action must rule. However, preparation through understanding our situation, whenever we are blessed enough to have the time and resources to devote to it, is something that we should certainly strive for.

I would remind those that would shout 'dis-info' in the face of a highly implausible scenario, that perception is a fickle wench and one man's 'dis-info' is another's 'gospel.' Several buildings collapsing from fires generated by jet fuel seems highly implausible, as it was not in our record of consciousness. Many trillions of dollars needed to 'stimulate' an economy at the expenses of those that the economy is SUPPOSED to benefit seems an unlikely, illogical course of action. Hundreds of thousands of troops and hundreds of billions of dollars to chase down and kill a couple thousand 'terrorists' seems very strange to some. What we see is, more times than we would like to believe, EXACTLY what they would HAVE us see.

Ask yourself WHY a group of men would dress up as military, if they were not. Ask yourself who would be to gain by the brazen 'abduction' of a 'dissenter' by goons made to LOOK military, when more covert or even overt actions could have been employed. Ask yourself why so many with valid viewpoints would point out inconsistencies and then be called 'dis-info agents' or 'fools.' Ask yourself what it is you are SUPPOSED to believe; what it is THEY would HAVE you believe and then ask yourself why. Remember that a huge number of troops are understood to be deployed on American soil in support of NORTHCOM and ask yourself how you feel about American troops. If you are like me, you respect and appreciate them. Ask yourself who would benefit if that were not the case, and how.

This thread is not about an event that took place, or didn't take place. It's not about if the men that perpetrated the act were military, or not military, cops, or not cops. It's about WHY we are so eager to believe what we believe and so quick to label anyone that would offer an alternate viewpoint. It's about REFUSING to accept something at face value or buckling under the pressure of those that would label you or insult you to silence the expression of your point of view. It's about calling something 'fake' when it cannot be proven, or 'REAL' when we have merely witnessed a brief moment in time, packaged for our viewing pleasure, or the emotional response it will elicit.

'Dis-info', my friends, comes in many, many flavors. The intent is always the same - to mislead, to misdirect or to manipulate. So often, I fear, we think that this manipulation can flow in only one direction. When we throw this label around at each other, and close our ears and eyes to other possibilities, we are playing right into the hands of those, whomever they may be, that would manipulate us so that we are blind to the strategy being executed by their other hand.

Peace, and the continued quest for discernment, my friends.

[edit on 25-9-2009 by KSPigpen]

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 03:22 PM
WEll, I saw the clip, and let us not forget that TpTb have their 'ggons' making public theatrical performances..

this could be nothing more than a 'staged' event too spike tention...

i saw this in Oslo when there was a protest against Isreal, the protest went along nice and peacfuly, until a little group of 'Nwo' trouble makers entered and started making 'fuzz' ..........

Let us not 'throw' our self into this just yet....

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by ChemBreather

Agreed, Chem. Prudence and careful consideration.

And THEN ass whoopin'.

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 07:28 PM

You my friend are open minded as I have gathered according to your threads and posts. We all make mistakes in letting our emotions smother our logic. Such is one of the greatest journeys of man IMHO, to learn to use emotion only when necessary, after logically deducing that is the proper course of action.

Suffice it to say the main problem with personal attacks on ATS and people throwing the dis-info card is either that they are uninformed or allow their emotions to blanket their logic, as many put up a barrier to protect ego and tradition. If only so many realized being wrong is not so awful, it's an enlightening process for correction.

Only when me, you and the rest of ATS can question their and our individual beliefs will we see a change. Alas, we are all in a learning process and at times I fall victim to emotional overthrow within myself. However, not nearly as much as I use to.

I am so glad you put this thread together and pointed out the problem with emotion over ruling logic. It is possibly the biggest unseen issue that results in so many problems today.

This brings to mind the next tattoo I'm getting along my outer arm that states:

Vincit Qui Se Vincit
It is latin for "He conquers, who conquers himself"

[edit on 25-9-2009 by N3krostatic]

[edit on 25-9-2009 by N3krostatic]

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 11:21 PM
reply to post by N3krostatic

Thank you, N3kro. You know your opinions are always a great source of encouragement for me and Had I not met you, I would be much different person.
I appreciate the addition of your insight and that cool Latin saying. It IS Latin, right?

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 11:24 AM
reply to post by KSPigpen

Good points. Just get real good at training and get ready for the fight. And protest peacefully until. Good post, S+F

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by KSPigpen

.... there are always at least two hands involved in any magician's trick. While we focus on one, the other is doing something completely different to further the goals of those that would manipulate us. The hand we see is often used to perpetrate an act that will enrage us and capture our attention so that we are ill-focused on the real strategy. We have all also become aware that the propaganda machine of our current regime is highly effective.

If we are to make educated, informed and soundly tactical decisions, every scrap of evidence that can be produced and analyzed, MUST be, and we cannot remove from the table points of view that differ from ours simply because we are unwilling to believe them. As a people, a community, or a semi-cohesive body of exploring thinkers, we MUST be willing to examine every shred, every visual, audible or sensual bit of information before we run off convinced of a motive, a perpetrator or our course of retaliatory action.

These are words worth repeating. And what you present here is something we need to remind ourselves of daily. The images and stories presented here day to day are our training ground and should serve to help us sharpen our skills. The advice you just gave is good direction that we must keep in mind.

Yes, we do have dis-info in our news and among our ranks. This is why we must develop criteria that helps us to distinguish what is real and what is contrived.

Thank you for this post. Many can benefit from your words.

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 08:44 PM
reply to post by KSPigpen

'Dis-info', my friends, comes in many, many flavors. The intent is always the same - to mislead, to misdirect or to manipulate. So often, I fear, we think that this manipulation can flow in only one direction. When we throw this label around at each other, and close our ears and eyes to other possibilities, we are playing right into the hands of those, whomever they may be, that would manipulate us so that we are blind to the strategy being executed by their other hand.

Given this, I can only come to one conclusion. That a process should be begin if we are to seriously consider a matter. To block someone from misleading or manipulating us, a few simple steps should be considered.

Take the event you are referring to. A thread begins and everyone is throwing out there ideas. There are some who pipe in only to say that this idea or that idea is ridiculous and it is because of this. Yet more chime in and say no you are wrong I am right.

Why not begin by asking for possibilities. Once every possibility is covered, begin looking into every one of them. This should lead us to a few left over possibilities. Which would narrow down the answer. I believe that I have just figured something out.

This may have been covered already somewhere within the archives of ATS but I haven't seen it yet. I just now realized that it may very well be disorganization that misleads us. Thanks for an awesome thread here KSPigen and for making me think. What do you think?

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