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posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 02:34 PM
I did not receive this survey questionaire, but googled it after seeing it mentioned on PrisonPlanet. Just wondering what people think about it and if it is possible to take the survey uninvited, which I haven't done, I just googled it.

I wouldn't want to influence your answers if you were to take it, invited or otherwise, but I have to give my two cents worth, I don't see any reason to self shield, if the foreign troops have my gps coordinates and can come back and gun me down later, but that's my personal opinion.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 02:47 PM
Sorry to post a reply to my own thread, but whenever I try to edit I just erase whatever I change so when I figure it out I can edit.
But with the several questions regarding Anthrax it gives you pause. Are they planning to hit us with Anthrax, that would make the land unusable for cattle for a long time. They wouldn't do it would they? We are in an arid area, but anthrax spoors can spread into areas that are more useful. They wouldn't mess with Anthrax would they? They might use Anthrax to scare everyone into staying in their homes and give them freedom to kill your fellow citizens in other parts of town. It is difficult to figure what they are up to but whatever it is it is not good.
If you still are not convinced that your government is consumed with unlimited evil then put your head back in the sand.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 03:05 PM
Here is another. Is there a record for replies in a one person thread?
The biggest most important question is probably on other threads: Can they get away with it? Are enough uninquisitive people given enough information to commit genocide just thinking they are doing their job and no harm to anybody able to take on this massive a job. They had a lot of experience in what motivates people. They have had huge budgets to study how people think and how to drive them crazy. Jonestown was their baby. At least they paid for the property. Waco was a study in controlling public opinion besides a cover to kill Clinton bodyguards, it is not readily apparent why they bombed the Murrah bldg besides covering up Waco. But they also have studies available from WWII and Auschwitz smuggled into the CIA with the SS and Gestapo on how to control people and how much people will take before they fight back. If they tell everybody to stay in their houses, will they be taking out your neighbors one by one. We won't have any communication once they turn off the internet and cellphones. We will just wait in our houses until they come to drag us out. Quite frankly we have no defense at all. I just wish I had bought a gun while they were still available.

[edit on 21-9-2009 by m khan]

[edit on 21-9-2009 by m khan]

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 03:43 PM
That is an odd questionairre! I filled it all out, but then I did not submit it. It seems too tailored to a specific agenda! If I answered honestly, then they would have known exactly how to lie to me to gain my trust!!

That is pretty scary!

What is the Capital National Area? Is that a specific area of the country, and if so, are they about to be attacked?

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 03:50 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

The National Capital Region of the United States consists of Washington, D.C. and the surrounding counties and independent cities in Maryland and Virginia. The term National Capital Region is primarily used as an administrative designation within federal government circles, especially in the General Services Administration, Department of Defense, and Department of Homeland Security. It is not colloquial; "Washington" or even "D.C." – though not "the District", which specifically refers to the District of Columbia – are more commonly used to describe the region in casual conversation.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by clay2 baraka

Thank you.

There are a lot of threats against that area for the next couple of months! The questionairre didn't ask if we trusted the government or MSM sources or not! It barely touched on the issue, but IMO, that is the key thing that researchers should be looking at after this Swine Flu FLOP!

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