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Why do you think the governments of the World have created the "Doomsday" seed vault?

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posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 01:53 PM
Are they afraid of civil unrest, asteroid, etc.? I have wondered about this for awhile but not taken the time to investigate. Any info, theories, prognostications welcome. I have heard Clif High talk about it on another thread and somewhere else but he can't be the only one talking about it.

I don't think High is all that accurate on many of his predictions nor do I necessarily buy into most of his theories but it definitely is a curious task undertaken by world leaders. Is it just paranoia by them as they are just humans (kinda) also?

I am not looking for snide remarks, I am not suggesting wormwood is coming, etc, I am just curious to hear info and opinions.

[edit on 18-9-2009 by I_am_Spartacus]

[edit on 18-9-2009 by I_am_Spartacus]

[edit on 18-9-2009 by I_am_Spartacus]

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 02:14 PM
really, all of the above. war, paranoia, maybe some people know something we don't, etc, etc..

but the question is:

why NOT? sounds like a good idea.

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 02:16 PM
Most likely it is to feed the continuity of government and Military after 2012.

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 02:17 PM
They(us) are afraid of us (them). Humanity is the primary danger to humanity survival. There were no nukes, no GM sorts, no pollution (of such a proportions) century ago. So there was no need for such a shelter. By the way, even then some governments gathered seeds from all other the world to find the most appropriate one.

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by bettermakings


Better to have it and not need it, then to need it and not have it.

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 02:19 PM
This is a great thread and I hope it gets plenty of attention.

The Svalbard Global Seed Vault is not really a Government Project, although it is overseen by a tripartite agreement between the Norwegian government, the Global Crop Diversity Trust (GCDT) and the Nordic Genetic Resource Center.

The primary funding of the Trust came from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, United Kingdom, Norway, Australia, Switzerland, and Sweden, though funding has been received from a wide variety of sources including four developing countries: Brazil, Colombia, Ethiopia, and India.

The purpose of it is to maintain Crop Diversity by keeping Heritage strains available in a GeneBank, as well as a refuge for seeds in the case of large scale regional or global crises.

If you had to sum it purpose to one word, that word would be "Monsanto".

Monsanto has systematically bought up every Heritage Seed Producer/Distributor/GeneBank. Through Genetic Modification, they have dramatically reduced the Global Crop Diversity more than Global Climatic Change has! Monsanto is the #1 provider of Food Seed to almost every nation in the world. Do not think for one minute that Monsanto doesn't have complete control over the world's food supply.

Of course, if you mention Monsanto in a bad light, they will send in their Legal Team to silence you.

So, those who understand what Monsanto is up to saw the importance of protected Seed GeneBanks, and the Svalbard Global Seed Vault.

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 02:19 PM
It'd be extremely irresponsible of them not to.

That being said, in what I can find, it seems as though the seed vault was created just after they started genetic testing on plants.

Fear of terminator tech or something of the like crossbreeding with the native vegitation(which it will do). If that happened, we would be looking at the extinction of all plant life in 1-2 generations, as they could not reproduce.

Having a seed vault ensures that you can re-vegitate the planet, if some genetic experiment goes wrong.

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 02:21 PM
Because it can't hurt to have's a safeguard...someday there will be a cataclysm that may necessitate a withdraw from the seed bank. If that day never comes, then GREAT....but if/when it does, we will be prepared for re-vegetation.

Just my 2-cents

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 02:23 PM
Why do people have savings?

Or more than a couple of days of food in the pantry?

Or insurance?

[edit on 18-9-2009 by Essan]

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by fraterormus

I agree. Monsanto. After the GM seeds have cross-pollinated with wild, or other domesticated strains and the terminator technology kicks in, there will be no edible plants left. They know what's coming.

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 02:40 PM
In spite of the term given to it by the press (Doomsday Vault), the purpose of the Svalbard Global Seed Vault is not to prepare for a global catastrophe. It is to preserve strains of various food crops and other plants. It is a backup facility for hundreds of other genebanks around the world.

We know that due to losses in diversified agriculture and habitat, many plant species have become or are in danger of becoming extinct. The purpose of the vault is to preserve as many strains as possible. Once a strain is lost, it's gone forever. The resistance it has to diseases, it's ability to thrive in a particular environment, its yummy flavor, its potential use in medicine, all gone. It is the purpose of the vault to prevent the possible disappearance of a specie(s), not to prepare for the total eradication of all food crops. If that happens, the 500 seeds of each species which is stored there won't do much good.

[edit on 9/18/2009 by Phage]

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 02:43 PM
Hi! My grandparents were school teachers/farmers. I have always been taught to gow things and save seeds. I think it would be highly prudent for all of us to save seeds fom the foods you eat, in case TSHTF event.
Simply rinse them off in a colliander, dry on newspapers, put into envelopes, lable what it is and the date you dried them out. Small lunch sacks and bank money envelopes make good seed storage containers. My grand mother would grow plants in the cracks of her concrete to get extra space in the city. Even berries are seeds. The compost pile is a good place to start fruit trees from seeds. Self reliance is good insurance, plus the food just tastes better than the grocery store.

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by Phage

The term given to it "Doomsday Seed Vault" is exactly what it is for. The name is self-explanatory.

Look around. Does mankind look like its on the brink of higher consciousness or the brink of destruction?

The purpose of the vault is to preserve seeds, and other diverse forms of plantlife for posterity.

GM and Monsanto do indeed control genetically modified foodstuffs however, they do not control pure, natural organic seeds and plant reproduction.

Anyone who has not studied this subject will be experiencing the global food rules come December 21, 2009 when Codex Alimentarius (Latin for basically, food rules or laws) is made into international law.

[edit on 18-9-2009 by Hazelnut]

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 02:48 PM
Oh, I am up on monsanto but I have to believe monsanto has it hands so far up most world governments butts, that they would never allow these governments to start a seed bank that is geared towards usurping their control.

OR if they have as much control as I think then maybe they realize their genetic meddling may have dire consequences so they are allowing it?

Not saying I believe any of my or your theories, just looking for them.

Personally I just assumed (and maybe too naively for this site) that this was purely a "good for the earth" concern., a "why not" like others have pointed out.

I prepare for disaster without really knowing of anything imminent and just assumed that's what this is, But with all that is happening, it is a little curious it came about so quickly and efficiently as appaerntly it has.

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 02:48 PM
Hmmmm, I wonder, Why does things I mention on other sites Pop up on ATS just moments later ??

Well, as I just said on another site, the Norwegian Doomsday Vault was Funded by Microsoft, UN and the Rockefellers, and build in Record Speed...

And all those Nukes in Nkorea, I think they are makeing more Dumbs down there, in Record Speed, they dont have the time to use the standard equipments !!!

Shait Is On !!!!
just wait, the Econony is going WooHooo and we are going to blamed because the Swine Flu kept People from going out and spend Cash !!!!!

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by I_am_Spartacus

I think it's simply a good idea to plan ahead in a uncertain world. Doesn't mean anything in particular is going to happen.

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 02:50 PM
and I don't trust Bill Gates as far as I can throw a box of his windows vista discs, the monopolistic B#$@@$ so it has to have some kind of selfish or nefarious reason, as unexciting as it may be.

[edit on 18-9-2009 by I_am_Spartacus]

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by I_am_Spartacus
Oh, I am up on monsanto but I have to believe monsanto has it hands so far up most world governments butts, that they would never allow these governments to start a seed bank that is geared towards usurping their control.

OR if they have as much control as I think then maybe they realize their genetic meddling may have dire consequences so they are allowing it?

Not saying I believe any of my or your theories, just looking for them.

Personally I just assumed (and maybe too naively for this site) that this was purely a "good for the earth" concern., a "why not" like others have pointed out.

I prepare for disaster without really knowing of anything imminent and just assumed that's what this is, But with all that is happening, it is a little curious it came about so quickly and efficiently as appaerntly it has.

You just do some Research on a company called MedImmune , you get a surprise, they are right Next Door to Fort Ditrick, 1976 Swine Flu ... HAHAH
the world is sooo screwed UP !!

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by bettermakings

Of course they know more then us,

Mankind's secrets kept in lunar ark

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
reply to post by bettermakings

Of course they know more then us,

Mankind's secrets kept in lunar ark

Why in a Luner Capsule ? I mean, the Evo theory say that Slime came from Burning Lava Water, so why cant we just store our slime there ?
Ohhh , Maybe it will burn up ... Mmmmm. I dont get it !!!

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