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Strange video - Guy bugging out or Warning?

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posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 09:31 PM
I find that video to be extremely uninformative and unhelpful. I agree that it looks more like viral marketing than anything else. Did anyone else notice though, that he starts out by telling us that his story is a lie? That might be our first clue.

He picked weird symbols to emphasize.

That article is really scary. I saw it posted a few days ago on Rumor Mill News, and it scared me then too. I hope that man is wrong.

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 09:58 PM


posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 10:24 PM

The nukes, he said, will be detonated over New York, Washington, D.C., Chicago, Miami, Houston, Las Vegas and Los Angeles. I asked Hill, "Why now?" "Eight years from 1993 to 2001, eight years from that 9/11 to this 9/11," he said. "Symbolism. They're big on symbolism." "Ramadan started two weeks ago Saturday," he said, referring to the Muslim holy month of fasting. "It always hits around Ramadan."

Ok, that got my attention. Look some of you follow dreams. I'm not into it but some of you know a great deal about peoples dreams. So here it goes.

First I am from Houston but I am elsewhere now (not bugged out) About a week ago I had a dream in which I was walking around the corner of a Walgreens in a Houston suburb. I knew where I was but could'nt figure out why I was there. As I go around the corner I see a bright light come from behind and around the corner I just rounded. I look around that same corner and up and I see what looks like a blast in the sky and it almost looks like slow motion. It's enormous and thunderous It was as if you had a great heat lightning storm but all at once, and then it sort of hung there It was brilliant. I dont know what time it was but it was dark The blast wave stopped short of where I was and I was surrounded by newly made Widows and Widdowers of which I had just become one

That dream actually had me sit up in bed it freaked me so bad.

Ok so if it was a nuke, dont they still create Mushroom clouds even if airburst and not ground level or would that descrption fit an airburst nuke.

Like I said I'm not all about the dream stuff but who knows.

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 01:44 AM
reply to post by WWJFKD

Yeah I believe they still do. It's a scary thought.

I'm going to ask you one or two questions, to help see if if it was an accurate vision, or a scary dream... I'll do my best not to lead.

First, did you look at your hands, did you look at anyone else during the blast. What details do you notice?

Do your best not to imagine what you should see, as this simply writes in a false memory.

Was anything incredibly out of place? Something that is probably symbolic even though you have no clue what the symbol represents..

I'll give you an example.. In one of my dreams, it was the future. End of the world type thing, people are after me. I'm hiding in my parents house, taking a shower, then all of a sudden I see a half full jar of peanut butter in the middle of the glass.

I'm not entirely into prophetic dreams myself, but I do give credit to the fact that they do happen.

I hope you didn't see what Mr. Hill predicted. That is a scary thought. But it makes sense, assuming you were on the edge of the town, it would be big. I don't believe a suitcase nuke would generate a giant range destruction.

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 02:01 AM
reply to post by Miraj

I appreciate the reply. I'm a fairly brave type of guy, served my country and all and this really threw me for a loop.

I saw men and women desperate, no faces and nothing distictive, no words spoken but there was an understanding that everyone of us just lost our significant others. you just knew i cant explain it. Every man and woman there was alone.

As far as things out of place, just why I was there to begin with. I know the location but no reason I should have been there. I was in Clear Lake and this was clearly in the direction of the Houston Ship Channel.

I dont know what I saw but it was brilliant thunderous and looked like an immense heat lightniing storm in slow motion that produced a blast wave

[edit on 13-9-2009 by WWJFKD]

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 02:14 AM
reply to post by WWJFKD

Scary. Not quite what I was looking for. But my questions were pointless anyways. If you've been in the military you've probably seen the nuclear test videos, and how when a bomb detonated it was so bright, it was like seeing an X-ray of their hand.

I hate those dreams where it seems so logical and true, that it feels like it will happen. I had one where an army nurse and a soldier was going through my house looking to remove contaminated items (Swine flu, something like that).

I really hated seeing this article though. 95% of nuclear attack, martial law, WW3, end of the world predictions can be shrugged off because they are usually are predicted through dream or vision (no offense to yours) or buy a friend of a friend of a friend who is an Army general and is spreading the word.

But Hill has proven himself to be credible with these predictions. He did say there is a chance it won't happen. Hopefully that is true.

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 12:27 PM
ive been steered over to this post ? ive been following this scince i first saw it yesterday, seeing whats happening? it all seems to real, someone looks to be stalking the guy who runs the freedominfonetworks page.

either that or a very elaborate hoax, the video names give a air of realisim, as they have been put on youtube, not necessarily to be found, but so they can be brought to someones attention (not to show the world, just the person looking)

that ciasucka dude, who seems to be the hunter , not long ago posted another message in hex, translated read - "You like starbucks I see??"

very freeking freaky!

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 12:49 PM
The first string of binary in the video (I may have spoofed a digit or two due to the quality of the video):

0100010001110 0100110100101 1011100110101 1010000000110 1101011011110 1110010011001 0100100000011 0111101110110 01100001011011 00011101000110 100101101110011 0010100101110

What does it say? Simple:

Drink@more ovaltine.

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 12:50 PM
Seems all totally bogus to me.

Either maybe some game like another poster said, or just some drama queen with mental issues.

Using those binary/hex codes is stupid, nobody in the real world would use those, they are so obvious you might as well put the plain text instead.

Also, that freedominfonetwork guys "on the run" video is so retarded. Who on the run has the time to add all the filters to the the video and stuff? It just looks tacky and unbelievable.

Interesting how ciasucka is using the same code techniques and the same video effects in his video as freedominfonetwork and they signed up the same week.

My guess, they are both one and the same person, either trolling truth people, or a drama queen with mental issues who just exploded.

[edit on 13/9/2009 by harpsounds]

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 12:54 PM

Originally posted by Gray Fox
The first string of binary in the video (I may have spoofed a digit or two due to the quality of the video):

0100010001110 0100110100101 1011100110101 1010000000110 1101011011110 1110010011001 0100100000011 0111101110110 01100001011011 00011101000110 100101101110011 0010100101110

What does it say? Simple:

Drink@more ovaltine.

That was priceless, caught me totally off guard with that one. ROFLMAO

second line

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 12:54 PM

Originally posted by Gray Fox
The first string of binary in the video (I may have spoofed a digit or two due to the quality of the video):

0100010001110 0100110100101 1011100110101 1010000000110 1101011011110 1110010011001 0100100000011 0111101110110 01100001011011 00011101000110 100101101110011 0010100101110

What does it say? Simple:

Drink@more ovaltine.

Hah, for anyone who doesn't get that reference, it was part of the Blackjack drama too, and refers to "secret decoder rings" that came with products as a fun game for kids:

[edit on 13/9/2009 by harpsounds]

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 12:55 PM
if its bogus then why THIS one is attacking him with these cryptic thingies.

watch this one

if any one can decypher wth are these marks and stuff it would be helpfull
watch the vid and look at the freedom guy reaction in comments.

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 01:16 PM
So, I'm totally intrigued but totally out of the loop when it comes to the "code" or whatnot he's using in his videos. He has 3 videos up on his profile. Can anyone decode all of these for those of us who are left scratching their heads?

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by reassor

Yep that Freedom chap was really miffed, I wounder what about, Maybe an attack on his family or some stoner having a paranoid attack, Who knows anyone any ideas whats this is all about in the video......

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by reassor

ive bene trying to suss it, my first guess was a wingdings/webdings font, which woudl be real easy, but its not any thats instaled on my pc, might be a default linux font but i really dont know.

if anyone is good with fonts, its probably real easy to work out. just have to know which font it is.

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 01:21 PM
reply to post by foxhoundone

as you see second flick you will notice pictures with freedom guy face etc doing normal day stuff fotographed and that sentence we know who you are mr.d....(could not read that)

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 01:21 PM
OK, now it looks like a game, rather than some drama queens quest for attention, I've started the decoding.

I'm starting on ciasucka's first video, named "4f6e65" which appropriately translates to "one"

The first hex message is:

596f752061726520616c6c20696e206d6173736976652074726f75626c652e205468697320776f726c6420697320636f6d696e6720746f20616e20656e642077697468696e20746865206e 65787420332079656172732e205468617420697320616c6c20492077696c6c2074656c6c20796f752e20446f6e277420626f7468657220707265706172696e672e

You are all in massive trouble. This world is coming to an end within the next 3 years. That is all I will tell you. Don't bother preparing.

The second is:


Use your time wisely. It will not be pretty.

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 01:26 PM

Originally posted by reassor
if its bogus then why THIS one is attacking him with these cryptic thingies.

watch this one

if any one can decypher wth are these marks and stuff it would be helpfull
watch the vid and look at the freedom guy reaction in comments.

What font is he using. I cant find it. I figured wingdings but that isnt it. Be glad to decypher but cant match the font. If anyone recognizes font let me know ad I'll get on the legwork.

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by WWJFKD

thats exactly what im looking for..

its screaming windings... but it looks like it has sky scrapers in it, which woudl be an older windings version if i remember correctly.

the one that stands out is the X in the circle! find the font with that in it and half the battle is done.!

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 01:32 PM
He also has a couple comments from himself in his profile's comment section. Can we also get those deciphered? Where would I go if I wanted to try and start figuring this out for myself?

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