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Conspiracy Theory: The Conspiracy Theory of all Conspiracy Theories.

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posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 03:12 PM
Just as many things in our life, the term Conspiracy Theory is thrown around far too often, and as a result has become an ambiguous social anchor in our mind. Anyone you talk to, when the term comes up, or if you are describing to them, something socially deemed a “conspiracy theory” causes our brain to launch associative triggers. Based on our past experience, what we've been taught and how we feel about the topic, our mind will immediately trigger the anchor. Depending on who you are, this anchor could bring you feelings of doubt, feelings of anger or disbelief, or as a conspiracy theorist, it may have your mind running in circles trying to draw links between what you know, and what you are hearing.

But first I think it necessary to discuss why we use the term, what it means, and how it has ultimately become the conspiracy of all conspiracies. Additionally, I am going to show how the past years Mainstream Media's, snuggle fest (with CT'ers) is extremely detrimental to any true conspiracy, and further, how they (MSM) have pulled the bait and switch to influence what we believe. I will also show how this word, or term, has been and is being used as a tool to discredit and belittle people such as you and I, all in an effort to stop us from asking real questions and instead debating useless theories which create division.

(If you enjoy, star and flag, and REPLY with your opinion)

con·spira·cy (kən spir′ə sē) – noun
1.- a planning and acting together secretly, esp. for an unlawful or harmful purpose, such as murder or treason

Lets look at that for a second, because I know that this important detail is almost always overlooked by the masses. Planning and acting secretly. This is the root of the problem, because essentially every single major thing that the president, or his administration, the CIA, the FBI, etc etc. does, is all done secretly. The public is most often absolutely oblivious to what goes on behind closed doors.

Furthermore, it is not like the history of this country has not had it's “extraordinary events”, namely, multiple assassinations, Gulf of Tonkin, Pearl Harbor, Lusitania, and 911. This is no where near a complete list, but for demonstration purposes it serves its purpose.

Now when we look at any one of those events, all of them, whether you believe in the official version of events, or the opposite, it does not matter because it does not make them any less a conspiracy. These are conspiracies, bottom line. At some point, fitting the definition completely.

theo·ry (t̸hē′ə rē, t̸hir′ē) – noun
1.- a speculative idea or plan as to how something might be done.

So now, we have a conspiracy. No one can debate that any of these events are a conspiracy. Because, secret meetings, planning and actions, were discussed and executed without public oversight. They all fit the definition.

But theory, is where the entire thing becomes a mess. For a moment, I want you to think of your personal life. And I want you to think of a time, in which you were initially lied to about a situation or event, and then later discovered the truth.

Some interesting things you will note when you ponder this:

- You are initially told about a situation or event. Since the 'teller' is trying to make you believe their version of events, they have made a fairly reasonable story which they believe you will buy into – additionally, the teller also believes they have encompassed all aspects of the story.

- But then, as you begin to slowly learn about specific details of the initial events, usually from someone other than your initial source, you begin to realize the story fails to add up.

- So now, you do not have a story that adds up. So you go back to the initial source, perhaps they have made a mistake, perhaps they did not mean to lie at all. Surely they had just forgotten, or were unaware of that detail when they discussed it with you initially.

- This is where the situation goes one of two ways. Because if it was an honest mistake, the initial source can correct details of their story, and once again you should have a story that makes sense and follows a practical, logical, order that explains all discrepancies.


- They give you more details and they still do not add up, or they could just refuse to provide more details outright.

- It's when you experience these two latter scenarios, that you begin to realize that you are being lied to. If you were not being lied to, the story would add up, there is no room for inconsistencies in the truth. The truth always works, is always logical and always includes ZERO inconsistencies.

(Note: Sometime's truth is stranger than fiction, if this is this case, definitive answers and evidence should, (and would) be presented so that, though the truth may seem anomalous, the evidence supports it, and the story flows logically.)

I want anyone reading this to seriously take a second to think about a personal situation, and go through the progression of it. You will find that it always plays out the exact same as outlined above. Only a lie needs to be revised, just think about that for a second because it is one of the few absolute truths of our reality.

Conspiracy + Theory
Referring back to our personal situation, we now have a inconsistent story, and the person who has told us that story, either:

A. Refuses to provide additional, definitive answers or explanations.
B. Continues to provide explanations which still do not fit with the verifiable facts of the events

But, this story or event matters to us. So we want to know what truly happened, but if the 'teller' is refusing to add, or revise their story so it works, as a 3rd party spectator, we are now forced to “speculate on how something may have been done”.

This is the most critical part. Because now instead of focusing on the fact that we are clearly being lied to, everyone now focuses on the “theory”. But, if you stop to think about the situation for a second, ultimately any theory is irrelevant. What matters is that we have an official version of events, that does not add up, and the provider of that version is continually failing to properly divulge how the series of events was possible. Whats worse, is we rely on these people, that are apparently lying to us, to keep us safe. Since this may be hard to grasp for some, let's use examples.

JFK – Case in Point
We know that there were 4 shots. We also know, that it is impossible that one person made all the shots. We know since we have definitive video proof, that one of those shots, the final fatal shot, could not have come from behind JFK, because the bullet blew his head backwards (opposite of the alleged trajectory)

So lets apply what we've gone over. We know the indisputable facts, and we know the official story of the event which states that, Oswald, stationed behind the car in the depository, shot 4 bullets that ultimately executed the President.

Now anyone who watches the film, can clearly see his head go backwards, and must then come to the conclusion that at least one shot was not from behind (where Oswald would have been).

So is anyone here about to debate that the official story of the JFK assassination is a fabrication? We can tell it is a lie because it does not, and cannot add up with only one shooter, especially a shooter, placed behind the president. AKA, we are clearly being lied to.

How the entire thing is then turned into a circus
Using the JFK example, no one with an IQ higher than their limb count, can dispute the fact that the official version of events does not add up. But, as I said, this is a story that matters to people, and they want to come up with possible “theories” (speculative ideas on how something was done) that would explain all of the verifiable facts (4 shots, last shot trajectory, inability to unleash 4 shots in that period of time).

These alternative theories, ironically, though not accepted by the masses most often actually encompass more of the verifiable facts of the event than the official story itself.

So now, instead of attacking the person who initially lied to us, we now attack the “OUTRAGEOUS CONSPIRACY THEORY” (sound familiar?). For instance, lets look at what Wikipedia says about CT's

The term is therefore often used dismissively in an attempt to characterize a belief as outlandishly false and held by a person judged to be a crank or a group confined to the lunatic fringe. Such characterization is often the subject of dispute due to its possible unfairness and inaccuracy.

It is this exact statement that characterizes my entire thread. Because this is what Mainstream Media has anchored to the term “Conspiracy Theory” in the minds of the majority of Americans.

So as soon as the mainstream media labels ANYTHING a conspiracy theory, subconsciously the minds of hundreds of millions of people instantly trigger the anchor that this is “a belief that is outlandishly false, and held by a person judged to be a crank or a group confined to the lunatic fringe.”

Through ignorance, and the use of that anchor, people are forced into their tiny little box. Where they question little, and demand answers for even less. People are ignorantly refusing to ask for answers to legitimate questions, that would resolve the official version of events – so that conspiracy theories are not necessary.

That's the bottom line, if someone walks up to the president, pulls a gun a shoots him in broad day light. THERE WOULD BE NO NEED FOR CONSPIRACY THEORIES. The entire version of events would add up, and no one could debate the logical facts. I agree this is a simplified example, but it highlights my point.

[edit on 9-9-2009 by king9072]

[edit on 9-9-2009 by king9072]

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 03:12 PM
Our most recent case in point, 911
- Referring back to what we covered earlier, we have an official version of events, that has so many inconsistencies that it can not be the whole truth.

- But, it matters to people. And they want to know how all the events could have been accomplished, the way the official FACTS dictates, not the official STORY.

- Think about the Pentagon for one second. There are a lot of people that believe it does not add up, and thus want more concrete proof. Ok, that's fair, since this is OUR GOVERNMENT BUILDING, we deserve to know the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

- Go back to earlier, this is the part of the lie In which the official story teller can either provide additional, definitive information, or outright refuse to provide information.

- Well, what could the government readily provide to 100% prove that the Pentagon attack happened the way they say it did? Simple, any one of ten's of security cameras at the Pentagon and surrounding businesses, could 100% definitively end ALL SPECULATION (Conspiracy Theories) about the Pentagon attack.

Do you guys understand how important that is? Providing just one video, that conclusively shows a Boeing slamming into the Pentagon would instantly end every single unnecessary conspiracy theory relating to the Pentagon. People do not WANT A conspiracy theory, they want the truth. But when the official version of events, is not telling them the truth and cant provide concrete evidence to back up their claim 3rd parties are FORCED to come up with alternative theories which more rationally explain the situation, and encompass more of the verifiable facts.

The most ironic part of this entire subject, is that if we were always told the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. This forum would not exist. For in a free, open and transparent society there is no need for a conspiracy, and if one shall come to exist, the sheer light of day and transparent aspect of this society, would destroy it through indisputable fact checking, and logical explanations for every aspect of the conspiracy.

The media platter, controlling your thoughts
We've seen how the media has associated conspiracy theories to crazy talk. But this last year has shown how far they will go to enforce that belief. You will notice that they suddenly became interested in MEANINGLESS CONSPIRACIES, they side with the fringe to gain acceptance and legitimacy.

So that when they need to belittle a REAL conspiracy, they are able to. Because the fringe starts to trust them as an unbiased, informative source, lacking a larger agenda. After all, they sided with us on all the insignificant conspiracies right? Get a grip people, this is a classic bait and switch. Many of you reading this are guilty of failing to grasp the greater picture, and instead are forced into arguing over the media platter, ultimately distracting you from asking the original, legitimate questions which deserve answers.




Biggest DISINFO agent ring in the WORLD - Worth noting, that I wrote this far before speaking out against Swine Flu was cool.

Mainstream Media - How we are all being bent over - Worth noting, that I wrote this long before people realized that the mainstream media being involved with conspiracies was a bad idea. This thread highlights what happened with the tea parties.



Demand answers, don't squabble over theories – 911 Truth, Case in Point
Instead of “Speculating” which is ultimately, UNNECESSARY, we need to hold fast on our demand for definitive answers to our burning questions – the truth has no inconsistencies. And for everyone who wants to continue to be ignorant to this situation, and instead chooses to fuel the problem, you are the problem.

It's through forcing us to debate theories, rather than facts, that we are pushed into a cycle of nothing ever changing. How can one fail to understand that point, when they can look at so many examples of this defeating circle being forced upon us, which ultimately divides and conquers us.

If you need an example for that, refer to 911 truth, subsections of that group will argue and squabble, even belittle and attack each other, when in the end both of them are irrelevant. We shouldn't be divided by our theories, we should be united by our questions, that deserve definitive answers from the source of the story.

So next time you talk to an ignorant sheep, and he resorts to pulling the conspiracy theory card that the Mainstream Media has provided him, DO NOT REPLY WITH THEORIES. Reply with questions, that rely on official facts, which ultimately highlight the inconsistencies. The burden of proof is not on us, it is on them.

Questioning nothing, and letting terrible deeds go unpunished can only lead to the destruction of your rights, the extinction of your freedom, and ultimately will result in the end of your genetic lineage.

"The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment."


For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.


Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.

No President should fear public scrutiny of his program. For from that scrutiny comes understanding; and from that understanding comes support or opposition and both are necessary. I am not asking your newspapers to support the Administration, but I am asking your help in the tremendous task of informing and alerting the American people. For I have complete confidence in the response and dedication of our citizens whenever they are fully informed."

Other threads by myself:
Feel the shivers rush over your body
The ATS Enlightenment - Becoming the change you want to see
Ponzi America - Systematic Rape of the American Public
The end of 911 Conspiracy, the beginning of 911 common knowledge
7 Things that are killing you - Part 1 Part 2
Biggest Disinfo Agent ring in the world
AIDS - We've been lied to(again)
Mainstream Media - How we are all being bent over

[edit on 9-9-2009 by king9072]

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 04:03 PM

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 04:17 PM
Great peice of writing King! What could I possibly add to that? You've covered it all. You should submit that as an oped to your newspaper. S&F

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 06:13 PM

Originally posted by Asktheanimals
Great peice of writing King! What could I possibly add to that? You've covered it all. You should submit that as an oped to your newspaper. S&F

I have had a couple things published previously, but never anything I have written for ATS. Submitting it would require some fairly extensive rewriting as this thread has been tailored for ATS specifically.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 06:22 PM

So as soon as the mainstream media labels ANYTHING a conspiracy theory, subconsciously the minds of hundreds of millions of people instantly trigger the anchor that this is “a belief that is outlandishly false, and held by a person judged to be a crank or a group confined to the lunatic fringe.”

You hit the real goal, or the goal We all should strive for, on the money. I've noticed exactly what You wrote frequently in ATS.

We allow the quasi Elite to create chaos; the sick bastards they are, I believe they actually come close to worshiping the concept of chaos.

As You pointed out, for some reason the masses allow themselves to be divided over vague differences of opinions; divided to fight amongst each other, the whole while the Elite are conquering.

I continually warn of the MSM deceptions, and those of the Poli-ticks who are "awakening" to the "truth". Your right!; they are only waking to control the momentum of a movement; that's how the Elite have always done it.

Continually have I stressed the Bolshevik takeover of Russia. The Bolsheviks sat back tempting, and prodding all sides in the original Russian Revolution. After reaching an agreement, and all sides being warn out, the Bolsheviks came in with massive NY funding to takeover the "endgame".

We are up against this same group now; just a different face to the group.

Make no mistake this group works through subversion, stealth, and as JFK spoke. The only thing that will defeat them is through uniting, and not allowing them to plant the seeds of hatred, or division.


posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 06:46 PM
So instead of conspiracy theorists we could be called conspiracy factists.

CT's don't WANT to be CT's! they just cannot accept the lies that they're force fed everyday and the distractions that keep the sheep busy, thats why CT's are labeled crazies and whatnot. Not because we're wrong but because we're right!

I always enjoy reading your posts king very well written!

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 07:06 PM
King , you are a genius, cutting thru the crap with a double bladed knife.

your thread puts yesterdays BS into perspective I don't know what to say except Thanks.

Hope others see your logic and get it


s's & f"s

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 09:05 PM

Originally posted by huntergatherer

King , you are a genius, cutting thru the crap with a double bladed knife.

your thread puts yesterdays BS into perspective I don't know what to say except Thanks.

Hope others see your logic and get it


s's & f"s

Thank you.

It has become apparent to myself as of late, that I can no longer focus on specific issues and must rather focus on helping people leave their tiny little box that the media has built for them.

This as well as many of my other threads already written, as well as a couple to come are going to be following this path. I can no longer "show people", I must teach them how to "see". The impact of such a movement, is far greater than if I am to illustrate each issue in a format which people can easily understand.

"Give a man a fish, he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish, he eats for life." .. essentially.

Thus, for anyone who has come to this forum and is interested in actually gaining a greater understanding of reality I urge you to review my past threads, and fully understand my message. And keep up with my coming threads. Doing this will slowly help remove the blinders of ignorance, and once again allow you to see the greater picture of the issues we face.

If you are interested in repeating mainstream propaganda, and living with intentional ignorance, my threads have no place for you.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 09:34 PM
reply to post by king9072

If you are interested in repeating mainstream propaganda, and living with intentional ignorance, my threads have no place for you.

There will always be sheeple who are so unhappy all they have is their hate; they would rather help keep others suppressed along with themselves, rather than break the chains of oppression.

For many People this will be the greatest test; because the sheeple I mention are numerous. They don't want to see the flaws.

Case in point. The People who can think will recognize what I'm about to describe. Ever notice the irregularities that no one else can see, but We can??? I flew into an International Airport a while back. To go through US Customs You had to walk through a zig zag, or back, and forth line; which was permanently set up....posts, and ropes between them. My eyes saw a permanent conditioning mechanism designed to keep us good little serfs.

Any ways, as I was the first off the plane, I walked around the whole quagmire as there was NO LINE. I got an ugly look from a Customs person, but that was it.......... The rest of the sheeple actually walked through the zig zag the entire way. It literally amounted to around 10 times the distance, and for what reason???? It was just one of many many things imposed throughout society to keep the many People from awakening from the sheeple.

This may have been a poor example, but there are so many others. Most of the time whatever can be shown to condition us is geared at taking Our individuality away, and replacing with the herd mentality.

How many times have any of You bitched as to the stupidity in any design, and couldn't figure out the nature, or reasoning; sure sometimes it is stupidity, but many times I don't think so.

...........................ramble done

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 09:40 PM
I'm saddened yet realistic this thread did'nt receive the credit it deserves.

the way of the world , whatever that is.

like you King I will seek the truth , whatever's left of it.

AN awesome thread and proud to be part of it

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 09:45 PM
King -- outstanding thread, per your usual. You bring a sense of levity and serenity to your work, and hopefully give necessary pause to all the ego-driven reactionaries around here [and I've been one from time to time].

Sancho -- I continue to admire your perspective on the world about. Fine observation on the cattle-sorting lines through which They try to herd us. Besides the Customs agent, I can see some soccer-parent silently judging your short-cut as well.

Good work, men.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 09:47 PM
reply to post by sanchoearlyjones

haha, no ramble. It's a great point. And as mentioned, it's just one example of many.

Though ignorance runs rampant in our society, and even on this forum where we hold a moto "deny ignorance", I do not blame the ignorant immediatelly.

Vast amounts of resources and time have been conscripted to condition not only us, but our parents, and their parents into believing this way of life is the way it is.

In school we are not encouraged to question things, we are not encouraged to produce unique questions and demand original answers. The opposite is true, we are taught to question nothing, and repeat what we have been told. Then, if we are lucky, we may someday be able to a mass a large amount of debt, and hopefully get a job that will keep us above the poverty line.

There was no class for me to take, about the corruption of government.

There was no class for me to take, about the inconsistencies of official history.

There was no class for me to take, to learn how to make my first million dollars.

There was no class for me to take, to learn how to differentiate between state sponsored propaganda and unbiased reporting of facts.

There was no class for me to take, that would show me that the society we live in and the current state of our reality is an illusion, or at best a delusion.

Thus I must understand that it is not their fault. But when multiple people including myself spend hours literally spelling out how and why things happen, and illustrate the paths which dictate how events unfold. I must also then understand, that it takes not only ignorance but stupidity as well, to keep ones eyes closed. Open your eyes people, get a grip, and provide the collective conscious with something meaningful, rather than contributing the snowball effect of ignorance and its byproducts.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 11:22 PM
reply to post by king9072

Now when we look at any one of those events, all of them, whether you believe in the official version of events, or the opposite, it does not matter because it does not make them any less a conspiracy. These are conspiracies, bottom line. At some point, fitting the definition completely.

I really DID read this, but realized I had done you a disservice. I apologize. The term terrorist is also applicable, IMO, but definitely, as you pointed out, conspiracy.

So as soon as the mainstream media labels ANYTHING a conspiracy theory, subconsciously the minds of hundreds of millions of people instantly trigger the anchor that this is “a belief that is outlandishly false, and held by a person judged to be a crank or a group confined to the lunatic fringe.”

To the point that you have to avoid the label like the plague lest you lose all credibility.

Do you guys understand how important that is? Providing just one video, that conclusively shows a Boeing slamming into the Pentagon would instantly end every single unnecessary conspiracy theory relating to the Pentagon. People do not WANT A conspiracy theory, they want the truth. But when the official version of events, is not telling them the truth and cant provide concrete evidence to back up their claim 3rd parties are FORCED to come up with alternative theories which more rationally explain the situation, and encompass more of the verifiable facts.

I've seen this discussed numerous times and get completely frustrated. But, for the sake of argument, what if the don't have the proof to provide? Is that a valid 'out' in this instance that eliminates our need to form a conspiracy, or just change the reasoning behind it?

"The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighe

I'd recommend putting that JFK quote in the EX tags....and giving him props.'s going to take me more than one night to go through here thoroughly, I suppose. It IS very easy to read and flows nicely. You DO know that your smacking brains and beliefs around in here though, right?

Really good stuff. King.

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 12:38 AM

I've seen this discussed numerous times and get completely frustrated. But, for the sake of argument, what if the don't have the proof to provide? Is that a valid 'out' in this instance that eliminates our need to form a conspiracy, or just change the reasoning behind it?

It would be valid if there was no possible evidence. But to suggest not one of perhaps 30 cameras did not conclusively capture a boeing 757 hitting that building, is ludicrous at best.

Thus the absurdity of them not providing it, since it would instantly end all debate and speculation. In fact, I can think of not one scenario in which their withholding of the video other than that it would not substantiate their claims. How could anyone in their right mind believe that if they had a video that proved their claim that they would withhold it?

I'd recommend putting that JFK quote in the EX tags....and giving him props.

If people cannot recognize the author of this quote, they probably shouldn't be on this forum. Or, they haven't been here near long enough. Point noted though.

You DO know that your smacking brains and beliefs around in here though, right?

If you read my posts, I hold no punches. I am not here to make friends, I am here to inform to the best of my abilities. No one benefits if I take the safe side, and don't offend anyone. The fact of the matter is that there are many people on this forum who are ignorant. Just as there are many people on this forum that are part of the problem.

The only people who should be offended by those remarks are the people who are ignorant and part of the problem. And if that's the case for someone reading this, don't despair, ignorance can be dispelled.

Since I took note of your point, I'll try it out on the following quote:

"Cowardice asks the question, 'is it safe?'
Expedience asks the question, 'is it politic?'
Vanity asks the question, 'is it popular?'

But conscience asks the question, 'is it right?'

And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but he must do it because conscience says its right"

- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

[edit on 10-9-2009 by king9072]

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 12:54 AM
This needs to be stickied on ATS forever. Thank you for breaking this out in written form.

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 03:02 AM
That was brilliant King, absolutely brilliant and it serves to bring us together as seekers of truth not to divide us as CTs.

My rebirth here on ATS (it doesn't matter) is to focus on unity.

Keep up the good work and I could not think of a finer quote to use than the one you chose - Bravo!

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 05:13 AM
Well done King.

Bear in mind, that you are venturing into the same territory as Alex Jones did at the very start. Of course you're nothing like him, but keep that in mind.

It may be worth researching this subject - as in the dissemination and dissection of information by Joe Public. You could possibly create a coordination website or movement to actively encourage people to take up this 'viewpoint' on the world. You sound like you are qualified to do so?

I myself am setting up a business around coordinating the 'action' on the ground rather than the intelligence and understanding behind it. But that doesn't mean that nobody needs to do take that side of things on. Have a think about it.

The Para.

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 05:43 AM
The best thread ive read on ats sums up what
ive been thinking for a long time s&f

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 06:12 AM
I agree. It sucks so bad when I bring up ANYTHING controversial or subversive against the government in my history class. The teachers starts cracking jokes and calling me a conspiracy theorist. A lot of the kids decide to make fun of it. I stopped after those experiences... I just wanted to share my ideas.

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