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Alex Jones apologizes for "hoax"

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posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 11:53 PM

Originally posted by A Fortiori
reply to post by ancient_wisdom

Again, was it really not obvious to people that this was a Blair Witch Project?

There are so many intelligent people on here that are angry that they were supposedly bamboozled, and I cannot for the life of me understand why?

The final piece got soooo many people, hundreds of blogs, talking about the "hoax". In talking about the hoax what 9-11 truthers believe is being talked about again, and the fake interview with real information in it is read.

How is this a bad thing? Alex Jones, in a way, may have martyred himself for the greater good.

I agree.. people have to feel like they're a victim of something these days.. let's not in reality talk about all the good the mans done and is doing...because of what he's doing he's a mark on a #load of peoples *gun sights*

I've been involved in the 911 truth movement since 2002... I ride my bike with over 350 bikers every 911 with my 911 was an inside t-shirt on...I've had people in my face spitting and screaming at me... How dare I to even question the official if I was somehow putting down our men and women in the a small way I feel and felt what he goes threw every single day as he's hunted down and ridiculed... There's the ones that do it because they know he's right.. and there's the ones that do it because of lack of education and they'll believe whatever SantaClause throws on their plate! I give kudos to Alex and Charlie and the rest of us 911 truthers that want those people that have murdered millions on a LIE brought to justice!! I praise anyone that thinks for themselves and dares to go outside the box to question, investigate, educate themselves on all matters of importance... instead of praising overpriced sports teams and actors and singers... we need those that will help bring the Untied States back to what it once was... a beacon of hope,justice and the pursuit of happiness!!! and O.. apple pie and harley davidson... and rockRoll... A place where a cup of sugar is always offered, and corporate greed has no place!

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 09:11 AM

Originally posted by 27jd
reply to post by EvolvedMinistry

I really had no clue what point you were trying to make with all the sarcasm and snarky crap in your first post, and it did match perfectly what was said about the "truther" tactic of denigrating anybody who doesn't agree with them completely. Trust me, i'm not in the least bit "sensitive" to it.

Timothy McVeigh did NOT act alone, nor was he the only man convicted, but that has NADA to do with 9/11. Also, you're throwing McVeigh around like it was proven the government helped him bomb the building. The attacks were of a completely different nature, and for half of the wild theories that are perpetuated to have happened, it would take MANY MANY people to maintain the secret. Do you remember Bush's administration as being good at keeping secrets? I don't. Every other day another one jumps ship and comes out with a book, and they all seem to point to it being an administration of baffoons. I believe they ignored the warnings that were plenty, so they could gain public support for their aggressive mid-east policy after the attack, but did not carry it out.

And again, I ask on a purely logical basis, why if they were willing and able go to such incredible lengths and pulled it off, WHY did they not plant WMD's in Iraq as well? That would have been a far easier thing to do, but again, they were baffoons, IMO.

[edit on 10-9-2009 by 27jd]

Sorry you got so upset. However, according to HISTORY (and we all know how history is written) Timothy McVeigh openly admitted that he was the only acting agent who brought down the Oklahoma federal building. Sure, he had a little bit of help from his supposed friend, and it IS a bit strange that not a single FBI agent lost their lives in the debacle. But that is neither here nor there.

But, if we go on the story we are spoon fed, all it took was one man to do the job. My lord they killed him quickly...didn't they???

Now for your query on Iraq. I think the U.S. was counting on the fact that there were still weapons that they had sold Sadaam back before '91 because they admitted repeatedly in 2000 that Sadaam had not leveraged any new weapons. Lord knows that they tried repeatedly to sell disinfo to Fox news about finding weapons, but, the story never truly stuck. Also, I think you're forgetting the vile of supposed "anthrax" that Colin Powell touted around on the MSM as "PROOF" that we needed to invade Iraq to stop their biological weapons program (that seemed planted to me...I don't know about you). It was outright amazing how well a computerized picture and a scaled down map lit with trucks and villages was able to sway the American public into killing thousands. They didn't even have a satellite image to go from.

And you could definitely call them idiots or baffoons if you like, but guess what, the means achieved the end. WE ARE IN IRAQ BECAUSE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE BELIEVED THEIR IDIOCY. So, who's dumber? The government for gaffing this horribly, or the American people for falling for it hook, line, and sinker?

I think you know the answer to that one. The government has not taken anything that we haven't given willingly. Always remember that.

[edit on 11-9-2009 by EvolvedMinistry]

[edit on 11-9-2009 by EvolvedMinistry]

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 09:41 AM

Originally posted by Beefcake
reply to post by EvolvedMinistry

Proving to the masses that what happened on 9/11 in no way resembles the official story not only indicates that we are ruled by criminals but it exposes the tool of tyrants "THE FALSE FLAG."

Exposing false flags to people even if they don't believe 9/11 was one it shifts your way of thinking of things. "hey attack yourself blame an enemy gains support for action against an enemy" It makes so much sense once it enters your consciousness.

If we can nullify the potential for the criminal elite to use false flags and trick us with it the more free we are because we are thinking outside or a controlled paradigm.

I agree they will never admit to 9/11 and never be tried by their peers but if the next time they stage something we think "hey i wonder" then they lose.

Read the comments on the story at Perezhilton this site is massive and he has a ton of support in the comments. Sure there are detractors but people are waking up and this is always good.

Perezhilton Charlie Sheen 9/11 theories

Oh, I agree with you. I hope that you understand that. But here's the problem. Its great to have educated yourself about the "false flag" syndrome that has happened multiple times in our history. Its great to even share this information with like minds who are openly aware and astute. But, all I am seeing here is one head butting against another with neither side willing to give an inch.

You can spread awareness in a more reasonable fashion without creating enemies for yourself. It is quite obvious that this room is divided between truthers and debunkers. The unfortunate thing though is that many of these "truthers," who are on YOUR side, are put off by what Alex did and they feel that his actions have helped to further the agenda against the TRUTH. I don't know whether it was intentional or not, but, I do know that disinfo tends to get under the skin of those who are looking for genuine answers.

So in essence, your arguing against many of the people that would normally side with YOU. And, you are losing the respect of your own constituency by not being more sensitive to why other "Truthers" are questioning Alex's motives.

So, where there used to be a clear side even amongst "Truthers," now that faction of people are being split down the middle in classic Napoleon fashion...DIVIDE AND CONQUER.

Should I point out the many ways that this country refuses to stand as one?

UFO believers/Debunkers
truthers with alex/truthers against alex
health care reform/non health care reform (issue hits both sides effectively)
conspiracy theorists/conventional thinkers
followers of religion/atheists
global economists/domestic economists
black power/white power

If there was ever a world-wide, or even nation wide disaster, we would be so busy fighting ourselves that our enemies wouldn't even get a crack at us before we finished ourselves off...they would just have to clean up the aftermath.

Think about that.

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by EvolvedMinistry
Sorry you got so upset.

I've already stated that i wasn't upset, no need to apologize. I've been on this board long enough to handle sarcasm.

But, if we go on the story we are spoon fed, all it took was one man to do the job.

Was the job really that complicated though? It was a truck bombing, those are carried out by single actors all the time. I will admit, I don't have an opinion one way or the other on the OKC bombing, i havent honestly looked into it all enough to have a truly informed opinion. I'm just saying nothing about it strikes me as overly complicated to carry out.

Now for your query on Iraq. I think the U.S. was counting on the fact that there were still weapons that they had sold Sadaam back before '91 because they admitted repeatedly in 2000 that Sadaam had not leveraged any new weapons.

Counting on that seems like a pretty big hole to leave open, for an administration capable of planting bombs in the towers, and not leaving any solid evidence. I don't know if i've made myself clear enough to you though, i'm NOT a "debunker", i believe the government allowed 9/11 to happen, which in essence makes them just as guilty. I just don't believe it was an inside job, they just intentionally left the door open.

WE ARE IN IRAQ BECAUSE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE BELIEVED THEIR IDIOCY. So, who's dumber? The government for gaffing this horribly, or the American people for falling for it hook, line, and sinker?

Since WHEN do we have ANY real say in what happens? I was well aware that Iraq had NOTHING to do with 9/11, and i was very active on this board at the time so it's all a matter of public record. But, short of armed revolution, what exactly could we have done to stop it? Many made their voices heard in the run up to Iraq, just as we ALL made our voices heard when the government was bailing out their corrupt corporate buddies. This country was NEVER so united as we were during that, and we were almost ALL against it strongly. Where did that get us? They ignored our voices completely, and did what they were gonna do all along, we have no voice in this country.

The government has not taken anything that we haven't given willingly. Always remember that.

No, we were never given a choice. Besides the portions of the country that blindly follow their chosen political parties, we haven't given anything. They took what they wanted, and we were never in any position to stop them, again, short of armed revolution. We have NO real voice in this country, it's already bought and paid for by special interests and big business, that is what i will always remember.

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 11:52 AM
reply to post by 27jd

WE ARE IN IRAQ BECAUSE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE BELIEVED THEIR IDIOCY. So, who's dumber? The government for gaffing this horribly, or the American people for falling for it hook, line, and sinker?

Since WHEN do we have ANY real say in what happens? I was well aware that Iraq had NOTHING to do with 9/11, and i was very active on this board at the time so it's all a matter of public record. But, short of armed revolution, what exactly could we have done to stop it? Many made their voices heard in the run up to Iraq, just as we ALL made our voices heard when the government was bailing out their corrupt corporate buddies. This country was NEVER so united as we were during that, and we were almost ALL against it strongly. Where did that get us? They ignored our voices completely, and did what they were gonna do all along, we have no voice in this country.

The government has not taken anything that we haven't given willingly. Always remember that.

No, we were never given a choice. Besides the portions of the country that blindly follow their chosen political parties, we haven't given anything. They took what they wanted, and we were never in any position to stop them, again, short of armed revolution. We have NO real voice in this country, it's already bought and paid for by special interests and big business, that is what i will always remember.

I couldn't agree with your post more. You put it better than I ever could.

[edit on 9/11/2009 by AlienCarnage]

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by 27jd

Well, I can certainly agree with many of your points. However, the people (our parents before us )who have blindly allowed our government to make irrational choices on our behalf without proper checks and balances since 1947 (installation of the national security act, and the beginning of the C.I.A. from its former entity, the O.S.S.) can easily be blamed.

We openly gave them the power that they have, which is an area that I differ with you. Granted, at this particular stage, you're right. There are no choices left because WE helped create a monster by participating in the monopolistic 2 party system. But, the Government really cannot proceed with a war that is unpopular with the people at large which is the reason they spent so much time and effort in selling the war in the first place. The media pushed it, the government pushed it, until ultimately, blind and eager "PATRIOTS" pushed for it. During that time, as you are well aware, anyone who opposed the war was labeled anti-American. So, ultimately, there was still choice involved up until the point that the "TRUE PATRIOTS" backed off for fear of retribution.

My point is...we helped to create this monster. It wasn't just the greed of the government, it was the apathy of the people. We became less involved in the politics that greatly affect us all and now we're paying the penalty.

[edit on 11-9-2009 by EvolvedMinistry]

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by EvolvedMinistry

100% correct IMHO. But it's easier to blame others than shoulder the blame oneself.

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 02:36 PM
We DID protest the war, we DID make our voices heard. What else could we have done guys? Some of us with the ability even went to Iraq to serve as "human shields", it did no good. The bombs were going to fall regardless. This juggernaut government of ours does whatever it pleases, and they keep people entrenched in the "right" vs. "left" BS in order to keep us from seeing that we're ALL a joke to them. I guess you could say, collectively, that we're all to blame because so many of us play their game. I can personally say that i don't, and you guys probably don't either. As long as we do our best to try and inform others to try and turn the tide, then we're doing everything we possibly can. Whether it's enough or not, i guess time will tell.

[edit on 11-9-2009 by 27jd]

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by 27jd

They don't keep anyone anywhere. It is the people that allowed themselves to be entrenched into left versus right. Sure there is something to be said for manipulation but that doesn't completely remove blame from the manipulatee. Sure a great many people love to complain about how they were "sold a lie" but they often do that to ignore the obvious fact that they are the ones that bought into it. Our ability for avoiding responsibility for our actions is a common human failing.

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 05:43 PM

Originally posted by Watcher-In-The-Shadows
Our ability for avoiding responsibility for our actions is a common human failing.

So, how would you say we could have stopped it? I'm seeing alot of lofty talk about accepting some kind of blanket blame, but i'm not seeing alot of talk on how we as individuals could have changed anything beyond trying to make our voices heard, as we did. Sorry, I won't accept blame for something so completely out of my control. You can say i'm avoiding responsibility all you like. Just like slavery, i won't accept blame or shame for the misdeeds of a government that was hijacked LONG before i was born. What i will do, is stand ready to back up anybody who comes up with a realistic and plausable way for us to change things. And again, i did NOT "buy the lie", and i did not support the actions of the government.

[edit on 11-9-2009 by 27jd]

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 12:11 AM

Originally posted by 27jd
We DID protest the war, we DID make our voices heard. What else could we have done guys? Some of us with the ability even went to Iraq to serve as "human shields", it did no good. The bombs were going to fall regardless. This juggernaut government of ours does whatever it pleases, and they keep people entrenched in the "right" vs. "left" BS in order to keep us from seeing that we're ALL a joke to them. I guess you could say, collectively, that we're all to blame because so many of us play their game. I can personally say that i don't, and you guys probably don't either. As long as we do our best to try and inform others to try and turn the tide, then we're doing everything we possibly can. Whether it's enough or not, i guess time will tell.

[edit on 11-9-2009 by 27jd]

Yes, I agree with pretty much everything that you stated. The biggest point was that we all collectively played into the game that they created. Who knows, maybe at some point people will really start getting the overall clue of how we lost this battle. But, the war has only begun. We'll see how it all plays out.

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 12:13 AM

Originally posted by Watcher-In-The-Shadows
reply to post by 27jd

They don't keep anyone anywhere. It is the people that allowed themselves to be entrenched into left versus right. Sure there is something to be said for manipulation but that doesn't completely remove blame from the manipulatee. Sure a great many people love to complain about how they were "sold a lie" but they often do that to ignore the obvious fact that they are the ones that bought into it. Our ability for avoiding responsibility for our actions is a common human failing.

Beautifully stated. I'm glad that others are seeing the situation for what it truly is. At some point, we will improve our situations.

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 12:20 AM

Originally posted by 27jd

Originally posted by Watcher-In-The-Shadows
Our ability for avoiding responsibility for our actions is a common human failing.

So, how would you say we could have stopped it? I'm seeing alot of lofty talk about accepting some kind of blanket blame, but i'm not seeing alot of talk on how we as individuals could have changed anything beyond trying to make our voices heard, as we did. Sorry, I won't accept blame for something so completely out of my control. You can say i'm avoiding responsibility all you like. Just like slavery, i won't accept blame or shame for the misdeeds of a government that was hijacked LONG before i was born. What i will do, is stand ready to back up anybody who comes up with a realistic and plausable way for us to change things. And again, i did NOT "buy the lie", and i did not support the actions of the government.

[edit on 11-9-2009 by 27jd]

Look at it collectively instead of an individual attack against yourself. This isn't an individual problem, its a sickness of the masses. More people vote for American Idol than they do in presidential elections. (That speaks worlds about our current civilization). More people are diverted because of their material wants, needs and possessions that they simply cannot stomach the idea of losing their daily comforts. We complain far more than we act, and often times, we lose sight of the positive things in our lives and focus strictly on the negative. In all honesty, we live quite well in comparison to the rest of the world.

If we wanted something different, we could have manifested it. We could have made it a reality. The tyrants that reside within government offices are still merely flesh and blood and demonstrate weaknesses everyday. Collectively, we should have already capitalized off of their stupidity, however, we are too entrenched in our own.

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 11:20 AM
reply to post by EvolvedMinistry

I agree with most of what you said as well, but we are at least somewhat aware, and we do what we can to try and heal the masses from the sickness. Rightly or wrongly, I guess i just see people like ourselves who are able to see the manipulation and do our best to help others see, as being somewhat seperate from the masses. I couldn't give a rats @ss about American Idol, and i've voted in every major election since i was eligible (although i often wonder if our votes count at all). I just feel like we are at least trying to be the solution, not the problem.

[edit on 12-9-2009 by 27jd]

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 06:46 PM
reply to post by 27jd

Ah, you speak of solutions. Since when does lambasting people ever help them? Since when does refering to them as sheeple or any of the PLETHORA of derrogatory remarks I have seen and even had applied to me in ignorance, ever help anyone see anything? All it causes is entrenchment and more argument between two factions. It's not about "awakening the sleeping masses" it's about feeling special and above the common man and that's it. Which is one of the things Alex Jones feeds into and cashes in on.

[edit on 12-9-2009 by Watcher-In-The-Shadows]

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by Watcher-In-The-Shadows
Ah, you speak of solutions.

Yeah, and you're not. I asked you a specific question, it seems you've chosen to ignore it. That's fine though, i won't ask again.

Since when does lambasting people ever help them? Since when does refering to them as sheeple or any of the PLETHORA of derrogatory remarks I have seen and even had applied to me in ignorance, ever help anyone see anything?

It doesn't, but i can't tell if you're directing this comment to me. I've never lambasted you, or referred to you as any of those things. I don't use the term "sheeple", and think it's way overused around here. The only people that i would even say fit that description, are the ultra-partisan members who toe their party lines faithfully. But, they still have just as much right to post here as we do, no matter how annoying it is.

It's not about "awakening the sleeping masses" it's about feeling special and above the common man and that's it. Which is one of the things Alex Jones feeds into and cashes in on.

Again, i'm not sure if you're applying that to me, but if you are that would be a very wrong assumption about my character. I never said anything about being "above" or feeling "special". I used the term "somewhat seperate", meaning that we can recognize government manipulation (from both parties), and we can try to shine light on that for others to see. If they choose not to, that's fine too. And i agree with you that Alex Jones isn't genuine, and is in it for the money. I think maybe you have me mistaken for a "truther" who pushes nearly impossible theories and calls everybody who doesn't agree the names you referred to above. That's not me at all though, i believe 9/11 was carried out by muslim terrorists. But i also believe the government had plenty of warnings, and chose to ignore them in order to gain support for their aggressive mid-east/ se asian oil agendas and policies. If you don't agree with that, that's fine. I won't call you a "sheeple".

[edit on 13-9-2009 by 27jd]

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 06:11 PM
reply to post by 27jd

Yeah, and you're not. I asked you a specific question, it seems you've chosen to ignore it. That's fine though, i won't ask again.

The answer should be obvious, I rather thought it was a rhetorical question. There is nothing you can do. Short of mass murder and/or messing with people's minds as in chemical/surgery/hypnosis way at least. And the ends doesn't always justify the means.

It doesn't, but i can't tell if you're directing this comment to me. I've never lambasted you, or referred to you as any of those things. I don't use the term "sheeple", and think it's way overused around here. The only people that i would even say fit that description, are the ultra-partisan members who toe their party lines faithfully. But, they still have just as much right to post here as we do, no matter how annoying it is.
Again, i'm not sure if you're applying that to me, but if you are that would be a very wrong assumption about my character. I never said anything about being "above" or feeling "special". I used the term "somewhat seperate", meaning that we can recognize government manipulation (from both parties), and we can try to shine light on that for others to see. If they choose not to, that's fine too. And i agree with you that Alex Jones isn't genuine, and is in it for the money. I think maybe you have me mistaken for a "truther" who pushes nearly impossible theories and calls everybody who doesn't agree the names you referred to above. That's not me at all though, i believe 9/11 was carried out by muslim terrorists. But i also believe the government had plenty of warnings, and chose to ignore them in order to gain support for their aggressive mid-east/ se asian oil agendas and policies. If you don't agree with that, that's fine. I won't call you a "sheeple".

It was a commentary? If I was talking about you I would have clearly stated I was. And I agree with you on your acessment of what happend on 9/11.

[edit on 13-9-2009 by Watcher-In-The-Shadows]

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 10:26 AM
reply to post by 27jd

People like us should keep our network going so if ever in the future things go to complete crap, we can work together (even across geographic locations) to help each other find solutions. Maybe we'll even find each other. This also includes Watcher in the Shadows. I like the way that both of you think, and it will be needed when things become pertinent.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 09:39 PM

Originally posted by free_spirit_earth
We always knew Alex Jones was a fearmongerer and sensationlist and here is more proof, but having said that this will prick up some peoples ears so they pay attention how long for is another question.

Your right, I didn't listen to him on a every day basis, but believed he was on the truth movement side. watched his videos and listened to some of his talk shows. reading he has done this before I have a different out look on the guy.

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