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Sarah Palin Launches Preemptive Strike - WSJ

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posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 09:28 PM
Sarah Palin launches preemptive strike against ObamaCare infomercial
9/9/2009. Sarah warns against "Poll driven solutions".

Wall Street Journal Op-ed / Sarah Palin

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 09:39 PM
And were supposed to believe that Sarah Palin wrote that. She can't put a coherent sentence together that alone a paragraph or a complete article. Besides the fact it doesn't contain a single you gotcha ,you betcha, wink or kiss.

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 09:40 PM
reply to post by Eurisko2012

I know it won't take long for the Sarah bashing to start so I will stand up for the little firecracker. Not sure what party if any she claims.But it seems to me that she too is tired of the bs.
Ok you can attack now.

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by JBA2848
And were supposed to believe that Sarah Palin wrote that. She can't put a coherent sentence together that alone a paragraph or a complete article. Besides the fact it doesn't contain a single you gotcha ,you betcha, wink or kiss.

haha thats really funny
i would tend to agree with you on that one.

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 09:50 PM

Originally posted by phi1618

Originally posted by JBA2848
And were supposed to believe that Sarah Palin wrote that. She can't put a coherent sentence together that alone a paragraph or a complete article. Besides the fact it doesn't contain a single you gotcha ,you betcha, wink or kiss.

haha thats really funny
i would tend to agree with you on that one.

Doesn't Obama fall to pieces when his teleprompter malfunctions?

Whoever is filling up that teleprompter is running the country.
Obama is just along for the ride. BTW, his time is short. Nov 2012 - Gone.
President Sarah Palin will have to clean up his mess and then solve
the nations problems.

[edit on 8-9-2009 by Eurisko2012]

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 09:50 PM

Originally posted by Grayelf2009
reply to post by Eurisko2012

Ok you can attack now.

I am tired of attacking.

Or even talking about her. If she is what the MAJORITY of Americans want then so be it I say. Until then she is just a pipedream for a few embittered people.

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 09:54 PM
Palin 2012.

Just to cheese off the liberals on this site who hate her so much

Let the biased, sexist, insulting attacks against Palin, begin!

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 09:55 PM
reply to post by JBA2848

You know, it may be that you are actually impressed by her, when you can read something she has written, rather than something that has been bastardized and edited by the MSM, to mould your opinion.


posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 09:58 PM
If she really wanted to make a difference to the people of America she should have stayed in her job as governor of Alaska, which the people of Alaska elected her to do. She quit, she turned her back on them. She was in one of the best positions possible to make a real difference (as governor), now she's just a civvie squawking on the sidelines.

And you betcha a ghost writer penned this op-ed piece for her.

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 09:59 PM
So, Sarah Palin is the next great leader of the Republican Party. Wow. This is the very best they can do. The dems aren't really running any Einsteins either. Isn't it time to start voting third party. It's a shame my fellow citizens have lost the capacity for independent thought. You truly do get the government you deserve.

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 10:06 PM
I'll go ahead and say it. Sarah Palin is an idiot.
Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that the idiot republicans are out in force against Obama. As they say, My enemy's enemy is my friend, right?
But how about when my enemy's enemy defeats my enemy and then becomes my NEW enemy? As has been the case for quite some time in the US political arena.
Will I then turn back to another Democrat in hopes that they can oust the next crooked republican? In the end *I* never win a damned thing. I just lose. Whether I lose my morality by association of having a religious zealot republican at the helm who has no problem in outright and blatant invasion for oil or my personal freedom to a fascist democrat. I'm tired of losing! I want them ALL OUT! Including her.

Nope, I've moved beyond that crap. They are all crooks, and dumbasses. Palin too.
I won't jump on her bandwagon because she wants Obama gone. For that to happen, I would have to magically forget how much of a walking train-wreck she is in regards to everything from religious freedom to geography.
Her ignorance knows no bounds.

Sorry to "bash" her as people predicted would happen, I just can't join you guys on this one.

[edit on 8-9-2009 by JayinAR]

[edit on 8-9-2009 by JayinAR]

[edit on 8-9-2009 by JayinAR]

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 11:16 PM
Sarah Palin Washington Post

Seems this story written by Sarah Palin in the Washington Post has a writing style a little closer to her own. The whole piece is written in one to two sentence paragraphs. Unlike the story in the WSJ.

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 11:28 PM
By the way, I like Ron Paul better...he gets my first vote. I just think that Sarah is more down to earth than most politicians. seems more human. At least trying.....yeah she quit office....she may never hold a political office again....but she's out there fighting. No matter who is in office ,they are not gonna be perfect...are we?

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 11:33 PM

Originally posted by JBA2848
She can't put a coherent sentence together that alone a paragraph or a complete article.

This is a flat out lie.

Palin is quite good at extemporaneous public speaking and there is no reason to believe that she can't write equally well.

As for her regional accent and turns of a phrase, those are usually left out in formal writing by those who know how to write effectively.

Of course, it is likely that she has speech writers helping her, but then doesn't every politician?

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 12:00 AM
reply to post by GradyPhilpott

You mean like Ex Bush speechwriter Matthew Scully who wrote her acceptance speech. That was well known he wrote it and it didn't have by Sarah Palin at the top of it.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 01:56 AM
"Instead of poll-driven "solutions," let's talk about real health-care reform: market-oriented, patient-centered, and result-driven. As the Cato Institute's Michael Cannon and others have argued, such policies include giving all individuals the same tax benefits received by those who get coverage through their employers; providing Medicare recipients with vouchers that allow them to purchase their own coverage; reforming tort laws to potentially save billions each year in wasteful spending; and changing costly state regulations to allow people to buy insurance across state lines. Rather than another top-down government plan, let's give Americans control over their own health care."
-Sarah Palin's Op Ed -WSJ

The writer(Palin, the CATO institutes Michael Cannon,others) has a very good plan, it would be interesting if the oposition (Republicans) would adopt this as an alternative to Obamas plan

CATO is a libertarian organization so its doubtful that the GOP will take this plan as an edict, but the free market has the unique ability to solve many fiscal arguements

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 02:55 AM
Oh really, ... is that what Sarah Palin thinks ????

Who Cares !!!! I'm sure Gary Busey has some colorful thoughts on the subject but I'm not going to post em.

Why should we care what this chick thinks ??? really.

She doesn't even hold an office anymore, let her fade into obscurity never to return from the depths she came.

Her lack of intelligence and common sense has already been displayed plenty, its a little to late for redemption.

and no I'm not liberal, or this, or that, ... just someone tired of the political bs.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 06:07 AM
reply to post by JBA2848

Instead of focusing on her writing style, why not concentrate on what she has written?

Seems to me she is right on the money. Both Obamacare and Cap and Trade are abominations.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 06:37 AM
reply to post by Eurisko2012

Sarah needs to go back home where she belongs.

She quit her job and then goes on to criticize the way other people do theres? Oh the irony!

Sarah, you F'ed up. Sorry but your 30 minutes are over.


President Sarah Palin will have to clean up his mess and then solve the nations problems.

And again what reason do you have to believe she will be President?
I gotta here this one, hopefully you won't ignore the question.

[edit on 9/9/2009 by Uniceft17]

[edit on 9/9/2009 by Uniceft17]

[edit on 9/9/2009 by Uniceft17]

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 06:39 AM

Originally posted by Eurisko2012
Sarah Palin launches preemptive strike against ObamaCare infomercial
9/9/2009. Sarah warns against "Poll driven solutions".

Wall Street Journal Op-ed / Sarah Palin

I don't want my next statement to be taken that I'm for the healthcare bill, but I'd just like to point out that this is one instance where we ought to pay attention to Palin. After all - she's living proof "poll-driven solutions" can be total, embarrassing failures.

She knows first hand. She's just too stupid to realize why she knows.

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