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Alex Jones Has Finally Lost It--His Credibility And Damaged Ours

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posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord
The original, unaltered posting on has been captured and is saved here: alex-jones-charlie-sheen-hoax.html

Thanks to ATS member getreadyalready for having the presence of mind to keep the original page open for posterity.

How many members here will agree that this should be a sticky until Alex himself apologizes or comes up with the goods??

The ORIGINAL page must be kept for ALL TO SEE.

Alex has some explaining to do.

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by schrodingers dog

Dog you make good points.

I think what AJ was trying to do is linked to the results of the Obama
Joker poster, ie. rage got it on the front page.

If AJ can get enough ppl angry at the fake interview then it will end
up front page and get more coverage for the key points that
have been ignored about 9-11.

If that is his root goal to get the "key numbered points" in the interview
seen by millions more around the world, then I think he is willing to
take the abuse over it.

AJ is already considered nuts by a lot of ppl, but he does give off
some good info from time to time.

His info about the Bilderberg meetings alone made me realize that
things are a lot closer to a NWO than most ppl knew.

Our own politicians meeting in violation of the Logan Act with no
press allowed.

Good deeds are done in the light of day.

We have seen what deeds have come to pass these past several years.

He has seen a lot of abuse over many other of his stories.

Some came true, some did not.

It's like Zeitgiest, it said they would go after Chavez, and they
did try to do that. So far it has not worked out for him.

They will in time take Chavez down and seize the oil there.

Good Luck to you all !

[edit on 8-9-2009 by Ex_MislTech]

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 12:37 PM
I haven't been this excited since Geraldo (and his mustache) opened that mobster tomb. Just sayin'.

[edit on 8-9-2009 by pluckynoonez]

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

So, what this amounts to is a celebrity has written up facts that we already know, and sent it in the form of a letter to President Obama. Meanwhile, the same celebrity posts a false transcript of an alleged interview with Obama that includes statements from Obama designed to make him (unfairly) look like a jerk.

Now Jones claims this is a publicity stunt designed to get people to pay attention to the facts of the WTC attack. From the beginning, I couldn't believe this was going to result in Obama being the good guy. Jones has written a book about how Obama is evil, so why would he expect us to believe that Obama was going to do anything that is on the side of good? It would discredit his books and make him look like a joke.

Jones has completely undermined the efforts of the truth movement. I believe he's a disinformation agent who's done this to discredit conspiracy theorists and gain more trust for Obama.

The problem is, all of the information Charlie Sheen has is valid. How sad that this happened.

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 12:39 PM
Lets all call him when he opens up the phone. 1800-259-9231. I'm tired of this crap. He said it would make national news. Lets see how many national news stories it actually makes it too.

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 12:39 PM
The thing I have to wonder is, who here really lost their credibility. in my (admittedly odd) point of view, it wasn't Alex Jones, it was the people who blindly reposted his news without doing any basic fact checking, 3rd party confirmation or whatnot. To me, those venues are the ones who lost credibility in my eyes. Alex Jones (first I've heard the name actually) just facilitated it.

Now I'm picking up from the thread that this guy isn't all that popular. Could it be this was some low level revenge plot that worked? Maybe proving some point he has yet to reveal?

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by talisman

It is funny that ppl want to hold AJ to a higher standard than our
government, ROFLMAO.

So much crying.

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by CoffinFeeder

The problem is that for a lot of folk that just watch msm news (and there is a lot of them) Alex Goodchild Jones was the face of conspiracy theorists.

So in that sense this makes us ALL look bad.

Perhaps that was his intention all along ...

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 12:43 PM

Everyone, Just turn HIM OFF. Forget him. If he is going to be deceptive, then he can go to hell.

9/11 Truth is Serious and If he doesn't take it seriously, then he can go straight to the Hell he preaches about, he doesn't even have to pass Go. Just go straight there.

It sounds like he isn't going to Apologize nor is he going to explain why the Original had no disclaimer.

He is a Disinfo Agent in My Mind, Seeded to Make All of Us look like crackpots or liars.

I will only take back what I have said, after he reall offers a Heartfelt Apology or Comes up with the goods.

But his reputation is completely SHOT even amongst many of the faithful.

[edit on 8-9-2009 by talisman]

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by TarzanBeta
I bet a conspiracy theorist psychologist would have field day with this thread.

Isn't it common sense by now that whatever our first reaction is, we should internally debate it before we lose it? And then, we should debate the second opinion because it is trying to discredit the first?

Even beyond that, it is a fact of society that things do not get done by simply saying, "Do this and that." In fact, most people, and I would go so far as to say that people who post on ATS are not exempt -people do not do their jobs well, are selfish, 'take care of numero uno', and beyond that, want a reason for everything that suits only their selves!

Now, by they, I mean "we". Although, I pride myself in doing the best and most honest job I can. But then, I have pride.

Regardless, anyone with intelligence should realize that Alex Jones is experienced enough by now to know the consequences and is fully ready to accept them... and funnily enough, it will go as he expects.

So let's get to the root of it all -- Why does he WANT the result that is inevitable? Who or what profits?

Attention is precious, whether it be gold or oil.

Thats it in a nutshell. He's not stupid. This will either ruin him for a purpose, or something bigger. He's been in the game a long while and we all know something is up, but "NO-ONE" knows what.

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

S&F for you! You are sooo correct. The article had NO disclaimer for at least 90 minutes. He figured MSM would pick it up - they didn't.

Let's face it...AJ sold his soul for Charlie Sheen's friendship. Such a small price he received for his honor. To rub shoulders with Charlie Sheen. Where is the truth, honor and respect for his supporters. To then request that his supporters further the fraud for him is unbelievable.

AJ has his head in the clouds. 9-11 truthers will now have to endure the shame of AJ's deceitfullness. Shame on him!

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 12:56 PM
Part of me is disappointed that, once again, the MSM will be able to rearm themselves against conspiracy theorists and make all of us look bad.

Another part of me feels vindicated that for the forseeable future Alex Jones has been exposed as a money-grubbing fraudster that sacrifices truth for sensationalism.

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by IndigoGypsy
reply to post by tothetenthpower

Jones has completely undermined the efforts of the truth movement. I believe he's a disinformation agent who's done this to discredit conspiracy theorists and gain more trust for Obama.

It's not the only one he did lately. I know some don't like Glenn Beck, but he put lot's of pressure on Van Jones and the Apollo Alliance the last several weeks and got him to quit. Why the hell would A.J. waste the time and space to attack Glenn Beck? They might not like each other, but they are trying to do some of the same things.
It just makes no sence at all.

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 12:57 PM
This whole fiasco is very troubling. Why would Jones try and pass this interview off as news in the days leading to September 8th and "his big announcement." This letter and interview is a joke. Of all people, Charlie Sheen? This is one of the biggest media deceptions I have ever seen.

Mr. Jones is a disinfo agent and this proves it. This is a mockery of the Truth Movement and his listeners. I will not defend his actions on this one. A blatant lie, and passing it off as news! This ought to be the nail in the coffin for Alex Jone's career. Wouldn't it have been more appropriate for Mr. Sheen to voice his concerns, as in an editorial published on Jone's site, not a mock transcript of an interview between Charlie Sheen and President Obama and packaging it as news? Boycott his show and his videos, and hopefully, it will encourage him to apologize for this outrage!

[edit on 8-9-2009 by Jakes51]

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 12:57 PM
I'm stunned. This hoax is a perfect example of "The ends justify the means." How could Jones possibly believe that a hyped-up lie like this will help bring out the truth? This is one of the worst public relations blunders I have ever seen. The Powers That Be could not have done a better job of discrediting Alex Jones and his followers than Jones has done with this pitiful hoax.

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 12:58 PM
Stupid move. This is horrible. I thought it was going to be something better. He hyped it way too much and it's not even better than Ron Paul on the show.

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by Ex_MislTech
I think what AJ was trying to do is linked to the results of the Obama
Joker poster, ie. rage got it on the front page.

If AJ can get enough ppl angry at the fake interview then it will end
up front page and get more coverage for the key points that
have been ignored about 9-11.

If that was his hope, I think he failed. There are already too many people being conditioned to automatically disregard anyone questioning the official story fo 9/11. Not that it was believable that Sheen got an interview and those words would have transpired, but a stunt like this only gets rational people to think "See, those crazy truther nuts just make up fake stuff all the time. They are in their own little world." Glen Beck seems to have that as one of his sideline agendas now.

I never followed or was a fan of this guy, but I liked the idea that there were people asking questions and going agaisnt their perceived injustices. This pushed me even farther from listening or reading anything from this guy. Not only was it not true, but as has been said, it's a waste of time, what little I was affording the guy to start with.

[edit on 8-9-2009 by Wolf321]

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 12:59 PM
Soooo they had to shut down the comment section due to "Bandwidth"...? Dont make me laugh harder than i already am at you Alex. I know you know that your (EX) Listeners (including myself) were posting about how angry they are at this stupidity. Im going to listen to the rest of the show just to hear all the callers give him lip. But ofcourse he will cut them off and start making up excuses calling them all sorts of names and saying they are working for the government As other people said, This is going to hurt the movement in all different ways INCLUDING the RON PAUL REVOLUTION movement. Sad...just very very sad.

The original,non edited version of the FIRST story without the disclaimer is the link below

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 01:01 PM

Originally posted by tothetenthpower

Alex Jones should NOT represent our movement.

Any Thoughts ATS?


[edit on 9/8/2009 by tothetenthpower]

Well, I tried to warn you all (everyone on ATS) about Alex Jones and the so-called "9/11 truth movement" last year in one of my threads.

Last year, I posted a theory about 9/11, but I kept getting blasted by members of the "9/11 truth movement", who told me that I should "stick to the original story", and that I was trying to "discredit" Alex Jones and I was trying to "spread disinformation." They said that the 9/11 truth movement only suffers when there is more than one 9/11 conspiracy theory out there.

I countered and said that if people like Alex Jones are trying to limit the number of 9/11 conspiracy theories floating around there, and try to make other 9/11 conspiracy theorists look like "nut cases", then that is a HUGE RED FLAG about the REAL intentions of Alex Jones. I warned people that people like Alex Jones are not about seeking the truth, but rather something else. Those who truly seek the truth do not try to discredit others out there who put forth theories that are different than their own.

So, now tell much credibility does Alex Jones have now? Tell me...who is spreading disinformation now?

Go back to my theory about 9/11 I posted last December, if you don't believe me. It's all there. I'm not saying my theory is right...I'm just saying, if you look on my thread, I TRIED to warn you guys about Alex Jones and the "9/11 truth movement". They were not so much about finding the truth, as they were about "seemingly" trying to expose and resist the government.

Now that his credibility is do you guys feel now, about trashing all the other conspiracy theorists out there who were trying to post alternative theories about 9/11?

Last year, I had my suspicious that there was something not kosher with Alex Jones's and the 9/11 truth movement's intentions. All he did was effectively rally people behind him, make it look like he was 'anti-government" but at the same time prevent other conspiracy theoriests from getting their theories accepted, by getting his "followers" to trash their credibility. Then, after he got a lot of followers, made a big name for himself, and effectively eliminated ALL OTHER competing theories....he trashed his own credibility. Why?

Two theories:
1. He's not thinking clearly and his judgement is impaired. Maybe he's having a nervous breakdown...or maybe he's just filled with so much hate for the government that he has lost his ability to think rationally and consider other possibilities.

2. Maybe he's a government or a CIA plant, who was sent in to rally the 9/11 truthers, then destroy their credibility and destroy the "movement" from within.

Personally, I think Alex Jones is a government plant. Ok, I can't prove it...but that was my hunch last year, and it is now still one of my hunches.

Think I'm wrong? Think about this. Van Jones just got canned /resigned because he signed a petition about 9/11. Then two days later, Alex Jones pulls this stunt and ruins his own credibility. Coincidence? I think not.

I think the game plan was this:
Hey, Alex, we want to send in someone who seems to be anti-government and looks like they know what they're talking about. Are you up for the job? Here is your mission:
1. Find as many people as you can who think that the 9/11 official story isn't true, and get them to rally behind you.
2. Make the government look like the bad guy, and also make sure you do everything in your power to "discredit" others who bring forth other theories about 9/11 (ie Dr. Judy Wood and others)
3. Then when you finally have ONE big, united group following you, and firmly behind ONE theory and one theory the right time...we'll let you know when....discredit yourself.
4. Once you are discredited, the whole 9/11 truth movement will fall apart, because you were the loudest and the first to speak out...and you also effectively eliminated anyone who wanted to present alternative theories.

And worked like a charm. Now everyone on talk radios are talking about how the 9/11 truth movement is full of "wackos" and people with no credibility.

Well, congratulations, everyone. The 9/11 "truth movement" was corrupted from within. I actually predicted this in one of my threads last year, when I posted my theory about 9/11, but nobody listened to me.

People accused ME of spreading dis-information! Ha! Take a look at what Alex Jones did today. Now WHO is spreading disinformation???

I think Alex Jones was chosen years ago. He was an expert...he fooled almost everyone. Except those of us who dared to look a little deeper and say "Hey, this 9/11 truth movement isn't about finding the's about looking like you want to bring down the government."

But nobody listened to me and the few others on here....

Congrats, everyone. You just got psy-opsed.

edit to add: If Alex Jones is a psy-ops plant (I have no proof, just a theory), but IF he is, then his timing was PERFECT. Not just about the timing with Van Jones, but also think about this:

Many of us instinctively know, or feel, that something BIG is about to happen. Maybe another attack, maybe a false flag, maybe something big. The web bots predict it. Time wave zero predicts it. How perfect is it that the "9/11 truth movement" would be discredited (from within) right about now??

Something didn't smell right about the "9/11 truth movement" from the start. I think it was all a big psy-ops game, with the ultimate intention to bring down the movement later on. Isn't this how the CIA works?

P.P.S This is what happens when people don't think for themselves, and let one person speak for so many others. Alex Jones seemed to be willing to get up there and speak out....perfect, the 9/11 movement seemed to have a willing spokesman. But what so many people didn't notice, is that he was also instructing his "followers" to "discredit those" who were presenting theories that were different than his own. This should have been a huge red flag to everyone, but only a few of us noticed it.

[edit on 8-9-2009 by nikiano]

[edit on 8-9-2009 by nikiano]

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 01:01 PM
Are y'all serious? Okay so he gets a big name celebrity to put together an amazing survey for the President, post a guesstimated interview in hopes of getting it in the headlines so that millions would see it and then he puts a disclaimer that it's what they want to ask the President so that everyone who saw it is on board to ask the President these questions. 90 minutes might seem long to a conspiracy forum but come on. Plus I bet his "biggest news ever" will make up for it.

Since when is attempting to ask the President some of the most important questions of our lifetime a sign of lost credibility?

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