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Canada plans mock IED attacks in Washington, D.C.

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posted on Sep, 7 2009 @ 03:13 PM

Canadian authorities plan to build a sham Afghan village in Washington, D.C., then attack it with IEDs and fake Taliban fighters, in an effort to illustrate what it's like to be a Canadian soldier deployed to the country.

On Sept. 23 and 24, during a two-day military conference, the Canadian embassy will set up the dramatic assault on its courtyard. The demonstration will include armed soldiers and explosive displays, with U.S. generals and members of the U.S. Congress expected to be looking on.

Globe and Mail writer Paul Koring reported: "'If this works the way I want it to, more Americans will know what Canada is doing in Afghanistan,' said Lieutenant-Colonel Douglas Martin, a military attaché at the Canadian embassy."

Koring added: "Whether they will send jumpy tourists and Washingtonians on Pennsylvania Avenue fleeing in fear remains unknown, but embassy officials say they have a green light from the Secret Service, the State Department and the D.C. fire marshal."

Canadian officials also said they hope U.S. Marines will take place in the dramatic rendition, which will see them attacked by explosives as they arrive in the mock village.

The Canadian embassy is located between the White House and U.S. Capitol. Col. Martin also added that the explosions will "absolutely" be heard on Pennsylvania avenue, where the president lives.

"Hmm..." begins Joshua Keating at Foreign Policy magazine. "[Loud] explosions on Pennsylvania Avenue with armed soldiers and 'Afghans' running around. What could possibly go wrong?"

"That Air Force One Manhattan flyover doesn't seem quite so bad anymore," he added.

"It is difficult to imagine, regardless of however much effort the Canadian Embassy eventually puts into warning the public that this is merely a simulation – and we should note that so far, there's been almost none – that tourists and D.C. residents alike in the area will not be shaken up by this," noted Washington blog dcist.

Well... "[Loud] explosions on Pennsylvania Avenue with armed soldiers and 'Afghans' running around. What could possibly go wrong?"
Indeed, what could go wrong? haha
Wow, this should be interesting.

Possible false flag?

posted on Sep, 7 2009 @ 03:44 PM
Thanks Warren,

Yes, I knew this was going to take place, but I have to say it is all very suspicious. I mean weren't they running some mock exercise right before 9/11? Didn't we need military to respond, to secure skies immediately? Weren't they all or most on the west coast in some training exercise?

My facts may be a little sketchy, but the point is the people we needed right away, had been conveniently "busy". I could draw the same conclusions regarding the CIA not being in the area.

Highly suspicious!!


posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 08:04 AM
reply to post by warrenb

More sources and info on this

seems like an odd thing to do in DC

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 08:13 AM
Extremely strange. Or I should say, if this doesn't wind up as a fals flag, I'll drink toilet water.

Why DC? Why now, when the US is on the verge of ripping itself apart?

This is the 21st century - Can't canada build this 'mockup' in canada, and US officials watch via monitor with a few of thier assistants there to observe?

Stinks. All of it.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 08:20 AM

Originally posted by orderedchaos
Extremely strange. Or I should say, if this doesn't wind up as a fals flag, I'll drink toilet water.
Why DC? Why now, when the US is on the verge of ripping itself apart?

This is the 21st century - Can't canada build this 'mockup' in canada, and US officials watch via monitor with a few of thier assistants there to observe?
Stinks. All of it.

Well, for my part, I promise to do my best to ensure that we don't burn down the White House again.

On a more serious note, while it's important for the U.S. to get some perspective of our role in A-stan, this idea sounds kinda lame. Blame Steve.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 08:27 AM
reply to post by warrenb

UMMMMM so sorry but if the Canadians want to illustrate what it is like to be one of them in battle why don't they do it at HOME?

Canadian authorities plan to build a sham Afghan village in Washington, D.C., then attack it with IEDs and fake Taliban fighters, in an effort to illustrate what it's like to be a Canadian soldier deployed to the country.

Why in gawds name do it here? In the middle of the most heavily secured place in this country no less? Have they been forbidden to do it at home? and further Why do we here in America need to understand what they to are going through when we already know the story from OUR OWN men and women in the armed forces?
No offense but if Canada wants to make a big showy display of "loud" blasts and scare the crap out of people they need to GO HOME and DO IT THERE!
We have enough problems around this country right now to deal with, we don't need them hiking up the ante with this idiotic show. One that no doubt will cause a mass panic among the people. Those people who have no idea it is going to happen. (There is always people out there who have no idea what is going on no matter how much you try and publicize it.)

This is a very very bad idea no matter how you look at it. If they truly want to do something like this it needs to be done on a base. In a setting that can be controlled and not on public streets. Streets where you just KNOW someone who doesn't know what is going on, is going to freak out over.
Do it on a base and put it on TV in a prime time slot! If they want that kind of publicity they should go home and do it.Not do it here and cause panic among our people.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 08:32 AM
Oh I see where this one is going. Canada stages Afghan war games in DC some sort of bad thing will happen(insert conspiracy here, Nuke, plains, trains automobile bombing........)US points finger at Canada declares war takes over our beautiful pristine glorious country and rapes it for all its natural resources. Seems a strange thing to do but the policy makers are the ones that need to see what really goes on in war.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 08:37 AM
reply to post by xoxo stacie

I'm sure that your government had no say in where this display was to take place? So i wouldn't be so hasty to hold the Canadians fully responsible, I think the whole point to this exercise is to make Americans more aware of OUR role in the fight against "terrorism"
Though this has all the hallmarks of a disaster waiting to happen im just glad its in your country and not mine

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 08:41 AM

Originally posted by Steilhe
reply to post by xoxo stacie

I'm sure that your government had no say in where this display was to take place? So i wouldn't be so hasty to hold the Canadians fully responsible,

You don't think that Steve flexed a little muscle in Washington, and they raced to do his bidding? Steve can look pretty stern, you'll recall. It ain't all fireplaces and sweaters, eh?

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 08:47 AM
LOL yea Steve-o can be quite scary but only because hes running the country.

He probably brought a case of our finest maple syrup to sweeten the deal

Or maybe he brought some REAL beer from up north and got Obama hammered then cut the deal.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 08:50 AM
Thats scary. A mock scenario was being run on Sept. 11, 2001 here in the U.S. And another mock scenario was run on 7/7 (I don't remember the year) in the London Tube. Is it a coincidence that terrorists and intelligence agencies were both operating on those fateful days?

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 10:54 AM
This is bad idea # 2,387
It also has the smell of bs all over it and falls into the time line of the soldier warning. Thanks for the updates warrenb s&f

edit spell

[edit on 9/9/2009 by Grayelf2009]

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 10:57 AM
This actually may be Canada's best shot to take over the US.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by Mak Manto
This actually may be Canada's best shot to take over the US.

With all due respect...we are still dealing with having taken over New France (north). No thanks.

(Mais, j'aime Quebec)

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 11:30 AM
Wonder if there will be any friendly fire incidents in this mock exercise? Or how about Soldiers "accidently" killing Afghans? Wonder if any of those fake Taliban fighters will manage to kill any Canadian Soldiers?

I mean, it should show us what really happens there, lol.

[edit on 9-9-2009 by JasonT]

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 12:29 PM
You can find other opinions and info here....

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by xoxo stacie

maaaaaybe you didnt pick up on this from the article or simply are unaware of this fact but the exercise is taking place at the Canadian Embassy.

Which means that this is technically on Canadian soil.

Which means you technically have no reason to get all uppity over us Canadians doing this on your precious land.

In any event who knows how this will attract the desired attention from the American populace.
I mean, if it isnt being held as some sort of talent competition with a panel of washed-up brain-dead celebrities ranking how well the Canadians are performing in the scenario, how can we trust that anyone in the U.S. will pay any attention?

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 06:17 PM

Originally posted by kidney thief
I mean, if it isnt being held as some sort of talent competition with a panel of washed-up brain-dead celebrities ranking how well the Canadians are performing in the scenario, how can we trust that anyone in the U.S. will pay any attention?

As long as Jack Bauer is on our side (and he is) we'll do just fine. Don't ya'll worry one little bit.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 07:25 PM
At the very least, if things go tits up . . . we can always

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 07:43 PM
If anyone has been to the Canadian Embassy, or seen pictures of it, they would know how ridiculous this is. It is a stone's throw from the White House, not tucked away like many of the other embassies. If I recall correctly, it doesn't have much area around it, because it backs up to the Mall on one side, Pennsylvania Ave. being in front. Tourists will think the embassy is under attack, unless they put up screens all around.

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