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Wild Edibles

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posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 09:49 PM
This info is provided for the survivalist who may not have the luxury of preparing a stash of food before a sit x. Or to add dietary variety for those who have. There are many wild edible plants but not all wild edibles are created equal. Some can be eaten right out of the ground with no more preparation than brushing the dirt off with your hand. Others are not so forgiving and will kill you dead if you don't boil them at least once. Some are high in oil content which may prove life-saving in a harsh environment or temperature. Some of the "poisonous" acids and oils are actually medicinal in small doses.

Many wild plants have been used medicinally but can be eaten as food stuffs as well. Moderation is the key to eating foraged foods. In other words, you don't want to make a meal of just chicory or dandelion. You want just enough to flavor a salad but not enough to give you diarrhea. Most wild edibles are surprisingly nutritious and you won't need to eat as large a serving as you would if you were to dine on the lifeless and limp fare served in today's modern eateries.

Entire tomes have been written on the subject of wild edibles so I'm going to keep it as short and sweet as possible. Pictures of all species can be found online easily by typing in the name of the plant. Before you eat anything you didn't buy in a grocery store, please take the time to identify it properly. There are also wild food recipes and I'll get around to presenting those at a later date.

Waterways Plants:

All plants found in, on or near waterways should be thoroughly washed and COOKED to prevent parasites and other undesirable side effects.

KELP: Grows along coastlines all over the world. Rich in vitamins and minerals. Very fast growing, sometimes as much as 2 feet per day. High in iodine and can be used as a salt substitute. Used when dried, not fresh. Contains goodly amounts of vitamins A,C,D,E,B1 and B2. Contains minerals iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium and phosphorous.

CATTAILS: Grows in ponds, marshlands, swampy areas. They look like hot dogs on a stick. Shoots are edible raw or cooked. High in protein. Pollen is high in starch and can be used as "flour". The flower spike can be eaten like corn on the cob. Cattails are a good indicator of a water source. The leaves can be used for weaving material. The inner "fluff" can be used for tinder, pillow stuffing, or insulation. When burned, dried cattail makes for a good insect repellent.

LOTUS: Grows in ponds. All parts of the plant are edible and nutritious. High in protein, carbohydrates and dietary fiber. They are a good source of Vitamins B, C and minerals potassium, calcium, phosphorous, manganese. The underwater parts are high in starch and can be eaten baked or boiled. Eat the young leaves boiled. Seeds can be eaten raw (in small amounts) or made into a flour.

MARSH MARIGOLD: As the name implies, they grow in streams and marshes. All parts are edible if BOILED. Poisonous if eaten raw. Eat the leaves as a cooked vegetable and the flower buds can be pickled and used as a substitute for capers. They are not particularly delicious after all that boiling but still nutritious.

WATER LILLY: Big, triangle shaped leaves on the surface of water (ponds). The whole plant is edible. Flowers, seeds, rhizomes can be eaten either raw (in small amounts-not particularly recommended) or cooked. Seeds and the dried rhizomes can be made into flour or roasted to add to soups, salads or as a snack. Water lillies have a good starch and carbohydrate content, some vitamins and trace minerals as well.

WATER PLANTAIN: Grows in fresh water (lakes, ponds, ditches). It may be a legally protected plant in the U.K. Bitter if raw but the root stalks have a good amount of starch if you're in need of such.

WATER SORREL: Rapidly spreading plant that grows near water. Excellent source of vitamins C, B9 and carotenoids (precursor to vitamin A). High in iron, magnesium, calcium. Like most water plants it must be boiled to prevent poisoning- oxalic acid in this case and the reason for its acidic taste. You can eat the leaves raw in small amounts but it's less bitter if boiled. Toss the water from the first boiling then boil again and toss the second water as well. Sorrel tastes good with fish or with white meats.

ARROWHEADS: Grows in ponds and bogs. Roots can be eaten like roasted potatoes. They are bitter when raw but sweet when cooked. Tubers can be dried and ground for gluten or flour. They are high in starch. Tubers will keep in storage for several months if left unwashed. (I have no idea why that is). The leaves and stems are eaten cooked. They're fun to gather since you wade into the water barefoot and nudge them loose with your toes.

Part 2 of edible plants will continue with "waste areas". Don't be alarmed. Waste areas are usually a description for peoples back yards, not dumpsters in alleys.

posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 09:52 PM
"Waste Areas" Plants:

Most plants in this category are considered weeds which is just a plant that doesn't grow in rows. After years of mixed results with personal gardening efforts, I came to appreciate the lowly weed. You don't have to buy the seeds, plant them, water them, tend to them in any way, and still they won't go away. Survival of the fittest, baby!

AMARANTH: All parts are edible. Can be eaten raw, boiled, ground into flour or popped like corn. Used to make cereals, breads or porridge. Extremely nutritious. Nutritional information:'s-Nutritional-Content/. One of the species is even impervious to Monsanto's "Roundup" pesticide. Gotta love it for that reason if nothing else. Seeds are very small so you can carry a film canister of them and have enough to plant a very large area. Their very high yield alone makes them an important crop.

BLACKBERRY/RASPBERRY: Grows in open fields, along fences in temperate zones. Excellent source of antioxidants and dietary fiber. High in vitamins A, C as well as calcium. Seeds are high in polyunsaturated fat. Berries are edible raw or cooked. It's thorny vines make a natural perimeter defense. It attracts birds (which are also edible). Makes a tasty wine. The powdered bark is used for toothaches. A tea made from the leaves aids digestion.

BURDOCK: Grows in fields, waste areas, temperate regions. Leafstalks can be eaten raw or cooked as a green vegetable. Roots can be baked or boiled. Fibers from the stalk can be used for cordage. Very medicinal and nutritious.

CHICKWEED: Grows on lawns,and in partial sun. High in vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, potassium and iron. Tasty in salads, teas, pestos. Can be cooked and eaten as a vegetable.

CHICORY: Grows on roadsides, wastelands, fields. All parts are edible. New leaves can be added to salads or boiled as a side dish. Roots can be cooked as a vegetable or roasted and ground for use as a coffee substitute. Provides vitamins and minerals.

DANDELIONS: A pervasive "weed" that grows in temperate climates in pastures, meadows, waste grounds and backyards (despite your best efforts to prevent it). All parts are edible. Leaves are good raw or cooked. Roots can be served like a vegetable or roasted and ground for a coffee substitute. Flowers can be made into fritters. Dandelions are high in vitamins A, C as well as calcium. Makes a dandy (lion) wine.
I've heard that the milky fluid in the stem can be used to make a glue but I don't know how to do it.

FOX TAIL GRASS: Grows in open areas and can be dangerous to pets as the seed heads "work" their way into internal organs. The grains can be eaten raw but are sort of bitter unless boiled. They are high in protein and have a sweet taste (boiled). Used to make cereals, porridge, breads, soups. Like all grain, it can be fermented to make a Saturday night stupor.

HAZELNUT: (or filberts) Grows in open areas and along streams. Like most nuts, it has a high oil content. Kernels can be eaten raw, roasted or added to soups or breads.
Nutritional content of hazelnuts:

OAK: All parts are edible but you need to leech out the tannin acid to prevent kidney problems. Nuts can be eaten boiled or dried (after boiling) and made into flour. Tannin acid that you boiled out can be used to tan hides. The pulpy fibers can be used for weaving mats and such. Acorns are rich in protein, carbohydrates, fats and essential vitamins and minerals. Helps to regulate blood sugar.

PLANTAIN: Grown in more tropical climates but if kept from freezes and high winds can be grown anywhere warm. They are like bananas and can be used in the same ways. The young leaves can be eaten raw but older leaves should be cooked. Seeds can be eaten raw or roasted.

POKEWEED: Grows in clearings, woodland margins and roadsides. Young leaves and stems can be cooked (twice) and eaten like spinach. Fruits must be cooked. POISON if raw. The berries are also used to make an ink or dye. The roots have the highest concentration of poison so I don't bother with them. Don't cook anything else in the same water that was used to boil poke. I have a healthy respect for plants that can kill you and this is one of them. That said, I've been eating it for years as have many people and am none the worse for wear. Culinary indiscretion is not wise so proper preparation is essential.

PURSLANE: I like purslane. It's drought resistant, grows in poor soils and all parts are edible raw, boiled, stir fried or fresh in a salad. It can be used to thicken soups and the seeds can be made into a flour or eaten raw. Purslane is high in vitamins, minerals, omega 3 fatty acids and antioxidants. Pretty impressive for a "weed".

SHEEP SORREL: Grows in lawns, gardens, meadows, grassy slopes. Stems are usually reddish. Can be eaten raw or cooked but cooked is the preferred method if eating in quantity due to the oxalic acid content which is destroyed by heat. The leaves are used as a flavoring in soup and sauces, as a salad and as a cooked vegetable.

WILD ONION/GARLIC: Grows in fields, meadows, lawns. The more onion-like (or garlic-like) it smells, the higher the nutritional benefit. Anything that looks like an onion or a garlic but lacks the smell is NOT an onion or a garlic-it is death in disguise. If you're willing to have onion smell exuding from your pores, eating large amounts of onion will serve as a natural insect repellent. I think everyone knows the various ways to eat onion and garlic. Bulbs and leaves can be eaten raw or cooked. Nutritional content of onions can be found at the following site:

WILD ROSE: Grows in open places, fields, meadows. High antioxidant value. flowers and buds can be eaten raw or boiled. Young leaves made into tea. Rose hips are God's answer to codex alimentarius. They can be made into a meal flour, have 8 times more lycopene than tomatoes, 8 times more calcium than the same amount of milk, 7 times more vitamin C than orange juice and 2 times as much iron as spinach. Rich in vitamins.

WILD SORREL: Grows in open woodlands, partly sunny areas and grasslands. Edible if cooked. Contains that pesky oxalic acid which is poisonous unless deactivated with heat. Leaves, flowers and bulbs are edible. Leaves can be used for salads, teas, "lemonade". It's oxalic acid content is relatively low so it can be eaten raw or lightly cooked. Seeds make a nice snack or trail mix addition when roasted. It is high in vitamin C.

Part 3 of edible plants pertains to tropical plants and are included because many types have been introduced to non-tropical environments and shown to thrive.

[edit on 5-9-2009 by whitewave]

posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 09:54 PM
Tropical Edibles:

ACACIA: Grows in parts of Australia, Africa, Asia and Americas. They are fast growing, produce large yields and will grow even in poor soils. The young leaves, flowers, and pods are eaten raw or cooked. Seeds when roasted and ground are used to flavor sauces, make breads and pastas. The seeds are a good source of protein, fat and carbohydrates.

ARROWROOT: Grows in parts of Australia, Asia, Africa and Florida (in muddy areas). Roots are very high in starch and, after proper preparation, are used to thicken soups, gravies, puddings, jellies and sauces. It is also used in conjunction with grain flours for making noodles or biscuits. To prepare arrowroot: Wash, peel, wash again and grind to a pulp of milky fluid. Strain the fluid through a muslin cloth then dry. Two teaspoons of arrowroot = 1 teaspoon of cornstarch. When using with wheat flour it is 1 teaspoon of arrowroot for 1 C. wheat flour.

BAMBOO: Grows in parts of Australia, Asia, Africa and America. They can grow up to 2 feet per day and will completely overrun an area. By about the third year after planting, they require diligence to keep them in check. The new shoots can be eaten raw or cooked after removing internal membrane. They are slightly bitter unless boiled. Seeds can be boiled like rice and made into "cakes". Older bamboo can be used to make shelter, tools, utensils and weapons. It's said that bamboo can explode in a fire but I've not tested that. Bamboo is a good source of protein and potassium.

CANNA LILLY: Grows well enough in areas that have at least 6 hours of sunlight a day. The root stalks are rich in starch and can be boiled or made into a flour. Young shoots are eaten as a vegetable. The leaves can be used to make a paper and the seeds made into a dye.

ELEPHANT EARS: Grows in partial shade that has plenty of water available. All parts are edible if twice boiled. The sap can be irritating to the skin. The root is used in soups.

HORSERADISH: Grows on the edge of forests. It is high in vitamins C, K, as well as calcium, magnesium, phosphorous. The palms have a high oil content. Horseradish must be prepared or used immediately or it becomes bitter. The leaves can be eaten raw or cooked as "greens" (but seldom are). Young seedpods can be eaten boiled or fried. Flowers in salads and roots for horseradish condiment. Another amazing use for this plant is that it helps to remove pollutants from waste water.

[edit on 5-9-2009 by whitewave]

posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 09:55 PM

Keep it coming please...

I'll be printing this out and keeping it for reference...


Do you think that maybe you could start a thread on making salads using only wild plants?

What I am talking about is what YOU would put in the salad to provide both sustenance and flavor...



[edit on 9/5/2009 by semperfortis]

posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 09:55 PM
Mountain Edibles:

ARCTIC WILLOW: A short shrub that grows mainly in the tundra of North America but can be found on mountains of temperate zones. The inner portion of young shoots are eaten raw in early spring. The underground shoots can also be peeled and eaten raw. The leaves have at least 7 times more vitamin C than oranges.

JUNIPER: Grows in forests, mountains and open areas. Berries can be eaten raw or roasted. Used as a coffee substitute, flavoring for gin, or sauces for meat dishes. Twigs can be used to make a flavorful tea. Juniper has the added benefit of stabilizing blood sugar.

PINE: Grows in open areas and on mountains. Seeds can be eaten raw or cooked. It tastes a lot better when the essential oils are removed by heating. Essential oils of pine have medicinal value and if pine is to be used for food, it is best to cook it to remove the essential oils. The young cones can be baked or boiled. The inner portion of young twig bark is juicy when raw but can be roasted with good results. Pine needles make a nice tea and are high in vitamin C and sugar. The resin of pine is an adequate for water proofing and as a fire starter. If hardened with ash it can even make a dental filling for emergencies.

STRAWBERRIES: Grows in open, sunny areas on mountains. Make sure your plant has white flowers for proper identification. Strawberries can be eaten raw, cooked or dried into "leathers". They are high in vitamin C. The leaves can be cooked as a vegetable or dried for making tea. Then there's the ever popular jams and jellies.

posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 09:57 PM
Desert Edibles:

ABAL: A shrubby plant of desert and waste regions. Young leaves, pods and flowers are eaten raw or cooked. They are a good source of sugars and nitrogen.

AGAVE: The flowers leaves, stalks and rosettes can be eaten boiled or roasted. The sap has multiple uses: honey water for hydration, to make tequila or a beer-like beverage called pelque. A syrup can be made that will substitute for sugar. The juice of leaves is used like soap. Fibers of leaves are used for weaving , rope making and sewing thread. Agave is an incomplete protein source but a good source of iron, magnesium, calcium and dietary fiber.

MESQUITE TREES: Bean pods are eaten raw and are high in protein and fiber. They can also be ground into flour to make flavored breads, pancakes, or cookies that have a nutty, molasses taste. The flour is also used as a breading for meats and fish. It can stretch your grain flours by substituting 1/4-1/2 cup mesquite flour for each up grain flour. Mesquite smoke adds a nice flavor to meats and the wood burns hot. The bark is sometimes used for weaving. The leaves are used for making tea and the sap for making glue or a dye. Mesquite is a excellent stabilizer of blood sugar and is high in calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron and zinc.

PRICKLY PEAR CACTUS: These useful and highly nutritious plants are a natural deterrent to trespassing. The pads, fruits, flowers and seeds are edible. Wear gloves when collecting and then burn or peel the prickly skin off. The young pads are a glossy green and have a taste similar to tangy green peppers. They can be twice boiled for a vegetable, throwing out the first water as it is slimy. They can also be sauteed, fried, baked like squash, grilled, pickled, eaten raw or dried for later use. The seeds can be used for their polyunsaturated oil or dried and ground into a flour and used as a substitute for about 1/2 the grain flour used in bread-type recipes. The fruits are used to make dyes, food coloring, hair rinse, drinks, pies, jellies and have a taste similar to a grainy watermelon. Prickly pear is a good source for hydration in desert areas, has a high nutritional value containing iron, potassium, magnesium, manganese, sodium selenium, carotenoids, phosphorous and zinc. Also stimulates insulin production.

[edit on 5-9-2009 by whitewave]

posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 10:00 PM
Forest Edibles:

BEECH TREES: The nuts are tasty, sweet and easy to shell with just your fingernail. Beech nuts may be eaten dry roasted or oil roasted. Dry roasted, they have been used as a coffee substitute. Beech nut oil tastes a bit like olive oil and can be used as a butter substitute.

CHESTNUT TREES: Nuts can be eaten ripe or green. Boil the nuts and mash like potatoes. They are not high in fat or oil but they are high in carbohydrates and have a goodly amount of vitamins B1, B2, C as well as potassium. They are low in sodium and their protein is comparable to eggs, being easily assimilated. Roasted chestnuts make for songs of happy and satisfied children and adults alike.

CRABAPPLE: Grows at edges of forests or in fields. Use like regular apples for making chutneys, pies, sauces and juice. They are bitter if not ripe. Never eat the seeds of any apple as they contain a cyanide. Crabapples are a good source of vitamins. They are high in pectin and are used to flavor jellies and cider. The smoke from the wood is used to flavor cheese and other foods.

FIDDLEHEAD FERNS: I've never seen these anywhere except in the Pacific Northwest but they are well worth watching out for and are easily identifiable. The fern heads are the curled tops of the plant and can be eaten boiled, steamed, roasted, in salads, raw or lightly sauteed. I prefer them lightly sauteed since the crunchy texture is as pleasant as the taste. They can be prepared in the same manner as asparagus or artichoke. Should be eaten immediately (same day) after picking. They are an excellent source of vitamins A and C as well as some minerals, antioxidants and bioflavinoids.

MULBERRY: Grows in fields as well as forests. The fruits can be eaten raw, cooked or dried for later use. It has laxative properties if eaten in large quantities. Has been reported to cause hallucinations with nausea and vomiting if green and unripe. I can neither confirm nor deny the hallucinations but I can heartily attest to the nausea and vomiting. Pick 'em when they're dark. Mulberries are high in C, K, iron, dietary fiber, magnesium, potassium and riboflavin. The inner bark can be used for cordage.

NETTLE: Grows at edge of forests and along streams. Very nutritious and useful plant. The shoots and leaves are edible and can be eaten like spinach. They are high in vitamin A, calcium, iron and proteins. Boil before using. Wear gloves to gather nettle. The stinging hairs contain formic acid but can be neutralized with baking soda. (Formic acid, also found in ants, can be made into a "lemonade" with the addition of a little sugar). Nettle has been used to make beer, clothing, "paper" and nettle tea is considered nature's Benadryl.

PERSIMMONS: Grows at edges of forests. Leaves are used for making a nutritious tea that is high in vitamins A and C. Moderately decent source of iron and good source of carbohydrates. Seeds are eaten roasted. Fruits are eaten baked or raw but only if ripe or you'll never get your jaw to unhinge! Unripe persimmons have a pucker factor of 9.5 if not ripe.

STERCULIA: Tall trees with red or purple flowers. The fruits have an lobed shape and are full of black seeds. The seeds can be eaten raw or roasted and taste like peanuts. They are a laxative in large quantities. High in carbohydrates, protein and vitamin C. Appreciable amounts of minerals and oil content. Cordage can be made from the bark fiber.

Bon appetit! Recipes to follow later.

[edit on 5-9-2009 by whitewave]

posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 10:04 PM
Wild Edibles Recipes:

I wanted to include one recipe for each plant I listed previously. There are others but, if you're completely unfamiliar with cooking foraged food, these recipes will, hopefully, at least give you an idea of what CAN be done with each of the plants.

I have deliberately not included many bread-type recipes. On the list of plants that include seeds that can be ground into a meal-flour, I assume most of you are familiar with the use of flour.

Typing out all these recipes got to be a little tedious so I simply listed the ingredients and how to combine them into something edible; leaving out the previously listed precautions regarding preparations and handling of each individual species. Before you fire up the grill, please go back and read the information regarding the plant to be used before proceeding.

Rather than list the recipes as most cookbooks do: categorizing according to meal courses; ie: soups, entrees, etc., I decided to list them in the order they were presented previously. The reason for this being that you're more likely to find the ingredients needed for a recipe if you're actually in that region. In other words, although there are several good recipes calling for mesquite to be used on salmon, you're not likely to have salmon available if you're in an area that has mesquite and visa versa. There is, of course, some overlap and there are usually substitutions for most ingredients.

I've also tried to show what creative uses are available to common foods. I think everybody knows that blackberries can be used in jellies, on cereal, in pies, etc. but not everyone has eaten blackberry soup. (It's quite good). Since crabapples can be used just like regular apples, there hardly seemed a need to include a recipe at all but the novelty of a crabapple schnapps was too tempting to neglect including.

I admit that I have not tried all these recipes as I tend to use foraged plants with their more common uses as much as anyone. It is useful, however; to know what else is possible so I have presented as many novel possibilities as I dared while keeping ease of preparation in mind. Also, since most foraged foods can be added to soups, stews or salads, I have tried to limit the number of soups and salads to just the more interesting ones.

Variety being the spice of life, there are recipes for fritters, frittata, soups, salads, desserts, adult beverages, quiches, flavored meat dishes, snacks, energy bars, porridge, pudding, smoothies, muffins, chutneys, casseroles, sauces, dips, and unique side dishes.

May you eat and drink in health from the abundance that surrounds us.

posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 10:07 PM
Waterways Recipes:

1/2 oz. kelp (dried and powdered)/ 2C. almonds, hazelnuts or sesame seeds/ 1/2C. maple of birch syrup (honey doesn't hold mixture together as well).

Add nuts to powdered kelp and grind together in blender. Pour into a bowl. Add syrup and mix well. Spread mixture onto oiled cookie sheet spreading it out to 1/4" thickness. Bake 325F for 20". Cut into squares while warm. Makes 12-18 bars.

24oz. pasta shells/ 1/2C. olive oil/ 1.5# peeled, sliced cattail shoots/ 4 chopped garlic cloves/ 1/2C. chopped parsley/ salt and pepper to taste.

Cook pasta as directed on box with 1T. oil til al dente (firm to the tooth). Drain. Sautee shoots in rest of oil over medium heat, stirring often. Add garlic and sautee 2 minutes. Add pasta, parsley, salt and pepper. Heat through and serve at once. Serves 6.

4 lotus leaves cut in half/ 1/14C. sticky rice/ 4 Chinese dried black mushrooms/ 6oz. boneless, skinned chicken breast/ 1/4t. salt/ 2T. rice wine (or dry sherry)/ 1t. cornstarch/ 2 Chinese sausages/ 1clove chopped garlic/ 1T. light soy sauce/ 1t. dark soy sauce/ 1.5t. cornstarch dissolved in 1T. hot water/ 2T. vegetable oil for stir frying/ 1/4t. sesame oil/ salt and pepper to taste.

Soak lotus leaves in hot water for 1 hour. Cover the rice with water and let soak 1 hour, then drain. Steam the rice: line bamboo steamer with cabbage leaf of parchment paper. Fill wok 1/2 full with water so steamer is sitting above water but not touching it. Bring water to boil steaming rice 20 minutes. Remove rice from heat, cover and set in warm place. Soak dried mushrooms in hot water 20-30 minutes until soft. Squeeze out extra water and chop stems finely. Cube the chicken into 1" squares. Add salt, 1t. wine, 1t. cornstarch.. Marinate 20 minutes. Finely chop sausage and garlic. In small bowl combine wine and soy sauces. In separate bowl dissolve cornstarch in water and add to sauce. Stir sausage and mush-
rooms 1 minute. Add sauce. Stir briskly til thick. Season with pepper. Heat 2 minutes longer then remove from heat stirring in sesame oil. Cool.
Separate rice and filling into 8 portions (1 per wrap). Fill leaves with meat and vegetable mixture. Pour sauce over top. Tie ends of leaves together with twin to make little "packets". Steam the packets covered on a heat resistant plate in bamboo steamer 15 minutes. Serves 4-8.

1C. marsh marigold leaves (thrice boiled and drained)/ 6 eggs/ 1/4C. cooked and crumbled bacon/ 1/4C. wild onion/ 3T. butter/ salt and pepper to taste.

Fry bacon, drain, crumble and set aside. Saute onion in butter. Beat eggs in a bowl, add bacon crumbles, sauteed onion, and thrice boiled marigold leaves. Pour into hot, greased iron skillet and bake at 350F for 30-45 minutes. Serves 4-8.

1/2C water lily seeds/ 4C. water/ 1C. sticky rice/ 2T. sugar/ 1/2t. ginger.

Soak seeds in a bowl of hot water and remove outer shell. Wash and place in saucepan with 4C. water. Boil, reduce heat and simmer 1 hour. Wash rice and add to seeds. Simmer until rice is cooked. Add sugar and ginger and serve hot. Serves 4.

6 ripe (picked in late fall) tubers/ 1/2C. butter/ 1C. milk/ salt and pepper to taste/ 1/4C. chives as garnish.

Wash then boil tubers like potatoes. Drain. Place tubers in a bowl and add butter, salt, pepper and milk. Mash together. Garnish with chives. Serves 4.

1/2C. sorrel leaves/ 2T. dry white wine/ 3T. minced green onion/ 1C. cream
1.5t. lime juice/ ground white pepper.

Combine sorrel, wine and onion in a small heavy saucepan. Stir over medium heat until sorrel wilts (about 2 minutes). Add cream and lime juice. Boil until sauce (or pudding) consistency (about 10-12 minutes). Place sauce in blender and puree til almost smooth. Add pepper and serve hot over fish.

10-12 arrowhead (corms), peeled and sliced thin/1 thinly sliced ginger root
2 pieces of red fermented bean curds (2cmx2cm cube), mashed/ 1t. each: Chinese 5-spice powder, olive oil/ 1/2C water.

Heat oil in wok, add ginger and fry til fragrant (about 5 minutes). Add bean curd and stir fry briskly about 3 minutes. Add arrowheads, spice powder and stir fry briskly for 2 minutes. Add water and simmer until sauce is slightly dry. Serve hot over steamed rice. Serves 2-4.

[edit on 5-9-2009 by whitewave]

posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 10:10 PM
"Waste Areas" Recipes:

1C. amaranth flour/ 1/2C.. arrowroot/ 1/2C. ground nuts/ 1t. baking soda/ 1t. cinnamon/ 1.5C. water/ 2T. lemon juice/ 2T. oil (I use peanut oil)/ 2T. maple syrup (or honey).

In small bowl add all the "wet" ingredients. In a larger bowl combine all the "dry" ingredients. Add the wet to the dry and mix to make a thin batter. Preheat a dry skillet and drop spoonfuls onto skillet. When brown on one side, flip and brown other side. Makes 18-4" pancakes. Peanut butter or apple butter is just as tasty on these as syrup.

3 pts. blackberries/ 4C. light sweet wine/ 1 stick cinnamon/ 1.5C. sugar/ 3 cloves/ 3C. cold sour cream.

Wash the berries in a strainer and set aside 1/2C. for a garnish. Pour the washed berries and wine in a pot, add sugar, cinnamon and cloves. Slowly bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer 5-8 minutes. Strain soup into a bowl squishing any remaining intact berries as you go. Refrigerate 4 hours (or overnight). When ready to serve, fold in sour cream and serve at once. This is a nice starter to a roast rabbit dinner.

1# burdock root sliced thinly/ 1T. olive oil/ 1 small onion/ 1T. soy sauce
1/4C. vinegar/ 1/2C. water or stock/ 2T. miso (or bullion)/ 1T. honey.

Sautee burdock and onion in the oil. Add rest of ingredients, cover and simmer until burdock is tender. Uncover and simmer until liquid has evaporated. Serves 2-4.

1# chicory root/ 3# boiled potatoes/ 2 hard-boiled eggs.

Wash, chop and wash again the chicory. Drain and pat dry. Make the mashed potatoes the regular way. In a baking dish, put a layer of mashed potatoes on bottom, add layer of chicory and top with a layer of mashed potatoes.. Put the halved hard-boiled eggs on top and serve at once. Serves 2-4.

1 packed cup chickweed, chopped/ 4-5 cloves garlic, minced/
2T. shallot, diced/ 3T. sweet red pepper, diced/ 1T. hot pepper, de- seeded, diced/ 1/4C. lemon juice/ 1/4C. olive oil/ 1/2t. salt.

1 lb sushi-grade tuna (= not canned), cut into small (1/2 inch) cubes
2 cups sticky rice
rice vinegar to taste

Mix all ingredients together in a bowl (except tuna, rice and vinegar) and refrigerate for an hour or so. Meanwhile, add rice vinegar to sticky rice and cut up a bunch of sushi-grade tuna. Serve a dollop of the raw tuna over a bowl of rice; garnish with the chimichurri. The acidity of the chimichurri immediately begins to act on the tuna, changing the flavor in subtle ways as you eat.

1 egg/ 1C. milk/ 1C. wheat flour/ dash each of salt, pepper, paprika/ 1/2# dandelion heads/ olive oil for frying.

Heat oil in cast iron skillet. Beat egg and milk together in a bowl. Add flour, salt, pepper and paprika then mix together well. Dip each (washed) dandelion head (all green parts removed) in the batter and gently lower into the oil (I use a slotted spoon). Fry on each side about 1-2 minutes until brown. Drain on paper towel. Salt to taste. If you have more batter left over, gather more dandelion to use up the batter. If not quite enough batter, throw the remaining dandelion heads in your next salad.

3C. water/ 1C. foxtail seeds/ 1T. raw sugar/ 1T. butter/ 1/4C. milk.

Boil the seeds in the water until porridge consistency and no longer bitter. Add butter, sugar and milk for a sweet and nutty flavored hot breakfast cereal. Serves 2.

3c. of dried bread cubes/ 4oz. crumbled sausage, cooked. (I like Jimmy Dean's sage or maple sausage)/ 3/4C. of diced red apple/ 1/2C. each of chopped onion and hazelnuts/ 1/2t. of rubbed sage/ 1t. of rosemary leaves, crushed/ 3/4C. of water/ 1/3C. of butter.

Combine the bread, sausage, diced red apple, chopped onion, chopped hazelnuts and seasonings. Heat the water and butter until the butter melts. Toss with bread. Spoon into a 2 quart casserole dish. Bake 45 minutes at 350F or, if using to stuff a bird, add during the last 45 minutes of cooking. It's good all by itself, though.

1T. butter/ 1/4C. wild onion/ 1C. cornmeal/ 1C. acorn flour/ 1/2t. baking soda/ 1t. salt/ 1t. baking powder/ 1T. flour/ 1C. buttermilk/ 1 beaten egg
1t. Tabasco.

Melt butter in frying pan and sautee onions until limp. Set aside to cool. Mix dry ingredients together in a bowl then add buttermilk and sauteed onions. Stir in eggs and hot sauce. Drop by spoonfuls into hot pan and fry until brown. Flip them once and brown other side. Serves 2.

2 large green plantains, peeled and sliced 1" thick/ 4T. lemon juice/ 2T. peanut oil/ 1 large tomato, peeled and chopped/ salt and pepper to taste.

Dip the plantains in lemon juice and sautee in oil over low heat stirring constantly. Add tomato and seasoning.. Place in oiled casserole dish and cover (lid or foil). Bake at 275F for 1/5 hours. Serves 2-4.

4C. cooked millet (or other grain)/ 2C. cooked pokeweed/ 1C. tofu (or cream cheese)/ 1C. chopped walnuts/ 1C. breadcrumbs/ 2T. each of fresh chopped parsley and fresh chopped basil/ 6 garlic cloves, chopped/ 1/2t. Tabasco/ 2t. each of ground marjoram, salt, paprika/ 1t. each of black ground mustard seeds and white pepper.

Mix everything together and shape into patties. Bake in oiled baking dish 40-50 minutes at 350F oven until lightly brown underneath. Serve with MUSTARD SAUCE: 2 eggs + 1 egg yolk/ 1T. dry mustard/ 2T. vinegar/ 1/4C. olive oil/ salt, pepper, paprika to taste. Beat eggs and yolk well.. Mix in seasonings and slowly add vinegar and oil. Cook over boiling water in a double boiler until thick, stirring constantly. Add cream to thin if desired.

6 medium potatoes, sliced and cooked/ 2C. chopped purslane/ 4 scallions, sliced/ 1 sliced celery stalk/ 1C. mayonnaise.

Mix everything together and serve chilled. Serves 6.

2 peeled red onions/ 2 peeled and pitted ripe avocados/ 2C. sorrel leaves/ 1/4C. wild onion (or garlic)leaves/ 6oz. olives/ 1/4C. lemon juice/ 2T. miso/ 1/4t. cayenne pepper.

Chop everything by hand very fine or put in a food processor. Will keep 10 days if tightly covered in refrigerator. Good on bread, crackers or muffins..

1C. soy or nut milk/ 1/2C. raspberries, washed/ 1/2t. ground ginger/ 1 ripe banana, peeled/ 1t. raw sugar.

Throw everything in a blender until smooth. Strain the smoothie through a strainer to get rid of seeds or just grit your teeth and strain out the big stuff.

Line a salad bowl with pink and red rose petals (gently washed). Mash 4 very ripe bananas and mix with an equal quantity of finely chopped dates (about 2C.). Gently spread this mixture over the petals and cover with 2C. rose petal conserve. (recipe follows). Just before serving, pour 1C. fresh squeezed orange juice over the conserve and cover with a thick layer of clotted cream. Decorate with crystallized rose petals (rose petals dipped in crushed sugar). ROSE CONSERVE: 1# red rose leaves (the whites cut off) and 1# sugar. Grind them together until they are completely mixed. Place in clean glass jars with tight-fitting lids. Store in cool place until ready to use. This is a very old recipe from my great grandmother's day.

1/4c. olive oil/ the green tops of fresh onions, chopped/ 1 small bunch of fennel, finely chopped (or dill, or mint, or a small amount of your favorite herbs)/ 1 garlic clove, minced/ 2 eggs beaten/ 2C. ricotta/ 5-6 sheets of phyllo strudel leaves/ salt and pepper to taste.

Stew the onion tops with the salt and pepper for about 20-30 minutes (depending on how tender they are) in the oil, adding the herbs and garlic half-way during cooking time. Let the mixture cool, and then add the eggs and cheese. Mix thoroughly.

Lay a sheet of pastry on your worktop and place some filling on one side, leaving a small margin at the ends of the pastry sheet. Roll it up, and place it in a 9" pie pan. Repeat the process, spiraling the rolls around the pan until all the mixture is used up and the pie pan is filled. If there is not enough mixture, fill up some pastry sheets in the same way with ricotta. This way, the pie will be compact, and everyone can have whichever flavor pleases them. Brush the top of the pie with copious amounts of olive oil. Bake at 350F for 30-40 minutes or until golden brown on top. Don't cut it until it has slightly cooled, otherwise it may lose its shape. Serves 6-8. Goes well with most meat dishes or as a main dish with a side of salad.

posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 10:12 PM
Tropical Recipes:

16 bunches of acacia blossoms/ 2 beatn eggs/ flour for dredging/ oil for frying/ powdered sugar.

Wash and pat dry the blossoms. Heat oil in frying pan. Dredge the flowers in beaten egg then roll them in the flour and fry until golden. Drain on a paper towel. Dust with powdered sugar and serve hot.

1/4C. softened butter/ 1/2C. white sugar/ 1 egg/ 1/2t. vanilla extract/ 1C. flour/ 1/2C. arrowroot flour (made from dried pulp of roots)/ 1/2t. baking powder/ 1/4t. salt.

Cream butter and sugar. Beat in egg and vanilla. Add rest of ingredients together in separate bowl. When thoroughly mixed, add to butter mixture. roll out onto floured surface to 1/8" thickness. Cut into cookie or biscuit size rounds. Place on greased baking sheet. Bake at 350F for 8-10 minutes until golden brown. Makes 18 biscuits.

1# spinach/ 1/2C. peanut oil/ 1/4C. shredded bamboo shoots/ 1.5t. salt/2t

Wash spinach well under cold water. Drain. Heat oil in skillet or wok. Sautee shoots about 1 minute over medium heat. Add spinach and stir fry until wilted. Add salt and sugar and cook about 2 minutes longer. Transfer to platter using slotted spoon to avoid transferring the pan liquid. Serves 4.

1/2# root stalks/ 1/4t. each: oregano, sweet basil, thyme.

Melt butter in large heavy skillet. Add sliced lily roots. Sautee until tender then add herbs. Serves 2. Canna lily leaves are also good to wrap tamales in instead of corn husks or aluminum foil.

1.75# taro root (one of the genus of elephant ears)/ 1t. olive oil/ 1 large dried sweet onion/ 2 jalapeno chilies, coned, seeded and diced/ 3 eggs/ 1/2t. salt/ 1C. grated carrot/ 3T. chopped parsley/ 1/4C. flour.

Place taro in large steamer, cover and steam 30-40 minutes until tender. Place in cool water and peel when cooled. Cut each taro into several pieces and smoosh (or put in blender) until paste-like consistency. Heat oven 450F. Warm oil in large frying pan over medium heat. Sautee onion and jalapenos until soft but not browned (about 10 minutes). Add beaten eggs, salt, carrot, parsley to taro paste. Add onion mixture and combine well. Roll into 12 balls and dust each one with flour. Flatten out into 1/2" thick patties. Place on greased cookie sheet. Use cooking spray or few T. melted butter to coat top of patties. Bake 10 minutes. Turn patties and bake for 10 more minutes until golden brown. Serves 6-8.

2C. fresh picked leaves/ 1C. water/ 1/4C. diced raw onion/ butter and salt
to taste.

Steam the leaves in the water. Add onion, butter and salt.

posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 10:16 PM
Mountain Recipes:

Gather young shoots in early spring. Strip outer bark. Inner bark is eaten raw or roasted with ptarmigan.

3C. water/ 30 juniper berries slightly crushed/ 5# duck (set aside heart, liver, gizzard, neck)/ 5 sprigs thyme/ 1 bay leaf/ 16 pitted prunes/ 2T. red wine vinegar.

Put 20 of the berries and pinch of salt in the water in large saucepan and bring to boil. Simmer 10 minutes then set juniper broth aside. Cut wing tips from duck and set aside. Sprinkle cavity of duck with salt and pepper. Place heart, liver and gizzard in cavity with rest of berries and herbs. Tie legs together. Place duck breast side up in roasting pan. Add wing tips and neck to pan. Pour 1C. juniper broth over duck. Roast in 450F oven 30 minutes. Boil the remaining juniper broth, reduce heat, add prunes, cover and simmer 5 minutes. Use a slotted spoon to remove prunes to arrange around duck. Baste with pan juices often. Drizzle vinegar over duck and pour on remaining broth. Roast another 30-4- minutes. Before serving, discard neck and wing tips. Serves 4.

1# linguine/ 1/2C. olive oil/ 4oz. trimmed arugula/ 1C. grated parmesan/ 1/2C. toasted pine nuts.

Cook linguine until al dente. Meanwhile heat oil in large heavy skillet over medium heat. Add arugula and stir 30 seconds until it's wilted. Remove from heat. Drain pasta and return to the pot. Add arugula to pot and toss well. Add Parmesan, salt and pepper to taste and toss again. Transfer to bowl and sprinkle with pine nuts. Serve at once with additional Parmesan if desired. Serves 6.

2 envelopes unflavored gelatin/ 1/3C. cold water/ 1/3C. boiling water/ 1C. sugar/ 3T. lemon juice/ 1C. juice and pulp from mashed strawberries/ 3 egg whites/ 1C. heavy cream, whipped/ extra whole strawberries for lining mold pan.

Soak the gelatin in cold water then dissolve in boiling water. Add sugar. Cool. Add lemon juice, fruit juice and pulp. When cold, beat until frothy. Fold in stiffly beaten whites. Line a molded pan with the extra strawberries. Pour in the mixture and chill until firm. Serves 4.

[edit on 5-9-2009 by whitewave]

posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 10:17 PM
Desert Recipes:

Romaine lettuce/ handful of abal flowers/ 1/4C. chopped nuts/ 1/4C. dried cranberries.

Mix all together and serve with wine dressing: 1/2C. sugar/ 2T. lemon juice/ 1/3C. red wine (or grape juice). Mix and serve ice cold over salad.

Cut away leaves of mature agave plants revealing the pineapple shaped core. Cut off top and hollow out the core. Cap with a stone or a place. The plant secrets its milky nectar into the center. After 3-4 days ladle out the liquid and add half as much water volume as you have nectar volume. (ie: 1C. water to 2C. nectar). Boil. Filter. Bottle when cooled and store to use as alternative sweetener in any recipe calling for honey or syrup.

1.5C. white flour/ 1/2C. mesquite flour (from roasted and ground seeds)/ 3T. oil/ 1/2t. salt/ 1/2C. warm water.

Mix dry ingredients together. Stir in the oil then water and form mixture into a ball. Knead for 2 minutes. Cover and let set 20 minutes. Divide into 12 balls. Flatten each ball into a disc and cook in dry skillet about 2 minutes. Flip and cook other side about 1 minute. Makes 12 tortilla shells. You can increase the recipe amounts to make extras to store in freezer for later use.

1 prickly pear cactus fruit peeled/ 8 ripe strawberries/ 8 green grapes/ 1 orange segmented/ 5T. orange juice/ 1t. honey/ 1/4t. ground cinnamon.

Wash and clean all fruit. Chop all fruit except grapes. Place in a bowl. Squeeze juice over fruit. Mix gently. Drizzle honey and sprinkle cinnamon over fruit then toss gently. Serve at once. Serves 2.

posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 10:20 PM
Forest Recipes:

1C. beech nuts/ 1C. raisins/ 2C. granola cereal (or bars broken in pieces)/ 1C. dried cherries, chopped/ 1C. pumpkin seeds.

Toss all together. There ya go.

2# chestnuts/ 1/2C. vidalia onion/ 1C. port wine/ 3C. chicken stock/ 4T. butter/ thyme, salt and pepper to taste.

In cast iron skillet or dutch oven add the butter and the chopped onion. When onion starts to brown, add the wine. Add spices, nuts, stock. Cover and cook 1 hour or until nuts are tender and have absorbed most of the liquid. Serve hot as a delicious side dish.

1/4C. shortening/ 5t. baking powder/ 1/3C sugar/ 1t. salt/ 2 beaten eggs/ 2/3C. milk/ 2C. flour/ 1/2C. washed berries.

Cream shortening and sugar together, add eggs and mix well. Sift 1.5C. flour, baking powder, salt. Add to egg mixture alternately with the milk. Sprinkle berries with the remaining 1/2C. flour and add to mixture. Bake in greased muffin pans for 25-30 minutes at 400F. Makes a dozen muffins.

1/2# nettles/ 1/2C. chopped wild onions/ 5-6T. olive oil/ 1.5T. minced garlic/ 5T. parmesan/ 5T. feta cheese, crumbled/ 3 eggs.

Wash nettles. Saute onion and garlic in half the olive oil. Salt and pepper to taste. Add nettles and cook until wilted [the nettles, not the cook] and water has evaporated. Drain any remaining fluid then chop nettles. In a bowl mix nettles, cheeses and rest of oil. Add beaten eggs. Pour entire mixture into lightly greased frying pan. Fry until brown, flip and fry other side (or can bake in a cast iron skillet in 375F oven for 25 minutes). Serves 6-8.

12 ripe persimmons/ 6 lemons/ 1/2C. oil (I use apricot kernel oil)/ 1t. salt/ 1.5C. sugar/ 1t. chili sauce or chili powder/ 2T. chopped ginger/ 3 cloves chopped garlic/ 2C. apple cider vinegar/ 1/2C. currants.

Cut up lemons and soak overnight in vinegar. Blanche persimmons in boiling water 5 minutes then peel and dice. Add the drained lemons to all other ingredients and bring to a boil. Boil about 40 minutes or until mixture starts to thicken. Remove from heat. Cool, bottle and seal.

10 pieces of sterculia/ 1/2oz. longon pulps/ raw sugar to taste.

Soak sterculia until it expands. Skin, drain and set it aside. Boil 2C. water, add sterculia and cook for 5 minutes. Add longon pulps and cook an addition 3 minutes. Add sugar if desired. Serves 2.

10 ripe crab apples, washed (they're ripe when pits are brown). Cut into halves leaving skin on. Put in clean glass jar with a tight-fitting lid. Cover with clear unflavored vodka. Place in cool dark place (cellar) for 8-10 weeks. Gentle shake jar once a week. Strain and filter the infusion into clean glass bottle or jar with tight-fitting lid. Store in cellar a few more months before using. Makes about 1/2 gallon. Goes well with game dishes.

1.5# fiddlehead ferns/ 2 shallots, minced/ 4 tablespoons unsalted butter/
2 sprigs fresh thyme/ 1/2 pound fresh morels, trimmed and rinsed well/ 2 cloves garlic, minced
* 3/4 cup chicken stock
* 1/2 cup heavy cream
* 1 tablespoon chopped chives
* 1 tablespoon chopped parsley
* Salt and pepper
* Parmesan curls, for garnish


In a saucepan, bring 1 1/2 quarts of salted water to a boil. Add fiddleheads and return to a boil. Using a slotted spoon, transfer fiddleheads to an ice bath and chill. Drain and pat dry, removing as much of the outer brown, tissue-like membrane as possible..

In a skillet saute shallots in butter until softened, about 2 minutes. Add thyme, morels, and garlic and continue to cook until morels have softened and given up their liquid, about 3 minutes. Continue to cook until almost all liquid is evaporated, about 2 more minutes. Add chicken stock and cook until reduced by half. Add fiddleheads and cook 2 minutes, add cream, chives, and parsley, and season with salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste. Serve immediately, garnished with Parmesan curls.

[edit on 5-9-2009 by whitewave]

posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 10:34 PM
Here's some fact I gleemed off the internet
sorry no links to source.

Dr. Everett Koop (former US Surgeon General) 10 of the most nutritious vegetables in the world are:

1. Broccoli
2. Spinach
3. Brussels sprouts
4. Lima beans
5. Peas
6. Asparagus
7. Artichokes
8. Cauliflower
9. Sweet potatoes
10. Carrots

SPROUTING-best for nutrition
Green Peas
Wheat (Wheatgrass)

Fruits- best for nutrition
1. Blueberries
2. Kiwi
3. Strawberries
4. Guava
5. Cranberries

I'm trying to find a good list of edible perennials as well for a Type 2-3 climate. anybody ?

posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 11:12 PM
Good contribution, UP. As mentioned on my other thread about emerging diseases in sit x, some foods like broccoli, cauliflower, etc. can be hard on your thyroid (somewhat mitigated by cooking).

Peas can be poisonous in large doses. Most people eat peas as a side dish in a moderate serving but during times of starvation when people made entire meals of peas for breakfast, lunch and dinner, it was discovered that they can kill you if consumed in large amounts.

Wheatgrass juice is highly nutritious. At a molecular level, it is only one molecule away from being the same composition as human blood. Where blood has an iron molecule, wheatgrass juice has a magnesium molecule. Otherwise, they're the same structure. Unfortunately, wheatgrass juice tastes like grass. I haven't found a way to improve the flavor but I do occasionally drink it anyway. Parsley is also right up there for highly nutritional foods.

That pesky oxalic acid that food propagandists like to tell you is so dangerous (and it is in large amounts) is also in spinach so feel free to eat as many foraged foods raw with oxalic acid in them as you do spinach. (probably not much more though). All things in moderation.

posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 11:44 PM
link" target="_blank" class="postlink">Here's a link for you that covers various perennials region by region. Hope that helps. You'll have to get a password for their picky website but it should be relatively painless.

[edit on 5-9-2009 by whitewave]

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 12:10 AM
This is an incredible wild edibles cooking section. Just amazing.
i gotta try some of those.

I haven't tried many aquatic plants
and it looks like you must have a pond nearby?

Did you have to introduce any of those species?

You're making survival look pretty comfortable -i love it. Good thread, S&F.

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 01:24 AM
reply to post by whitewave

Yeah I can't get enough fresh parsley it seems.

I even toss it in the salads with the cilantro .

yeah it a shame that some of the foods that a very nutritious are a little bad for us too.

I like sprouting as well.

It's great to have your knowledge handy we get the whole picture on foods that way.

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 09:24 AM
Originally posted by Asktheanimals

This is an incredible wild edibles cooking section. Just amazing.
i gotta try some of those.

I hope everyone tries at least a few of these recipes. Dandelion fritters are quick and easy to make and are quite tasty.

I haven't tried many aquatic plants
and it looks like you must have a pond nearby?

I no longer have a pond nearby but I've lived in places where the neighbors considered them nothing more than mosquito breeding grounds. We live in incredible bounty. It's just a matter of recognizing it.

Did you have to introduce any of those species?

Not all of these plants are in the area I'm currently living and, as I said, I haven't tried all of them. I have ordered heirloom seeds and scattered a few packages around in my area because most people don't know what the tops of underground plants look like. I'll have a fresh supply of regenerating foods growing "wild" close by if I need them.

You're making survival look pretty comfortable -i love it. Good thread, S&F.

You don't have to just be a survivalist. You can be a "thrive-alist". (Is that a word?)

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