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Has anyone experienced strange phenomena coming from your computer?

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posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by Mr Green

Thankyou MrGreen, you would be the most interesting RL friend, your experiences seem to just keep flowing. You are never given more than you have the ability to transform, after all energy is neutral and it is up to us the individuals to mold it into a masterpiece.

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by xxxcosta

I have experienced the exact same thing as you. I talked to my eye doctor about it and he told me I was having an "Ocular Migraine".

Sure enough, I did some research, and the symptoms I was having (and you) match exactly that:

Ocular Migrain Symptoms

People with ocular migraines can have a variety of visual symptoms. Typically you will see a small, enlarging blind spot (scotoma) in your central vision with bright, flickering lights (scintillations) or a shimmering zig-zag line (metamorphopsia) inside the blind spot. The blind spot usually enlarges and may move across your field of vision. This entire migraine phenomenon may end in only a few minutes, but usually lasts as long as about 20-30 minutes.

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 11:50 AM
Thankyou for your input, it does make sense for sure. I keep going back tot he MRI posts, thinking it would almost be easier to blame it on something biological gone wrong than what I though which is some kind of devious high teck ability to cause certain brainwave frequency changes in people directed by who knows.

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 01:59 PM

Originally posted by FlyingTRex
reply to post by antar

I had a similar experience today. "It" was like a swirling distortion at the far left of my peripheral vision. I glanced over because it cought my attention and it was gone. I didn't notice any sounds. I was setting on my computer and I may have just re-adjusted my self.

I have had this happen several months ago while on windows instant messenger. It felt like a swirl of energy distorted the area to my left. It had the presence of being an actual person, I was and still am convinced someone or something remote viewed me or appeared next to me in some energy form.

It really freaked me out, as it appeared I felt its presence immediatly , I looked at it and it went. It looked like a swirl or distortion just as you say.

Question is was this caused by the computer or was it a coincidence I was on the computer?

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by antar

I don't listen to the radio often, but nothing there. As far as experiencing things that seem to be a repeat...the last 4 years has been one big Deja Vu to me. I did notice a subtle change in the apperance and behavior of newscasters though. They seemed a bit angrier and more fierce. I remember a news cast...where the anchor was talking about two boys that were sodomized at gunpoint by a serial rapist that was on the loose in Albuquerque, New Mexico...he said it like he was trying to upset viewers. After a three days or so the appearance and tone changed back. I don't know if the change was in me or the television.

You are sensitive and supportive...just like the other posters have stated and that has got to be the most affirming response I've ever received on the internet. I will do those things.

Just so everyone knows...I haven't spent the last years in a pit of I had an epiphany just three days after the computer experience, that I consider to be the response to the negative energy that challenged me. It involved no machine at all and was nothing more than a flash of light just above and behind my left eye accompanied by the blast of a trumpet...the whole thing occured in a second or less and provided the comforting information I eventually needed to navigate the rough times that surely followed, but are now over.

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 06:58 PM
Sounds like you have a solid base in your faith and that is never to be underestimated. I know for a fact that during the most terrifying times in my life, challenges by the most dark of forces that it was my trust in the divine which lead me through virtually unscathed.

We as a human race are going to be challenged beyond anything we can even imagine, it matters not where you draw your strenght from be it a Box of Captian Crunch or God Almighty, it is our connectedness to forces of great which will help us over come the difficulties headed our way.

This experience has left me wondering if it was something witin me, or something from the outside attempting to influence me, but either way it has become an opportunity for us all to take into account protecting ourselves on all levels.

We dont really know how far advanced technology has become and it is my stance here to remain open to the possiblity that even browsing the internet needs to be done with extreme awareness.

Again it is just amazing the experiences which have happened to other members here.

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 07:48 PM
Hi Antar,

I kindly suggest:

1. The anomaly exists between your chair and keyboard.

2. There is no mind control "subliminal bullet" capable of being delivered by a computer.

3. If you are genuinely concerned about (TIA, stroke etc.) request a scrip for MRI of brain from your your Doctor. (Angiogram with contrast)

I speak from experience on Item #3. (Not in the context of Medical expert, but as a stroke survivor.)


[edit on 6-9-2009 by kinda kurious]


[edit on 6-9-2009 by kinda kurious]

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 08:00 PM

Originally posted by antar
Look back at all the posts describing the same thing in the past week... Do we all need MRIs?

I read what you posted and my concern was for you. But, if there are other threads by people with similar types of problems, they would not amount to a large number of people, and I can tell you from experience that thousands of MRI's are done around the world everyday to scan for abnormalities such as swollen vessels, aneurysms, tumors, etc. So possibly Yes to your question about ALL those others needing an MRI, because ALL those others are really only a tiny number of people. If you have abnormal symptoms, it should be checked out.

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 09:38 PM
I have been quite pleased with how things were going on this thread until I read one where someone decided to give medical advice. It's absolutely amazing to me that someone would actually suggest to someone they've never met that they should consult a brain specialist to have them run some tests. This is ATS not WebMD.

With regards to the types of technology and their uses...there are capabilities that exist that are far beyond anything that is commonly known. One piece of technology that some of you may have in your possession that could be causing havoc in your life are religious objects such as statues and/or crosses. I have reason to believe that these particular objects are Trojan Horses in every way that you understand a Trojan Horse to be; destroy it and see.

I want to state in the strongest possible words to anyone that reads my posts that something is on the web and it can cause psychological and physiological changes in people that view it...most likely the average person you will encounter possesses neither the technical expertise (advanced computer code author), educational background (psychology/psychiatry) or financial resources (8 figures and up for research and development) to develop an opinion concerning what can or can not exist in this world or to produce what I know I saw or prove in a scientific fashion why it can't exist. They exist to make noise and nothing more.

When I saw what I saw, I was in Albuquerque and I assure you that even the defense scientists at Kirkland and Lockheed are far beyond anything anyone on ATS will ever claim to be. The things ATS is discussing even in the Defense or Weapons forums are not even close to cutting edge technologies.

When dealing with these types they come in one of two types...they don't know what they are talking about or they are liars. No other classification is necessary, but I suppose they could be a bit of both.

Most of these people can't even wrap their heads around the Standard Model of Quantum Mechanics let alone it's practical applications for defense theory.

I will provide a demonstration of what I mean about lack of understanding (It's about time to relieve them of the notion that they are informed):

Buraq carrying Muhammed

Question: What does this image mean?

Answer: Long answer tomorrow.

[edit on 6-9-2009 by IDK88]

posted on Sep, 7 2009 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by IDK88
Buraq carrying Muhammed

Question: What does this image mean?

Answer: Long answer tomorrow.

Well, I'll give you my short answer now without waiting.

The picture appears to have been painted by a human.

Therefore it must be the artist's interpretation, depiction or portrayal of something.

And as any other non-photographic image it is subjective based on the viewers same varied interpretation.

Am I close?

posted on Sep, 7 2009 @ 03:18 PM
Not really...especially about the subjective interpretation. Subjective interpretation would allow someone to feel good about their interpretation even if the interpretation is dead wrong. I think so many are dying because they were told that there is not wrong answer and it means whatever you want it to mean.

It's a common and very popular image like the mother and child images...It's has a concrete meaning.

While I disagree with subjective interpretation, I suppose my answer is based on perspective, but there are only to possible vantage points, victim or perpetrator.

The answer is that your enemy is riding on your back. The answer from the other perspective is that you need your enemy to get to where you want to go.

posted on Sep, 7 2009 @ 04:01 PM
I have had a similar experience. It happens when I am mostly on ATS. It has only been occurring the last few weeks, sometimes the monitor shakes side to side real fast. Then shortly after I get a buzzing in my ear. The buzzing is slightly achy. Its only happened about 6 times, but when I happens I feel uninterested (board) immediately in the topic I am researching. Then so drained I have to sleep for a while.


Today I worked from 5am until 12 noon when I came home I checked ATS then fell asleep with the top topics on my screen. My bed is about 3 feet away from my pc and I woke up with the same buzz for about 30 seconds it would not go away, then I clicked my mouse and it stopped. Funny hu.

posted on Sep, 7 2009 @ 04:32 PM
I don't know why I didn't remember this two days ago...but what I encountered on the computer was like the crystal ball from the movie with Frodo. The crystal ball thing that the evil wizard was using to talk to the eye.

When I watched the whole movie...I figured that the part about the crystal ball was included to inform a wider audience and make them aware of the real existence of what I am trying to explain here, as the crystal balls part in the movie was unnecessary to the plot. Other than that the Wizard had to watch the little hobbit closely to see if he had been flipped, as he knew the impact it could have on the weak minded.

Note: I always assumed that television and movies are primarily defense and educational applications and the entertainment is for small children and imbeciles. Thus everything within the "Entertainment" business is just encrypted war communication.

So, yeah, it exists and the whole thing has already been talked about in the blockbuster trilogy and award winning hollywood production, Lord of the Rings; making my posts redundant. Just watch the movie if you want to find out more about what I encountered ... the crystal ball from the movie is just is a computer with a high speed internet connection making it possible for nasty things to come into your house through the windows.

Being that its existence is confirmed...the only real interesting thing now then is why would it come at me...I guess the eye recruits people interested in military and government big deal. Makes perfect sense.

[edit on 7-9-2009 by IDK88]

posted on Sep, 7 2009 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by IDK88

Sorry but it doesn't make sense. So everything we see on the TV besides kids programmes is war communication? Talk about paranoia.

And your story gets more detailed and bigger with every post you write.
You started off just getting a strange feeling when looking at a website. Then in your last post you now suspect you are being targeted by a shady government who are aware that you know all their defense secrets?

Which are what by the way?

Methinks you don't need medical advice as some have stated here, you need fresh air and time away from conspiracy websites.

posted on Sep, 7 2009 @ 05:29 PM

Originally posted by IDK88
It's a common and very popular image like the mother and child images...It's has a concrete meaning.

I had ever seen it, so to me it in not popular or familiar.

Art DOES NOT have concrete meaning, unless perhaps it is sculpture.

Art is subjective and open to interpretation. Otherwise it would be non fiction literature.


posted on Sep, 7 2009 @ 05:41 PM

Originally posted by thesneakiod
reply to post by IDK88

Sorry but it doesn't make sense. So everything we see on the TV besides kids programmes is war communication? Talk about paranoia.

And your story gets more detailed and bigger with every post you write.
You started off just getting a strange feeling when looking at a website. Then in your last post you now suspect you are being targeted by a shady government who are aware that you know all their defense secrets?

Which are what by the way?

Methinks you don't need medical advice as some have stated here, you need fresh air and time away from conspiracy websites.

But what does make sense is that your reading comprehension is awful...but standardized testing probably revealed this to you long ago. Am I wrong?

Television and radio are primarily defense and EDUCATION applications, for that matter so are telephones, newspapers, highways, railroads, farms and guess what...the internet (this whole internet was advanced by DARPA but I guess you think they since they found it useful for selling shoes they abandoned its use by the defense and intelligence apparatus).

I think that's why this is a Military/Industrial can be switched back and forth between these two realities seemlessly. Most shows that appear on television certainly contain war communcations and concepts, but you can't see it because you probably have a very narrow view as to what War is. Hell, the Star Wars saga is the US Secretary of Defense's letter to Santa Claus.

I never said that I thought the thing I encountered was the government...I said I was studying Government as my post graduate degree program...what I encountered certainly WAS NOT from our Government.

As far as war secrets...I have none. Everything I talk about has support from information easily available to anyone who is interested.

[edit on 7-9-2009 by IDK88]

[edit on 7-9-2009 by IDK88]

[edit on 7-9-2009 by IDK88]

posted on Sep, 7 2009 @ 05:48 PM
reply to post by kinda kurious

A picture is worth a thousand words...perhaps they painted a picture because they felt it would be a more efficient and secure communication than writing text book about it. Furthermore, maybe a painting is used because most of society was illiterate and the painting and its meaning can reach a broader audience.

I am telling you...based on what some of you guys believe to be reality, no nation state you ever created would last the night, I think.

Because you've never seen the image could be the reason you have yet to develop a theoretical solution for the problem of Evil. You've never seen it.

posted on Sep, 7 2009 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by justin credible
I have had a similar experience. It happens when I am mostly on ATS. It has only been occurring the last few weeks, sometimes the monitor shakes side to side real fast. Then shortly after I get a buzzing in my ear.

I too have noticed this but only when I check ATS as a guest, the problem corrects itself when you sign in.

odd..your right it shakes (to an almost unreadable level) but then is completely calm upon logging in, as for the buzzing it is something that I have become so used to now it is the norm..

posted on Sep, 7 2009 @ 06:10 PM

Originally posted by IDK88
Because you've never seen the image could be the reason you have yet to develop a theoretical solution for the problem of Evil. You've never seen it.

As far as the above quote. I had never seen the picture and survived 50+ years on the planet. I hope that doesn't make me ignorant to one form of many religions. I do know what Ethnocentrism means though.

If someone doesn't believe in religion like Christianity, I would think they would be exempt from the concept of Satan. Or at least the concept of evil would go by another name perhaps.

You had mentioned you would reveal the long meaning. Is it when you wrote:

"The answer is that your enemy is riding on your back. The answer from the other perspective is that you need your enemy to get to where you want to go."

Or is there more to it?

Back to OP.

I hope Antar will keep us updated on her status regarding future episodes or if she seeks professional medical advice.


posted on Sep, 7 2009 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by kinda kurious

Wow...50+ years, really. You must tell us your secret to longevity.

No...your non-belief is irrelevent...and you are not exempt, as the Evil Monsters that lurk in this world and hack into people's computer via the internet connection will enslave you right along with everyone else.

They'll hijack nuclear weapons and let 'em rain down upon us all, they'll cause you to think you see the Sun Rise in the West and release their armies that will go house to house killing the inhabitants and then they'll make up a story about an Alien invasion from the Planet Nibiru and you'll believe it. They want to break the cross and spill the wine and impose the tax.

They'll let you watch them destroy the very thing they created and you'll worship them as your Hero's and deliverer. This would have to be evil by anyone's measure and they've done it at least twice before.

[edit on 7-9-2009 by IDK88]

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