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Are you feeling the oneness?

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posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 04:24 AM
For a while now I've kept hearing how we are all connected.
We are all one.
I am sure most people on ATS would conclude that, that is the case.

But, to be honest I am not feeling a connection at all.

On rare occasions people smile and wave, but otherwise I find people acting very separate.
And sometimes if I were to just look at people (in a kind way as I passed them by) they give me the stink eye.
As if I have no business to want to give a glance or a gentle silent greeting to acknowledge their existence. I would hope people could acknowledge mine.

Is it just me? Or what's going on here?

I understand the meaning of feeling lonely in crowds more than ever from this perspective, but really it makes no sense if we all agree on the first point.

At times I admit I even get scared to look at 'strangers' because I am afraid I might make them feel uncomfortable.

So what's really happening? Flight or flight response? Sense of fear? Ego? Misreading faces? Too busy? Alerts firing off without real reason?

Now, we're only talking about a split second/ a single moment in time; for I may never see these people again, yet it still kind of bothers me.

Anyone else getting this feeling?

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 04:38 AM
You could be onto something. Something that I have noticed and not just myself but my wife too, is people seem much more stressed on the roads and in shops. Example: driving the streets of Edinburgh it seems a more aggressive attitude is in the air. If for example I come to a bottleneck on a road and the other car has right of way I will nearly always pull to the left. The other driver tended to wave, put up a hand or even smile but not anymore. Now they just drive on through as if they were a lord and master on horseback and I was a lowly serve kowtowing on the side of the road. In addition, no these people are not driving BMW’s or I could have excused such bad manners.

In shops, I have noticed a bad mood like a buzz in the air, people act as if those around them are simply in the way and obstacles to look upon with disparaging glances. Seriously, I have noticed this attitude in the big shops. I can pretty much assume I will either have a bad moment with an impatient driver today or be cast a withering look by a total stranger simply because I dare to breathe his or her air. Of course, Edinburgh folk have never been known for their friendliness – unless you are a buying tourist but it is becoming very noticeable and much more in your face.

If my wife has noticed this same attitude in people then something is up, she never notices anything other than bargains when shopping

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 04:52 AM

Originally posted by Before2017Victor
For a while now I've kept hearing how we are all connected.
We are all one.
I am sure most people on ATS would conclude that, that is the case.

But, to be honest I am not feeling a connection at all.

On rare occasions people smile and wave, but otherwise I find people acting very separate.
And sometimes if I were to just look at people (in a kind way as I passed them by) they give me the stink eye.
As if I have no business to want to give a glance or a gentle silent greeting to acknowledge their existence. I would hope people could acknowledge mine.

Is it just me? Or what's going on here?

I understand the meaning of feeling lonely in crowds more than ever from this perspective, but really it makes no sense if we all agree on the first point.

At times I admit I even get scared to look at 'strangers' because I am afraid I might make them feel uncomfortable.

So what's really happening? Flight or flight response? Sense of fear? Ego? Misreading faces? Too busy? Alerts firing off without real reason?

Now, we're only talking about a split second/ a single moment in time; for I may never see these people again, yet it still kind of bothers me.

Anyone else getting this feeling?

I do not know how far you are taking the "oneness" thing here but if you are saying we are all the same, I have to disagree with that.

It could all be a case that you might be close to finding your answers.

If that is the case then this might help you understand...

Matthew 7:5

"Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye."

It might not be everyone else that is uncomfortable with you looking at them etc.

A lot of people are starting to see. Use your ears as well and things will become so much clearer.

[edit on 1-9-2009 by XXXN3O]

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 04:58 AM
I just can't put up with public or thje social world in general. Why? From what I've seen no one respects each other, friends prefer to rip on each other than be complimenting or helpful, and if you ever look around at public transport in an urban setting, all you see are a bunch of people that feel soulless and act stuck up and only care about competing with each other.

This is just my perspective of course. Then again, ever since being fired from my last job I've become a social recluse anyway. Oh, and my friends are a bunch of condescending...Eh, let's not go there.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 05:20 AM
I know exactly what you mean.

I am kinda like your wife. I really don't notice something unless it is right in my face or a sale tag.
Lately, though, I have noticed that people will be downright rude in the oddest places.

I have a tendency to look at people and smile. I don't know why. Some people look at me like I have lost my mind. Other people look and turn their heads. So few are those who smile back.

I have said hello to so many store clerks that ignore it and look away that it makes me wary of even acknowledging their presence.

Don't feel bad. I think people are just more rude these days.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 06:36 AM
Let me ask you a question. Have you ever been at one of these places (mall, freeway, etc) and had someone look you in the eyes and give you a warm smile and a wave when it wasn't expected? Did it brighten your day a little?

It has happened to me enough times to know the effect a small gesture like that can have on a person. Some people might show it, some may not but deep down something happens. A little spark that might not do anything that moment, hey might be having such a bad day that it doesn't register on the surface, but to see a shining light in a sea of unconsciousness (most people at the shopping center) has a bigger effect than you think. Just think butterfly effect. Just because you dont get a smile and a wave back doesnt mean it was all for nothing.

Here is another part of the equation. We tend to get what we expect. This is the hard part because we dont like to think our beliefs are what causes it but they play a big part in what we get back from the universe. Now on the surface you may be thinking, "I want to believe that we are all one because that would be great." But there is another voice in you, the cynic. Deep down (subconsciously) you believe that the world is not one and you are separate. This comes from years of conditioning and what others have shown and told you to be true.

Now this deep down belief will show itself in the slightest facial twitch or unconscious half smile. People can pick up on this stuff and will return with a half smile or nothing at all. Now you mind will not want to take any sort of blame in this and it will try to tell you that there is no way that you have anything to do with peoples grumpiness and it just reaffirms your belief that we are all separate.

It is all tricks played by your mind(ego). I used to do the exact same thing you do, and I got the same reaction. Look for that divine spark in people and KNOW that is there. Part of you is waiting for that grumpy reaction and you are getting it from people. Become the observer of your thoughts and really see what is going on. Try the NOW thread i my sig, I know i will help. I can tell you from the bottom of my heart and all of my experiences, we are all one and you will see it if you believe it deep down inside.

Good luck on your journey and never give up!

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 07:07 AM
All you have to do to realise where this 'feeling alone' springs from is not from you , OR from anyone else ( everyone else is in the same boat so to speak), its the Media portraying everyone else as a problem, either evil, a paedo, a rapist, a burglar or any other number of negative names.
There are very few IF ANY postive stories either in the papers , on the TV or even in the movies. It's all doom and gloom in one way or another. Either war, credit crisis, or flu pandemic, whatever is flavour of the month.

Everyone else feels alone but the concept of being one community is as alien as , well an alien is to us.

We don't see each of us living on ONE world , being ONE Human race, we are seperated into different COLOURS, different RELIGEONS, different POLITICAL beliefs, different AGES, different SEXES, different COUNTRIES even different CLASSES.
After all the MOST IMPORTANT person in the world is YOU in YOUR own opinion, most people NEVER look outside their own borders to the world.

The media rams down our throats how different we are, the coloureds are against the whites, Americans against Russians, rich against poor.

There is NEVER any harmony, Ok I admit they may throw in a story about a fluffy kitten being rescued from a tree or a Dolphin doing a backflip, but NEVER any community bonding.

There is much crime in the world , from the manufactured economic crisis thats everyones strings are pulled so tight that all it would take is another flase flag that sets the world alight IMO.

People are kept scared to keep their moral to the minimum, to keep their heads down people now keep their eyes to the floor IN CASE they upset someone on the street, people don't speak to anyone else anymore incase they say the wrong thing and cause an argument. People don't talk to anyone incase the other person thinks their a weirdo or a paedo or worse all due to the papers and medias attempt to seperate the Human community from actually being friendly.

Look over the last 50-60 years , people were bonding well, a polite 'hello' on the streets, helping old ladies across the roads, helping someone up who's fallen over, these days people just pass them by, incase their weirdo's or drunk. or in case they get arrested for bothering to help .

How many cases have YOU heard where the 'have a go hero' or helper was attempted to be sued by the person they were trying to help? or by the criminal?
Because the criminals 'rights' were affected by the 'have-a-go heros' audicty to actually try and help another Human being from being assualted or mugged?

So people don't bother trying anymore, there's no point if they stand the chance of getting assaulted as well, or arrested .

The medias fault is always broadcasting NEGATIVE stories, because negativity sells papers, positivity benefits no-one in the media's mind.

WRONG , positivity benefits ALL of us, if we actually bothered to try and talk to each other.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 08:04 AM

Originally posted by Before2017Victor
For a while now I've kept hearing how we are all connected.
We are all one.
I am sure most people on ATS would conclude that, that is the case.

But, to be honest I am not feeling a connection at all.

On rare occasions people smile and wave, but otherwise I find people acting very separate.
And sometimes if I were to just look at people (in a kind way as I passed them by) they give me the stink eye.
As if I have no business to want to give a glance or a gentle silent greeting to acknowledge their existence. I would hope people could acknowledge mine.

Is it just me? Or what's going on here?

I understand the meaning of feeling lonely in crowds more than ever from this perspective, but really it makes no sense if we all agree on the first point.

At times I admit I even get scared to look at 'strangers' because I am afraid I might make them feel uncomfortable.

So what's really happening? Flight or flight response? Sense of fear? Ego? Misreading faces? Too busy? Alerts firing off without real reason?

Now, we're only talking about a split second/ a single moment in time; for I may never see these people again, yet it still kind of bothers me.

Anyone else getting this feeling?

I can sort of relate to what you are saying. I doubt this has much to do with a sense of oneness (physically, metaphorically nor spiritually) People are different and have diverse personalities and needs. Some people are really warm, friendly and smile most of the time. Other people smile only when they recognise somebody they know. Other people simply just aren't happy/bubbly people who feel smiling at others will achieve much and so don't.

Sometimes I also feel apprehensive about glancing at certain people. And oddly I feel weird when some people stare in my direction, as though they know me or I remind them of somebody they used to know - I get that feeling a lot. I also agree that there seems to be more tension in the air in general locations now than several years back. People seemed more stable and happy; now they look stressed and sad.

Of course this could all be in our heads. Change your thoughts and change your world - or so they say...

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 08:43 AM
enough about this changing the world nonsense, we're doomed. it takes mighty armies to change a country, it'll take an even bigger and mightier army to change the world. unfortunately the world is filled with so many cowards today thanks to luxury. this bigger and mightier army will never be formed again and that is why we are all doomed.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 09:07 AM
wonder why all these movies like i am legend,28 days later,dawn of the dead,children of men,etc., and documentaries like life after people,the crumbling of america,guns germs and steel,etc., are now in vogue?or why
the plotline of almost every tv show or movie involves terrorists and killer viruses?

its a collective unconscious death wish.the oneness of most humans living miserable lives and secretly wishing everyone else gets exterminated.

the world's biggest movement-the environmental/ecology movement - has thousands of groups within it and many are extreme in the eco-terrorist/
university ecology professors vein.professors?

An award-winning Texas scientist was given a standing ovation after he advocated the extermination of 90 per cent of the Earth's population by an airborne Ebola virus.
The University of Texas evolutionary ecologist, Dr Eric R. Pianka, was addressing the 109th meeting of the Texas Academy of Science at Lamar University in Beaumont, Texas, in early March, after the academy had named him 2006 Distinguished Texas Scientist.
The Texas Academy of Science honored University of Texas biologist Eric Pianka as its 2006 Distinguished Texas Scientist last month. Pianka,an ecologist, argues that what this planet really needs is a nasty virus to wipe out 90% of the population.
"[Disease] will control the scourge of humanity," Pianka said, according to the Seguin Gazette. "We're looking forward to a huge collapse."

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 09:12 AM
ur probably in touch with ur self conscience more than other people

most people do wrong on others without thinking twice

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 09:22 AM
"Be the change that you want to see in the world."
- Mahatma Gandhi

To me it seems you are just doing that. Well done...but keep the good work going

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 09:28 AM

Originally posted by platipus
ur probably in touch with ur self conscience more than other people

most people do wrong on others without thinking twice

I'll take that as a compliment.

It implies I am not rude. YAY!

BTW, thanks people for the interesting responses.

So, far it seems we have a mutual understanding that people are rude when out in public amongst 'strangers', some don't agree with the we're all one statement, and others think we're all doomed.
I agree we're pretty much all screwed, but there's no point in being pessimistic.

I've been thinking today.
Humans think they're powerless, but together we can be extremely powerful with thought.

But, even so I suppose one can be quite powerful as well.

But think about this, now that our population is getting closer to 7 billion....just imagine how we could effect the world if we all held a single thought of love/change at once.
The results would be spectacular. I cannot even fathom what could happen.

[edit on 1-9-2009 by Before2017Victor]

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 09:43 AM
heres another example as to why we're doomed:

say there are three tiger, three alien and three human in hell. the devil told his demons to tie the tigers and aliens up before you throw them into the burning pit. he told his demons to just throw the humans in, they'll pull each other down if one try to get out.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 09:53 AM
Well I think quite the opposite then the OP in this thread. I do believe and feel that i am connected to everything not just people. Now of course our ego's tell us that were different, and make it seem that were different, but i believe everyones true nature is to be rid of all notions and ideas (nirvana), along with mindfullness (going with the flow)

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 09:54 AM
Edgar Mitchell thought so. you should check his book on that. he went to the moon and back,so its hard for PhD's to mock him.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 09:55 AM
Rude people? what is rude? I'm sorry but you know nothing, and neither do I.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 09:57 AM

Originally posted by 4stral4pprentice
Rude people? what is rude? I'm sorry but you know nothing, and neither do I.

people that cant behave/mannerisms

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 10:04 AM
that is YOUR idea, that rude is bad behavior/mannerism. You were conditioned to think that way.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 10:30 AM

Alright there, don't get too semanticy on us.

The point is understood. Separation is felt...for whatever reason.
Although from documentaries such as "what the BLEEP do we know" tell us we are one.

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