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new show: Surviving Disaster

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posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 07:20 PM
reply to post by nixie_nox

CME's of this scale are in the TRILLION volt range. It's like a huge "burp" from the sun. 1999 a small one knocked out the satellites, pages, and cellphones around the globe, as well as fried a bunch of very expensive switching transformers used by the utility companies.

GPS systems, maritime tracking, and a host of other systems and devices are subject to CME disruptions.

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 07:41 PM
So what did everyone think of this weeks show on office fires?

I thought it was decent. Now sure about the hurricane one though, too many variables there.

But the office one, did give me some good ideas, like taking a picture of the exit map,and if trapped, busting through the wall. I also liked how they showed the different quick harnesses you can do. Just hope that your building is outfitted with miles of cable.

My husband used to be in IT. When we were watching it he said, there are IT guys watching this just cringing, regrding the tearing up the floor and pulling the optic cable up.

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by AlaskaFranke

so then a large one does what?

Are cells down because of overburden on the towers or because the flare is early?

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 12:23 AM

Originally posted by nixie_nox
reply to post by AlaskaFranke

so then a large one does what?

Are cells down because of overburden on the towers or because the flare is early?

Large CME create high temperatures that strike the earth. Gamma rays are the most prevalent factors, as well as heat, magnetic, and UV radiation.

Plants wither and die, small creeks, streams, ponds dissipate. Technology dependent on satellites fail, cell phone, television signals, pagers, wireless systems-all go away, much like a massive EMP pulse hit it.

Science suggest that a large scale CME is possible in our lifetime. We are bombarded with CME’s almost every day. Most are harmless, some are of greater intensity, while others are huge, but lack the power to reach the planet. There are many instances of the Sun ejecting large volumes of CME at the earth. The scientists seem to shout with glee whenever this happens, but fail to realize the serious ramifications should a huge CME erupt and come hurtling towards Planet earth.

Wanna see what it would feel like. Put a pizza roll in a glass of water, slide it into your microwave, and set the timer on high for 1 hour. That would be about the effect you would experience, but all at once.

Shelter is underground, deep underground, but Gamma radiation at that level would still poison you, or kill you on the spot with massive doses.
There really is no way to protect yourself from a large scale CME. I’m sure if you were many miles underground, like in a mine or deep caves; you might have a chance.

Of course, one has to contemplate IF the Powers That Be, would even take the time to alert the population, for fear for starting a global panic. A situation that they are afraid of with utter fright.

To date; there have been several CME in our lifetimes. As earlier stated, most are harmless, but a few have been pretty severe. Am I holding my breath for the BIG UN’? Probably not. Given the limited survivability of the human race against CME, my take is that I will seek a safe shelter, but knowking well that it’s probably all for nothing.

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 08:53 AM
So I am watching this week's episode of SD on how to survive a nuclear blast. It is interesting, but part of it is really dumb.

In order to escape, they say your gonna have to steal a car if you don't have one. They start to show you how to steal a car, but don't show you how to get the car in gear. apparently you have to break something under the car.

I understand they don't want liability for stealing a car, then don't say steal a car. But don't say it, and only partially show it. Your gonna have people sitting under the car for 15 going: WTF was he talking about? pulling down a tab?

If your not a mechanic, you wouldn't even begin to know where to look for a gear.

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 09:19 AM
reply to post by nixie_nox

Steal a car? For real? What if the person who owns the car needs it? That is ridiculous. What they need to do is get all those buses up and running and get people into shelter asap.
Did they even think about asking the person who owns it for a ride?

posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 09:41 AM
reply to post by dreamseeker

Bascially a lot of people around you are dead and dying. We are talking about being within a few miles of the blast zone. Total chaos.

If that person hasn't taken it already, most likely they are not going to.

If I was desperate to get out, you can bet I am gonna steal a car, bike, elephant, whatever it takes.

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