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Tax Pledge Is a Target As Deficits, Debt Grow

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posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 03:51 AM

The Obama administration has insisted that the pledge will stand. But the president's top economic advisers have refused to rule out broad-based tax increases to close the yawning gap between federal revenue and government spending and are warning of tough choices ahead.

Republicans are already on the attack, accusing Obama of plotting to break his no-tax vow, the same political transgression that cost Democrats control of Congress under former president Bill Clinton and may have cost president George H.W. Bush his job.

Washington Post

The Administration has already broken quite a few promises. I can see them breaking this one.

At that point I just look at some of my friends and go: "I told you he was a bad idea!"

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 04:39 AM
Yep. Every time I hear the words "No New Taxes" I am reminded of two things:

1 G. H. W. Bush

2 The Tax Code System. Which in it's present state over 76 thousand pages of text, by the time one is done reading it, they will have amended it 5000 times..These numbers are NOT arbitrary either. It is fact.

So even if Obama doesn't go on a limb to raise taxes, the taxes are always being added anyway. It's a clever cop out if you ask me.

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 07:59 AM
reply to post by Tentickles

Did anyone here honestly believe that Obama would not raise taxes?
He'll raise taxes on cigarettes but he won't raise YOUR taxes.
He'll raise taxes on fast foods but he won't raise YOUR taxes.
He'll raise taxes on soda but he won't raise YOUR taxes.
He'll raise taxes on boats, cars, homes, but he won't raise YOUR taxes.

He'll not renew Bush's tax cuts.

But he won't raise YOUR taxes.


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