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Kidnapped California girl resurfaces 18 years later

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posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by 27jd

Originally posted by Jakes51
Deterrence as you mentioned wont work and there has been talking of executing sex offenders or castrating them but what will it accomplish?

Talk, nothing more than talk. If the sex offenders were to watch the Nick Berg beheading, and KNOW that if they are caught and proven guilty, they will get to experience that, it WILL affect their decision making. I'm certain of that.

I am not going to try and validate my opinion against a torrent of posters who think i'm a monster for wanting to kill a monster. I know the old sayings, and i'm aware of the fact that i'm not on the "high ground", with my opinion. I am going to bow out of the thread now, since i've been round and round with this SO many times, i wish not to make myself puke. Also, i start getting angry because right or wrong, i see those who would stand up for their human rights as almost condoning their actions, for whatever personal reasons, disguised as taking the "high ground". I hope youre sincere in your disgust for them.

There is no punishment that has ever been affective in deterring criminals. Many people who rape and murder multiple times not only do it because they enjoy it but because they have to do it. It's like being addicted to heroin but ten times worse and with no hope of ever getting rid of that addiction. They can try and starve themselves but they are not in control and eventually their sickness will win.

Also as soon as you murder one of these people you become their equal and you lose your humanity. What you need to do is ask yourself why you are so eager to become one of these monsters? Do you not have any respect for yourself?

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 06:57 PM

Originally posted by IDK88
reply to post by Annee

I'm not sure when, or if, I should post my theory of what happens when evil people die, which is related to this whole story.

OK. But "evil" is one of those subjective labels.

You take an energy intelligence and you put it in a flawed physical body. Is the intelligence really evil - - or are actions and thoughts short circuiting signals from a flawed physical body?

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 09:36 PM

Originally posted by IDK88
reply to post by kosmicjack

I suppose being at the fringe of conspiracy and occult is better than not even being in the ballpark.

I just had an arguement over the phone with my father about this exact same issue. I called it a plausible conspiracy, he called it a dial tone. LOL. I was about to post an article with my theories, but instead ill just post a couple of things to get the thread movin.
Interesting theories to read about... but then again the shelter was underground and not explorable by his parole officers... MAYBE?

And why was phillip d. Handing flyers for an upcoming meeting of his, with his two children at a local school? Something doesnt add up here. I smell a conspiracy on the rise.... Or maybe its just the neighbors BBQin!!!!

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 07:34 AM
Really the things these two individuals should have to endure for their remaining years is pretty much something I cannot write about here.

They should be kept alive for sure, alive with great pain daily though.

I am not sure how the young woman will ever become a normal part of society. Hopefully she can at least experience the love of her family which she has missed all this time. Though I suspect that within a few years she will commit suicide or fall to living on the streets. I really feel so bad for her. Her two children have a small chance of moving into society though I suspect it will be very difficult for them as well.

I find it strange that people can have compounds and hidden areas to keep and store people. Areas they use to torture people and use them as sex slaves seem a thing only to be found in the movies. Yet time and again we are shown there are real life places like this. Certainly people like this need to suffer for their remaining years. They have after all destroyed more lives than they have helped. I could link this to the China organ harvesting thread and say that these people should have their organs harvested while they live and without anesthesia. Of course this would be closer to the end of their remaining years and after many years of pain and torture.

I despise people that harm children more than any other.


posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 08:06 AM
I was reading that upon seeing her mom for the first time the young woman said something like...hi mom, I have babies.

I think that since she was only 11 when she went missing that she didn't/doesn't really know what happened to her. It seems she may not even realize that she was the victim to the extent that we know. Nor do her children. Apparently, she thinks, that the whole thing was normal; her daughters moreso.

This innocence probably saved her psyche and over time as her life returns to normal she'll be able to gradually come to terms with what was really happening.

It's almost as if this young woman represents an aspect of the American psyche.

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 09:33 AM

Originally posted by DraconianKing
There is no punishment that has ever been affective in deterring criminals.

That's because they've never tried the punishments i have in mind. I can almost guarantee they would deter.

Many people who rape and murder multiple times not only do it because they enjoy it but because they have to do it. It's like being addicted to heroin but ten times worse and with no hope of ever getting rid of that addiction. They can try and starve themselves but they are not in control and eventually their sickness will win.

I may be off base, but that appears to be personal experience talking. I'm not interested in your "child molesters are just misunderstood" CRAP, k? If they're so weak as to let their sickness win, they have no place on this planet amongst our children. The moment "they" decide to act on their sickness, "they" should have thier intestines fed to them. "They" really should seek serious help the moment "they" realize "they" have such a disgusting, perverted addiction (usually you have to try something a few times to become addicted), or just put themselves out of their misery before "they" EVER lay a finger on a child. I'm not interested in addictions being labeled as a "sickness", and this particular 'addiction' is nothing but a perversion of the worst kind. NOT a sickness. I've never known of anybody coming down with child molestation after not washing their hands properly, or being coughed on by another sick @ss pervert.

Also as soon as you murder one of these people you become their equal and you lose your humanity. What you need to do is ask yourself why you are so eager to become one of these monsters?

Sorry, i don't feel that's the case. I feel that it would enhance my humanity, to ensure the safety and emotional well-being of future generations, and to STOP the cycle of abuse these selfish pieces of S--T perpetuate. Brutality is a part of this planet, and a part of nature. I believe there are times when it's necessary to embrace brutality and horror, and no time is better than when dispatching wastes of oxygen that find pleasure in destroying children.

Do you not have any respect for yourself?

I have the utmost respect for myself. However, i have none for child molesters, or those who stand beside and support them, because they feel they are misunderstood or think they have a "sickness". If it were up to me, child molesters would catch a nasty case of 'brains on the wall'. Luckily for you though, i'm not in charge.

[edit on 29-8-2009 by 27jd]

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 10:21 AM
I'm wondering how the two children will fare. They have no birth records, no birth certificate, no education, and no proof of identity. How will they find jobs, etc? And the victim doesn't have education past eleven, and probably has the mind set of an eleven year old now.

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by IDK88

It's almost as if this young woman represents an aspect of the American psyche.

You mean how Americans are slaves and victims to oppression and don't even realize it?

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 10:37 AM
I think the only conspiracies here are 1. that these type of people never get just punishment. Too many people sympathize for them and believe they deserve a spot on a nice comfy sofa talking to a shrink. Seems compassion first, before justice, in so many opinions.

Those who scream deterrence does not work are wrong. It absolutely does work. For every single person? No. But no punishment works 100% of the time, because each individual is different and responds differently than the next person. Therefore, the harshest punishment allowed under the law needs to always be an option, because it will deter some.

The second conspiracy in my opinion is that we have become a paranoid closed society. What I mean by this, is way back in the days neighbors looked out for each other. Neighbors knew what was going on in the neighborhood. Not anymore. Neighbors do not talk anymore and they all mind their own business. If they even suspect something foul is going on, do they report it anymore? No! They keep to themselves.

And I doubt anything was underground. You can look at the background on google earth. There are tents and sheds all in the backyard. Neighbors probably just thought they were hoarding crap.

So, either as a society we must go back to the old days where we looked out for each other and were pretty much "nosey". Or we keep to ourselves and everyone needs to stop saying, "how did the neighbors not know?" The neighbors did not know, because they kept to themselves, just like you would like your neighbors to do. I am sure you do not want your neighbors peaking over the fence or snooping around.

As far as the officers that would visit the house not noticing. Well, when they visit the house, they are there for a routine check. Unless something stands out that needs further investigation, of course nothing was noticed. Why would an officer feel the need to wander around the backyard? I would bet that the pervert sat nicely on his living room sofa and answered all questions just like he knew he should and the officer would go on his way.

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by Donnie Darko

Yes. at least they have been and are going through a time of realization concerning what has happened to them.

[edit on 29-8-2009 by IDK88]

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by IDK88
I was reading that upon seeing her mom for the first time the young woman said something like...hi mom, I have babies.

It may actually be her "saving Grace" - that she had a baby shortly after being abducted and then a second baby.

Hopefully she was able to create her own little loving family freely.

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by inked up

The second conspiracy in my opinion is that we have become a paranoid closed society. What I mean by this, is way back in the days neighbors looked out for each other. Neighbors knew what was going on in the neighborhood. Not anymore. Neighbors do not talk anymore and they all mind their own business. If they even suspect something foul is going on, do they report it anymore? No! They keep to themselves.

My husband says the destruction of America began with eliminating the Front Porch.

I add to that - the break down of family. And I don't mean "one man - one woman - 3.5 whatever kids. I mean family - extended family.

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 11:59 AM

Originally posted by kosmicjack

Originally posted by Annee
But - I just don't see any correlation between this and Kennedy.

I agree. The synchromystic theories are fascinating to an extent but some of the web sites and such are just bizarre. Connecting the dots of lines that just don't exist. I think it could easily make a person of questionable mental state even more unbalanced. On the other hand some of the parallels are just astounding.

Parallels to what? The juxtaposition of the Kennedy accusations into this story are HIGHLY irresponsible, and of incredibly poor taste. Not only does it belittle the ACTUAL VICTIM, but it attempts to tarnish the name of a man of whom isnt even buried yet.

Had the OP even made a halfassed attempt to connect the dots, other than merely mentioning the possibility, then it would be ok. But no, it seems it was just added as an afterthought to get more replies to his thread.

FURTHERMORE - idiotic grasping at imaginary straws draws attention away from other REAL synchromystic theories. its like getting emeril to bake his best pie, just to shove it in some hobo's face.

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 01:26 PM
reply to post by drsmooth23

Why so...because so many people are praising him as I write? I don't know Kennedy. All he is to me is a person who voted affirmative for a war he won't see the end of in Afghanistan.

My purpose of this thread is to delve into what the hell is happening in this country. Jaycee Dugard is a real person, held as a slave and showing signs that she was not fully aware of what was happening to her. I think that you guys who are rushing to the defense of some person who's only positive accomplishments in life were being elected to the US Senate more than almost anyone else in history; and you really like his position of Healthcare.

As more details of this little girls abduction and release from captivity unfolds it appears to me that the connection is that what this Philip Garrido did on a small scale Ted Kennedy accomplished on a large scale and the people who are the victims of Kennedy plan to defend him just as passionately as Jaycee Dugard will defend the "father of her children" if the investigators explain to her what he is in FACT.

I guess this Garrido guy handed over books about religion and mind control to investigators, but you are all level headed and no such thing could happen to you.

Please tell me what is really happening in this world and who is responsible or let me try and figure it out myself...with whoever wants to contribute.

I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him.

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 02:14 PM
reply to post by IDK88

just because your not aware of someones accomplishments it doesnt mean they never did them.

Kennedy and his Senate staff had written about 2,500 bills, of which more than 300 were enacted into law

Various interest groups have given Kennedy scores or grades as to how well his votes align with the positions of each group. The American Civil Liberties Union gives him an 84 percent lifetime score as of 2009. During the 1990s and 2000s, NARAL Pro-Choice America and Planned Parenthood typically gave Kennedy ratings of 100 percent, while the National Right to Life Committee typically gave him a rating of less than 10 percent. The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence gave Kennedy a lifetime rating of 100 percent through 2002, while National Rifle Association gave Kennedy a lifetime grade of 'F' (failing) as of 2006.

Senator Kennedy’s political positions are reflected in his advocacy for minority groups regarding racial justice; women’s reproductive rights; gender equality; age discrimination; immigration; gay rights; and civil rights.

wiki is your friend

It seems to me he kept getting elected because he was doing something right.


Some guy locks a girl in his backyard for over a decade.


And here we are trying to connect the two. Yes, the 'chaos effect' is real and it connects these things, and EVERYTHING else in the observable universe, but that in no way means these two things are DEPENDENT on each other.

Ill let your thread be, but you would have an easier time convincing me obama was behind hitlers death.

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 02:27 PM

Originally posted by IDK88

Why so...because so many people are praising him as I write? I don't know Kennedy. All he is to me is a person who voted affirmative for a war he won't see the end of in Afghanistan.

I don't understand why poster's feel the need to attack and be rude just because they don't agree or understand something.

Since I believe everything is energy - - I can support a huge amount of energy is being brought together and emitting from events following Kennedy's death - - which could affect/trigger changes elsewhere.

I did not see a correlation until you explained it in a later post.

As far as what triggers someone to do horrific things. Garrido's father did say his son had a motorcycle accident which caused brain damage and then became involved with '___'. Which goes back to my other post on "what is evil".

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 02:38 PM
reply to post by IDK88

Your posts are consistently so far above average and reveal you to be someone of such penetrating insight and intelligence, that all I can do is read in appreciation and Star what you write

You certainly force me to think outside the trite and easy. Thank you

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 03:13 PM
reply to post by drsmooth23

I was referring in general to some of the other parallels that synchromystics have drawn with regard to current events and people.

This case and Kennedy, not so much. It's real stretch, IMHO. But that's just me.

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 04:15 PM

Originally posted by Annee

My husband says the destruction of America began with eliminating the Front Porch.

I add to that - the break down of family. And I don't mean "one man - one woman - 3.5 whatever kids. I mean family - extended family.

I definitely agree with that.

And look how people live. Families used to live with each other and relied on each other. Now children move out on their own and have to take on cost of apartments, etc when they could just live all under one roof and share expenses.

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by Jessicamsa

I definitely agree with that.

And look how people live. Families used to live with each other and relied on each other. Now children move out on their own and have to take on cost of apartments, etc when they could just live all under one roof and share expenses.

I don't want to get too far off topic - but YES! And not only that - single families seem to live separate lives within the home. Everyone has their own room. Everyone has a TV and personal computer in their own room. Bring back the family dining room table sounds to simplistic - - but is such a powerful concept.

This young victim having a child at only 14 - - may actually have been the most important thing to create "normalcy" in her life - - and be beneficial toward re-entering society.

[edit on 29-8-2009 by Annee]

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