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Deep Secrets of a UFO Think Tank Exposed!

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posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 06:29 PM
Here is another great article I just found.. Folks the lid is coming is the story

Anthony Bragalia writes, “Since the 1940's the U.S. government has quietly engaged one of its key defense and intelligence agency contractors as a secret UFO "think tank." New investigation reveals that the esteemed RAND Corporation is a "think tank" that has given far more than "passing thought" to things extraterrestrial. RAND's hidden history of UFO involvement has been discovered to include work in policy analysis; evaluation of evidence and in advising on the potential technological advantages achieved from UFO study. Telling connections have also been found between RAND and the Roswell crash event of 1947.

RAND Corporation was established in 1946 by the U.S. Army Air Force as Project RAND (for Research and Development) and is today registered as a nonprofit organization. It is funded through government contracts, university collaborators and by "private donors." RAND's primary agency clients include the CIA and DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.) Headquartered in Santa Monica, CA the think tank maintains branches worldwide. RAND's stated mission is to "help to improve policy and decision making through objective research and analysis." Its work is officially conducted "for the public welfare and security of the United States of America." Over 30 Nobel Prize winners have been employed by RAND. From physics to economics, the 2000 person think tank provides high-level information and evaluation to the U.S. government. Deeper review shows that RAND has conducted studies in such areas as weapons development, intelligence gathering and analysis and the design of sensitive underground installations for the USAF. Far more concealed is RAND's intimate involvement in highly classified UFO study for the U.S. government:


From its very inception, the men of RAND knew much about saucers. RAND was conceived by Donald Douglas, CEO of Douglas Aircraft along with two military officer luminaries. Douglas often confided in friends about the reality of the UFOs. These officers carried with them significant "UFO histories." The officers behind RAND were Major General Curtis LeMay (the US Air Force's Chief of Development) and General Hap Arnold (considered the "father" of the modern U.S. Air Force.) In May of 1948 RAND was separated from Douglas Aircraft and became its own operating entity. Among RAND's earliest government reports was the release of the enigmatically titled, "Preliminary Design of an Experimental World-Circling Spaceship."

here is a link to the rest of the story.

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 06:41 PM
I dont know how credible the source is but good find. Tis about time if you ask me.

Just let it out, deal with it and move on. Its the best method for life. Secrets cause so many problems, lies mainly, they cause distrust and a desire to find the truth can cause so many more problems.

We are not stupid, we are not retarded and we dont need nannying.

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 06:57 PM
That was great reading thank you for posting it.

One thing that did pique my interest was one of the accounts of an encounter with an extraterrestrial being. If on face value this account is genuine then could this be the truth and the reason why this truth is kept from us?

“Why have they never told Earth's people about this? There could be nothing more wonderful for humans than to be told that death is definitely not the end, that they have a soul!

After a pause, the alien replies: “You don’t.”

For me this is not a terrible thing. Does it really matter if we have a soul or not? What matters for me at least is living in the here and now. In a way death is just oblivion then, return to star dust, rinse, and repeat. If we have no soul and if that it the case why should it be a cause of such fear? The authorities need to get a grip if they think this is some nightmare truth people should be protected from.

Actually, I missed another angle. If we have no soul and this got into the mainstream in a believable manner then people will not fear what may come from living a bloody, nasty life where they may have poured suffering on others. Anarchism and a new age of humankind could be what the elite fear then?

S&F you gave me some things to think about ty again

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 07:23 PM
Two members from Rand were at the September 1952 White House meeting about the DC sightings. They're in it up to their eyeballs.

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 08:08 PM
Really puzzled why there is not more interests here
There are many piece of the puzzle and this is one of them.

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 08:26 PM
Another interesting aspect of RAND is their rumored involvement in DUMB(Deep Underground Military Bunkers) transportation methods, like the VHST (Very High Speed Transit system), which of course is rumored to take personal between Los Alamos, Dulce base, Area 51, Edwards, and many more.

The alien related aspect of this is the bases it reportedly connects, as well the electromagnetic technology is rumored to have possibly been reversed engineered from ETs.

Americas' 14,000mph secret transit system

Here is an interesting official RAND document from 1969 courtesy of NICAP. They discuss the UFO phenomena:


This document was once highly controversial and at one point denied by RAND.

Thanks for posting, good stuff.

[edit on 8/26/2009 by jkrog08]

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 08:28 PM

Originally posted by starwatcher1
Really puzzled why there is not more interests here
There are many piece of the puzzle and this is one of them.

Anthony just wrote the piece on the Batelle Institute last week. He's really cranking them out. Great find!

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 08:46 PM

Originally posted by Dissemination
...“Why have they never told Earth's people about this? There could be nothing more wonderful for humans than to be told that death is definitely not the end, that they have a soul!

After a pause, the alien replies: “You don’t.”

For me this is not a terrible thing. Does it really matter if we have a soul or not? What matters for me at least is living in the here and now...

Yeah -- but why would an alien necessarily have any additional insight as to whether or not we have a soul/there is an afterlife?

I suppose if a person wants to believe in an afterlife, but a alien says "there is none", then that person could decide to simply not agree with the alien's assessment -- just like some people today with religious leanings decide not to agree with atheists who say God does not exist.

I just don't understand why we would think that an alien would have all of the answers concerning the existence of God. Perhaps God does exist, but the alien culture we may encounter is full of atheists.

[edit on 8/26/2009 by Soylent Green Is People]

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by Dissemination

Well that is interesting because that apparently contradicts pretty much everything that has ever been reported related to aliens and their insight on the 'soul'.

Dulce Files
Area 51 Alien Interview

Those are just a few rumored reports that discuss a "soul matrix". There are more.

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by jkrog08

My point was more "hypothetical" and more general, and not based on existing reports as to how alleged aliens allegedly feel about the existence of God...

..."In general" and "hypothetically" (forgetting those accounts you mentioned for now), why do people think that aliens would really know the "truth" about God or an afterlife any better than we humans do?

[edit on 8/26/2009 by Soylent Green Is People]

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 09:15 PM
reply to post by Dissemination

Perhaps what the "aliens" meant was that we DO NOT OWN OUR SOULS.... the entities consider our souls and bodies there property.......................just like a cattle rancher considers his cattle

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 09:16 PM
reply to post by Soylent Green Is People

why do people think that aliens would really know the "truth" about God or an afterlife any better than we humans do?

Good question..

Here is my take on it:

I believe that it is thought (logically) that any species more advanced technologically (and thus evolutionarly) than us would also have a more advanced spiritual understanding more than likely. It seems to reason that with more knowledge of the advanced physics of the Universe that you would undoubtedly find some evidence of a 'spirtual' world beyond the veil of our 4 dimensionally bound existence. Plus the longer a species is around and able to comprehend events in reality it also is logical to assume they may have aquired more knowledge about such things.

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 09:18 PM
reply to post by thefreepatriot

I was thinking along those lines as well. Although I really do not give the "Reptilian-soul harvest" theory any type of legitimacy.

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 09:33 PM

Originally posted by jkrog08
...It seems to reason that with more knowledge of the advanced physics of the Universe that you would undoubtedly find some evidence of a 'spirtual' world beyond the veil of our 4 dimensionally bound existence. Plus the longer a species is around and able to comprehend events in reality it also is logical to assume they may have aquired more knowledge about such things.

Even if an alien said "we have looked beyond the veils of 4 dimensions and have seen no evidence of God", a spiritual-minded human could say you aren't looking in the right places"
...and if the alien says, "our civilization has existed for 1,000,000 years and evolved beyond the need for religion, and we feel that the belief in God or an afterlife is only for primitive cultures", a religious-type human could still say "you're wrong".

I mean, what kind of evidence could an alien possibly have that can disprove the existence of God?

By the way, I'm by no means personally trying to push the existence of God -- I'm simply talking hypothetical situations here and playing "devils advocate"

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 09:38 PM
reply to post by fls13

Thanks for that
Anthony is a great investigator and has found some really great information. I can't wait to see what he comes up with next.
As far as the Rand CO I am sure they, as well as many more are "up to their eyrballs" in the UFO field. Thanks again

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 09:46 PM
While I doubt that RAND has had anything to do with aliens, I do know they are one high-class outfit. My dad was involved in a project years and years ago that was a product of RAND's research.

I would imagine if they wanted to keep UFO's/Aliens secret, the military would not have involved an organization such as RAND. Too big, too many people involved. If I had to subscribe to something like this, I would lean towards a government run management team (think MJ12 but real) and individual researches under their watchful eye.

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 09:54 PM
reply to post by IgnoreTheFacts

I beg to differ with you. There are many "public" large corporations that do parts of work that is classified. The Rand CO is mentioned specifically as a private contractor.
They have been around along time and I would bet one hand doesn't know what the other is doing.
That's the way they want it. No one person, or group know what the other person or group is doing.

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 10:04 PM

Originally posted by Dissemination
That was great reading thank you for posting it.

One thing that did pique my interest was one of the accounts of an encounter with an extraterrestrial being. If on face value this account is genuine then could this be the truth and the reason why this truth is kept from us?

“Why have they never told Earth's people about this? There could be nothing more wonderful for humans than to be told that death is definitely not the end, that they have a soul!

After a pause, the alien replies: “You don’t.”

For me this is not a terrible thing. Does it really matter if we have a soul or not? What matters for me at least is living in the here and now. In a way death is just oblivion then, return to star dust, rinse, and repeat. If we have no soul and if that it the case why should it be a cause of such fear? The authorities need to get a grip if they think this is some nightmare truth people should be protected from.

Actually, I missed another angle. If we have no soul and this got into the mainstream in a believable manner then people will not fear what may come from living a bloody, nasty life where they may have poured suffering on others. Anarchism and a new age of humankind could be what the elite fear then?

S&F you gave me some things to think about ty again

The problem with that statement, "You don't", is the fact that the physical entity is a singular being of its own, intelligence of the physical manifestation are completely seperate of the being at which peers into the UNIverse.

If there is an alien race out there they will indeed; cause havoc on earthly religion because earthly religion is all off its truth floating in a sea of perversions...WHY? Purposely to keep people at the task at hand which is: Finding the path of freedom from which you are binded.

The problem with 99.9% of people is they don't understand that its all a test and that this planet is not what it seems, they get caught up in all the 'Mumbo-jumbo' of the physical which is unimportant, stop caring about whats happening over there or who's telling you what is what because you should only be listening the yourself and with that guidance towards enlightenment.

[edit on 26-8-2009 by Psychonaughty]

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 10:57 PM
Also just to clarify about the authenticity of this article and the site:

At the bottom it asks for a "donation", to keep 'recieving', reports/articles/pictures such as these. Always a negative aspect to the clarity of authentic whistle blowing.

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 11:57 PM
Did you all know that Ben Rich the man who ran Lockheeds "SkunkWorks" and was involved in a lot of black projects has a son named Michael who is one of the head honchos at RAND?

Check out the link and his bio.

Michael Rich

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