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it seems possibile

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posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 10:53 PM
It seems very possible that there will be a pole shift come 2012 along with the galatic alignment...Im trying not to sound like a nut job here, but at the same time I am extremely worried. I have a 14 month old and Im only 23! Everyone says not to worry about it, thats its not going to happen, but what if it does happen and I could of used this time to prepare?? Even if you could prepare...Honestly, there is nothing you can do with 1,000 tsunami's right? Each wave just gets bigger and bigger and I LIVE IN FLORIDA!! I've been reading about 2012 since I was 11 years old, and I always thought, 2012 GOD THATS SO FAR AWAY!! Now that it getting close....I dont know! Seems very possible and SCARY!!I've tried talking to my mom about it and my brother and no one seems to give it any attention..should I not worry about them and focus on me and my kid? How can I do that to my family? Secondly I would like to say that Y2K or the year 2000 was not an end of world was more of us freaking out because computers would supposibly shut down, all kinds of data would be lost...not lives or our planet...this is completely different...and it scares me...any words of wisdom or comfort? The weather has been getting worse, hurricanes are becoming stronger and more frequent, the hard hitting earth quakes last year that shook california and china, the tsunami in 2005, All im saying is SOMETHING IS DEFFINETLY GOING ON!! HELP! LOL I FEEL LIKE IM GOING CRAZY! NO one will listen to me and I think Im starting to sound like a quack even though there is proof!

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 11:06 PM
i wouldnt worry about it too much, if it does happen ( which i doubt ) there is little you can do, its silly to worry about the unknown. Keep a clam and peaceful mind and whatever happens happens. Worrying about it will make you miserable.

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 11:08 PM
Don't worry your gunna be ok. Were all working towards a solution.

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 11:11 PM
I use to feel the same way as you StarrGazer25, but I then realized that 2012/2011 is not the end of the world, but a new beginning. 2012 is the new Y2K, and people will very well be on earth in 2012. Just about everyone can agree something will happen in 2011/2012, but there's no real evidence supporting the sudden end of all time. If anythings going to happen, the way the world works will take a turn for the better, or for the worst.

One thing that's interesting about 2012 is the giant solar burst that is supposedly going to be the biggest to date.

000 The Risks of believing that the Mayan Calendar ends with 2012

[edit on 24-8-2009 by iHateMasses]

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 11:13 PM
Reply to post by StarrGazer25

I agree with Phi. Live your life day to day, not 2 or 3 years in advance. Keep being yourself, doing wha you do, caring for your young one, etc etc. If it happens, you couldn't have possibly done anything to stop it. If it doesn't, well, nothing has changed.

Honestly, all I can say is be true to yourself, your beliefs and your family and friends. That's really all that we can do as an individual on this plane of existence.

It is normal to worry. It's a natural human response. Just, please, do not let it affect your day to day life.

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posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 11:14 PM
reply to post by iHateMasses

HAHA...funny, thanks for informing me of the solar blast! I appriciate it

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 11:25 PM

Originally posted by StarrGazer25
It seems very possible that there will be a pole shift come 2012 along with the galatic alignment...Im trying not to sound like a nut job here, but at the same time I am extremely worried. I have a 14 month old and Im only 23! Everyone says not to worry about it, thats its not going to happen, but what if it does happen and I could of used this time to prepare?? Even if you could prepare...Honestly, there is nothing you can do with 1,000 tsunami's right? Each wave just gets bigger and bigger and I LIVE IN FLORIDA!! I've been reading about 2012 since I was 11 years old, and I always thought, 2012 GOD THATS SO FAR AWAY!! Now that it getting close....I dont know! Seems very possible and SCARY!!I've tried talking to my mom about it and my brother and no one seems to give it any attention..should I not worry about them and focus on me and my kid? How can I do that to my family? Secondly I would like to say that Y2K or the year 2000 was not an end of world was more of us freaking out because computers would supposibly shut down, all kinds of data would be lost...not lives or our planet...this is completely different...and it scares me...any words of wisdom or comfort? The weather has been getting worse, hurricanes are becoming stronger and more frequent, the hard hitting earth quakes last year that shook california and china, the tsunami in 2005, All im saying is SOMETHING IS DEFFINETLY GOING ON!! HELP! LOL I FEEL LIKE IM GOING CRAZY! NO one will listen to me and I think Im starting to sound like a quack even though there is proof!

if u really FEEL that you have to do something about it... prepare now! ...even if u feel disturbing about it prepare for it.. you won't loose anything.... yes this 2012 is freaking me out too.. fake or not - its disturbing as # and are always making me think that its something going on. but something is going on. I wish i would never knew about this 2012 thing... but i remember i watched a movie when i was a kid about the Mayans. and they said a huge comet should hit the planet.. however.. this thing about the "2012" got stuck in my head for years.. its weird because i already knew about it at so young age. I was 10 years old. And the weird part is that everything that happens now (earthquakes, tsunamis. the talk about 2012) only makes me think and believe in it stronger, because it really is weird. I think i am noticing the first distinguishing features, and hallmarks of a change of the poles!

Now all the end of the world prophecies 1999 talk - I actually didn't believe it. And it didn't happen..I don't know why. But I think the only one true thing that can happen, is a pole shift. I don't really believe in this niburu #

But 2012.. i don't feel good talking about it now. I am sorry but how do you feel about it?

[edit on 24-8-2009 by 2Unknown]

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 11:42 PM
reply to post by StarrGazer25

All you can do is prepare.

Why not prepare? Why not have a years worth of food? You pay for auto or home insurance right? Why not "disaster life insurance" which consists of food & water, security, and long term disaster shelter. Concealed shelter that is, no use being out in the open so someone can take your stuff.

2012, an EMP, Supervolcano, Asteroid impact, plague, nuclear war, WHATEVER... chances are pretty good that something "Bad" can happen in your lifetime. Why not be a little bit prepared just in case?

[edit on 24-8-2009 by infolurker]

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 11:56 PM
reply to post by infolurker

Thats the thing...I live in florida, I cant have an under ground shelter it would just get flooded and we would drown...My parents do however have a cabin in north florida right under georgia with small wood frame cabin in the middle of the woods. Does that sound good? I've always wanted to learn how to shoot a gun and buy one for protection, maybe you guys are right maybe I would feel some what better if I knew I had a stash..but florida is surrounded by water if there was a 1,000ft tsunimi wave, it wouldnt make a difference....Florida would be washed a way in an instance! LOL But again maybe you guys are right, atleast if I had food water and some guns and amo I might feel a little better, also what is a good blocker for the sun? I heard that the sun could produce heat 20 to 30 times what it does now for a minium of 4 days and can burn everything **I guess thats what that solar blast does, huh?**

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 12:16 AM
reply to post by StarrGazer25

Don't worry. If there is a pole shift the 1st thing that will happen is the earths magnetic feild will be gone during the shift. This will allow the Suns radiation to freely enter the atmosphere and fry us all.
The earth will still rotate just as it does now and the sun will come up in the east.

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 12:18 AM
reply to post by StarrGazer25

EMP (Natural or Manmade) has always been #1 on the probable "sit-x" scenario. You cannot prepare for all possibilities, only know that you can be ready for "some or most" of the nasty ones.

Gama Ray burst... game over unless you are already in deep shelter, and we wouldn't know it was coming... so can't really prepare for that unless you live and work in a bunker or cavern.

So there is no way to realistically prepare for them all but jeeze, don't be like the other millions of idiots who have 2 weeks of food. Don't buy that $2,000 TV and go buy some damned long term food and some "security". You can't eat the plasma TV and it doesn't really do anything if there is no electricity. Take care of the "Needs" first and the "luxuries" second.

Guess what happens in any Continental affecting sit-x scenario after a couple of weeks.... It isn't pretty.

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 02:01 PM
[atsimg][/atsimg]Dont you find it abit puzzling that all the ancients Knew about this, and here our scientists are calling it Myths ?

Do you think the ancients would have laughed this off like an Hoax ? !
Our scientists today find this things to be true, and they say Nothing about it being sayd by the Elders ...

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 07:48 PM
reply to post by ChemBreather

My thoughts exactly!
Thanks for sharing!

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 07:56 PM
just like y2k. it was all blown up.. And nothing happened. Just keep living your life. And everybody has to day someday. so wat if its in 2012
.. but honestly I do feel like something could happen to. Just try to stay informed. And find some put your faith in something. You sissy

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 08:23 PM
reply to post by StarrGazer25

In the New Testament, Jesus says run to the mountains and woe to those with small children..

I would feel most comfortable in mountains, in some rural area that isn't very populated.

It's such a sad thing, to know a fatal disaster is about to befall the country, all these things lining up in place to fall at the exact same instant. But then you have no idea how exactly it will be play out, so that you can prepare more precisely for it. It is most important to be aware. Breathe easy and be aware and listen to your instinct.

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 08:36 PM
reply to post by StarrGazer25

Ian O’Neill is a solar physics doctor and has written a series of articles about 2012. If you go to the site, you can find links to all of them.

2012: No Geomagnetic Reversal

Written by Ian O'Neill ShareThis
Could the magnetic field of the Earth really reverse in 2012? I wouldn't bet on it...Apparently, on December 21st 2012, our planet will experience a powerful event. This time we're not talking about Planet X, Nibiru or a "killer" solar flare, this event will originate deep within the core of our planet, forcing a catastrophic change in our protective magnetic field. Not only will we notice a rapid reduction in magnetic field strength, we'll also see the magnetic poles rapidly reverse polarity (i.e. the north magnetic pole will be located over the South Pole and vice versa). So what does this mean to us? If we are to believe the doomsayers, we'll be exposed to the vast quantities of radiation blasting from the Sun; with a reversing magnetic field comes a weakening in the Earth's ability to deflect cosmic rays. Our armada of communication and military satellites will drop from orbit, adding to the chaos on the ground. There will be social unrest, warfare, famine and economic collapse. Without GPS, our airliners will also plough into the ground…

Related 2012 articles:

* 2012: No Geomagnetic Reversal (posted October 3rd 2008)
* 2012: No Killer Solar Flare (posted June 21st 2008)
* 2012: Planet X Is Not Nibiru (posted June 19th 2008)
* 2012: No Planet X (posted May 25th 2008)
* No Doomsday in 2012 (posted May 19th 2008)

Using the Mayan Prophecy as an excuse to create new and explosive ways in which our planet may be destroyed, 2012 doomsayers use the geomagnetic shift theory as if it is set in stone. Simply because scientists have said that it might happen within the next millennium appears to be proof enough that it will happen in four years time. Alas, although this theory has some scientific backing, there is no way that anyone can predict when geomagnetic reversal might happen to the nearest day or to the nearest million years…

Firstly, let's differentiate between geomagnetic reversal and polar shift. Geomagnetic reversal is the change in the magnetic field of the Earth, where the magnetic north pole shifts to the South Polar Region and the south magnetic pole shifts to the North Polar Region. Once this process is complete, our compasses would point toward Antarctica, rather than northern Canada. Polar shift is considered to be a less likely event that occurs a few times in the evolutionary timescale of the Solar System. There are a couple of examples of planets that have suffered a catastrophic polar shift, including Venus (which rotates in an opposite direction to all the other planets, therefore it was flipped upside down by some huge event, such as a planetary collision) and Uranus (which rotates on its side, having been knocked off-axis by an impact, or some gravitational effect caused by Jupiter and Saturn). Many authors (including the doomsayers themselves) often cite both geomagnetic reversal and polar shift as being one of the same thing. This isn't the case.

So, on with geomagnetic reversal…

How often does it happen?
The Earths interior (University of Chicago)

The Earths interior (University of Chicago)
The reasons behind the reversal of the magnetic poles is poorly understood, but it is all down to the internal dynamics of Planet Earth. As our planet spins, the molten iron in the core flows freely, forcing free electrons to flow with it. This convective motion of charged particles sets up a magnetic field which bases its poles in the North and South Polar Regions (a dipole). This is known as the dynamo effect. The resulting magnetic field approximates a bar magnet, allowing the field to envelop our planet.

This magnetic field passes through the core to the crust and pushes into space as the Earth's magnetosphere, a protective bubble constantly being buffeted by the solar wind. As the solar wind particles are usually charged, the Earth's powerful magnetosphere deflects the particles, only allowing them into the polar cusp regions where the polar magnetic fieldlines become "open." The regions at which these energetic particles are allowed to enter glow as aurorae.

Usually this situation can last for aeons (a stable magnetic field threaded through the North and South Polar Regions), but occasionally, the magnetic field is known to reverse and alter in strength. Why is this?

A chart showing Earth's polarity reversals over the last 160 million years. Black = "normal" polarity, White = "reversed" polarity. From Lowrie (1997), Fundamentals of Geophysics

A chart showing Earths polarity reversals over the last 160 million years. Black = normal polarity, White = reversed polarity. From Lowrie (1997)

Again, we simply do not know. We do know that this magnetic pole flip-flop has occurred many times in the last few million years, the last occurred 780,000 years ago according to ferromagnetic sediment. A few scaremongering articles have said geomagnetic reversal occurs with "clockwork regularity" – this is simply not true. As can be seen from the diagram (left), magnetic reversal has occurred fairly chaotically in the last 160 million years. Long-term data suggests that the longest stable period between magnetic "flips" is nearly 40 million years (during the Cretaceous period over 65 million years BC) and the shortest is a few hundred years.

Some 2012 theories suggest that the Earth's geomagnetic reversal is connected to the natural 11-year solar cycle. Again, there is absolutely no scientific evidence to support this claim. No data has ever been produced suggesting a Sun-Earth magnetic polarity change connection.

So, already this doomsday theory falters in that geomagnetic reversal does not occur with "clockwork regularity," and it has no connection with solar dynamics. We are not due a magnetic flip as we cannot predict when the next one is going to occur, magnetic reversals occur at seemingly random points in history.

What causes geomagnetic reversal?
The model Earth, can a magnetic field be modelled in the lab? (Flora Lichtman, NPR)

The model Earth, can a magnetic field be modelled in the lab? (Flora Lichtman, NPR)
Research is afoot to try to understand the internal dynamics of our planet. As the Earth spins, the molten iron inside churns and flows in a fairly stable manner for millennia. For some reason during geomagnetic reversal, some instability causes an interruption to the steady generation of a global magnetic field, causing it to flip-flop between the poles.

In a previous Universe Today article, we discussed the efforts of geophysicist Dan Lathrop's attempts to create his own "model Earth," setting a 26 tonne ball (containing a molten iron analogue, sodium) spinning to see if the internal motion of the fluid could set up a magnetic field. This huge laboratory experiment is testament to the efforts being put into understanding how our Earth even generates a magnetic field, let alone why it randomly reverses.

A minority view (which, again is used by doomsayers to link geomagnetic reversal with Planet X) is that there may be some external influence that causes the reversal. You will often see associated with the Planet X/Nibiru claims that should this mystery object encounter the inner Solar System during its highly elliptical orbit, the magnetic field disturbance could upset the internal dynamics of the Earth (and the Sun, possibly generating that "killer" solar flare I discussed back in June). This theory is a poor attempt to link several doomsday scenarios with a common harbinger of doom (i.e. Planet X). There is no reason to think the strong magnetic field of the Earth can be influenced by any external force, let alone a non-existent planet (or was that a brown dwarf?).

The magnetic field strength waxes and wanes…
Variations in geomagnetic field in western US since last reversal. The vertical dashed line is the critical value of intensity below which Guyodo and Valet (1999) consider several directional excursions to have occurred.

Variations in geomagnetic field in western US since last reversal. The vertical dashed line is the critical value of intensity below which Guyodo and Valet (1999) consider several directional excursions to have occurred.
New research into the Earth's magnetic field was published recently in the September 26th issue of Science, suggesting that the Earth's magnetic field isn't as simple as we once believed. In addition to the North-South dipole, there is a weaker magnetic field spread around the planet, probably generated in the outer core of the Earth.

The Earth's magnetic field is measured to vary in field strength and it is a well known fact that the magnetic field strength is currently experiencing a downward trend. The new research paper, co-authored by geochronologist Brad Singer of the University of Wisconsin, suggests that the weaker magnetic field is critical to geomagnetic reversal. Should the stronger dipole (north-south) field reduce below the magnetic field strength of this usually weaker, distributed field, a geomagnetic reversal is possible.

"The field is not always stable, the convection and the nature of the flow changes, and it can cause the dipole that's generated to wax and wane in intensity and strength," Singer said. "When it becomes very weak, it's less capable of reaching to the surface of the Earth, and what you start to see emerge is this non-axial dipole, the weaker part of the field that's left over." Singer's research group analysed samples of ancient lava from volcanoes in Tahiti and Germany between 500,000 and 700,000 years ago. By looking at an iron-rich mineral called magnetite in the lava, the researchers were able to deduce the direction of the magnetic field.

The spin of the electrons in the mineral is governed by the dominant magnetic field. During times of strong dipolar field, these electrons pointed toward the magnetic North Pole. During times of weak dipolar field, the electrons pointed to wherever the dominant field was, in this case the distributed magnetic field. They think that when the weakened dipolar field drops below a certain threshold, the distributed field pulls the dipolar field off-axis, causing a geomagnetic shift.

"The magnetic field is one of the most fundamental features of the Earth," Singer said. "But it's still one of the biggest enigmas in science. Why [the flip] happens is something people have been chasing for more than a hundred years."

Our meandering magnetic pole
The movement of Earth's north magnetic pole across the Canadian arctic, 1831--2001 (Geological Survey of Canada)

The movement of Earth's north magnetic pole across the Canadian arctic, 1831--2001 (Geological Survey of Canada)
Although there appears to be a current downward trend in magnetic field strength, the current magnetic field is still considered to be "above average" when compared with the variations measured in recent history. According to researchers at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, San Diego, if the magnetic field continued to decrease at the current trend, the dipolar field would effectively be zero in 500 years time. However, it is more likely that the field strength will simply rebound and increase in strength as it has done over the last several thousand years, continuing with its natural fluctuations.

The positions of the magnetic poles are also known to be wondering over Arctic and Antarctic locations. Take the magnetic north pole for example (pictured left); it has accelerated north over the Canadian plains from 10 km per year in the 20th Century to 40 km per year more recently. It is thought that if the point of magnetic north continues this trend, it will exit North America and enter Siberia in a few decades time. This is not a new phenomenon however. Ever since James Ross' discovery of the location of the north magnetic pole for the first time in 1831, it's location has meandered hundreds of miles (even though today's measurements show some acceleration).

So, no doomsday then?
Geomagnetic reversal is an engrossing area of geophysical research that will continue to occupy physicists and geologists for many years to come. Although the dynamics behind this event are not fully understood, there is absolutely no scientific evidence supporting the claim that there could be a geomagnetic reversal around the time of December 21st, 2012.

Besides, the effects of such a reversal have been totally over-hyped. Should we experience geomagnetic reversal in our lifetimes (which we probably won't), it is unlikely that we'll be cooked alive by the Solar Wind, or be wiped out by cosmic rays. It is unlikely that we'll suffer any mass extinction event (after all, early man, homo erectus, lived through the last geomagnetic shift, apparently with ease). We'll most likely experience aurorae at all latitudes whilst the dipolar magnetic field settles down to its new, reversed state, and there might be a small increase in energetic particles from space (remember, just because the magnetosphere is weakened, doesn't mean we wont have magnetic protection), but we'll still be (largely) protected by our thick atmosphere.

Satellites may malfunction and migrating birds may become confused, but to predict world collapse is a hard pill to swallow.

In conclusion:

* Geomagnetic reversal is chaotic in nature. There is no way we can predict it.
* Simply because the magnetic field of the Earth is weakening does not mean it is near collapse. Geomagnetic field strength is "above average" if we compare today's measurements with the last few million years.
* The magnetic poles are not set in geographical locations, they move (at varying speeds) and have done ever since measurements began.
* There is no evidence to suggest external forcing of internal geomagnetic dynamics of the Earth. Therefore there is no evidence of the solar cycle-geomagnetic shift connection. Don't get me started on Planet X.

So, do you think there will be a geomagnetic reversal event in 2012? I thought not.

Once again, we find another 2012 doomsday scenario to be flawed in so many ways. There is no doubt that geomagnetic reversal will happen in the future for Earth, but we're talking about time scales anything from an optimistic (and unlikely) 500 years to millions of years, certainly not in the coming four years…

Sources: NASA, US News, SciVee, How To Survive 2012, AGU

Filed under: 2012, Earth, Earth Observation, Physics

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 09:09 PM

Take a breath...

Watch the kitty eat the corn...

It's gonna be okay

Really... it's just a number... and none of the kooky theories have any proof to back them up.

Could something disastrous happen? Yes.

Something could happen on any date in the future.. in any year.

Nobody knows.. and anyone who says they do... well... keep your hand on your wallet around these types.

posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 07:28 PM
What galactic alignment? The one where we will be on the same plane as the galactic center?? We have been above and rising steadily above the galatic plane since 1997. I wish people would stop believing this.

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