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Ask a girl/guy anything you want!

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posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 02:06 PM
The idea for this thread was inspired by this one:

A little help for men trying to understand women!

I think that it would be a great idea for the guys and gals on ATS to try to understand the opposite sex much better. In other threads, it seems the discussion boils down to giving opinions that can be very biased.

The aim of this thread is to become less ignorant when making comments. I use the term ignorant exactly as it is meant to be used, in a neutral way not a negative one. Such as I think we should all, guys and gals alike, try to gain a better understanding of the opposite sex so that when we make comments they have at least some knowledge behind them and not just knee jerk reaction. Not that that is always the case.

I also think we should start by giving your sex, age, and any background information that you feel is pertinent for others to know such as religious background, political ideology, self esteem, events that may/may not have had an effect on your opinions of the opposite sex, etc., etc.

Obviously, I'll go first...

I am a 28 year old female with know religious background, I am forever learning about spirituality and my ideas/opinions are always subject to change the more knowledge I gain. I am one of those social liberals/fiscal conservatives, but can seem more liberal than not.

I think there are definitely things about me that can be improved upon but I mostly like myself for who I am. I believe myself to be attractive, but I'm not "cookie-cutter" pretty, if that makes sense.

I currently am with the man I want to spend the rest of my life with, we've been together 2 years.

My questions are:

1. What is it with guys wanting to "get away" from their girlfriends/wives? My boyfriend does this sometimes and it actually hurts my feelings because, for me, I never don't want him to be there. I want to experience all of my good times with him so why is it that sometimes guys want to get the hell away from their girls and have a night of fun without them?

2. Why can't guys ever find what is right in front of their face? Many guys, not just my bf almost always say "but I can't find it" and then I go to where it should be and where they've already looked and it's RIGHT FLIPPIN' THERE! LOL...I find that so very odd.

3. Why, for the love of God, is it so hard for guys to clean just once in a while? You don't have to do it as much as we do but you would be gawd dang surprised at how happy it makes your girl when you pitch in just once in awhile. And when you do it without her asking, OMG!, you're just about guaranteed to get laid that night! Hehehe...

4. This might not apply to all guys but many of the ones I've been around only seem to have fun when they are causing mischief. This boggles my mind.

I'm sure I'll think of others as the thread goes along.

[edit on 24-8-2009 by nunya13]

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by nunya13
1. What is it with guys wanting to "get away" from their girlfriends/wives? My boyfriend does this sometimes and it actually hurts my feelings because, for me, I never don't want him to be there. I want to experience all of my good times with him so why is it that sometimes guys want to get the hell away from their girls and have a night of fun without them?

2. Why can't guys ever find what is right in front of their face? Many guys, not just my bf almost always say "but I can't find it" and then I go to where it should be and where they've already looked and it's RIGHT FLIPPIN' THERE! LOL...I find that so very odd.

3. Why, for the love of God, is it so hard for guys to clean just once in a while? You don't have to do it as much as we do but you would be gawd dang surprised at how happy it makes your girl when you pitch in just once in awhile. And when you do it without her asking, OMG!, you're just about guaranteed to get laid that night! Hehehe...

1. Guys need to get away not because they grow tired of the woman they are with. But because most guys have a barrier in their brains. They want their friendships and romantic encounters separate. At least for me that is how it is.

2. Good question. I am a dude and I get annoyed with myself cause this happens idea what that is.

3. Cleaning sucks...alot of women I know are neat freaks. Most dudes don't give a crap what the place looks like. Why clean it when it will just get dirty again?

and my question goes with my 3rd answer. What is so damned important about making sure the towels are put up right?

[edit on 24-8-2009 by Mr. Toodles]

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by Mr. Toodles

I find that odd, then, that guys want those two relationships separate because I see my bf as my best friend. Is that a girl thing? I mean, I even hang out with his friends a lot. I like watching football, I play video games, I listen to rock music, I like drinking all kinds of beer, etc. So I just think it's weird that, while I can do all these things with him and his friends, every once in awhile I'm not invited. But, maybe it has to do with the whole causing mischief thing. He can't really do that when I'm around.

What's funny about the cleaning thing is my boyfriend will often say exactly what you did, "It's just going to get dirty again" but he will also say something like, "It's not even dirty" as if I or he should only wait until something is disgustingly dirty to even bother.

To wit I say, "Why do you think it's not dirty? Because I'VE been cleaning it."

For me, I'd rather clean a little mess a lot than a big, gross mess a few times.

As for the towels, not quite sure about that. The only thing I care about when it comes to towels is that A) they at least get folded length wise so there's room for my towel and B) don't hang it over the shower rod because then I'M the one who has to move it to the towel rod when I go to take a shower. You might as well come to me to hang up your towel on the rod for you which is obviously asinine.

[edit on 24-8-2009 by nunya13]

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by nunya13

Ask a girl/guyanything you want!

What's a girl/guyanything?

Sounds like something straight out of Barnum and Baily.

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 02:54 PM
hahaha! Fun thread!

For the record, all female here! (not a girl/; also star for Whaaaaaa for that!)

Return to topic!
Okay, so I am always trying to get rid of my husband (not forever or anything!!) and I love love love when he works double shifts! I adore my husband dearly, but really, absence DOES make the heart grow fonder! I think this has something to do with the longevity of the relationship. How long have you been with yours OP? If it's under 5 years, give it a few more. You will be booting him out of the house I am sure!

...and yes, slobs for sure! Although he will be the first to point out if I skip a few days on cleaning. I resent the fact that we both work full time and I'm the house maiden. Irritates me to no end........but at least he mows the lawn and all that. This is the male / female dynamic; not really worth arguing IMO

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 03:13 PM
reply to post by nunya13

I'm 30, female, and I was brought up Catholic, but I'm not practicing it. I don't really like organized religon at all, but I'm not an athiest either.

I'll use your phrase in which I'm not "cookie cutter" pretty but I don't think I'm ugly either.
I know I'm not perfect but I am confident in who I am.

I don't really follow any political ideals, I feel that all the politicans in Washington mostly just follow their own agendas and don't really give two ***** about the people so I can't really argue politics cause I think both sides suck.

I moved overseas a few months ago to live with my boyfriend of almost 2 years. I believe that after several failed relationships I finally found the right guy for me. He's not so bad about the cleaning thing, but man he hates making the bed! He doesn't understand why I like to make it. He says things like "Well, it's just going to get messed up again when we go to bed." He doesn't get it either why I change the sheets every week.
I love the smell of clean sheets!
He just throws his bath towels and clothes on the floor too...but I guess he gets a pass cause when I cook he cleans the dishes.

What I don't get though is why everytime we sit out in the garden he has to burn everything that is flammable! His father is like that too as well as his brother. Is it just a guy thing?? We have a fire pit specifically so he can burn any scrap wood or paper or even glue!

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 03:29 PM
reply to post by jackieps1975

I guess you're on to something there. We've been together for just over two years and have been joined at the hip since the day we met. We spend a lot of time together but it's only every great once in a while that he wants a 'boys night out' But they don't do anything that isn't like what we do anyway when hanging out with his friends so I just find it odd.

Maybe I just take it too personally. For the record, he did go on a camping trip a couple weeks ago that I was supposed to go on but then I backed out because I decided I'd much rather have the whole house to myself all weekend. It was nice.

But, if he had gone on the camping trip and said I wasn't invited I would have been peeved!

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by sugarmonkey

No kidding!! I think this goes back to my question of why guys always have to cause mischief. It seems like my guy is always looking for something to "get into" or burn/destroy/rebel against and it's usually uncalled for and nothing I want to be an accessory to.

They wonder why we nag so much. Quit doing things that cause us to nag!!! :shk:

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 03:34 PM
Religion: pentacostal apocalyptic nutwing christian
age: 19

what do girls look for in guys?
what things do us guys do that is annoying?

[edit on 24-8-2009 by Spiritfilled]

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 03:39 PM
The one thing I love the most is cleaning and doing the bed...thats really something I LOVE to do. Second is mopping the floor. I think I should go work at a hotel actually

And I disgust the dishes and collecting and putting away garbage ^^

I dont have any male friends ( because actually, men are generally terrible one-sided prehistoric company and women are actually FUN to be with, can laugh with them alot, can talk, can tease, not easily as hostile)

But please dont come with that spiritual blabla or christian ideals ...the world would be better off without sex/genders altogether!

All this leads to is discrimination, misunderstanding and bad humor

Oh, and yes, I was serious

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 03:42 PM
reply to post by Mercuryae

your point?

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by nunya13

How about movies?? My boyfriend is super excited for the new Final Destination movie...I don't really understand why!! We've seen the other 3 and they are all the same plot, just different actors!
I mean I liked the 1st one but don't really feel like seeing the same movie basically for the 4th time!

And he's always trying to get me to watch Rambo! lol! I like action movies, really I do! Jeez, it was my idea to go see Inglorius Basterds, but what is it about Rambo?? Practically every guy I have ever known loves Rambo...I don't get it....

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by Spiritfilled
reply to post by Mercuryae

your point?

Please, dont start like this...

I somewhat gave my experience and feel about this, only that

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by sugarmonkey
reply to post by nunya13

How about movies?? My boyfriend is super excited for the new Final Destination movie...I don't really understand why!! We've seen the other 3 and they are all the same plot, just different actors!
I mean I liked the 1st one but don't really feel like seeing the same movie basically for the 4th time!

And he's always trying to get me to watch Rambo! lol! I like action movies, really I do! Jeez, it was my idea to go see Inglorius Basterds, but what is it about Rambo?? Practically every guy I have ever known loves Rambo...I don't get it....

And what about Bridget Jones Diary then...or Romance #42231 with Julia Roberts or Sandra Bullock?

And I hate Rambo, never watched anything but a trailer in the cinema and I never wanted to see that

But perhaps I dont truly count as the demographic you aimed at in the end

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 04:04 PM

Originally posted by Mercuryae

Originally posted by sugarmonkey
reply to post by nunya13

And what about Bridget Jones Diary then...or Romance #42231 with Julia Roberts or Sandra Bullock?

And I hate Rambo, never watched anything but a trailer in the cinema and I never wanted to see that

But perhaps I dont truly count as the demographic you aimed at in the end

Nah I guess you don't then
You maybe the first male I've come across that hasn't seen it!

To be honest, I haven't seen BJD or the Romance one, actually, never heard of that one!

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by sugarmonkey

Originally posted by Mercuryae

Originally posted by sugarmonkey
reply to post by nunya13

And what about Bridget Jones Diary then...or Romance #42231 with Julia Roberts or Sandra Bullock?

And I hate Rambo, never watched anything but a trailer in the cinema and I never wanted to see that

But perhaps I dont truly count as the demographic you aimed at in the end

Nah I guess you don't then
You maybe the first male I've come across that hasn't seen it!

To be honest, I haven't seen BJD or the Romance one, actually, never heard of that one!

This is exactly what I mean

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by sugarmonkey
reply to post by nunya13

And he's always trying to get me to watch Rambo! lol! I like action movies, really I do! Jeez, it was my idea to go see Inglorius Basterds, but what is it about Rambo?? Practically every guy I have ever known loves Rambo...I don't get it....

A guy with a mullett killing people

Its just awesome

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 05:09 PM
reply to post by whaaa

I thought the OP was a hermaphrodite, or Transexual.
As advice from neither is up for grabs...........

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 05:12 PM

Originally posted by Mercuryae
[And what about Bridget Jones Diary then...or Romance #42231 with Julia Roberts or Sandra Bullock?

That is all

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 05:13 PM
Ask a girl/guy anything you want!

Ok ...

reply to post by zazzafrazz

Whatcha thinking about?

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