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Emergency Action Message, US- Russia Sub fights, and Sinister Plan? Woah!

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posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 06:07 AM
Ok, I don't know what in the heck to make of this, but have we got another Scorcha Faal on our hands here or what??? (Note, this is NOT from Faal)

Can people just make this stuff up to sell advertising space on their websites?

Could there really be a secret battle going on to control the Cumbre Vieja shelf? You know, the one that could collapse and cause a massive tsunami over 1200 feet high that could wipe out the east coast of the US 7 hours or so later?

This is insane! Or is it? What an incredibly devious and ruthless plan, if this is true. Nuclear devices or other explosives planted to cause the shelf to collapse all at once, creating the huge, massive, and completely unstoppable wave! Woah! Who would have ever thought...

Moonlight Dance with Russian Subs Last Night?
Deep Atlantic Threat off East Coast under Cover of Hurricane Bill.

August 21, 2009

Early this am 8/21/09 the Q-Files klaxon horn sounded general quarters in several locales. Reports from radio experts began to flood in regarding an extremely long 200+ characters Emergency Action Message likely sent from a Spaceborne Command vehicle via Offut Air base to space, air, and naval vessels in the Atlantic region. Apparently, an interdiction operation involving high probable multiples of Russian submarines operating in the deep Atlantic ocean was ongoing which probably involved a TR3-B spacecraft, multiple P-3 Orion subchasers, and other Naval assets most likely including U.S. Navy submarines.

The area of coverage based upon multiple check-ins from the P-3 Orions to Lajes island in the Azores due to poor propagation indicated that a wide area search from probably the Cape Verde Islands north to the Canary Islands (home of the Cumbre Vieja Shelf) and further northwest to the Azores on one side of the Atlantic to include the ocean also bound on the East Coast CONUS side from Florida to Newfoundland Canada. The TR3-B space craft with its incredible speed was likely using its powerful sensors from space to cover this area and also the Straits of Gibraltar and Med Sea areas in conjunction with the P-3 's, and no doubt multiple U.S. submarines below the water. Major note here is that this was not some some drill or a simple assistance of weather center Hurricane Bill tracking. This was an interdiction operation most likely to find Russian subs that were getting aggressive in their maneuvering, had turned on missile systems, or which had disappeared under the massive interference of Hurricane Bill, the third Tropical storm most likely generated by Russian Weather War electromagnetic assets, just off the coast of Africa and not far from where the Russian Mystery Ship was found off the Cape Verde Islands and some of the Russian subs and surface vessels have been operating. The powerful Hurricane Bill would provide excellent cover for Russian subs to move closer into the East Coast of the U.S. or even to the Canary Islands where the Cumbre Vieja shelf lies.

The exact actions taken at this time, beyond the ongoing search for the interdiction operation, is not known. However, with the current threat situations ongoing in the Mideast with Israel, Iran, Syria, and the Russians and tangential military jousting in Georgia, its breakaway Republic of Abkhasia, as well as the Russian held Ossetia looming as large potential flash points for World War III, these activities of " Dancin With the Bear Under the Deep Blue Sea" are not some trivial cat and mouse games that TV propaganda channels would have you believe, but are in fact an escalation of a longer series of events which have ratcheted up between the U.S. and the Russians that portend WW III more than some normal neo cold war ho hum.

And there is more at this link...

[mod edit: clipped quoted content]

[edit on 24-8-2009 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 06:15 AM

Many Probables, Possibles and Likelihood's in there.

Complete rubbish as far as I am concerned.

Would make an interesting novel, but that's all it is I'm afraid, fantasy.

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 06:58 AM
It did make the Nightly News about 2 weeks ago that 2 Russian Subs were about 100 miles away from the coast of South Carolina... There has also been alot of stories among pilots that Russian Jets have buzzed some of out Military instalitions.. Something they used to do in the 60's and 70's even the early 80's.. Basically screwing with us seeing how we respond.. God if only the Russians knew just some of the stuff we have hidden. Even at a small AFB like Macdill they'd sh__ there pants. My guess is that our top of the line technology is about 20-30 years ahead of what they have right now. The stuff the general population see's through TV and news is literally 1960's technology. I don't claim to know exactly what we have but I do hear whispers from very reliable people at Macdill AFB, who have zero reason to lie. My guess is that were the only nation in the world that has cracked the anti-gravity as a propulsion problem. Mix that with matter anti-matter engines and you get a taste. Imagine not having to carry thousands and thousands of pounds of liquid fuel.. That's my guess on why were not sweating the space shuttle's retirement next year.
This is just my opinion.

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 07:05 AM
I would LOVE to know how this dude's 'radio experts' were able to intercept and decode one of the most securely encrypted communication modes in the world. And IF this person's 'radio experts' were able to do so, is there even the slimest possible chance in hell that these people would not be immediately detained by the CIA/NSA? This story is SO bogus it's almost funny. Almost excpet for the fact that there are people gullible enough to believe it.

The number 1 rule for manipulation is to wrap your story in a bunch of known events in order to give it the appearance of plausibility. So our author loosely bundles Hurricane Bill, recent stories of subs off the east coast, the recent hijacking of the Russian ship and the wild fires. Seems like the only story he missed was the Brett Favre signing. What a crock.

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 07:34 AM

Originally posted by jtma508
I would LOVE to know how this dude's 'radio experts' were able to intercept and decode one of the most securely encrypted communication modes in the world. And IF this person's 'radio experts' were able to do so, is there even the slimest possible chance in hell that these people would not be immediately detained by the CIA/NSA? This story is SO bogus it's almost funny. Almost excpet for the fact that there are people gullible enough to believe it.

The number 1 rule for manipulation is to wrap your story in a bunch of known events in order to give it the appearance of plausibility. So our author loosely bundles Hurricane Bill, recent stories of subs off the east coast, the recent hijacking of the Russian ship and the wild fires. Seems like the only story he missed was the Brett Favre signing. What a crock.

Yeah and if only the guy had left it as an unknown source where he got the information from, and hadn't tried to integrate too many other news stories, like get rid of the fire story.... then it wouldn't look as ridiculous.

This bit is just funny:


Trying to sensationalise a few other news stories as well....... oh and his dreams

[edit on 24-8-2009 by john124]

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 07:46 AM
Considering Hurricane Bill (now Extratropical) was never a Lightning based core storm as the cloud top temps werent suffiently cool enough to inhibit Hail, I doubt electomangetic activity could occur with or anywhere near this storm.
And it'd be a bit hard for Russian subs to get anywhere NEAR the Canary Isles and now Extratropical storm Bill is heading NorthEast towards the Northern Mid-Atlantic towards Northern Ireland and Scotland from Nova Scotia.

Even if the Subs DID reach the Canaries, I believe this landslide can only be triggered by the swelling of underground meltwater inside the Volcano. Launching nuclear bombs on the Island will only achieve a small hole in the side (considering theres trillions of tonnes of rock between the surface and the "reservoirs" of water). Not to mention ticking off the Spanish president in killing a million of his people, aswell as the British tourists.

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 08:17 AM
The ONLY thing the Russian subs are doing anywhere near either of the poles is protecting areas that they have now "claimed" for themselves.

This mind you after several treaties signed the world over stating that NO ONE will ever own either pole north or south. Now the reason that the Russians have gone to so much trouble is the fact that the area they LITERALLY planted a flag on is rich in a MASSIVE oil reserve. They have disregarded the treaties and are planning on taking the area as their own. Not to mention they are now looking to the south pole as another fertile ground.
This is no secret to anyone who pays attention to this stuff and frankly they have gone as far as to threaten any one who goes near their newly acquired area.
As far as them being near the Azores that is nothing new either, we the USA have a base there. (My husband had actually gone there with his dad when younger.) They do need to move around and although the oceans are a huge place there are areas that are easier to travel in than others.
Now with the Canary Island thing I am really on the fence with that one but leaning hard toward a bunch of BS to be honest. It is very "possible" to cause a destruction of this nature in the way it is actually being reported. BUT there would be ample evidence for everyone to see if it was done. That alone makes me think someone is playing games here with words and peoples minds.
The possibility of a massive tidal wave from the collapse has been around for many many years and it isn't something new to anyone who has studied it. There are much better and more cost efficient ways to wipe out all those people.
For example if the Russians really wanted to hurt all those named in the article all they would have to do is retract all of their financial support/ownership aka sell out and get at least one more country to do so. Guess what you have a much bigger disaster to deal with than the "tidal wave" could ever cause....
It would not only be worse it would last for decades longer and we all know it.

sorry if missing letters got a new keyboard that is TINY compared to my older one and am having issues getting used to "cramped" typing

yeah that bad bad day I had caused me to flat out crush the darn thing straight up by punching it.Rare for me to loose my temper at all but hey it happens and well I am paying dearly for it by having to type on this puney little thing!

[edit on 24-8-2009 by xoxo stacie]

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 02:43 PM
Ok, I am starting to get it here. As you can see from his main site, what is the main ad appearing at the top of the page?


Just like Alex Jones and his radio show. After Alex blurts out the ramblings of the day, he will spend a long time with his main advertiser live on the show to promote, heavily, the sales of gold.

Formula: Scare the people into submission with conspiracy and other talk, convince them the dollar is worthless, and then sell them gold as "protection" for their money and as a safe investment.

Seems easy enough.

And this guy Quayle has been on the C2C show more than once I believe. Any surprise? And his site says he get more than 90,000,000 hits a year?

Aye. What a jerk. For someone who claims to be of God, he sure forgot about the part of not bearing false witness.

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 03:50 PM
Hawk, though interjects his religious commentation, has revealed A LOT of intel considered too dangerous to tell the masses. I personally know he is well connected to many military/intel folks. that is his source. of all his posts I have never spotted any glaring factual errors from my professional perspective as an intel officer myself. so think of this info as you may, it is mostly factual.

For example. Did you all know we were on the brink of nuclear war on this day last year? I sure did, because I was woke up with a phone call in the middle of the night from my boss to haul my butt to the office. I worked 36 hours straight that time.

At the Brink of Nuclear War-U.S. vs. Russia

[edit on 26-8-2009 by insideNSA]

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 04:05 PM

Originally posted by TrueAmerican
Ok, I am starting to get it here. As you can see from his main site, what is the main ad appearing at the top of the page?


Just like Alex Jones and his radio show. After Alex blurts out the ramblings of the day, he will spend a long time with his main advertiser live on the show to promote, heavily, the sales of gold.

Formula: Scare the people into submission with conspiracy and other talk, convince them the dollar is worthless, and then sell them gold as "protection" for their money and as a safe investment.

Do you even realize how inane that reads? It's like cutting off your nose to spite your face.


posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

I think all this leads back to Iran and a possible strike by western forces.

Also, as one commenter has said it would be nearly impossible to intercept and decode Russian messages. If you have ever worked with Linux encryption, you might notice it being awesome.

I like Steve Quayle and his work, if he vouches for Hawk, then Hawk is probably OK.

But, remember who told you first that Russia intends to resupply Iran if a strike is launched against them. How to know? Read between the lines.

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 06:56 PM
Well, who knows...Maybe I shouldn't jump on the "this is crap" bandwagon so fast. But that one phrase John124 quoted above really is just too weird of an attempt at being comical, considering the grave context of the rest of the story.

You can imagine my surprise when I got two applauses on the same day for this thread, when really I thought it was going to be slammed to the HOAX forum or Trash Bin.

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 07:18 PM
I read Hawk and i think this is far out ...... but considering everything that is going on in this world, it could be true.

This vaccine bruha ha is getting out of control, so it could be they are looking for some other form of offing us off, and if you look at the Web bots and the other stuff floating around out there, you know their aim is to get rid of most of us AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

That said, i wouldnt put all my money on the Hawk. :shk:

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by dgtempe

While I have heard about this guy on the fringes in the past, I can't say I really know much about this Hawk- other than he's apparently got some pretty sharp talons!

So fill us in more on this guy. I want to know more. I appreciate you all's comments so far to that effect.

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 07:31 PM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

Yes, grave context......However, as someone that knows a bit about the various encryption strategies in MIL comms, I find it hard to believe that the civilian listening community can and does defeat the freq hopping and digital encryption of mil traffic enough to "monitor" it........I know a lot about it, but I couldn't do it.....Again, enough truth nuggets in the info that I am still reading..

That being said, the one thing that is quite true is that when these things occur, despite the fact that most of the public believes MSNBC or Fox would get a tip and expose it, IF these things occur, the public, even the plugged in ones, would never know.....I could curl your hair with true stories from the 1960's, 70's and 80's......and TrueAmerican, star and flag!!!!

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 07:43 PM
As i understand it, Hawk is very well connected, so much so, that he was hit with somekind of new disabling weapon and is now in rehab to try to get the use of his arms and legs back.

Steve has also been the victim of some kind of "hit", although he will not talk about it.

The best way to find out a lot is to listen to Quayles shows, specially the ones with Hawk, and you get a better perspective on this.

I hopeyou can find the time because they are something else.

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 07:49 PM
reply to post by habu71

Thanks much Habu! So what is your take on that issue of the Russians intentionally trying to make Cumbre Viejo collapse??? I mean that is just over the top to me.
It really does sound like delusional fantasy. To even have a chance at that they would probably have to get on top of that volcano with demo teams and drill huge bore holes for explosives. It would seem if they tried to use a nuke it might vaporize much of the needed volume of the falling rock to make the big splash. But many micro-nukes maybe would do it?

And what about that amazing, and totally unbelievable story that insideNSA posted? I mean Jesus!

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 08:10 PM

the third Tropical storm most likely generated by Russian Weather War electromagnetic assets

So, this guy is saying Russia can make storms?

Does anybody here believe that?

posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 12:57 PM
Actually yes, and this has been common knowledge since the early 90s, not even hidden. Russia offered a south east asian country, i think thailand, to create a typhoon for them, in order to put out their out of control wild fires. I think they declined but they offered the first one for free just to demonstrate. The second time they were going to charge for this service.

Weather control has been mastered. Does HAARP ring a bell?

Also to the poster above who was hypothesizing how the Russian would make vieja cumbre collapse by using nukes. A hint... Nukes are a very old technology. There has been lots of stuff developed since, still secret as to not be countered by the enemy, that would make your skin crawl. Think SCALAR WEAPONS, such a a scalar inferometer, used to do something like this. Not nukes.

Originally posted by Pauligirl

the third Tropical storm most likely generated by Russian Weather War electromagnetic assets

So, this guy is saying Russia can make storms?

Does anybody here believe that?

[edit on 27-8-2009 by insideNSA]

posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 03:15 PM
Nope, nope and nope (this is not to anyone in particular on this thread). Sorry I made this thread now. I have not been able to verify a single cotton-picking thing this guy Hawk has said after reading many of his essays. And I've been checking. I'm back on the BS bandwagon with Quayle/Hawk until someone can come up with something credible on this guy.

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