posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 04:45 PM
The title says it all. I want to talk to you about a little plant we like to call hemp. For those of you who don’t know already, hemp is illegal to
grow in the united states. There really is no valid reason for it, all the government can come up with is “It is a marijuana plant, and marijuana is
illegal, and is a drug”…. well… funny thing is, marijuana and hemp are two very different things, and you cant smoke hemp or get any sort of
high from it. Therefore leading do the question… Why is hemp really illegal?
I’ve done my research, and I have found some staggering information about hemp and it’s insane amount of uses.
*Hemp seeds have more nutrients and antioxidants than just about any vegetable or fruit in existence, and have been proven to lower blood cholesterol
and dissolve plaque in coronary arteries.
*Hemp can be grown in even the most desolet environments, including the sahara desert of Africa, because it is such a strong and hardy plant. It could
be grown virtually anywhere.
*Hemp works incredibly for hair and skincare. It has loads of nutrients including polyunsaturated fatty acids, omega-3, omega-6, omega-9, linoleic
acid, and gamma linoleic acids.
*You can make paper from hemp, and it is acid free. Think of what good this could do for the environment. You would no longer have to cut down
billions of trees. Not to mention hemp is far superior to wood and hemp paper is three times stronger and more durable than paper made from wood.
*One of the biggest impacts it could have, is being used as fuel. Yes, that’s right, hemp can even be used for fuel. It has a high cellulose level
which makes it perfect for ethanol fuel production. Ethanol is the cleanest burning liquid bio-alternative to gasoline. Hemp provides a sustainable,
clean, healthy, and renewable alternative to toxic fossil fuels.
*Hemp can be used for biodegradable nontoxic paints, inks, and varnishes.
*Hemp can be used as plastic.
*Hemp can be used as a textile fiber. It is proven to be the strongest, most durable fiber known to mankind.
*You can make concrete from hemp
*You can make medicine from hemp which would cure many sicknesses and diseases
*Hemp is one of the best fibers for fabric, therefore hemp is an excellent fiber for clothes, and it is durable so clothing would last much longer.
*Many have argued that fields of hemp could reverse the greenhouse effect caused by global warming. Hemp has been proven to reduce CO2 levels
drastically, and it puts out loads of oxygen.
Hemp has been around for ages. The forefathers of our country used hemp rigorously. Pilgrimages used hamp canvases to cover their wagons. Ships and
sailboats used hemp for the sails and ropes. Were they all wrong to have used hemp? They had that freedom... why cant we?
Why are we not seeing this? This single plant could answer almost every problem we face on life. Shelter, clothing, textiles, fuel, a healthy planet,
food and nourishment. All of it
Someone has got to change this. Every day we have more and more rights taken away from us. Doesn't it say in the declartion of independence that
everyone has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? Whos to decide for us how to live, and whats right or wrong?
To end with an interesting fact… Jack Herrer, a well known hemp activist and writer, said if anyone could prove that hemp doesn’t do all of the
above, he would pay them $50,000 cash. No one has been able to.