posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 02:50 PM
I saw this first on the Sky at Night forum, sadly they seem to calling members here idiots but wont be the last time I guess.
Here is the link to the thread actually linking
This Thread here on ATS.
It seems someone has begun the panic flying once again, which seems to happen every few months these days, not having a go at any ATS members, after
all we just share what we find to ask opinions.
That means nothing to other forums and their members, just thought I would offer the heads up from a group of Astronomers and what they think about
this growing story, opinions count from everywhere.
God forbid that one day something is about to happen, the human race is going to be caught with it's pants around it's ankles, maybe that would be
for the best, but these kinds of stories if they are untrue and a direct attempt at trolling and trying to build panic, will one day bite us on the
ass I swear.
If this is made up for effect then I myself call them an IDIOT, not refering to you OP, but the noob at GLP and his video.
To add that information was posted last month, Havn't checked the updates but it shows how it grows so to speak.
[edit on 16/8/2009 by azzllin]