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The Secret Pyramid Shafts Being Explored Now.

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posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by JayinAR
Sorry dude, wrong link...I meant this one...Ancient Egyptian Copper Coring Drills.

Edit: I just raided another post i made on a different thread about the sarcophagus for links...

How the sarcophagus was constructed...


The ancient builders used a tube drill to hollow out the sarcophagus in the King's chamber of the Great Pyramid - they drilled off course and left a tube drill mark on the top inside of the box on the east side. They did some extra polishing to fix it up a bit but if you go to the King's chamber you can still see it if you look carefully.
Tube Drilling

[edit on 16-8-2009 by Kandinsky]

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 12:08 PM
reply to post by Kandinsky

Oh, so they have found some of the drills. Cool. These guys were very cunning indeed.
Still yet, the amount of work on that sarcophagus is huge.
The measurements were made in a way that sorta' 'shows off' their mathematical ability. But so does almost everything else.

I think the entire building is amazing. Down to the last pebble.

I mean, they cut what was once a very, very nice 8,000lb piece of granite and placed it in a room aligned to the cardinal points that is 150ft. off the ground. That right there speaks volumes. However they cut it or cored it they did a fantastic job.

And still yet, to even cut it from a quarry is another question. A bronze long-saw with inserted diamonds. And that is just HOPING that would work.

Edit: Yeah, the tubular drilling is about the only plausible method for hollowing it.

[edit on 16-8-2009 by JayinAR]

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 01:01 PM
I'm not exactly sure why everyone is so excited about those shafts. The expectation (minimal) is that they simply extend to near the surface of the pyramid and are capped off by some large stone (or something).

That being the minimal expectation, why would anyone expect there to be an additional chamber? Have we seen this before in other pyramids? I might be wrong, of course, but I don't think we've ever seen chambers near the end of a shaft (adjacent to the surface) in other pyramids.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by Kandinsky

Excellent, well put together thread Kandinsky. I love the robo scarab. S&F

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by amazing

Hello amazing

So let me give you a little more info. My mother was a devout Christian lady for the last 30 years. She never researched people like Cayce or the Sphinx or any thing like that. She believed Egypt to be bad...due to the Bibles view. In Hebrew....even the word 'Ra' means evil....ironic huh?

I on the other hand, began searching different ideas a few years back which was really hard for me to do being raised in a Christian home that followed the Bible as literal. When I ran across the diverse ideas on the internet...I was hooked and went on a 3 yr search pretty much. This actually put a wall between me and mom....she didnt like me searching things outside of the Bible's ways. Before her experience, she gave into my curious mind and read some gospels with me called the Gospels of Peace and the Gospels of the Holy Twelve. For the first time...her eyes were popping out of her own head and she herself was searching new thoughts in her mind.

One of the first things I asked her when she came to and could talk (about a week after the experience while she was still in the hospital) was...."Have you ever heard of Edgar Cayce?".....She said the name didnt ring a bell...and asked "who is he". I began to tell her of his story about the sphinx....and she was amazed....she didnt doubt his findings for a moment.

I know I could of gave you a shorter answer and said 'no' she had not gotten her info from Cayce....but I feel that background of her beliefs shows also that she would of never even considered to believe something like that.

Her experience changed her beliefs! I would think that a NDE would be based on the persons beliefs that they already had....but many things in this experience changed her thoughts.

She never used to believe that the Earth could of been populated by other beings....she never used to believe that Egypt played a part in the histories of where the Bible came from besides Egypt being bad bad bad. She never used to believe in reincarnation....but saw her own self in a past life during the experience. She never ever ever would of ever called God 'Ra'....but that is what she saw or was shown to be. Even the things she highly symbolic, it really pulls all religions together.

Again, short answer....she did not know of Cayce and his predictions. Hope that helps!

The stairway she took below the Sphinx was very very long. She talked as if it took hours to walk down it. She said it was very narrow and that the rock walls were sharp, like they could even cut you just by brushing up against them.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by LeoVirgo
reply to post by amazing

Hello amazing

So let me give you a little more info. My mother was a devout Christian lady for the last 30 years. She never researched people like Cayce or the Sphinx or any thing like that. She believed Egypt to be bad...due to the Bibles view. In Hebrew....even the word 'Ra' means evil....ironic huh?

I on the other hand, began searching different ideas a few years back which was really hard for me to do being raised in a Christian home that followed the Bible as literal. When I ran across the diverse ideas on the internet...I was hooked and went on a 3 yr search pretty much. This actually put a wall between me and mom....she didnt like me searching things outside of the Bible's ways. Before her experience, she gave into my curious mind and read some gospels with me called the Gospels of Peace and the Gospels of the Holy Twelve. For the first time...her eyes were popping out of her own head and she herself was searching new thoughts in her mind.

One of the first things I asked her when she came to and could talk (about a week after the experience while she was still in the hospital) was...."Have you ever heard of Edgar Cayce?".....She said the name didnt ring a bell...and asked "who is he". I began to tell her of his story about the sphinx....and she was amazed....she didnt doubt his findings for a moment.

I know I could of gave you a shorter answer and said 'no' she had not gotten her info from Cayce....but I feel that background of her beliefs shows also that she would of never even considered to believe something like that.

Her experience changed her beliefs! I would think that a NDE would be based on the persons beliefs that they already had....but many things in this experience changed her thoughts.

She never used to believe that the Earth could of been populated by other beings....she never used to believe that Egypt played a part in the histories of where the Bible came from besides Egypt being bad bad bad. She never used to believe in reincarnation....but saw her own self in a past life during the experience. She never ever ever would of ever called God 'Ra'....but that is what she saw or was shown to be. Even the things she highly symbolic, it really pulls all religions together.

Again, short answer....she did not know of Cayce and his predictions. Hope that helps!

The stairway she took below the Sphinx was very very long. She talked as if it took hours to walk down it. She said it was very narrow and that the rock walls were sharp, like they could even cut you just by brushing up against them.

I am asking this for a very specific reason: Does she consume alcohol?

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by TrailerHouseBoy

No....I can remember 1 time my mother having a strawberry daiquiri on New Years Eve....she is a very straight lady.

I will add....due to her hip, she was on the lowest form of morphine during this time....BUT, she had been on that form for at least a year...she was pretty much immune to it. She had never had any delusions or anything out of ordinary of her character due to that dose of Morphine. I asked the doctor, being her kidneys were becoming toxic if that would of made her have the visions....he said he has never heard of anything near what her story is....he considered her to be a miracle and he believes she really saw these things.

While awake, she was not loopy at all...she was very normal that day, besides not having good breathing respiration's and the kidneys not working well. She could talk as clear as day, never showed confusion about who anyone was, what was going was really wild.

My mother is one of the most humbled people I have ever known. The only addiction she ever had was her family and her Bible.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by JayinAR
reply to post by Kandinsky

...Maybe of some interest to some folks, the length of the interior measures 6'6.6"...

A moot point since I don't believe the Egyptians used inches.

[edit on 16-8-2009 by perseid]

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 03:23 PM
This is a bit off topic, but for a minute I thought the picture Hawass sent the critics was the first picture, the one of himself smiling, not the one of sites being looted or in disrepair. Like a way of mocking them. I found that amusing.

But the research is obviously interesting, it would be nice to see a breaktrough in the field in my own lifetime.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by Mudler
Hiya, the photo 'Hawass sent to his critics' was just a joke by me. In the UK the two-finger sign means p*** off

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 05:34 PM
reply to post by benoni

Hello Benoni,

You write:

Benoni: ...and therefore nothing to carbon date....

SC: The Great Pyramid has, in fact, been C14 dated - twice in 1984 and 1994 (see here - How Old Are The Pyramids). The mortar used between the blocks was gypsum based. This bond required to be heated and some carbon from the wood on the ancient fires got into the gypsum mix. Some of this carbon has been extracted and dated.

The C14 results are somewhat enigmatic, suggesting that the GP was constructed from top to bottom. Some hold this as evidence of a "repair job" by Khufu whilst conventional thought tries to explain this seeming paradox through the "old wood" scenario.

What is curious though is that there is ORIGINAL wood built into the internal fabric of the GP (and other pyramids). This is not widely known. During my 2008 visit to the GP I noticed a wooden bean in the ceiling of the Descending Passage which could only have been placed at the time of construction since it gooes deep into both walls of the passage and could not have been turned in this narrow area. This wood - as far as I am aware - has not been C14 dated. There are also other beams clearly visible in various chambers of the Red Pyramid and I thinlk the Bent Pyramid and Meidum. Whilst there are sockets for these wooden beams in the walls of these chambers it is uncertain if the beams are original since there is adequate turning room to remove an old beam and insert a newer replacement. These beams in the Red and Bent look as though they were some kind of pulley system.

Whilst Graham Hancock accepts the C14 dates and the Khufu quarry marks found in the relieving chambers of the GP, he maintains that the megalithic Temples of Giza are far older than the pyramids:

"For the record I personally remain absolutely convinced that the megalithic temples at Giza, the Great Sphinx of Giza, the Subterranean Chamber of the Great Pyramid of Giza, large parts of the Osirion at Abydos, and a number of other structures in Egypt are vastly older -- thousands of years older -- than the Old Kingdom, and do indeed date back to the epoch of 12,500 years ago (give or take a millennium) that Robert and I have suggested the ancient Egyptians knew as the “First Time”. Of course the Valley Temple and other ancient monuments were renovated by the ancient Egyptians, granite facing-blocks installed and so on, but the basic, massive, structures are more than 12,000 years old."

- Graham Hancock

From here.

My own view concerning Giza is that the Pyramid structures are almost certainly contemporary with the Old Kingdom (4th Dynasty) although there seems to be growing evidence that the Great Sphinx was extant on the site long before Khafre (who allegedly built it) and even long before Khufu:

"When considered in terms of the hydrology of the site, the distribution of degradation within the Sphinx enclosure indicates that the excavation of the Sphinx and the original construction of the Sphinx temple, pre-date Khufu's early Fourth Dynasty development at Giza. The spatial relationships between "Khafre's" causeway, the Sphinx and Khufu's quarries provides additional evidence that the causeway and the Sphinx were constructed some time before Khufu's quarrying began. The prominent location and close association of the Proto-mortuary temple with the causeway indicates that this structure may have also formed part of the early development of the site. – ‘Khufu Knew the Sphinx’

- Colin Reader

From here.

Whilst the Giza structures are contemporary with the Old Kingdom, it remains my considered opinion that the structures there were based upon a much more ancient plan that used the belt stars of the Orion constellation as their underlying design imperative. Indeed, the AE Building Texts tell us quite plainly that the architectural plans for their temples came from the heavens.


Scott Creighton

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 05:58 PM
That rotoscarab is pretty sweet!

Is is possible to purchase one of those?
I have been working on some of my own inventions via remote control car.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by harrytuttle
I'm not exactly sure why everyone is so excited about those shafts. The expectation (minimal) is that they simply extend to near the surface of the pyramid and are capped off by some large stone (or something).

That being the minimal expectation, why would anyone expect there to be an additional chamber? Have we seen this before in other pyramids? I might be wrong, of course, but I don't think we've ever seen chambers near the end of a shaft (adjacent to the surface) in other pyramids.

I looked up the internal diagrams of all three pyramids and the pyramid of Khufu is the only one with these small shafts. Three of the four shafts come near the outer casing blocks of the Great Pyramid. They believe one of the shafts from the Queen's chamber ends 54 feet short of the outer blocks. Either they got their figures wrong or the ancient egyptian workers couldn't complete this specific shaft.

I am of the opinion that these shafts were for the light orbs we see today as UFOs. Remember the movie Stargate, with the special edition version? Ra turned himself into a ball of light in the beginning of the movie so he could possess the ancient human boy.

Ra leaves Famrir to take a human host

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by Scott Creighton

Radio carbon dating has taken place. Wood is a problem to date.

Koch has headed up a pyramid dating project.

Old Kingdom Problem. If the Middle Kingdom radiocarbon dates are okay, why are the Old Kingdom ones from pyramids so problematic? The pyramid builders used older cultural material, whether out of expedience or to make a conscious connection between their pharaoh and his predecessors. In galleries under the pyramid of the Dynasty 3 pharaoh Djoser more than 40,000 stone vessels were found. Inscriptions on them included most of the kings of Dynasty 1 and 2, but Djoser's name occurred only once. Perhaps Djoser gathered up the vases from the 200-year-old Archaic tombs at North Saqqara. In Dynasty 12, Amenemhet I actually took bits and pieces of Old Kingdom tomb chapels and pyramid temples (including those of the Giza Pyramids) and dumped them into the core of his pyramid at Lisht. At Giza, south of the Sphinx, we are excavating remains of facilities for storage and production of fish, meat, bread, and copper that date to the middle and end of Dynasty 4, when the pyramids of Khafre and Menkaure were under construction. Three of the eight dates from samples taken here are almost direct hits on Menkaure's historical dates, 2532- 2504 B.C. The other five, however, range from 350 to 100 years older. Our radiocarbon dates from the site suggest that, like those from the pyramids, the dates on charcoal from the settlement scatter widely in time with many dates older than the historical estimate. The pyramid builders were likely recycling their own settlement debris. It may have been premature to dismiss the old wood problem in our 1984 study. Do our radiocarbon dates reflect the Old Kingdom deforestation of Egypt? Did the pyramid builders devour whatever wood they could harvest or scavenge to roast tons of gypsum for mortar, to forge copper chisels, and to bake tens of thousands of loaves to feed the mass of assembled laborers. The giant stone pyramids in the early Old Kingdom may mark a major consumption of Egypt's wood cover, and therein lies the reason for the wide scatter, increased antiquity, and history-unfriendly radiocarbon dating results from the Old Kingdom, especially from the time of Djoser to Menkaure. In other words, it is the old-wood effect that haunts our dates and creates a kind of shadow chronology to the historical dating of the pyramids. It is the shadow cast by a thousand fires burning old wood. While the multiple old wood effects make it difficult to obtain pinpoint age estimates of pyramids, the David H. Koch Pyramids Radiocarbon Project now has us thinking about forest ecologies, site formation processes, and ancient industry and its environmental impact--in sum, the society and economy that left the Egyptian pyramids as hallmarks for all later humanity.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 08:51 PM
reply to post by perseid

Nope, you're right. They used cubits.
Just an odd coincidence. ... or is it?

[edit on 16-8-2009 by JayinAR]

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 09:22 PM
So the question on part of this is: Can't we dig near the left foot of the spynx and see if anythin gis there without disturbing the actual spynx? That answer is yes we certainly could, which brings up the question, why don't we? Also why don't we snake a fiber optic cable down the shafts ala rotoroter but a bit more advanced? Thus we wouldn't have the need for a robot. Or how about a prize for the robot that can get thru these shafts?

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 09:24 PM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

Thanks! The reply is much appreciated. Very interesting Video to say the least. I guess the only proof of truth here would be an investigation of the spynx's foot. If only there was a way!

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 09:43 PM
Ill ask it hear to get another opinion ive often wondered if the well in the great pyramid leads to a corridor.Egyptians were known for creating entrance ways at the bottom of a shaft it prevented grave robery.And it was done in The Step Pyramid of Djoser. Why create the well in the first place would have took alot of work.Then they create a channel for water to enter it from the nile why? Unless you wanted to flood that to protect something maybe?

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 10:09 PM
reply to post by dragonridr

There is evidence to suggest that perhaps the Sphinx enclosure was used as an overflow for the Nile flooding. Scott Creighton could tell you more about that I'm sure.

With the talk about underground caverns and whatnot leading to the GP perhaps, perhaps they did, in fact, fill it with water.

Perhaps this is why the blocks had to be so tight-fitting.

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 01:11 AM
reply to post by 12.21.12

You can have your very own Scarab Robot for $35.00.

From the Live Science store:
"Scarab Beetle Robot Kit
This Scarab isn't sacred or scared-it's a fearless robot you build-watch it learn to avoid obstacles
This beetle robot isn't fab, it's fabricated, by you
Easy assembly with two different sets of legs
Learn electronics, robotics and mechanical design
Scarab robot has cool insectile look that sends shivers down your spine
Capable of complex maneuvering and obstacle detection"

I actually bought one last Christmas as a gift for someone!

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