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Lord Lucan: The Case Reviewed

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posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 12:25 PM
Welcome back ladies and gentlemen, this is the eighth case review
In this case review we will be delving deep into the Mysterious Disappearance of Lord Lucan. Is he dead or is he alive?

And without further wait, I present to you:

Lord Lucan: The Case Reviewed


November 7, 1974 was a Thursday night much like the other Thursday nights. A regular night, or so it seemed. That was until the Nanny never returned with the cup of tea that Countess Veronica Lucan, the wife of Lord Lucan, had requested her to get for her. Curious as to what Sandra (the Nanny) was up to, the Countess headed to the basement kitchen. Her children were still upstairs, as the Countess reached the main floor, she atempted to tunr on the light, but to her dismay it didn't work. She called out for Sandra, but didn't her Sandra reply, however, she did hear what she thought were voices or whispers and she headed to the cloakroom where she had them. Suddenly Lady Lucan was attacked, she was able to fend off her attacker and run to a nearby pub nearly 30 yards away. Their a man called the police and they headed to Lady Lucans house. Lady Lucan passed out from the shock and trauma of her injuries and was taken to the nearest hospital. According to the police report:

The police forced open the door to the stately home and began a search. They noticed a lot of blood on the ground floor stairwell. Concerned about the children's safety, they immediately searched the upper floors. The three Lucan children were found unharmed. Two of the youngest children, Lord Bingham, 7, and Lady Camilla, 4, were asleep in their rooms. Lady Frances, 10, was watching television in a second-floor bedroom.

Police noticed on further inspection of the ground level that the basement door was open. Near the door they found on the floor a twisted, bloody 9-inch piece of lead pipe, wrapped with tape. As police continued their search, they found more blood in the basement breakfast room. Within the blood lay pieces of smashed china. There was an unscrewed light bulb on one of the chairs in the basement, which police suspected the intruder had taken out so that his victim could not see him.

In the basement the police stumbled upon what appeared to be a canvas bag, as they opened the bag to investigate they discovered that it was the body of Sandra Rivett. Searching for the only person who could have had motive and the means, the police headed to Lord Lucans apartment (The countess and the Lord did not live together, because they were in the means of getting a divorce). And Lord Lucan was not there. This would usher in decades of theoires and became quite possibly the most famoius disappearing act of the centurary.

Now that we have the crime scene, we need to investigate the eyewitness:


According to Lady Lucan, the Prime Witness:

She told them that she had been watching television with her daughter that evening in the second-floor bedroom. Sandra had put the two younger children to bed earlier. As she and her daughter Frances watched television, Sandra knocked at the door. It was shortly before 9 p.m.

Sandra asked if they would like some tea, to which the Countess agreed. After about 15 minutes, Lady Lucan said she began to wonder what was keeping Sandra so long. She told investigators that she went downstairs to find the nanny and it was there, near the stairs on the ground floor, that she was brutally attacked. She discussed the struggle in great detail. She was certain that the assailant was her husband, Lord Lucan.

Lady Lucan said that after she grabbed his testicles, she and her husband fell to the ground in a state of exhaustion. According to Lady Lucan, her husband admitted to accidentally killing the nanny. She said that Lord Lucan had mistaken Sandra for his wife since Lady Lucan typically made the evening tea and Sandra usually had Thursday evenings off.

Now we are going to have a transition here and head to book, which states Lady Lucans entire ordeal of events, from her moment going downstairs, according to Linda Stratmann, author of Lord Lucan Mystery, writes:

Lady Lucan tried to calm her husband down by persuading him that Sandra would not be missed. Lady Lucan told her husband that they could hide the body, and she could tell the police that a burglar was responsible for the attack, according to Stratmann. Fearing for her own life, she agreed to do whatever he wanted. Lord Lucan asked if she had any sleeping pills and suggested that she take some. She agreed to take the pills only if she could lie down for a while in her bed upstairs. The two rose from the floor and went up to the second level, dripping blood along the way. They entered the bedroom where Frances was still absorbed in the television program. In her statement to police, Frances said she noticed that her mother had blood on her face when her parents entered the room. Frances said she was sent to her room.

Lady Lucan stated that they went into the bathroom, where her husband inspected her wounds. She told police that Lord Lucan laid a towel down on the bed for her to rest on. When her husband went to the bathroom for more towels to clean her wounds, she seized that moment to escape. She ran out of the house to the Plumber's Arms pub nearby.

This would lead to one of the Greatest Mysteries in the World, but could potentially be the most famous or infamous disappearance in all of the United Kingdom. But to get a better understanding of what happened, we must first learn and examine the past leading up the crime and disappearance.

The BackGround Check

Lord Lucan was a gambler and well known among the neighborhood circles and cliques. Lord Lucan had entered some heavy debt, but before this Lady Lucan and the Lord had become estranged and were in the middle of a heated and heavy divorce and rights for guardianship over the children. Lady Lucan had suffered from Severe depression and the Lord wanted her to get Professional help, she refused and than began taking action for a divorce.

In March 1973, Lord Lucan decided he could wait no longer to be with his children. He followed his children and their nanny in a park and convinced them to go back with him to his apartment on Elizabeth Street to live. For weeks, the children stayed with their father and awaited the custody hearing. Lord Lucan was convinced that if he could prove that his wife was mentally unfit, he could gain permanent custody of the children. He hired a private investigator to follow his wife, hoping to obtain information to secure a future with his children. He would also tape Lady Lucan's violent outbursts to demonstrate the severity of his wife's mental disability.

Lord Lucan paid for his wife to receive in-home nursing care for three months. At one point, Lady Lucan had even checked herself into a psychiatric clinic for a brief stint, according to Linda Stratmann. However, although Lady Lucan knew she had a problem with depression, she did not believe that it incapacitated her or made her unable to care for her children. She also believed that her husband was using her depression as a ploy to take the children from her permanently. She intended to fight him for custody.

The custody hearing ended in June 1973 and so did Lucky Lucan's fortune. The judge found his behavior to be "lawless" and granted custody of the children to the Countess of Lucan. Lord Lucan was stuck with a debt exceeding £40,000. Most of the money was spent maintaining the house and family, private detectives, medical and legal bills. Lord Lucan became an insomniac and also began to drink heavily, following the loss of his custody battle. His life began a downward spiral which he blamed on his wife.

On several occasions, Lord Lucan expressed his hatred for her. The Lucan Review claims that, in a conversation with his good friend John Aspinall in October 1974, Lord Lucan said that he wanted to kill his wife. Several weeks before the murder, Lord Lucan told another friend that he wanted to kill his wife and dump her into the waters of the Solent. His threats were taken as drunken ramblings and disregarded — until November 7, 1974.
TruTV: The Lucans, the Early years

I underlined the important stuff above.

Now that we have the back story, let examine further the prime suspect Lord Lucan, lets investigate his mind set and lets see if he had what it took to kill.

Continued Next Post.

[edit on Aug 14th 2009 by TheMythLives]

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 12:25 PM

The Psychological Analysis

1) Lord Lucan was under heavy Debt and Debt Creates depression.

Nearly half of the people who have problems with debt are experiencing symptoms of depression, according to a survey by Myvesta, a nonprofit financial crisis center. The survey found that 49.3 percent of people with problem debt can be classified as depressed, of those 39.7 percent report symptoms of severe depression. In comparison, studies have shown that 9.5 percent of the general population is clinically depressed.

2) He was in the Middle of a Divorce. Which can also create depression.

3) He was fighting for his kids custody.

4) He was on occassion heard saying that he hated Lady Lucan

5) He feared for his childrens safety in the hands of Lady Lucan

While it would appear that Lord Lucan has a motive, perhaps a psycholgical break caused him to kill Lady Lucan. Something just does not add up. He had friends and lots of them, what would be the motive if he killed her? If he killed her the kids would not go to him, because it would be sort of obvious, who did it. Did he have a strong motive?

No. And the real killer, in my opinion, is someone who was never suspected, but before we get to the theories and closing statements, lets examine the crime scene one more time and the official police report.....

The Investigation

When investigators searched for clues into the death of Sandra Rivett and the attempted murder of Lady Lucan, they found that Lord Lucan's car keys, passport, driving license, wallet and three address books were still in his apartment. The police used the address books as a starting point and called on many of the names Lord Lucan had listed. Among the dozens of people interviewed was Susan Maxwell-Scott, a friend of Lord Lucan. Her account of events of November 7 differed from that of Lady Lucan.

Susan Maxwell-Scott said that Lord Lucan knocked on her door at about 11:30 p.m. He looked disheveled. His pants had been recently scrubbed clean and were still wet. She offered him a drink and asked what was wrong. Lord Lucan told her that he was walking past the house where his wife lived on his way to his apartment to change his clothes for dinner. He said he peered into the basement window and saw his wife struggling with a man. He let himself into the house and made his way down to the basement. He then said that he slipped and fell into a pool of blood as he was rushing to help his wife. The man she was struggling with ran off when he saw Lord Lucan approaching.

Lord Lucan told Susan that his wife became hysterical and blamed him for hiring someone to kill her, wrote Kirk Wilson. He told her that he helped clean his wife's wounds but, when he was getting fresh towels, she ran from the house. He feared she would go to the police and tell them he was responsible for her injuries. He decided to leave the house and lay low for a while.

According to Susan's account of the story, Lord Lucan said he had made three phone calls after he left his wife's house. The first call was made to his friend Madeleine Floorman, then one to his mother and the last to his friend and sister-in-law's husband, Bill Shand Kydd.

Linda Stratmann wrote that he may also have paid a visit to Madeleine Floorman before his arrival at Susan's house. At 10 p.m., someone had awakened her by knocking insistently at the door. She did not answer. Shortly afterward, she received a phone call from someone she believed to be Lord Lucan. In Madeleine Floorman's statement to police, she said he seemed distressed and became increasingly incoherent. She eventually hung up on him and went back to sleep.

The first phone call Lord Lucan made to his mother was between 10 and 10:30 p.m. He told her there had been a "catastrophe" at 46 Lower Belgrave Street. He asked his mother to pick up the children and take them to her house. He also told her that his wife and Sandra had been injured. Investigators learned that the story Lord Lucan told his mother matched what he had told Susan with the exception of his slipping in the pool of blood. Before arriving at Susan Maxwell-Scott's house, Lord Lucan tried unsuccessfully to call Bill Shand Kydd.

While Lord Lucan was at Susan's house, he tried to call his brother-in-law a second time. Once again, there was no answer, so he called his mother again. He asked her about the children, who were already asleep at her home. The police were also at his mother's house and she asked her son if he wanted to speak with them. He told his mother that he would call them early the next morning.

Shortly after his conversation with his mother, he wrote two letters, both of which were addressed to Bill Shand Kydd. In the first, he gave a brief description of the evening's events. He also suggested that his wife was suffering from paranoid delusions. The second letter focused primarily on financial matters. The two blood-stained envelopes containing the letters were mailed on November 8.
TruTV: The Inquest

It just does not add up at all. Something happened, but perhaps the events happened a little differently, perhaps the man was not really a man after all.

FACT: Lord Lucan never said he saw or heard Susan. Just remember that...

The letter stated:

Dear Bill,

The most ghastly circumstances arose tonight, which I briefly described to my mother, when I interrupted the fight at Lower Belgrave St and the man left.

V. (Veronica, his wife) accused me of having hired him. I took her upstairs and sent Frances up to bed and tried to clean her up. She lay doggo for a bit. I went into the bathroom left the house.

The circumstantial evidence against me is strong in that V. will say it was all my doing and I will lie doggo for a while, but I am only concerned about the children. If you can manage it I want them to live with you- Coutts St Martins Lane will handle school fees.

V. has demonstrated her hatred of me in the past and would do anything to see me accused.

For George & Frances to go through life knowing their father had stood in the dock for attempted murder would be too much. When they are old enough to understand, explain to them the dream of paranoia and look after them.

Yours ever,


V is Veronica, Lady Lucan. And he stated on more than one occassion that Lady lucan stated her HATRED for him. This is highly important and might shake up the crime scene world as we know it. Lord Lucan uses words like ATTEMPTED MURDER and EVIDENCE AGAINST me. No killer would do this, what would be the purpose of NOT using words, like innocent or I didn't do it. He never stated that, but with the vocabulary that he was using, its very odd. Does that prove his innocence? Not at all, but its definately something interesting to consider....

There is a sale coming up at Christies Nov 27th, which will satisfy bank overdrafts. Please agree reserves with Tom Craig.

Proceeds to go to:

Lloyds, 6 Pall Mall
Coutts, 59 Strand
Nat West, Bloomsbury Branch

Who also hold an Eq. and Law Life Policy.The other creditors can get lost for the time being.


And letter 3:

My dear Michael,

I have had a traumatic night of unbelievable coincidences. However I won't bore you with anything or involve you except to say that when you come across my children, which I hope you will, please tell them that you knew me and that all I cared about was them.

The fact that a crooked solicitor and a rotten psychiatrist destroyed me between them will be of no importance to the children.

I gave Bill Shand Kydd an account of what actually happened but judging by my last effort in court no one, let alone a 67-year-old judge, would believe- and I no longer care, except that my children should be protected.
Yours ever,


And the key to it all. In all of his letters and in the words of his friends, Lord Lucan wanted them to be safe and PROTECTED. Why protected? What would be the purpose. This adds more evidence for my theory and boy is it a bomb shell.. But before we get to that, lets examine the Inquest:

Following her testimony, a statement by the Lucans' 10-year-old daughter Frances Bingham was read to the court. Frances said that at about 9 p.m. her mother went downstairs to see why Sandra was taking so long. She said that her mother left the door open and the hall light was not on. Shortly after her mother left, she said she heard her mother scream from what seemed to be far away. Frances was not afraid because she thought the cat had scratched her mother. When she called to her mother, there was no response. Frances said that later her parents walked into the bedroom together. She said that her mother's face was bloody and that her father was wearing an overcoat. Frances was sent to bed, and shortly afterward she heard her father calling for her mother. She then saw her father looking for her mother before he went downstairs.

Dr. Keith Simpson, a pathologist who performed the postmortem on Sandra Rivett's body, testified at the inquest that she had suffocated to death by choking on her own blood. He told the court of her wounds and said that she likely died minutes after the attack. According to Patrick Marnham in Trail of Havoc, Dr. Simpson's testimony conflicted with Dr. Michael Smith's, the police surgeon who certified Sandra's death. Dr. Smith stated that Sandra most likely died shortly before being discovered.

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 12:26 PM
The Inquest Continued:

Lord Lucan's mother, Dowager Countess Lucan, testified that her son had called her twice that evening and was incoherent. She said he mentioned the words "blood" and "mess," but did not go into detail after that. She said her son requested that she pick up the children, which she did at 10:45 p.m. She said he later called a second time to ask about the children and refrained from speaking with police at the house. Soon after her testimony, the court heard evidence given by Susan Maxwell-Scott, Bill Shand Kydd and Michael Stoop.

Yet again stated that someone get the children. Odd right?

Thirty-two witnesses testified at the inquest, the most compelling of whom were the police officers who delivered their forensic reports on the crime scene. The blood analyses were done before DNA techniques became a common forensic tool, but were quite revealing nonetheless.

Sandra Rivett's blood type B and Lady Lucan's blood type A were found in two main areas of the house. Sandra's blood type was concentrated mostly in the basement area, where police found her body. In contrast, Lady Lucan's blood was concentrated mostly in the hallway at the top of the basement stairs on the ground floor. Moreover, there were hairs found in that blood that matched Lady Lucan's, providing supporting evidence that she had been battered at the top of the stairs. However, there was no blood found in the area of the cloakroom.

Th plot thickens. Where is Lord Lucans blood? Where is it? Where are his hairs? The Police investigators went out and picked up hair and blood, before DNA was in full use. And nothing matched Lord Lucan. Yet he is still the Prime Suspect.

Intriguingly, some of Lady Lucan's blood type was found on the canvas mailbag containing Sandra Rivett's body. One explanation is that the attacker could have had the same blood type as Lady Lucan. Lady Lucan's blood type was also found along with Sandra Rivett's blood type on the lead pipe and in the Ford Corsair found in Newhaven. The bent pipe, which was wrapped with tape and supposedly used to batter the women's heads, contained no hairs of the women. There were, however, hairs found in the Ford Corsair belonging to Lady Lucan.

So the pipe did not match a womans hair? I don't have an explaination for that one. Maybe Lord Lucan wrapped it up? Who knows, but one thing is for certain, Lord Lucan is not appearing anywhere in this crime scene.

More bloodstains matching Sandra Rivett's blood type were found in the garden behind Lady Lucan's home. A bloody footprint was also found in the basement of the house, leading out to the garden. The police discovered it was made by a man's shoe, but they were unable to identify the person who left the print. The blood type in which the shoe impression was made matched that of Sandra Rivett's, type B.

Fibers found at the crime scene and in the Ford Corsair became one of the main focuses of the inquest. Grayish-blue-colored woolen fibers were found in the Ford Corsair, the basement, Lady Lucan's bathroom sink, on a blood-stained bath towel and on the lead pipe supposedly used in the attack on Sandra and Lady Lucan. These fibers were believed to have come from the attacker. The fiber and bloodstain evidence presented during the inquest provided a critical link between the victims and their attacker. It became clear that whoever attacked the women had also been in the Ford Corsair, the car that Lord Lucan was seen driving the night of the murder.

Finally a link, but no direct contact? Accept for the car, which is also highly important lets remember this

According to the story Lord Lucan told to his friend Susan Maxwell-Scott, he saw his wife struggling with someone in the basement. He said that he ran down to help her and in doing so, slipped in blood. After the attacker ran away, he noticed that his wife was covered in blood. The forensic investigation conducted at the crime scene and blood analysis discounts this scenario.

But than your saying that the child is also wrong, because the child stated the same thing as above? Interesting....

There was no evidence pointing to Lady Lucan having been attacked in the basement. She testified that the attack occurred on the ground level of the house and not the basement. Blood splatter matching Lady Lucan's blood type and hairs in the blood matching hers further confirmed her account of events. Moreover, there was a man's footprint in the basement, but no indication that he or anyone had slipped.

Does it really confirm it? Hold this thought...

Investigators held several experiments trying to recreate what Lord Lucan claimed to have seen from the basement window. Results from the experiments showed that it was difficult to see anything, let alone a struggle, from a standing position outside the window. Visibility into the basement was almost nonexistent, unless one stooped low to the pavement while peering in. Even then, only the bottom four stairs into the basement were visible. With the light unscrewed as it was on the evening of the murder, visibility into the basement would have been even less.

REMEMBER THIS ALSO. This is so important! This is a huge key in the investigation, so hold this thought as well.

And a brief timeline of the crime scene:

The timing of the events the night of the murder became a critical issue during the inquest. Investigators testified that Lord Lucan had made reservations for four people at the Clermont Club for 8:30 that evening. At about 8:45, the Clermont doorman, Billy Edgson, said that Lord Lucan had pulled up in his Mercedes and asked if his friends had arrived. Sally Moore in Lucan not Guilty wrote that Edgson stated that Lord Lucan, "was wearing casual clothes, the kind he wore when he went out golfing" and that he didn't seem "perturbed in any way." Edgson believed that Lord Lucan was on his way home to change his clothes. If the doorman's account of the time had been correct, it would have made it difficult to place Lord Lucan at the scene of the murder, which occurred at about 9 p.m.

Lord Lucan would have had only 10 minutes to drive through two miles of city traffic to his apartment, park his Mercedes and make it to number 46 Lower Belgrave Street a half mile away. Moreover, he would have had to let himself into the house within that short period of time, walk into the basement and unscrew the light bulb before Sandra came down the stairs. However, if Edgson's timing had been off by just 10 minutes, it would have been possible for Lord Lucan to have made it to the basement of the house on Lower Belgrave Street at the time of the murder.

Thats interesting, lets hold this info into our heads and now lets examine the Theories:

The Theories

Theory 1: Lord Lucan is alive
Theory 2: Lord Lucan is dead
Theory 3: Lord Lucan is a murderer
Theory 4: Lord Lucan is an innocent man

Thats it, their is no way around it. Two of those theories are correct and lets examine the first.

Lord Lucan Alive

Lord Lucan is spotted all over the world! From Italy to Southern Africa.
Images provided by: Lady Lucan Website and TruTv Pirctures and finally, Lord Lucan

During the 1990s Lucan was allegedly sighted in South Africa. In 2007, the Daily Mail suggested this was a mistaken identity of a man nicknamed Johannesburg Jeff

In August 2007, the Auckland-based New Zealand Herald reported that former Scotland Yard detective Sidney Ball was following up claims that Lord Lucan was living in an old Land Rover outside the township of Marton, apparently with a pet possum, cat and a goat. Mr Ball says neighbours of the man, Roger Woodgate, were convinced he was Lord Lucan but said he couldn't discuss the case further until his investigation was complete. The man is said to have an upper-class English accent and may be receiving income from property interests in the UK. Roger Woodgate denies being Lord Lucan, insisting he was a photographer working for the Ministry of Defence who had left the UK five months before Lord Lucan vanished. Mr Woodgate also claims to be 10 years younger than Lord Lucan and is five inches shorter

Of course their are many more sightings, but this is just for examples.


posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 12:27 PM
Lord Lucan is Dead

Shortly before his death in 2000, Aspinall gave an interview in which he re-stated his opinion that Lucan had committed suicide by scuttling a boat that he kept at Newhaven. Aspinall said he had no doubt that Lucan had mistakenly killed the nanny, having intended to kill his wife, and had then killed himself out of shame

Probably the most accepted out of all the theories was that Lord Lucan had killed himself, do to all of the pressure, depression, and now the crime.

Lord Lucan is the Killer

Simple enough and thats what the Inquest stated and the corner jury stated.

However, another theory stated:

Both Patrick Marnham and James Ruddick make strong cases for the more complicated scenario, that Lord Lucan hired a man to kill his wife, the hitman killed Sandra, then Lord Lucan, arriving to clear up and dispose of the body, discovered the mistake and attacked his wife. I will look at this in more detail later, but first there are some specific questions I would like to ask.
Lord Lucan

Lord Lucan is Innocent

Published works on the case suggest three main scenarios. Sally Moore believes Lord Lucan’s story, and suggests that the murderer was an unknown assailant. Lord Lucan is cast as the hero saving his wife from an attacker then fleeing because he will not be believed. Ms Moore consulted with Lord Lucan’s family, (though not Lady Lucan) in her research for the book, and her brief appears to be to show Lord Lucan in the best possible light and Lady Lucan in the worst. It is a heavily slanted account which attaches considerable importance to the random blood drips. Patrick Marnham in "Trail of Havoc" and James Ruddick1 in "Lord Lucan" both suggest that although Lord Lucan did not murder Sandra Rivett, he hired a hit man to murder his wife. Arriving later to dispose of the body, he discovered the mistake and attacked his wife. Lady Lucan has never been of the opinion that her husband hired a hit-man to kill her, and contrary to what he wrote in his letters after the murder, never accused him of having done so. The simplest explanation, and the one most consistent with the facts is that Lord Lucan is guilty and no-one else was involved.

And finally the only theory that Joking of course. Just my opinion and my theory of events, lets sit back and enjoy.

My Theory and Closing Statements


Dear me, Lord Lucan did you kill Sandra and then attempt to kill your wife? In which you fled afterward?

Or did you kill Sandra..... Lady Lucan? Mad'am Veronica, was it you?

My theory proposes that Veronica Lucan was the killer, I will break it down for you...

FACT: Lady Lucan was under a lot of pressure
FACT: Lady Lucan Suffered from SEVERE depression
FACT: Lady Lucan had VIOLENT tendencies
FACT: Lady Lucans blood was all over the crime scene and Sandra's blood was MIXED with Lady Lucans blood
FACT: Lady Lucan was definately fighting with someone
FACT: The Children did not suspect anything
FACT: Lady Lucan never screamed for help, if she knew was being blunged why didn't she scream in pain?

Interesting? isn't it. Lets examine one more time, the chain of events.

Lord Lucan stated that he saw a man fighting with his wife, now the room was dark and all Lord Lucan could see was people in a tussle. Lord Lucan went around and let himself in, as he enetered the basement Lord Lucan fell in the puddle of blood and the attacker ran off. What if the ATTACKER was not an attacker, but a victim? The Nanny Sandra, who ran to escape the attacks of Lady Lucan, which she would later die in the basement, the ATTACKER never left the BASEMENT!

Lord Lucan having witnessed his wife and someone else in a tussle, maybe he thought that it was a robber or something, but in reality it was the Nanny. Now apparently, Lady Lucan attacked another person, Lord Lucan. Lord Lucan and her may have got into a fight, and in this fight blood from both Victim (Sandra) and Killer (Veronica), A and B blood types, which mixed on Lord Lucans shirt and perhaps when he fell in the pool that pool had mixed blood as well. Lord Lucan was finally able to over come Lady Lucan and the two made it upstairs, where the little girl saw them. Now tell me one thing:

If a MURDERER wanted to KILL YOU, why would he help you wash your face and get you fixed up? Doesn't make sense. Of course this was when Lady Lucan ran away to the Pub. Perhaps she came to the conclusion that she could Frame her husband and keep her children. Lord Lucan covered in blood, knew how it looked. He was not a stupid man and made arrangments for teh children to be safe, by calling his mother and writing letters, which he pleaded that his children remain SAFE AND PROTECTED.

FACT: This would explain the blood in Lord Lucans car
FACT: This would explain Lord Lucans footprint outside of the house
FACT: This would explain why Lord Lucan ran
FACT: This would explain why Lady Lucan was covered in blood and why she had injuries on her
FACT: This would explain why Sonja was in a bag, perhaps before Lady lucan left she put Sandra in the bag. Nothing of Lord Lucan was found on the bag, however, Lady Lucans blood and fibers were on the bag!
FACT: Lady Lucan, had the motive, the means and the mentality to do harm.

Side note, what was Lady Lucans motive? Well apparently, the nanny was taking a long time fixing the Tea and this may have enraged Veronica. Why? Well people have killed over less and maybe their was another reason, that we may never know of. Perhaps an Affiar of sorts? between Sandra and Lord Lucan, perhaps Sandra was planning on leaving afterwards, perhaps Sandra asked the wrong question?

Lord Lucan left, probably by the help of his friends (Sir James Goldsmith) until he could later return. Lord Lucan is probably alive, he is in his Seventies now and probably living in London. What better place to hide, than in plain sight?

Closing Statements

Lord Lucan is innocent, the evidence suggests that their was something else going on. The evidence suggests that perhaps Lady Lucan killed Sandra and then attempted to kill Lord Lucan. The events do not add up in favor of Lady Lucans story, when you view it as her being the killer. Everything changes when you put the evidence in a different light. I believe the real killer was Lady Lucan and Lord Lucan fled not only to protect himself, but to protect his children as well. Could it really have been this simple? Could Lady Lucan have poised as a victim and avoided even being considered as a suspect? And if so this could be ONE OF THE MOST GIGANTIC BLUNDERS IN ALL UNITED KINGDOMS CRIMINAL HISTORY.

As always a tribute to the victim, in this case, the most famous picture of Sandra:


Photos Provided By: Tru TV and Lady Lucan

Like this case review?

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Marilyn Monroe: The Case Reviewed

OJ Simpson: The Case Reviewed

Anna Nicole Smith: The Case Reviewed

The Black Dahlia: The Case Reviewed

The Zodiac Killer: The Case Reviewed

Series 2

Princess Diana: The Case Reviewed

Jack The Ripper: The Case Reviewed

And now Lord Lucan: The Case Reviewed


Thank You Ladies and Gentlemen! I really do appreciate your support and your kind words
I am glad you are enjoying these case reviews and if you have a Suggestion for a case review:

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I will add them to the long and growing list.


Enjoy this "Case Reviewed" Birthday Special


posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 12:35 PM
another great job myth, i am sure we'll be seeing this on the front page in no time.


[edit on 8/14/2009 by Alaskan Man]

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by Alaskan Man

Thank you my friend
I appreciate the kind words and the Star and Flag. Hopefully, this gets some attention, its an amazing case

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 12:53 PM
Again this is quality stuff from you.

It must take a while to get all this stuff together.

Well done anyway, because it's really good.

I remember reading about the Lord Lucan mystery when i was younger.
Interesting stuff.

As for other cases reviewed, how about the assassination of JFK?
Although their is probably so much info about it, it would be really difficult and i am sure it's been done to death.

I don't actually know anything about the whole Kennedy conspiracy.

If not Kennedy, how about the assassination of Martin Luther King?

Anyway if you decide to do another, whoever you do i am sure i will still enjoy reading it!

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 12:56 PM
reply to post by Kram09

Yep, they are on the list and MLK is set to be my best yet, so stay tuned. I have a few more that I would like to finish before getting into the Kennedy conspiracy and the MLK conspiracy. But I will get to them soon.

I am also glad that you enjoyed them and enjoyed this one as well. That is the whole reason I continue to make these
Stay tuned my friend.

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 12:59 PM
reply to post by TheMythLives

Awesome, i look forward to reading them.

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 01:11 PM

Excellent work - one question - the first letter was addressed to William Shand-Kydd - any relation to Frances Shand-Kydd - mother of Diana Princess of Wales ?

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 01:14 PM
Wow, I did come to the same conclusion you did after reading the first few paragraphs of the review! Nice Job!

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by Silk

Probably so, because Lord Lucan was a LORD and would have known the people around the area and had high up connections. So I would not be surprised. I am not 100% sure, but I am over 80% sure. Good question and thank you for the kind words

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 01:26 PM
reply to post by ldyserenity

Whew, glad to know that my conclusion is not just
This is good, because I was certain people would not agree at ALL. Luckily it does not appear that way. And thank you for the kind words LD, I do appreciate them.

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 02:00 PM
Well researched and well done.

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by Sanek

Thank You my friend
Be sure to look at my other case reviews and I am glad you enjoyed it

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by TheMythLives

TheMythLives, I have never heard of Lord Lucan, but it sounds intriguing.

You got a flag, star, and D.I.G.G. nonetheless for your work and effort.

Keep up the good topics on here and you will go far.

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Thank you my friend, as always I appreciate the support
I try my best with the topics and hopefully, people enjoy them.

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 03:00 PM
I never realised that the nanny was such a looker

Thank you for this - its an impressive effort and must have taken a hell of a long time to compile and sort through.

An interesting conclusion too - one I hadn't really considered that much - but why didn't he come back to protest his innocence? The scandal of an affair would have been deadened by the fact that his wife murdered her rival surely?

I guess we may actually never know, which is the essence of the mystery....

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by neformore

That is so true. One reason he didn't come back was that maybe he died? or committed suicide? Perhaps Lady Lucan hired someone to kill him. The mystery only thickens from their my friend and thats why its capivated so many for so long. Thank You for the kind words, hopefully, it provides an interesting take, that I do not believe has ever been taken before.

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by TheMythLives

First off let me say HAPPY BIRTHDAY my friend!! You show wisdom and knowledge way beyond your years.

Secondly let me say that this is, as usual, a excellent, first page worthy thread and detailed composition of analysis on a very intriguing case. It is because of members such as yourself that a lot of the "noise" from ATS (in ANY FORUM) gets quited down a little so we can all hear there ever important signal of "deny ignorance". I am not to familiar with this case but I definitely will be now after reading such an epic thread. Keep up the great work my friend.

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