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Chuck Norris: Dirty secret No. 1 in Obamacare = Home visits

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posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by Jesus H Christ
I have to disagree. I hate our govt as much as the next red blooded American but, something has to be done. There are so many people out there reproducing who are more dangerous than a retard with a Yo-Yo.

I can't even go fishing without a licence. Forget driving a car or owning a buisness. But any redneck,stump jumpin,backwoods,Jethro,riflerack havin, NRA belongin' to,pick-up truck drivin', outhouse usin' white trash, toothless hillbilly can reproduce untill the good lord says it's time to stop.

Well, I'm saying it's time to stop. We either need forced sterilizations or forced education.

I'm all for it.

Here's the are letting government CHOOSE for you, so in effect you're 'okie dokie' with being controlled? If you are, then please do not voice your discontent later when rights you once had are stripped from you for your own good!

It's not about anything but the rich/powerful/elite saying YOU who can't even spell LICENSE should not have the God given right to reproduce, or express yourself freely and it's ok to sterilize you because your gene pool represents everything THEY don't want.

Now, mind you I am not saying we should continue to run a welfare state and pay for these children popped out just because someone can reproduce. I can tell you, if people had to pay for their offspring's care out of their own pocket, the amount of births within financially challenged families would decline. Simply because they'd be forced to take responsibility for their actions and THAT is what's wrong in society today.

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 09:43 PM
Some of you who think this is a good thing, have no idea what you really believe.

I checked and some have made threads about the Rothschilds, 911 conspiracy and other anti Government issues. So clearly you don't trust Government, yet you are willing to let them in your house and tell you how to raise your children.

Either you trust the Government or you don't.

Or are you so partisan in your thinking you just believe whatever your party tells you to believe. Which would explain why you seem hypocritical because all political parties are.

You are against the Patriot Act but you want them physically coming in your home ? How can this be ? Are you the same person everyday or do you change with the talking points ?

I seriously doubt some of you would be supporting this if Bush were President, seriously doubt it.

I don't trust any of them enough to allow them in my home and telling me how to raise my children. I know it says voluntary but how long will that last ?

They do not have our best interest at heart, I thought everyone on this site already knew that.

This is really starting to irritate me. The way all the anti Government people suddenly switched to wanting a huge Government when a Democrat was elected. I hope they are only confused and will soon snap out of it.

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 03:49 AM
Strictsum - This is not black and white question like many posters here are trying to shove down our throats. If you hate the government so much, why are you using its police and justice system? Its not "either we want government in our lives or we dont" its about choosing the right amount of government involvement. Or do you want a murderer suspect to say "I dont want government in my life so get the frak off" to police? I understand this example is a bit too much, but on the other hand I dont think mandatory government check-ups of your parenting are too much. I think it is the right amount. No less, no more.
Maybe not in the USA but definitely here.

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 05:46 AM
reply to post by Jesus H Christ

Why not just get rid of the licensing bureaucracy instead of people's rights?

Forced sterilizations? Are you for reducing the population by 80 percent as well? I'd like you to meet obama's science czar, the esteemed mr. holdren.

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 06:20 AM
Why are Republicans championing the use of celebrities to stir up #?

I remember when they cried and cried about the Hollywood influence that Democrats had.

Now they have Chuck Norris as a spokesman?

Only one word for that:


posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 06:22 AM

Originally posted by Janitor From Mars
Why are Republicans championing the use of celebrities to stir up #?

I remember when they cried and cried about the Hollywood influence that Democrats had.

Now they have Chuck Norris as a spokesman?

Only one word for that:


works both ways, open yer eyes

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by Maslo
What I want to say is that state inspections like these should be mandatory, so irresponsible parents cannot just say dont bother me and go away.

First... The few who are actually creating issues for their children are surely not enough to saddle every parent with obligations to open their lives to the scrutiny of the State. That is quite fascist a prospect, don't you think?

Sure, there are issues with the raising of some children, but statistically speaking, the numbers are negligible.

And all the parents who are doing the best with what they have have an absolute right to say "don't bother me and go away."

And on top of THAT, the cost to go around casting judgments on all parents would be prohibitive. And it will always be open to interpretation and emotion (i.e., the inspector doesn't hit it off well with a set of parents and puts in a bad report merely because they didn't like the parents (irrespective of the parents' love for their child(ren)).

Yeah. That sound like MY ideal society. Not.

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 12:02 PM
reply to post by blueorder

I think you missed the point by a mile.

Regardless, I can't wait the next time the Dems roll out a celebrity and the Republicans go bat# insane. It's guaranteed because it's a mindless, predictable game.

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by Jesus H Christ

I was going to type a longer reply to your post,but realised it was not worth my time.

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 09:17 PM
While I am a government non-truster, I thought I would enlighten what I know about the home visits. The programs are already set up just not in all areas of the country. There is nothing "obamaish" about it. I work for a PAT program ( and this is the type of home visits this bill is referring to. There are other equally established but similar programs out there.

I visit expectant mothers and children up to 5. A visit consists of bringing age appropriate handouts for the parents and an age appropriate activity for the children. For example, I may bring jar lids and different size containers for the child to work on hand coordination. We use items that can be made and are inexpensive. For a child 12 months old, I would bring handouts on tip for weaning from a bottle. Nothing scary at all I promise. Also, during every visit, we bring an age appropriate book to share thus promoting literacy. Once a year, we screen for developmental delays, thus catching many problems early. Another thing, my particular program is open to rich and poor alike--because no, economic status does not a good parent make!

Don't be alarmed--no government officials will be forcing parents to do anything. We are normally locals who love children--and get to play with kids in a constructive way and encouraging parents for doing a good job!

I am not a fan of Pres. Obama at all, but the home visits are nothing to fear or avoid.

A Parent Educator

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 03:21 AM
reply to post by warrenb

if the government had values and knowledge why not but if it is a standard low fat diet and vaccination paradigm then NO, its not good

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 04:40 AM

Seems to me that many of you guys have stopped referencing reality.
It is sad that a whole movement has sided with private interests above and beyond
everyday concerns. There is little in the way of solutions and by default the task is to
protect the corporate robber barons and thy pockets. Ultimately it is YOUR pocket
suffers by the gouging at current and in the future. I see bankruptcy which supersedes the financial as INACTION is the ultimate goal. Zero solutions

shill on and protect the true masters...

The rising costs will NEVER decelerate if the goal is to keep the system in place.

[edit on 14-8-2009 by mental modulator]

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 06:04 AM

Originally posted by warrenb

Are we to assume the state's mediators would understand every parent's social or religious core values on parenting? Or would they teach some secular-progressive and religiously neutered version of parental values and wisdom? And if they were to consult and coach those who expect babies, would they ever decide circumstances to be not beneficial for the children and encourage abortions?

Yeah. Let's hope so. Maybe there'd be a lot fewer US citizens regularly visiting shrinks if religion was kept well out of bringing up children.

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 06:26 AM

Originally posted by wreckage
Yeah. Let's hope so. Maybe there'd be a lot fewer US citizens regularly visiting shrinks if religion was kept well out of bringing up children.

I would say there are more shrinks used now in the UK in a less religious society than there were 50 years ago- so I don't see how you can make that leap of "faith"

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 12:51 AM

Originally posted by warrenb
Are you kidding me?! With whose parental principles and values? Their own? Certain experts'? From what field and theory of childhood development? As if there are one-size-fits-all parenting techniques!

I agree with this.

I've seen many cases of people who work for the state being abusive to children, or their parents, it's no new thing. The most recent in the news was a social worker woman who abused a child online because the child insulted her own daughter. The child commited suicide.
They're people just like us, given power, and they love to abuse that power on people who tick them off. I've seen this process, personally, with people I know who were both the victims of social-worker abuse and also people I know who are social workers who abuse their power.

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 02:19 AM
reply to post by warrenb

They plan on One World Government, One World Religion, why not introduce One World Parental Education?

"one-size-fits-all parenting techniques" - that's exactly what they want.

We find ourselves tangled on the path of Globalization. A wondrous tool of the NWO to create a pavement for their agenda. If everything goes global why not parenting skills?

I just hope this happens later rather then sooner.

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by St Vaast

Really, the dirty prostitutes. And you really think that prostitution is a legal business that will honor such contracts? More over, that any of them are regulated? They are about as bad as bankers let loose from regulations – had any luck controlling that fiasco yet?
And I see all this “out with her organs” but here’s something you never hear and that’s mass vasectomy. Yes, men constantly claim that their urges must be met when ever and where ever. It is their prowess that is PRAISED and never questioned in any way and the funniest part of it is this – they are the most controllable when it comes to procreation. All you need is a jar, a clinic and a deposit then the surgery. After all, no sperm, no kids. Face it, you can screw all you want and no kids! Viola~! End of problem. But of course that will end all of man’s blaming it on the woman and taking responsibility for themselves. What a world.

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 07:11 AM

Originally posted by Amaterasu

Originally posted by Maslo
What I want to say is that state inspections like these should be mandatory, so irresponsible parents cannot just say dont bother me and go away.

First... The few who are actually creating issues for their children are surely not enough to saddle every parent with obligations to open their lives to the scrutiny of the State.

I never said that. The check-ups will by far not include every parent, it is too costly and ineffective, as you said. It would include those that Obama is proposing, and those that are under such scrutiny now (dont know if there are any..), mostly groups with poor social conditions.

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 09:12 AM
reply to post by warrenb

Anyone who is familiar with the home visiting that is listed in Obama's Health Care Reform Bill understands that these programs are designed to help expectant and new parents learn about caring for their newborn and link to resources in the community. In fact, there are plenty of families who "voluntarily" decide to be part of these great programs because as many new parents will tell you- you can always use the help. The home visitors bring information about the child's developmental stages and help you bond with your baby through play and various activities. They come once a week for an hour and they never dictate anything, but rather, talk to mothers and fathers about sleeping habits of babies, feeding schedules, and anything else a parent may have a concern about.

The workers are not usually government employees, but rather social workers or trained employees of a non-profit organization who work very hard to help families learn how to meet the needs of their baby.

There are so many families in this country who have limited/no access to transportation or are very isolated. Not everyone has a priest, a close friend or even family to help. Not everyone lives where access to services is readily available. Surprisingly (or maybe not), many parents are illiterate or have low literacy levels so simply "reading a book" may not be feasible. Home visiting programs help bring information to these families in a way they can understand.

I encourage anyone who feels passionate about this topic, including Chuck Norris and others, to look at for information on this research- based home visiting program. In fact, I would welcome him to accompany a home visitor on a visit with a new parent and their baby so he could see one of the programs highlighted in his bill. This program is fantastic and has helped hundreds of thousands of families keep their kids safe, happy and healthy. I know he is interested in the health and well-being of children in terms of their self-esteem. Research shows that self-esteem develops as early as during the infant/toddler years so helping to establish those positive parent-child interactions at an early age will build on the front end of the organization he has established for children.

It is not about dictating a way of parenting- it is about educating families on caring for a child- because not everyone knows what to do. Education is one way to prevent child abuse and neglect which I think most would agree is much needed in our country.

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