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From the Streets of America: The Mass Strike Revolt Is On

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posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 02:19 AM

From the Streets of America: The Mass Strike Revolt Is On

From the Streets of America:

The Mass Strike Revolt Is On

by Jeffrey Steinberg

Aug. 8—Yesterday morning, President Barack Obama abruptly cancelled a scheduled appearance at Henderson Hall in Arlington, Va., where he was to hold a town hall meeting on his health-care "reform" policy. Instead, he held a three-minute press conference in the Rose Garden, read prepared remarks from a teleprompter, and took no questions.

Today, the President's office announced that he had cancelled a schedule of public appearances around the country, en route to his vacation on Martha's Vineyard. N
(visit the link for the full news article)

Related News Links:

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 02:19 AM
Why haven't I seen anything here about this man!? Or have I missed it?

I have been a member for not too long but I had to join because the news stories and discussions here have a lot of my interest. This is my first post so.. I hope I did it right ha.

But anyways I would say my friend and I (both 21) learned about an agenda in our Government about a year ago. Not too long after he got a handout DVD at the post office about Lyndon LaRouche. I watched it and then started looking him up online, I didn't and still don't really see anything that puts any red flags up, he makes sense to me, he seems like he definitely knows his history, him and his supporters are saying the exact opposite of the MSM and seems to say quite a bit more than Ron Paul, but I'm not 100% positive on him because you tend not to be when in the recent past you've found out and started putting the pieces together to see that there is definitely a invisible blindfold being put over our population's eyes and that the American government isn't really there for the American citizens unlike I was so conditioned to believe.... at all.

SO, I KNOW there are some very logical and commonsensical members here on ATS and I would really like to hear your opinion about Lyndon LaRouche and think you should check out the link and let me know what you think. I would put up a video but I don't know how. Thanks for checkin it. - Jazz

This link is recent news video from LaRouche PacTV
(visit the link for the full news article)

[edit on 11-8-2009 by Jazz87]

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 02:44 AM
Honestly the way I approach these things, is not whether the person is trust worth or not, but to listen to what they say remember it and pay attention to things to see if it makes sense.

People that are good speakers can make anything sound like it is reasonable. I approach these things objectively and come to my own conclusions. I'm not saying that LaRouche is wrong in what he is saying or whatever, but I always try to look for stuff that backs up what he is saying in other places and don't ever take what anybody says at face value(well try to at least).

That is my opinion.

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 03:25 AM
reply to post by Hastobemoretolife

Obama says he's setting up health insurance for all, and reduced costs if the bill passes.

La Rouch is calling Obama a Nazi dictator worse than Hitler.


posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 03:37 AM
What is this thread about I'm confused? Is this thread about strikes, revolts, presidents, crazy ass third party candidates?

Lyndon Larouche is the satanist guy right?

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 03:44 AM
There is always some revolt from the rightwing fringe when it comes to one of their issues, and as per usual we have the online fringe networks working conjunction with some of the rightwing big wigs to hype these events up to bring more attention. It hasnt worked in the past and its not going to work now.

Same hyped up talk about "revolt" and "anger" from the minority fringe during the "state sovereignty" garbage.

Same hyped up talk from the tea bagging events.

Same hyped up talk regarding each birther issue.

Same hyped uo talk about the rightwing "revolution" over America.

And now ofcourse, there is another attempt by the organized propaganda networks, working in conjunction with the big wigs and corportations who so benefitted under Bushes system to smear this health care plan.

If we look back to the past we see dead ends in every fringe campaign. What the righties fail to understand here is that a revolution, or a movement does not happen under minority rightwing partisan bickering, it doesnt start with the corporations sponsering it. Real revolutions, real change occurs across all demographics, culture, racial, ideological, religions, when the people in all stand for democracy. It does not happen when Mr and Mrs Carter from cottonfield Alabama attend a mob fest blue cross sponsered event against the "commie pinkos".

This other "hype drive" isnt going to be any different I assure you. Within a couple of months, when this healthcare plan has been implemented, you fellas will then move onto something else, and then the next thing, and then the next thing, until you get it through your heads that the american people only speak when the movement crosses all racial, ideological and religious lines.. Rightnow, each time these phoney outrage compaigns end, all thats left are people like me to ask "whats next?"


[edit on 11-8-2009 by Southern Guardian]

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 03:46 AM
reply to post by Southern Guardian

And to back up what you are saying ...

Look who's rallying vs. Obama in Portsmouth

It's good group.

[edit on 11 Aug 2009 by schrodingers dog]

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 03:51 AM


posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 03:53 AM
reply to post by schrodingers dog

Gee its interestin aint it? Righties complaining about their freedoms being stripped of them when they are given the opportunity to express their opposition against the bill at town hall meetings, only to then go their to tell everybody to shut up and strip them of their freedom to speak and support, while attacking them.

Every time there is some phony outrage campaign from these fellas, however hypocritical it tends to be. I swear Iv seen better acting at a middle school play.

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 04:08 AM

Originally posted by Southern Guardian
And now ofcourse, there is another attempt by the organized propaganda networks, working in conjunction with the big wigs and corportations who so benefitted under Bushes system to smear this health care plan.

[edit on 11-8-2009 by Southern Guardian]

big organizations are not predisposed to right wing ideas- right wing ideas (in their truest sense) are not about state regulation, and regulation (which is really of the liberal/left) only benefits the big organizations

Things aint what they always seem.............

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 04:12 AM
Too bad we didnt throw a fit over the war that broke us.
Or the tax cuts for the rich.
Or just to protest because war is bad.
Or that this war was against the wrong people.
Or when we gave the rest of our money to the bankers.
Or when we let lobbyists for industry take over.
Gee whiz, can I stop now?

We're just a little late is all.
Soon protesting will be regulated and heavily enforced.

.....if not downright illegal!

But Mr. Gibbs is probably only half right. Yes, well-heeled interest groups are helping to organize the town hall mobs. Key organizers include two Astroturf (fake grass-roots) organizations: FreedomWorks, run by the former House majority leader Dick Armey, and a new organization called Conservatives for Patients’ Rights.
The latter group, by the way, is run by Rick Scott, the former head of Columbia/HCA, a for-profit hospital chain. Mr. Scott was forced out of that job amid a fraud investigation; the company eventually pleaded guilty to charges of overbilling state and federal health plans, paying $1.7 billion — yes, that’s “billion” — in fines. You can’t make this stuff up.

[edit on 11-8-2009 by dodadoom]

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 04:17 AM
reply to post by blueorder

Without regulation, corporations(big organizations)rule.
Regulations are the only thing holding them back at all.
Unless you mean governments as big organizations.
Without a government that regulates, corporations take over.
You know, kinda like what we have here now.

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 04:37 AM

Originally posted by dodadoom
reply to post by blueorder

Without regulation, corporations(big organizations)rule.
Regulations are the only thing holding them back at all.
Unless you mean governments as big organizations.
Without a government that regulates, corporations take over.
You know, kinda like what we have here now.

sorry that is incorrect, it is mainly corporations (big corporations) who benefit from regulation, look back through your american history, as it is they who are often pushing for regulation because as the big players they can weed out the small fry/competition as regulation involves costs and compliance/admin issues which hinders the ability of smaller businesses to compete.

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 04:46 AM
reply to post by Jazz87

SO, I KNOW there are some very logical and commonsensical members here on ATS and I would really like to hear your opinion about Lyndon LaRouche and think you should check out the link and let me know what you think. I would put up a video but I don't know how. Thanks for checkin it. - Jazz

Jazz, Welcome to reality. I too have read some of LaRouche and yes he does have some good points. The best thing to do is to keep in mind ALL of us are human, we all have bias and also part of the truth. Then READ

Read the laws and bills, read about the World Trade Organization and the actual agreement, the UN and Agenda 21, the Global Diversity Treaty the "Wildlands Project" bill. Get as much information from the primary source (the actual bill, law or agreement) then you can so you can see if what is said makes sense. Keep in mind that the PTB have been known to yank primary reference sources and substitute different ones or none at all. I have seen it happen several times, so keep backup copies of interesting stuff. "All's fair in love, war and POLITICS"

A good example of looking at the primary source and comparing it to someone's statement is the Health Care bill ATS and also what Doctors have to say. For farming, food and the coming famine this has links to primary resources. For money read A PRIMER ON MONEY: Congressional COMMITTEE ON BANKING AND CURRENCY. It is interesting and written so anyone can understand it.

Hope that helps. You will see those on this site who rant but do not back up what they say. Ignore them. You will also see discussions with both sides presenting references. Look at the information from the references on both sides and make up your own mind.

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 04:47 AM
reply to post by blueorder

At times. Not all the time however.
Regulations sometimes affect both large and small corporations alike
depending on factors such as size, worth, number of employee's, etc.
What I am saying(again) is, without any regulation at all,
ALL corporations would do what they wanted as far as polluting and advancing their own agendas which is profit. Not concern neccasarily.

What you are describing is competition and another reason
some have grown too large to fail (apparently) and others just fail.

[edit on 11-8-2009 by dodadoom]

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 04:50 AM

Originally posted by dodadoom
reply to post by blueorder

At times. Not all the time however.
Regulations sometimes affect both large and small corporations alike.
What I am saying(again) is, without any regulation at all,
ALL corporations would do what they wanted as far as polluting and advancing their own agendas which is profit. Not concern neccasarily.

What you are describing is competiton and another reason
some have grown too large to fail (apparently) and others just fail.

Regulations affect every business involved in the industry that is being regulated- it is small businesses who find it harder to cope with regulation for the cost and compliance / reasons as stated above, which larger organisations, by virtue of their clout, financial back up etc can cope with much easier- larger organisations realise this and so are often the driving force behind regulation as it stifles competition into a select cabal (these large organisations are also involved in an incestuous relationship with the political elite in terms of pressure groups/funding etc)

Clearly large organisations can fail, I never suggested otherwise, this is the world of man with too many uncertainties- but the the broad strokes of regulation are that it benefits the big players and hits the little man

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 04:54 AM
reply to post by blueorder

Thanks for the replies.
I still say without regulation corporations (and banks, what is a bank?)take over.
Yes like we have in the US now.
Or are we so used to it, we dont notice?
Are we such blind and forgiving consumers we dont care what happens as
long as we have our stuff and they keep providing it no matter what?
Just askin'...

Are we so dependant on them like a teat, that we actually bail them out?

[edit on 11-8-2009 by dodadoom]

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 05:03 AM

Originally posted by dodadoom
reply to post by blueorder

Thanks for the replies.
I still say without regulation corporations (and banks, what is a bank?)take over.
Yes like we have in the US now.
Or are we so used to it, we dont notice?
Are we such blind and forgiving consumers we dont care what happens as
long as we have our stuff and they keep makin' it no matter what?
Just askin'...

Are we so dependant on them like a teat, that we actually bail them out?

[edit on 11-8-2009 by dodadoom]

thanks for your reply too, good to "engage" even if I don't fully buy into your world view- take the banks for example, it is actually a heavily regulated industry and has been for some time (refer back to the incestuous relationship) and look where that got us- one of the problems has been the sub prime lending, that is well known- regulation was involved in that (as far back as Jimmy Carter), and the good mr obama was involved in a case in the 90s which forced lending institutions to loosen criteria into deprived areas (the areas which are at the heart of the issue) under the auspices of "racial equality" (which is another form of regulation!)

Now before people jump down my throat as some sort of racist, I am not saying all whites are good payers and all non whites are bad, I am saying it was regulatory influence that loosened lending criteria under the catch all banner of equality

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 05:12 AM
reply to post by blueorder

I agree, its good to see other pov's! Star for you!
The people who think they can afford things they can't,
are just as much to blame for the real estate crisis.
I know, I have heard coworkers talk of buying a 400,000$ home,
then turn around and 3 months later they get laid off.
I know what they make per hour. Its not even do-able realistically.
We dont know how to save, only go in debt, and we think its all normal.
If banks weren't regulated, they could charge whatever interest rate they wanted to,
and only give loans to the ones who dont need it in the first place.

[edit on 11-8-2009 by dodadoom]

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 05:20 AM
reply to post by blueorder

Clearly large organisations can fail, I never suggested otherwise, this is the world of man with too many uncertainties- but the the broad strokes of regulation are that it benefits the big players and hits the little man

You are correct. An excellent example is what has happen to farming in the EU. The recent "Food Safety" bill HR 875 was designed to do the same here in the USA. the "compromise" bill is not much better. Bush signed an agreement to "harmonize" our laws with the EU so we can see our future there. "Harmonize" means to make the same as.

the [EU] chair-lady said: “I don't think you understand what EU policy is. Our objective is to ensure that farmers receive the same salary parity as white collar workers in the cities. The only way to achieve this is by restructuring and modernising old fashioned Polish farms to enable them to compete with other countries agricultural economies and the global market. To do this it will be necessary to shift around one million farmers off the land ... The remaining farms will be made competitive with their counterparts in western Europe.”

There in a nutshell you have the whole tragic story of the clinically instigated demise of European farming over the past three decades. We protested that with unemployment running at 20 percent how would one provide jobs for another million farmers dumped on the streets of Warsaw?

This was greeted with a stony silence, eventually broken by a lady from Portugal, who rather quietly remarked that since Portugal joined the European Union, 60 percent of small farmers had already left the land. “The European Union is simply not interested in small farms,” she said.

[I keep on bring in farming because I would really like to continue eating on a regular basis. The mega corporation cartel is only interested in complete control of the industry (high profit) and not in whether people starve or not. Therefore I have made a careful study of this particular industry and generally cite examples from it.]

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