Welcome to The Astralpedia part two, the second part of the comprehensive astral projection guide. The second part of this guide will focus
primarily on topics dealing with the astral plane and further develop on methods one can use to reach it. This section will also focus on issues which
come up on the astral plane as well as strange phenomena. Questions from the first part of this guide will also be answered and elaborated on in this
section. The second part of the Astralpedia will be broken down into the follow sections, each of which will contain sub groups.
Chapters: are as followed in orders:
1. Setting mood
2. Sensations
3. Astral Entities
4. Time (travel through the mind)
5. More Info (tips and tricks to the astral)
When projecting it is very important to find a good place to do it, typically a place where you can sit harmoniously. When looking tor a location to
meditate or trance its very important that a person finds a place where they feel nice an safe. A good place to meditate is your home ( if you think
its safe ). Its also important that the area is relatively quiet, as this will make projection easier. Find a place that you feel safe at that is
also quiet and you will be well on your way to astral projecting. You can also play whatever type of music relaxes you in the background; I normally
like to turn on some low classical music in the background like Back or Chopin.
Many people often ask how one should sit or lay during meditation or trance. Well the answer is that there isn’t a set way to sit or lay (even stand
if you want). It’s common for most beginners and even experts to prefer the laying down method normally in the corpse pose. I personally use the
corpse pose, I find it very comfortable and relaxing. I also use the side Pose, in which you lay on your side. However 80% of the time I use my own
technique which I have found works very well, I call it Egyptian mummy pose, basically you lay in the same manner as mummies do, hands folded in a
cross across the check flat on your back. I’ve had the most vivid projections in the mummy pose
Notice, in corpse pose your hands and feet are at an angle with your palmed turned up ( ive found that turned down is also cumfy )
Before the exit people normally experience a few tell tale signs of a projection about to happen. At first many people may begin to hear a low
frequency hum in their ears, I believe this is cause by the body because its falling to a sleep like state. Next people will experience vibrations,
this is caused by the astral energies trying to shake free of the physical ethereal barrier holding them within the body. Normally immediately
following the exit people may experience a sudden lifting or sinking feeling, kind of like being pulled out of a very thick gum. This is simply the
energy body/dream body forming and getting ready to release from the physical shell. Normally after this is done you feel weightless and are fully out
of your body.
After Exit:
Well this is harder to explain as everyone will experience different sensations while on the astral plane. However I would like to clarify one thing,
you cannot be hurt while in the astral. This does not mean you cannot feel pain and sensations however. I have found that on the astral you can easily
free yourself from all pain, it is simply done by forgetting it. The pain is cause by fear, fear of the sensations of pain which manifest the pain
onto you, by forgetting pain and letting go of the fear it also becomes possible to let go of the pain. Remember the astral is largely what you make
of it.
There are countless types of spirits and entities present on the astral plane and above. Each entity is different just like every person is different,
and it can sometimes be difficult to distinguish them from each other. Through my personal travels I have come across a few types which stand out
form the rest. Spirits can often manifest themselves as different things, since physical form I malleable on the astral planes. Entities most commonly
manifest as symbolic representations familiar to the observer. Below are listed just a few Entities who stand out among the rest and are easily
Spirit guide:
One of the first Entities someone normally encounters after they become proficient at accessing the astral plane These beings have often been referred
to as someone’s higher self, so in essence they re actually more aware versions of yourself. They typically manifest to people as illuminated human
like figures, or they take the shaped of someone who you have feelings of love for. Their purpose is to help you reach self realization, and grow
spiritually. Most people communicate to their spirit guide every night subconsciously through dream. Spirits guides fall under the umbrella term of
Resonating Entities.
These are Entities who resonate a certain emotional vibration. Similar to the spirit guide these entities sometimes appear as gusts of wind or glowing
orbs. These entities can vibrate any emotion and typically draw travelers in with positive emotions such as love, compassion, joy ect. (The spirit
guide is normally the only Entities that resonates love, a tell tale sign of a spirit guide). Some however resonate other feeling such as hate and
fear, these entities are typically out to trap you within a world or dimension they have created, although no permanently as that is impossible.
Beware of the feeling on the astral realm and stand clear of negative spots.
General Entities:
These can be other astral travelers or beings who act as observers who have gotten lost in the astral. They normally appear as orbs or clouds or
radiant fog. From what I’ve observed these entities commonly ignore each other and you, or they are simply unable to perceive others in the astral.
They are a strange phenomenon that I am still trying to work out.
These are one of those that you want to stand clear of, they are Astral Entities who are trapped on lower planes of existence by their own will.
Normally these Entities have some sort of unfinished business or obsession which they try to fulfill endlessly. In essence they are trapped in their
own little world, and are unable to escape until they realize the error in their obsessive ways. Normally these figures appear to be glowing red or
purple, but I have seen them glow black (very strange thing to describe, sort of looks like what is commonly shown as dark magic). I would stand
clear of these Entities, their own world are very confining and filled with strange energies, it is easy to get trapped within them in turn ruining a
perfection experience.
Higher Self:
To most this will appear as brilliant glowing light or large orb. This is your spirit, and it gives off ecstatic feelings. You will know when you come
across one.
There are many more entities out there, however not all can be defined into these categories. These are the ones I have encountered, there is no doubt
in my mind that and endless amount off different entities exist. Good Luck.
This is a very strange and mysterious phenomenon that occur for the most part randomly on the astral plane. On your astral journey you may one day
feel a sudden gust or great pulling sensation taking over, and suddenly you will not be able to control where you go or are, in essence your mind goes
free and degrades into entropy. You may find yourself in a strange yet familiar place that doesn’t make any sense, yet feel familiar. In this place
you will be shown things, symbols of things to come. Now It is my understanding that this is the future and that one can only perceive their own
future. These symbols will represent something and it is up to you to decide what they mean, I have found that they normally represent significant
future events within your life. I have only experienced this phenomenon four times, so it is still largely a mystery to me, but each time it has
happened it has come true. Looking back at what happened and what was shown it really matches up perfectly and is quite stunning.
How Is this Possible? :
Although I am at a loss for a pure scientific explanation, I would like to relate this to science. In science it is accepted that in order to travel
into the future you would need to be traveling at extremely fast speeds (approaching the speed of light, or more if it is possible). Well I beg the
question then, is the speed of thought faster than the speed of light? Is it instantaneous? Let’s say for the sake of argument that the answers to
these questions are yes (and I believe this true also). Then considering these facts it becomes easier to see how travel to the future in the astral
is possible. Remember the astral goes beyond time and space, in the astral realm time is proven to be an illusion. It has hit me that in reality we
live out each MOMENT of out lives and future lives simultaneously, and when our focus is becomes the present. SO I guess using that reasoning the
future and past become nonexistent and there is only the eternal now, this is how astral time travel is made possible I believe.
The following will cover a few questions that have been posed via U2U and the forum. More Info will also cover things I find important that do not
fit into the above categories. Also this section will largely be focused on aiding people to project by putting more tools in their corner.
Sleep Paralysis:
A great method to induce the separation of mind and body, it allows for very easy and quick projections and doesn’t require much energy work
(however is less vivid than trance induced projection)
The following video contains a good explanation of how to induce a Paralysis state. Remember do not fear.
Further Energy Work:
The flow of energy is often a problem for people, as is opening all the chakras of the body, hopefully the following will shed some light on the
It is important to flow energy from the crown down till you reach the solar plexus. Once you reach the solar plexus and have opened all the chakras
before it give a small amount of energy to the solar plexus chakra (not enough to open it, which is why it says half)
Next Bring energy up from the legs and through the root chakra, again opening up the chakra as you go. Continue to push and open each chakra until you
reach the solar plexus, except this time force the energy from the room into the solar plexus and open it. This should feel quite strange, the mixing
of the positive top energy and the negative lower energy should send pulses through your body instantly invigorating you. Do this several times until
you feel it is sufficient, use the inhale to pull every up and exhale to force energy down.. Good luck.
Energy Control:
This is method which I discovered and have been using for several years to stimulate energy pulses within my body. This technique once learned has the
ability to open all the chakras instantly and in turn nearly removing the need for daily energy work.
As you can see it involves the neck, basically what you want to do is slightly twitch the muscles of the neck in unison. This produces a pulse, im not
sure how or why I just know it works . This take some practice to perfect like most things, but is well worth it. Once you get this technique down
you can open your chakras at will without needing to focus or meditate. This is basically taking control of the energy supercomputer.
Also drinking plenty of Vitamin C helps aid projection please see this post for more
Fasting can also aid in astral projection, you would be surprised how much spiritual energy your body uses to process food.
The purpose of this part was to answer in more detail certain questions and cover a few more things dealing with the astral. Most of the topics
covered above are based on questions from the first part of the astralpedia located
please feel free to ask any questions and i will do my best to answer them.
What I'm personally interested in is the access to teachers of all various knowledge you can access while in this altered state of consciousness.
Have you had any experiences resonating with a certain question or problem in your mind, with the intent of finding someone to help you find its
resolution, or to be better educated about the nature of the problem? I know any entity you could consider a guide is the traditional entity to
approach with any questions, I'm just interested in what other types of learning environments there are on the astral (probably an infinite number of
them ).
Originally posted by bsbray11
What I'm personally interested in is the access to teachers of all various knowledge you can access while in this altered state of consciousness.
Have you had any experiences resonating with a certain question or problem in your mind, with the intent of finding someone to help you find its
resolution, or to be better educated about the nature of the problem? I know any entity you could consider a guide is the traditional entity to
approach with any questions, I'm just interested in what other types of learning environments there are on the astral (probably an infinite number of
them ).
O boy this is a big topic i probably should have gone into more detail about this in the post. O well there always part 3 considering enough
questions are presented.
Well, the funny thing about my spirit guide is it doesn't give me any straight forward answers, so i hardly ask anything i just sorta let answers
come at their own time. I guess the lesson here would be that learning is like climbing a ladder, one foot ahead of the other. There are things we are
not ready for and i accept that.
The akasha, which i think i will cover further in part 3, is a great source of info considering you can reach it. I will cover techniques one can use
to reach the akasha more easily.
I have found answers in strange places on the astral, mostly deep answers that really mean much to me personally. In the end all other knowledge is
dependent on the reality you encompass for that span of time, and in the end is meaningless. I normally don't ask any questions dealing with physics
or anything like that. However the above neck energy technique was taught to me by my guide, and i works wonder. Please look into it, its truly
There are many people who have had bad experiences with waking up in the middle of the night and unexpectedly experiencing the effects of sleep
paralysis. They often report strange figures in the room with them, or even a witch sitting on their chest holding them down. This is all a byproduct
of fear, when this sort of thing happens for the first time and catches people off guard it is common to react with a fearful response. You mind
creates the illusions of a witch or being watched in order to justify the event. When one induces the event knowingly and properly there are no such
feelings, normally this instead leads to a successful and quick astral projection.
Originally posted by phi1618 Note on successful Sleep Paralysis and fear:
There are many people who have had bad experiences with waking up in the middle of the night and unexpectedly experiencing the effects of sleep
paralysis. They often report strange figures in the room with them, or even a witch sitting on their chest holding them down. This is all a byproduct
of fear, when this sort of thing happens for the first time and catches people off guard it is common to react with a fearful response. You mind
creates the illusions of a witch or being watched in order to justify the event. When one induces the event knowingly and properly there are no such
feelings, normally this instead leads to a successful and quick astral projection.
good luck, just wanted to clear that up.
Holy smokes batman, I got chills all over. This exact thing happen to me, only the witch was on my back! Now Im getting more intregued. I really, need
to conquer my fear. What should I do to ease the emotions?
People are always conforted when things go as planned. Id say make a plan, plan to go into this state and plan to project outwards. Mentally prepare
yourself like you would if you where going to give a speech for a crowd.
remember nothing can hurt you, you can only hurt yourself.
# In African culture, isolated sleep paralysis is commonly referred to as "the witch riding your back".[21][22]
# In Cambodian, Laotian, and Thai culture, sleep paralysis is called pee umm and khmout sukkhot. It is described as an event in which the person is
sleeping and dreams that one or more ghostly figures are nearby or even holding him or her down. The sufferer usually thinks that he or she is awake
but unable to move or make any noises. This is not to be confused with pee khao and khmout jool, ghost possession.
Well i was working on typing up part 3 of this guide, the part which covers the akashic records......and well i realized i dont know a hell of a lot
about it other than the way it looks and what i put in the first part.
If there is anyone who has further personal and original info about this realm please post here or send me U2U, i would like to include it in the
First, could you please explain the neck muscle exercise some more? I'm not really doing anything except pulling my neck.
And second, have you heard of the Monroe institute? If so do you think Brainwave Entrainment could help me?
So far these guides are amazing, and I'm trying to get into this stuff but it is very hard at times. I can never remember my dreams so I have started
doing dream recall exercises in conjunction with this.
Originally posted by Negotium of Verum
I have a few questions.
First, could you please explain the neck muscle exercise some more? I'm not really doing anything except pulling my neck.
And second, have you heard of the Monroe institute? If so do you think Brainwave Entrainment could help me?
So far these guides are amazing, and I'm trying to get into this stuff but it is very hard at times. I can never remember my dreams so I have started
doing dream recall exercises in conjunction with this.
The neck exercise is pretty strange and difficult to explain but i will try. Basically to stimulate the area you need to.....move your neck and head
forward so slightly that you cannot even see a motion. A good way to describe it is that the flexing of those muscles in unison is similar to the
feeling you get right before weeping, i dont know if that helps. Basically you need to twitch those muscles very slightly, it goes hand in hand with
tactile imagining. I will try to explain better once i can think of an explanation
Yes ive heard of them, their hemi-sync technology is pretty good and i know it works for alot of people. I feel like it mimics focus to induce a
trance. I would reccomend trying it if you havent, you can easily find them online for free with the proper search terms and software.
A good way to remember your dreams is to wake up maybe an hour before you normally do and set your alarm to go off ever 5-10 mins to wake you up. This
should help give it a try.
good luck, if you have any more questions feel free to ask.
Originally posted by bsbray11
That would be something I'd be extremely interested in seeing an ATS team collectively investigate... Just a thought.
Thats a great idea, perhaps we could reat a hub for this type of information. Provide it for free for the masses in simple guides, and cover all
common questions. No subscriptions, no fees, just a click on ATS. Will all the searches done on these topics i bet it would bring a lot more of
traffic to ATS growing our little corner of the net
thanks for the support more is in the pipeline, just trying to figure out what people are interesting in me including the next one will be based
off questions asked in this thread.