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Growing Civil Unrest In England

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posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 06:56 AM

Originally posted by The Chez
I'm personally worried I might see the next English civil war in my time, I think if Brown makes it through the next general elections, we will be seeing a lot more of what the OP is talking about.

Civil war is what the powers that be are aiming for, and I think that unrest will continue whether Brown survives the next election or not. Remember that the Conservatives are just as pro-Islam and EU as Labour.

Originally posted by phoenix103
Division only exists because of those who want there to be or due to lack of education. Most people are more than happen to share this country and why shouldn't they be?

I'm afraid your naivety will prove to be your undoing. You speak as though you're the only one who wants peace in this country - as though the rest of us who consider Islamification a possibility are hungry for war. You couldn't be more wrong. It doesn't matter how opposed to division you are if there is a group of people in your midst who DO wish to propagate division. I don't wish for division, but Islam fundamentally does and always will do. If you deny the existence of Muslim ghettos then, well, you're living on another planet.

Why shouldn't people be happy to share this country? It depends what you mean by share. If you're proposing that Britain continue its development towards total multiculturalism to such an extent that we have separate, concurrent legal systems, languages, police forces and values, then there's an extremely good reason why people shouldn't be happy to share this country. The forefathers of the British fought and died for BRITISH traditions and values in Britain. They did not die for their descendents to give the country over to the rest of the world. But if you're talking about British values and culture remaining dominant, whilst assimilating a minority group of immigrants who are here for the right reasons, then yes, we should be happy to share.

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 07:18 AM
reply to post by phoenix103

I know my history about my country as good as i can manage and your true some people who do not know there history can be manipulated.

How ever i dont think this anger is misplaced in every one and certainly not dumb.

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by phoenix103

Most people in the UK find her views pretty reprehensible.

Like a slightly less mental Ann Coulter.

Division only exists because of those who want there to be or due to lack of education. Most people are more than happen to share this country and why shouldn't they be?

Um, cuz it's moronic to "share" your country with people who ultimately seek to destroy everything about that is not in conformance with Sharia law.

How is it that you Leftists defend the most dangerous practices to the long term peace and security of the state. You make no sense.

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 07:04 PM
reply to post by VinceP1974

Moronic? Well you and I, an ocean apart are doing that right now. But we're also sharing it with many more who love the lands that have taken them in as much as we do.

Political borders frankly are part of the problem at times.

Every single person on this planet is equal. Lets work to the good of us all and stop using division to fuel our economies and societies. It is LUDICROUS that we've done it for so long.

I don't buy the nihlist agenda on this at all unless they make it happen. Seems to me thats was going on here and i don't support them at all. Talked with friends about this since starting to read this thread, none have agreed at all with it.

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 08:05 PM

Originally posted by phoenix103
reply to post by VinceP1974

Moronic? Well you and I, an ocean apart are doing that right now. But we're also sharing it with many more who love the lands that have taken them in as much as we do.

Political borders frankly are part of the problem at times.

Every single person on this planet is equal. Lets work to the good of us all and stop using division to fuel our economies and societies. It is LUDICROUS that we've done it for so long.

I don't buy the nihlist agenda on this at all unless they make it happen. Seems to me thats was going on here and i don't support them at all. Talked with friends about this since starting to read this thread, none have agreed at all with it.

What I dont understand is that if you hate Britian so much. why dont you leave and go to Saudi Arabia?

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 08:33 PM
Things have a long way to go yet... people are making the picture appear worse than it is....

According to the CIA World Factbook:

White (of which English 83.6%, Scottish 8.6%, Welsh 4.9%, Northern Irish 2.9%) 92.1%
black 2%
Indian 1.8%
Pakistani 1.3%
mixed 1.2%
other 1.6% (2001 census)

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 08:33 PM
Things have a long way to go yet... people are making the picture appear worse than it is....

According to the CIA World Factbook:

White (of which English 83.6%, Scottish 8.6%, Welsh 4.9%, Northern Irish 2.9%) 92.1%
black 2%
Indian 1.8%
Pakistani 1.3%
mixed 1.2%
other 1.6% (2001 census)

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 08:33 PM
Why are there very few moderate Muslims speaking out about the extremists?
Many middle of the road Brits feel disenfranchised in their own country, we have to accomodate others culture and beliefs loosing our own in the process.
A book written about the nursery rhymn 'The Three Little Pigs' has been banned from schools incase it upsets Muslims, Christmas being called Winterfest, the police having to take their shoes off before entering a Muslim home a bank who charges Muslim customers less for going overdrawn.

We are a country who has had immigration for many hundreds of years, and yes we have at times not been fair and just with different races but now the pendulum has swung to far the other way.

I dislike the BNP and would not give them the time of day, but unless our government gets to grips with the situation they alas will grow in popularity.
I am not a racist my daughter is in a relationship with a Hindu, my sons partner is of mixed race and I come from an immigrant background.

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 05:10 AM

Originally posted by phoenix103
But we're also sharing it with many more who love the lands that have taken them in as much as we do.

But that's the point. The people being protested against DO NOT love the lands as much as I do. In fact, they'd admit as much themselves - that they would like to transform these lands into something quite different.

Originally posted by phoenix103
Political borders frankly are part of the problem at times.

Only if you're a pro-globalist seeking a post-modern marxist world order.

Originally posted by easystreet
Things have a long way to go yet... people are making the picture appear worse than it is....

But the statistics you've given actually prove my point. Current estimations are 2 million Muslims in Britain (out of a supposed population of 62 million or so - though I suspect it's considerably higher). So Muslims only make up about 3.3% of the total population, yet clearly have an influence that far outweighs that. Why?

Also, white under 16s are officially the minority in London now. Is it nothing to worry about when the indigenous people of Britain have been driven out of the capital city?

[edit on 23/8/2009 by Cythraul]

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 05:14 AM

Originally posted by dizzylizzy
Why are there very few moderate Muslims speaking out about the extremists?
Many middle of the road Brits feel disenfranchised in their own country, we have to accomodate others culture and beliefs loosing our own in the process.
A book written about the nursery rhymn 'The Three Little Pigs' has been banned from schools incase it upsets Muslims, Christmas being called Winterfest, the police having to take their shoes off before entering a Muslim home a bank who charges Muslim customers less for going overdrawn.

We are a country who has had immigration for many hundreds of years, and yes we have at times not been fair and just with different races but now the pendulum has swung to far the other way.

I dislike the BNP and would not give them the time of day, but unless our government gets to grips with the situation they alas will grow in popularity.
I am not a racist my daughter is in a relationship with a Hindu, my sons partner is of mixed race and I come from an immigrant background.

People have said those things and worse about every single wave of immigration from the Romans onwards!

You'll find nearly everything you've just mentioned has been hyped and twisted by certain newspapers. The reality isn't anything like you suggest.

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 09:05 AM
phoenix103 - I'm going to assume that your unwillingness to address my points is either due to me being put on your ignore list, or due to the fact that you have no rebuttal. Either way, I take it as acknowledgment that I'm correct.

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by Cythraul
phoenix103 - I'm going to assume that your unwillingness to address my points is either due to me being put on your ignore list, or due to the fact that you have no rebuttal. Either way, I take it as acknowledgment that I'm correct.

Neither. I don't have an ignore list, would never add someone just for disagreeing with them.

Problem is, you are in an entrenched position, I know it well, i remember thinking similar to you in some regards in the past. Nobody will convince you otherwise and a wise man knows which battles to fight.

I think the best we can say is we'll have to agree to disagree.

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 04:39 PM

Originally posted by Cythraul
phoenix103 - I'm going to assume that your unwillingness to address my points is either due to me being put on your ignore list, or due to the fact that you have no rebuttal. Either way, I take it as acknowledgment that I'm correct.

Judging from his response that he won't respond to you (functionally no different then you being ignored), I would say he can't answer your common sense statements.

The book I'm reading 'Reflections on the Revolution in Europe' spelled it out in plain language.... all of the Multi-Culti's who claim to be seeing racism everywhere are in effect reverse-Xenophobes.

They despise their own culture and people and seek its destruction via replacement demographic.

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 04:52 PM
This is not surprising.

Nor would it be, if TPTB were behind such unrest.

CHEKA, anyone?
Propoganda and political upheavel are the best weapons in war.

Well done OP.

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by VinceP1974

spot on with that point

Do you have a link for me to read it online or do i have to pay

[edit on 23-8-2009 by thecrow001]

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 05:36 PM

Originally posted by thecrow001
reply to post by VinceP1974

spot on with that point

Do you have a link for me to read it online or do i have to pay

[edit on 23-8-2009 by thecrow001]

It's a newer book, so you'll have to pay... but you can read a few pages of it here

I'll see if he has given any speeches about the book

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 06:10 PM
thanks for this link

i will read what i can and consider buying it.

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by thecrow001
thanks for this link

i will read what i can and consider buying it.

I found this.

It's a long essay on a speech he gave about Islam and Europe.

There is a link near the bottom to the video of his speech.

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 07:03 PM
For a few months, I have been reading threads here about UK/immigration/muslims trying to understand the specific British problems and perceptions.

UK is not a hotspot for immigration as stated somewhere in this thread or at least not the hottest spot in Europe. In percentage, France, Germany, Spain have larger immigrants population. UK has an average percentage in Europe. In millions of immigrants, UK is behind France and very far behind Germany. In the last 10/15 years, immigration has risen dramatically in Spain from 2% to more than 10%, it has created problems but not the acute ones you seem to have. There are much more muslims in France or Germany than in the UK.

How come it looks like it's going out of hands in the UK ? The answer is not that you have a higher number of immigrants or muslims.

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by Manouche
For a few months, I have been reading threads here about UK/immigration/muslims trying to understand the specific British problems and perceptions.

UK is not a hotspot for immigration as stated somewhere in this thread or at least not the hottest spot in Europe. In percentage, France, Germany, Spain have larger immigrants population. UK has an average percentage in Europe. In millions of immigrants, UK is behind France and very far behind Germany. In the last 10/15 years, immigration has risen dramatically in Spain from 2% to more than 10%, it has created problems but not the acute ones you seem to have. There are much more muslims in France or Germany than in the UK.

How come it looks like it's going out of hands in the UK ? The answer is not that you have a higher number of immigrants or muslims.

Numbers are important, but this is about unrest. And I know from watching this issue all decade (and who knows maybe it's a language thing.. being English speaking, maybe news from other countries doesn't make it way to my eyes like news from UK) that for as small as the Muslim population is, the government of UK does all it can to bend over backwards to accommodate it, which in turn seems to make the Muslim hardliners even more contemptuous of the government.

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