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America is truely on the brink

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posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 02:09 PM
I will only disagree by saying we are already (passed) the brink. It will soon become unbearable for many to include myself. No way to prepare. I have guns and amunition but I want last long. Such is our fate due to our blindness as most became zombies. Many are starting to wake up from the American dream to discover they are now in the American horror show.

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 02:14 PM
heres my opinion.

bush screwed us over in more ways than we can count.

him aside, we could be a lot worse off than we are.

its a sunny day outside. the economy is picking up a little bit. there arent car bombings in your neighboorhood and there isnt extreme poverty and starvation to the degree of other countries.

cmon people, you need to start looking at what IS good in life, and not whats bad. we cant always change the things we dont like about life or our government or anything. if we did go against the government it would just be another pointless war with no good ending.

i mean damn, bill clinton just waltzed over to north korea and got those hostages set free and gave america a better face than bush ever did.

lets just try and focus on the good. the media has conditioned us to only focus on the bad, and it needs to end in order for all of these things to change.

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by calihan_12

Point well taken just keep and eye on the next few weeks and months.

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 02:21 PM

Originally posted by Helious

I have been an American my whole life, 33 years, I remember Reagan and I remember that time in my life and I remember what I felt like, I felt safe and I felt like my POTUS cared about my country and about the people living in it. Before you judge, I also felt that way to some extent when Bill Clinton was in office.

Here is part of the problem. People think Reagan made us safe. We had never been closer to all out nuclear war than in the Reagan years. The soviets were the "sick man of Europe" they were only a threat at that point because our military industrial complex made them a threat. Reagan was unknowingly the military industrial complexes lap dog. Reagan then with great help from his VP began the fleecing of our nation from the middle class to the rich.

We keep getting BS'd from these type of "thugs" to have fear of a strawman enemy to take the money from us and give ot to the elite.

We will never get out of this because too many people dont understand the "great game".

A quote from a song of the Reagan era.

"Oh superman where are you now
When everything's has gone wrong somehow
the men of steel the men of power
are losing control by the hour"

This song was written because Reagan took our world to the brink.

If the Soviets had not fallen for his outspending plan we would be living in a post nuclear war world right now, because of Reagan.

Do you know who wrote the playbook for his outspending plan?

Richard M. Nixon from his book "The real war"

[edit on 8-8-2009 by LoneGunMan]

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 02:21 PM
of course. you always have to be aware of situations that could be harmful to you or the people you love, but thats just it. awareness is all you need. you dont have to go to extremes.

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 02:49 PM
To the OP:

So, what is your magical solution to the problems that the US and the rest of the world face at the moment?
What would you do if you where the president?

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by Helious
reply to post by Republican08

The way we avoid bloodshed at this point is to be unified as people of the United States of America.

I'll probably not get the popularity prize for taking this standpoint but i humbly disagree with this statement.......

Any country promoting that the people who live in it should form one big mass and unify as a a country i run away from real quick!!!!

I don't want to unify and standup as a whole!! I have my own opinions and they might not be simular to others around me.

Say we stand up as a whole and get rid of the evil thing.....then what?? Everybody uniform and happy?? Give it some time and you'll get back to the point you originated from...

What you people need is diversity!!! Why do you guys only get to choose between two flavors?? It's either democrat or republican.

Throw in 30 or so other political directions and let them fight it out!!!

We must shed the label of D or R and realize that we are being played against each other like a comic puppet show.

You are absolutly correct about that...

Hear me now when I say that this is a historic year in all of our lives. We will never be here again my friends. Yell out Bush, or whoever you dislike but know at the end of the day, the time is now, the center, the things to fear are here now and we must accept this even though it is hard.

You scare me, dude!!! (seriously)


disclaimer: my educational skills regarding american politics is near nil so feel free to disregard this entire post for i know not what i'm talking about. I'm mearly stating the feeling i got from your post and the fear it generated in my opinion, be it realistic or not.

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by Republican08

This is going to be the time that we either give up freedom or we fight for it. There are still many ways to fight for it without bloodshed but it must start now and it must start with ALL of us. Pay attention and keep your heads up.

I'd really like to hear these thoughts that don't include bloodshed.

Seriously. Your ideas?

TPTB have us divided on many levels so that we constantly fight each other.

-Republican and Democrat
-Conservative and Liberal
-sexual orientation
-socioeconomic class
ect ect ect

If we are fighting each other we will not fight the gov't. This is their plan. We are divided more now than we ever have been before. Most of it is due to ignorance. The education system has been rigged for the last 40 years to cause this to happen.

The only way to win our freedom back, is for American's to stand as one, in opposition to the socialist, and communist ideals that are being shoved down our throats. We need to stand tall as Americans and tell the globalist cabal that they can shove it, we are Americans and we are free.

Ghandi is who I would recommend you research. He won the independence of India from the brit's without firing a single shot.

If we use violence to get our freedom back we might win, if we use peaceful civil disobedience, and stand together, the gov't loses ALL of it's power to control us, and it will go away, allowing us to start over, without having an insanely horrendous bloody war here at home.

Also during a civil war, you run the risk of invasion by our foreign enemies, because we are at our weakest when we are fighting each other.

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by Helious
Yes, the title states the truth. There has not been a moment in American history since the Cuban missile crisis that Americans have been so scared, outraged and preparing for action.

Ill get the large question out of the way, I am not a Republican, I am not a Democrat and I am not a Libertarian. I am part of the Constitutional party, in that I believe that the Constitution is binding and is the law that all others are derived in our nation.

The founders of our nation had more wisdom on the subject of tyranny and freedom than any of us could ever know. Those of you who hear quotes that make you want to tip your cap or put your hand to your heart often come from the likes of Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, George Washington or Alexander Gram.

We have a tax system that uses the IRS as gestapo thugs to enforce collection in a mob like way from the people for the corrupt Federal Reserve. We have a President who is now encroaching on personal rights in such a way that it can not be compared with any other president in the entire history of the nation.

GREAT post! Starred & flagged.

I left the Democrat party not too long ago. The Constitutional party seems great. I will be looking into it. I think that is a better solution for me than any other 3rd party!

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 03:21 PM
The USA is past being a real and viable country.

Time to admit that the citizens are being used like cattle and the powers that be are selling out the country for personal gain. The Government has overstepped its bounds beyond any reasonable degree and has all but destroyed our infrastructure and manufacturing base in a never ending bid for power and control. They have turned the reserve currency of an entire planet into a joke and they are still twisting what's left of our society and economy to finish off anything that is left of value.

The 'Grand Experiment' has failed but the rich, lazy and cowardly would rather trade freedom for security so they continue to destroy what's left to carry on the charade a little while longer.

Time to embrace something besides polar politics, welfare, socialized medicine, big business, war profits, a retirement portfolio or the home shopping network.

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 03:25 PM

Originally posted by Helious

I have been an American my whole life, 33 years, I remember Reagan and I remember that time in my life and I remember what I felt like, I felt safe and I felt like my POTUS cared about my country and about the people living in it.

Safe? I'm sorry, but I must disagree with you here. There has never been a time in our history, other than the Cuba Missile Crisis, that we have been closer to Nuclear war. Reagan had the Russians so scared that they were almost feeling forced to do a first strike.

I have never felt more scared than I did while Reagan was in office.

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 03:28 PM

Originally posted by chiron613
I've seen it worse than now. I go back to the Vietnam War era. Whatever we're experiencing now is not nearly as bad as what was going on back then. We had most of the same problems we've got now. The IRS was the same bunch of thugs it has always been (and that tax collectors have always been. That Jesus talked to tax collectors was remarkable, because they were really bad thugs back then). We also all lived under the very real threat of a nuclear holocaust as the US and the Soviet Union kept struggling to arm themselves against what they saw as a dangerous, insane, unpredictable enemy.

Then, like now, we were embroiled in an unwinnable war. We were fighting "insurgents", who were basically freedom fighters trying to get an invading army out of their country. Just like now.

But we had some serious social unrest going on as well - riots in the streets, huge anti-war protests, brutal suppression of the protests that sometimes involved the use of deadly force, all kinds of stuff. Check out what happened during the Democratic Convention in Chicago. Kids rioting, the police going completely batspit crazy and viciously attacking everyone in sight.

In the meantime, we also had terrorists, usually American citizens who decided it was a good idea to kidnap people and blow things (and sometimes people) up, hijack airplanes to Cuba, and so on. We had a Presidential assassination, as well as the assassinations of Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr.

Sure it's bad now. But it's not the worst I've seen. And I can guarantee you, it's nowhere near as bad as some of our seniors remember, those who've lived through the Great Depression.

And I'm not saying that it couldn't get worse, maybe worse than anyone has ever seen. I'm just saying, we're not there yet.

As for freedom? We gave that up a long time ago. We've *been* giving it up, in the name of the "War on Drugs", and of "Security". We abandoned our freedom for the illusion of safety.

Star for you. You are so right, brother! Don't forget the 4 dead students murdered by Ohio National Guard at Kent State University. I was there in Chicago when Mayor Dailey had his goons on the street to pound young people's heads. I was a radical then because I was ready for a real revolution to dump the sick treasonist government.

TPTB backed down on Viet Nam and pulled out after Johnson/Nixon sacraficed 57,000 young Americans to the god of the Military Industrial Complex...including two of my High School chums. The defeat of US forces in Viet Nam took the wind out of the sail of revolution hopes then. I didn't think I'd see another threat like that again. I was wrong.

It is getting bad. I saw worse back then. But I think we are about to see massive bloodshed unless someone blinks. I think the worthless scum that rule this country are Hell-bent on total enslavement of the country. God be with us and remember, no matter what happens, He wins in the end!

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 03:40 PM
There is a solution.. and it is just one word..demand that your state legislatures move to


Let the unconstitutional "federal" criminals keep their "debt" and let "We the people" place them into those FEMA Internment Camps and then prosecute them for crimes and high crimes, including violation of their oath of office to support and protect the United States Constitution, while wringing every last dime they stole (and gave away to their rich banker pals to run up the stock market, and pay 80 billion in bonuses (AIG, etc) while refusing to loan money to homeowners) out of them until they are the ones begging on the streetcorners of Chicago...

Whenever government becomes destructive of these ends (life, liberty, pursuit of happiness), it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute a new government.
Declaration of Independence of the American Colonies, 1776 LINK to

The topic of secession was recently in the Wall Street Journal just a few weeks ago! LINK

"Not surprisingly, a lot of folks in the land of Jefferson are taking a stand against an approach that stands to make an indebted citizenry yet more dependent on an already immense federal power. The backlash, already under way, is a prime stimulus for a neo-secessionist movement

Storm the Bastille!

[edit on 8-8-2009 by seataka]

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 03:52 PM

Originally posted by madeioo
To the OP:

So, what is your magical solution to the problems that the US and the rest of the world face at the moment?
What would you do if you where the president?

I don't know what will happen. All I can speak to is what I will do the day my freedom as I view it is robbed of me. We need to organize, each of us should search out freedom groups or groups who want to voice our rights through the Constitution so that we can be seen and heard.

Protests on large scale must be organized and executed. Petitions signed and eyes opened.

And lastly, If I were POTUS, I would be working to stop the drop in jobless rates across the country, formulating plans to pull out troops in foriegn countrys to stop the bleeding of the 1.3 Trillion dollar national debt and not even bother with a healthcare plan that has no chance to suceed.

Although, I may as well pretend im a pirate on a big ship called the black whale and sail for the Queen, because that is just as likely.

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 07:51 PM
reply to post by downtown436

Spot on, downtown, bravo. Those are my feelings exactly about the situation. Im sure many will fight if they have to but im sure if we put forth a united effort to stand against an unfit goverment through civil protest and an unshakable resolve we can accomplish all of the goals.

The first and most important step is understanding that the issues are not left or right, there not about race or color. It is simply about being free or not free. Being an American who lives and dies by the freedom that was afforded to us by the many men and women who have gave there lives in defense of that freedom and by the Constitution of the United States of America, the document left to us by the founders our our country to guarantee us freedom by it's ability to unify those who love and cherish liberty.

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 05:00 AM

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 06:01 AM
The title of the thread is "America is truly on the brink?" On the brink of what? Who really knows where things will end up when the dust settles? However, I am aware that things around us are not what they seem and their is a hidden agenda behind everything. What is the hidden agenda? That there is the million dollar question? I don't have the answer on that one and for me to try on answer it would be futile and obsolete.

However, I, like many here, have seen the writing on the walls for sometime. I see the horrendous jobless figures, the unfairness of corporate bailouts, unwillingness to bat an eye at the poor, deficit spending of epic proportions, seemingly backroom deals made by government officials, corruption on all levels of society, sabre rattling, wars, spineless politicians, slumbering people, weak media coverage, and I can go on forever with this list.

However, anyone can see that there is a charade going on at the moment. All I know is this, people need to start waking up and voicing their opinions in droves. It's easy to silent one but a large group is much more difficult to placate and subdue. You know the adage it is easy to brake a single stick but bundle them together and they become unbreakable. That saying alone should be etched in the minds of every American: Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Republican, Democrat, Black, White, Asian, Hispanic and all facets of society. Our world is being turned upside down and if people don't starting taking notice and making their moans, groans, and complaints heard; the degeneration of America will only continue.

[edit on 9-8-2009 by Jakes51]

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by Republican08

This is going to be the time that we either give up freedom or we fight for it. There are still many ways to fight for it without bloodshed but it must start now and it must start with ALL of us. Pay attention and keep your heads up.

I'd really like to hear these thoughts that don't include bloodshed.

Seriously. Your ideas?

Well we all can start by voting every single sitting Congressman and Senator out of office!!!! EVERY SINGLE SITTING ONE OF THEM!

Mid terms are coming up in some places and we can consider that a test. If the people can not do this simple little task of voting all sitting reps out of office to send a very strong message to Washington and if things continue on the course they are on chaos will be conceived and ultimately born.

Every single congress and senator except for a selected few are so out of touch with real America and everyday life of the backbone of this country that they cannot possibly understand how to fix the problems that we are having in this country.



Eye of Eagle

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 10:46 AM
We have one non-violent option left. GENERAL STRIKE. just say NO en masse. Declare the US bankrupt and clean out congress and start over. If we don't do that were headed for big trouble.

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 10:49 AM

Originally posted by EYEOFEAGLE

Originally posted by Republican08

This is going to be the time that we either give up freedom or we fight for it. There are still many ways to fight for it without bloodshed but it must start now and it must start with ALL of us. Pay attention and keep your heads up.

I'd really like to hear these thoughts that don't include bloodshed.

Seriously. Your ideas?

Well we all can start by voting every single sitting Congressman and Senator out of office!!!! EVERY SINGLE SITTING ONE OF THEM!

Mid terms are coming up in some places and we can consider that a test. If the people can not do this simple little task of voting all sitting reps out of office to send a very strong message to Washington and if things continue on the course they are on chaos will be conceived and ultimately born.

Every single congress and senator except for a selected few are so out of touch with real America and everyday life of the backbone of this country that they cannot possibly understand how to fix the problems that we are having in this country.



Eye of Eagle

That sounds like a reasonable solution and I am all for voting out all sitting members of congress and the senate. However, what difference will it make really? There will just be another empty suit to fill the void. I think the only solution to the problem is term limits for congressmen and senators. One term and I mean one term and then that's it they are out. However, good luck getting them to vote on something like that. They don't want to cut off their meal ticket for themselves. Our problems are the result of career politicians. No more career politicians!!!!

[edit on 9-8-2009 by Jakes51]

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