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Why Vote for Kerry?

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posted on May, 11 2004 @ 02:18 PM
I would like somebody out ther to give me a couple of reasons to vote for Kerry that are not just becuase he's not Bush!

I mean it's got to be possible right?

Ther must be something he stands for, some well thought out policy or plan to make America better?

And don't just say his health care plan or his economic recovery plan, be specific.

C'mon, anybody?

[Edited on 5/11/04 by Seth Bullock]

posted on May, 11 2004 @ 02:21 PM
Well, for starters, he's not Bush. This gives him quite the leg up in my book. I would vote for ANYONE who had a chance of knocking Bush out of the White House.

When I hear John Kerry speak, I feel that he knows what he is talking about.

posted on May, 11 2004 @ 02:31 PM
I dunno... you have got me there. I can think of maybe one reason to vote for him... but be warned... it's not a good one...

hmmm this is tough... uh... because maybe he'll put a stop to the homeland security big brother machine?

oh, right. dream on. wake up! both of them suck IMHO. worst choice of candidates I have witnessed in my life (I am young). It's like picking between an exploding grenade in my hand or a stick of dynamite with a short, lit fuse in my other hand.

posted on May, 11 2004 @ 02:31 PM
Because he is not Bush. I know, I know you said not to use that one, but I just hate Bush that much. Do I think that Kerry is going to create some sort of miracle and save this country from the path it has already been lead too? No, but he can't do much worse.

Vote the lesser of two evils!

posted on May, 11 2004 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by Jonna
Do I think that Kerry is going to create some sort of miracle and save this country from the path it has already been lead too? No, but he can't do much worse.

I'm not so sure... at least with Bush, you KNOw when he's lying and he's funny if you look at him the *right* way. With kerry on the other hand... he's GOOD at lying and that scares me. I can read Bush like a book but Kerry is a lot more like a thesis on rabbit sexuality (im guessing it's a frustrating, if not boring, read...).

posted on May, 11 2004 @ 02:39 PM
Ok guys, like I said, I think the he's not Bush arguement has been made....

And the big brother comment had promise AO, If you could give me some supporting info...

And Jonna, you say he can't do much worse... What makes you so sure?

posted on May, 11 2004 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by AlnilamOmega
I'm not so sure... at least with Bush, you KNOw when he's lying and he's funny if you look at him the *right* way.

Thing is that I can't even look at him anymore without getting pissed. It's just his face and all the actions that it reminds me of; I want to
him *try getting that one censors*. Sure Kerry could have been a stand in for Herman Munster, but he hasn't made me want to go ballistic yet.

posted on May, 11 2004 @ 02:41 PM

Originally posted by Jonna

Thing is that I can't even look at him anymore without getting pissed. It's just his face and all the actions that it reminds me of; I want to
him *try getting that one censors*. Sure Kerry could have been a stand in for Herman Munster, but he hasn't made me want to go ballistic yet.

extra big
for that one!!

you have a point. I have been getting more agitated at Bush's speeches as he has been 'groomed' a lot more since the time he first took office in 2001. Back then he was a good joke; a hit every time. Now he's like that old joke that just gets on your nerves...

posted on May, 11 2004 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by Seth Bullock
And Jonna, you say he can't do much worse... What makes you so sure?

What would be worse? Marshal law...nuclear warfare...biological warfare...that honestly seems like where it is going to me. I see the train 'acomin' and it really needs to switch tracks so it can lose some speed before crashing into the station. Now I am not sitting here screaming VOTE REPUBLICAN or VOTE DEMOCRAT as I really could not care less about political parties (I care more about the issues at had), but I do know that something needs to change in this administration and if the only hope I have is changing the figurehead whose beliefs may infact be similar to the one before him then that is my only logical chance for a change. *longestrunonsentenceever*

posted on May, 11 2004 @ 02:55 PM
Woot Woot!

But I'll give some reasons.

He supports reproductive rights, and in the coming appointments to the Supreme Court he won't go out of his way to appoint Fundamentalist Taliban wannabe Justices like Bush will...further eroding civil liberties.

He's also an elder statesman with a distinguished command of the english language commensurate with what one would expect from the leader of the free world. This not only translates into me not throwing things at the TV when the current President mispronounces NU-Q-LUR, but also will serve us well in severely diminished foreign relations.

And every Republicans an honorable veteran of the armed forces he'll lead uncommonly well as Commander and Chief...knowing full well what fate he may be sending young men and women into in times of opposed to a fake cowboy and failed businessman with misplaced bravado.

First ones off the top of my head, though your mentions of affordable health care and real economic recovery for the middle class are also good ones.

On health care, I'll be happy if he gets the reimportation of drugs from Canada approved and takes Edwards suggestion of banning pharmaceautical TV advertising for prescription drugs.... That only creates cost and pill mania, but Bush is in the DrugCo's pockets too deep for any significant change.

On economic recovery, I'll take anyone for President that doesn't have Bush's policy of "outsourcing jobs is good for the economy."

I got an 3 figure refund check from Bush and lost a 6 figure job in return. Do the math.

I'm quite happy to be supporting JFK for President. The things he "stands for" are tangible and will improve my life. They aren't the same tired empty abstracts I've come to expect from the opposition.

Are you now going to do the same for Bush and give reasons to vote for him that aren't "he's not Kerry" or just bash Kerry?

posted on May, 11 2004 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by AlnilamOmega
you have a point. I have been getting more agitated at Bush's speeches as he has been 'groomed' a lot more since the time he first took office in 2001. Back then he was a good joke; a hit every time. Now he's like that old joke that just gets on your nerves...

Funny story. You know how they always have Bush walking down that long red carpet during speaches? Well during the last one that I actually watched, he wattled down the runway with one of his monkey expressions and all I could think of was, "I wonder if one of his handlers are going to give him a sugar cube when he completes his task?"

Perhaps I am on to something!!! Didn't they use to place peanut butter on the roof of Mr. Eds mouth in order to flap his gums? I wonder if that is Bush's real voice or just an of screen actor!?!
And no I haven't been drinking....yet!

posted on May, 11 2004 @ 03:16 PM
Didn't mean to kill the thread there.

Was I not supposed to actually give reasons to vote for Kerry?

I see.

posted on May, 11 2004 @ 03:19 PM
"I got an 3 figure refund check from Bush and lost a 6 figure job in return. Do the math."

Job loss is not valid, as it has been for a while now.

It began before he even took office, so I don't even see how it matters.

posted on May, 11 2004 @ 03:23 PM

Originally posted by RANT

He supports reproductive rights, and in the coming appointments to the Supreme Court he won't go out of his way to appoint Fundamentalist Taliban wannabe Justices like Bush will...further eroding civil liberties.

He's also an elder statesman with a distinguished command of the english language commensurate with what one would expect from the leader of the free world. This not only translates into me not throwing things at the TV when the current President mispronounces NU-Q-LUR, but also will serve us well in severely diminished foreign relations.

And every Republicans an honorable veteran of the armed forces he'll lead uncommonly well as Commander and Chief...knowing full well what fate he may be sending young men and women into in times of opposed to a fake cowboy and failed businessman with misplaced bravado.

First ones off the top of my head, though your mentions of affordable health care and real economic recovery for the middle class are also good ones.

On health care, I'll be happy if he gets the reimportation of drugs from Canada approved and takes Edwards suggestion of banning pharmaceautical TV advertising for prescription drugs.... That only creates cost and pill mania, but Bush is in the DrugCo's pockets too deep for any significant change.

On economic recovery, I'll take anyone for President that doesn't have Bush's policy of "outsourcing jobs is good for the economy."

I got an 3 figure refund check from Bush and lost a 6 figure job in return. Do the math.

I'm quite happy to be supporting JFK for President. The things he "stands for" are tangible and will improve my life. They aren't the same tired empty abstracts I've come to expect from the opposition.

Are you now going to do the same for Bush and give reasons to vote for him that aren't "he's not Kerry" or just bash Kerry?

This is what I am talking about Kerry's adept ability to lie. You said it well when you mentioned Kerry's command of the English language, Rant. Though I am very much for a lot of those things you mentioned above, you are probably more aware than I am of politicians making their best lies to the public before the election.

He knows EXACTLY what to get the people high off of, but will he come through with the supply? I am just worried that he is full of hot air and is playing the 'weakened american morale' card a bit too much for my comfort. You never kick a man when he is down, and you never kick your own country when they are down. He does precisely this, but kicks so quickly that you barely notice the impact.

I admit I have been ignoring him for the most part, but when I have listened to what he has to say, he talks double speak. he says "oh yes, I'll end corporate outsourcing. I'll end the incentives and all; I can't stop the companies from hiring people outside the borders, but..."

If he listens to Edwards's plan about pharmaceutical advertising, that's a good thing, but we all know what keeps the politician's fire burning:

I sincerely hope that I am wrong and that Kerry does intend to deliver, but his history at Skull and Bones and as an investigator (that concluded virtually nothing) of the ICCB banking scandal in the 90's only helps to confirm my suspicions of him being the next best scumbag.

[Edited on 5/11/2004 by AlnilamOmega]

posted on May, 11 2004 @ 03:24 PM
Rant you no Troll!!

Thank you for making some excellent points!

I have to say as a raving social liberal and a manic economic conservative your first points make complete sense to me. I was most dissapointed with "my president" when he made his (pandering) stand on gay marrige and am in full ageement with you on reproductive rights.

But I see tort reform and limits on malpractice awards as a point for Bush in the Health care arena.

I,m sure you'll be disapointed to hear that I still support this war and think that Dubya will eventually be proven right for the course of action we have taken there, and would like to see a more focused arguement on what Kerry will do there if elected.

But, now we come to my litmus test, what will most likely have me supporting Bush this year...
Taxes. And beleive me when I say I know taxes (you would not believe what I do for a living).

Kerry's arguement that Bush's tax breaks all go for he rich and should be repealled.... Totallyfalse. That position alone I cannot overcome. I agree that outsourcing sucks and am sorry you lost such a lucrative job, but increasing taxes is not the way to keep this economy rolling, and it is starting to really get going again.

And one last thing, I don't dislike Kerry, but I did not like Clinton. And, as of now anyway, they look a lot alike.

Looking forward to the debates!

posted on May, 11 2004 @ 03:30 PM

Originally posted by KrazyJethro
Job loss is not valid, as it has been for a while now.

It began before he even took office, so I don't even see how it matters.

Bush couldn't have said it better himself.

Your suffering is not valid. Can't see how it matters.

posted on May, 11 2004 @ 03:53 PM
I think one good reason to vote for Kerry is because it will improve imternational relations almost instantaneously and it will send a loud message to the middle east that Bush's policies are not what the American people stand behind. And I believe that is an essential message to send if winning the War in Iraq is to be achieved.

I'm all for anyone who supports the war, even though I never have. Regardless I'm with the vast majority of politicians who say 'Whatever side of the issue you're on, we're there now and we have to win this thing.' But after this recent torture scandal, I honestly don't see how it's winnable. The support of the average citizen of Iraq is essential. The support of other nations around the world is crucial. And most foreign people I've spoken to view the Bush administration as the dirtiest government in US history. People around the world don't like or trust George W. Bush. Do the math.

And speaking of math, and I'm no mathematician (can I even spell it?), but I do know that huge tax cuts coupled with the biggest spending spree in the history of the US isn't going to produce balanced books at the end of the day. Unless I'm missing something... like generous donations from the Saudi Royal family to continue keeping them out of any 9/11 investigations perhaps?

I know that really all I've done in terms of reasons to support John Kerry is reiterated a bunch of reasons not to vote for Bush. Sorry. I know you asked for good reasons to vote for Kerry. It's my belief that anyone sitting in the oval office is at least somewhat dirty or corrupt. I don't believe one can get that job anymore without catering to certain interest groups whose adgenda may not be in line with what is best for the American people. I'm sure that over the coming months we'll hear a lot more about Kerry's diffinitive stance on things, and then let the people judge for themselves. But until then, because he's not Bush will do in my books.

posted on May, 11 2004 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by Fortinbras

When I hear John Kerry speak, I feel that he knows what he is talking about.

knows what hes talking about? that man has flip flopped on so many issues its not even funny

posted on May, 11 2004 @ 05:05 PM

Originally posted by Fortinbras
When I hear John Kerry speak, I feel that he knows what he is talking about.

Fortinbras, well,you are the only one then. Don't waste your vote on Kerry, you need to come on board with the Nader campaign. Why? Because he's not Bush and not Kerry.

posted on May, 11 2004 @ 05:26 PM
How is Kerry or any other political leader going to be any better than Bush? Just on the 'war' on terrorism alone, how can Kerry come up with a quick and peaceful solution?. If he pulls American troops out, Iraq and Afghanistan will become havens for terror groups and it will make terror groups even more dangerous. What will Kerry or anyone else do in regards to terrorism that Bush isn't already doing and how can the public believe that his policies are for the better of all Americans. Whoever gets elected has a hell of a job to do. In fact why would anyone ever want the top job? Oh yeah, the money is good.

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