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FOX News Films Ufo At Gilliland Ranch!!

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posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 09:11 AM
reply to post by Griffo515

Sorry mate,

I was thinking of the Victorian one. I was thinking it was strange that the lights spanned all the way to Vic. LOL

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 09:17 AM
Your first indication something hoaxy and/or innocuous is afoot is the fact that these sightings ARE localized...don't you people understand that?

Why would any(thing) of unearthly design 'linger' in one uninteresting area???! seems far fetched to me and utterly're the SAME cross-section of people that claim if these aliens DO exist they FAR outweigh us in why they'd linger in an area with ZERO use for anything or anyone.

Seems silly. But hey that's just common-sense talkin.

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 09:33 AM

Now it interests FOX to plant and spread the notion that the Government is hiding stuff from its people.

LOL big time at that...that's the first thing I thought of when viewing the clip! Now that the dems are in the white house, Hannity and Fox are suggesting the government is hiding things from us!

About the Gililand ranch, a couple years back I saw a clip, probably 10 minutes long, about a group of people seeing the lights. It may have been part of a Discovery Channel documentary or something. There was an incident where a heavenly light source communicated to a guy on the ground who was flashing a bright spotlight skyward. I can't believe that incident has not been heavily reported, because it was amazing.Whatever sequence he flashed, the UFO responded in kind. One of the guys in the group was a self-proclaimed 'shaman'. (ie: Hippy with a big ego)
A woman who was there said "You know, there are 'Christians' who will tell you the source behind these lights is evil. Demonic. You are being deceived." Fallen angels and all that. The shaman guy said, matter-of-factly, that such remarks were ignorant. The source of the lights was absolutely benevolent. There was simply no question.

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 09:34 AM

Fox trying to up there ratings again and get few thousand viewers to watch there mindless show about a possible "conspiracy theory".

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 09:36 AM
reply to post by jeddun

So your saying no aliens.
By virtue of no contact and other reasons.
I'd agree.
What did the Europeans do in the Americas.
Make contact.

So the ranch is just a ufo flight route by human pilots.
And if one lingers its because of malfunction of some sort.

I see more and more vertical and 45 degree angles on ufo in photos
these days.What is up with that.

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by TheAmused

I find it interesting that the members with guns in their avatars are the disbelievers on this thread. One guy has a signature that says he has killed people and it doesn't bother him.

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by liquidsmoke206
reply to post by postmeme

I've been there, I took a camera, there was nuthin to see....

case closed.

Yeah, yeah, I can't believe, so case closed. The only thing closed is your perspective. You don't have a clue. Admit it!

You didn't really look. Then you call Bill, Springer, Johnny, and every one else of ATS Liars!!! They went to Gilliland Ranch, and have solid evidence of the abnormal activity there!

Case closed
Why do you make words up?

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 10:23 AM
reply to post by jeddun

DUDE! Your only reason is because the lights are in one area? YOU ARE NOT AN ET! You do not know ONE thing about them, stop being ignorant!

Common sense dictates that there must be more than the US government and Earth society. There are many ET hot spots, like Gulf Breeze FL, and you do not know what you are talking about, you are simply using a fallacy to reinforce your lack of belief and understanding.

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 10:26 AM
It's a waste of time and effort to focus all this attention on the pseudoskeptics and trolls.

Not to mention that it is completely counter-productive to the goal of advancing the seriousness and intellectual level of the discussion and research on the subject.

Some people have their minds made up from the start - and this applies to believers too - it doesn't matter what arguments you have or what evidence you show them.

Ignore these people. Move on.

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 10:34 AM
not that i believe that we are alone in "this universe" (god hannity is a tool), but as many of you have already stated, is it not a bit strange that fox is running this story? Can anyone say project bluebeam?

"And the mothership did descend from on high, with 20th century fox fanfare blasting and Rupert Murdoch riding on it's stern. "

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 10:39 AM
While this fox news footage is very interesting, nonetheless, i kinda feel its a hoax. The green dot dosnt seem that real, to my eeys, it apperas more like a lazer lilght. I wonder if he has a laser light/machine/gimmick machine set up somewhere on the field. He talks too much like how people back in the 1950's around the rosweell area talked. I saw documentarys.those people were effin nuts(not literally) talking about women and men form venus are coming for them that night, humans from jupiter have ate dinner AT an actaul dinner table together..the only thing they all had in common in those fibs, was the aliens wanted world peace, which is a very noble thought...
Just my opinion, but the guy on the ranch seems to mean well, but he seems to just know too much. He is a spiritual person..why would alines be interested in just him every night of the year?

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by mckyle
Hi You.
Not butting heads with you again, just adding my two bits.

I mean, you know what actually bothers me about this?
If any of you ever saw the film or read the book *Never Cry Wolf* - you’ll know what I mean.
In short, a researcher wanted to prove white wolves were not decimating the caribou herds.
He went to study them, found they were living on field mice, and even proved a large carnivore could live on field mice by the mice himself.
He proved his point.
But what happened in the end?
People found out bout his wolves, went and shot and killed them and left the pups orphans.

If I were the owner of the ranch, I wouldn't of let FOX news anywhere near the place, nor would I post on YouTube (of all ungodly places) about the *lights in the sky*.

Just look at the people here ready to kill off the truth of UFO’s over his ranch, and, make orphans out of all the believers that know, in fact, UFO’s are there.

Get my point?

As much as I am active and happy to be a part of ATS, I would not post my own videos or encounters here either, if it would possibly endanger them in any way.


posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 11:09 AM

Originally posted by jeddun
Your first indication something hoaxy and/or innocuous is afoot is the fact that these sightings ARE localized...don't you people understand that?

Why would any(thing) of unearthly design 'linger' in one uninteresting area???! seems far fetched to me and utterly're the SAME cross-section of people that claim if these aliens DO exist they FAR outweigh us in why they'd linger in an area with ZERO use for anything or anyone.

Seems silly. But hey that's just common-sense talkin.

Exactly. That's just your common-sense talking, because in the end, neither you, nor anyone for that matter, can think of a single reason why we are even visited/observed by alien life.

To you, it's a ranch. But have you been there? have you analized every single aspect of that spot? Untill you do so, you can't even argue about why they are traveling there.

In the same way, only now we are starting to understand the influence of magnetic fields on our lifes.

(side note: I'm not defending nor debunking this story... I just think this point isn't valid)

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by ziggy1706

Could be possible that they aren`t so much interested in Gilliland but in Mt Adams.

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 11:26 AM
He is some of our own footage taken by the ATS Research Team from 2008.

The videos here are preliminary samples of what we saw in the sky over and around Mount Adams, more will be released as Johnny goes through the hundreds of hours of video and pulls the best captures out. While many of these objects are most likely, if not certainly satellites there are one or two that simply don't seem to behave the way a satellite should IMHO. That's the beauty of though, we have millions of people the world over who will look at these videos and come to their own conclusions. We hope

Gilliland Ranch - Night Sky page

(click to open player in new window)

Gilliland Ranch - Johnny's Thoughts Page

(click to open player in new window)

[edit on 5/8/2009 by Sauron]

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 11:34 AM
I would like to point out that while we were there (at the ranch) our internet connection was spotty at best and we got errant data on the satellites from the tracking websites.

Upon returning to the city, where we had solid internet service, we re-checked the satellite data and discovered that were, in fact numerous satellites flying directly over us both nights.

That REALLY diminishes the value of the scene where James shows his laptop and claims there are no satellites flying over the property IMHO.

It's all documented in our video series on the media portal.

That being said, I did see something through the night vision gear that certainly did not act like a satellite in as much as it turned at a right angle and zoomed off. Unfortunately, we could not cover the whole sky with cameras (we had several set up but it's just impossible to get it all unless you had hundreds of them) and we didn't get what I saw through the NV gear recorded.

I also have to state that nobody else saw what I saw (they weren't looking where I was either)...

My final opinion (opinion is all I can offer since I failed to record it) on the matter is that I saw something I can't explain. It was amazing to me at the time (as you can hear in the video) and the memory of it is still astounding to me.

There are many "issues" surrounding the ranch that anyone with critical thinking skills will notice if they go up there. I also wonder why James tones it down so much for FOX?

He told us all that he has been in contact, and still is in contact with ET.


posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 11:37 AM
IMO Mr_XIM....................... IS PLAN AND SIMPLY WRONG but as with everything it will take time to tell.

The ships monitor everything and we should all know by now that the ships hanker around Volcanoes. Mt. Adams is a dormat not extinct Volcano and has a connection of being near the Juan de Fuca Fault which is an area that should be observed closely IMO.

I would imagine there might be something they can use or gather from these Volcanoes that while not of importance to us... may well be of interest or importance to them.

As from the things I have experienced I say they are doing what they have to do not only for us but for themselves also.

I do hope that Johnny and friends do go back and spend a little more time there.

[edit on 5-8-2009 by observe50]

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 12:05 PM
Wow, I can't believe Fox news actually made a decent an unbiased news report. I'm not really into hating people, but Sean Hannity tops the list. He seems to have given this story a fair shake, though.

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 12:16 PM
What a bunch of cra-pola!!!

Fox News said, "Look here ignorant masses", "look at the satellite we filmed at some nut cases ranch" "Go back to sleep America, forget about the war, go back to sleep America". "Go play with your I phone, go back to sleep".


posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by Silenceisall

I find it interesting that the members with guns in their avatars are the disbelievers on this thread.

Yer point?

One guy has a signature that says he has killed people and it doesn't bother him.

Really? wanna read it again smart guy? Is my name superviking? No, it isn't.

Now apologize to the entire site for your display or ignorance, you've posted an off topic post that erroneously characterizes me as a cold blooded killer.

Mods? How is this guy not banned?

I'm not a disbeliever in aliens, I'm a disbeliever in Gilliland ranch. It's a getaway for new agers...I think thats it. They see some lights and call it aliens, or inter-dimensional beings, or spirits, or whatever fits their personal belief system.

and, I HAVE BEEN THERE, have you?

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