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Sodomized to Protect Our Freedoms

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posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 01:43 AM

Sodomized to Protect Our Freedoms

Would we really need debate on the torture question if we discussed the numerous acts of sodomy instead of the nuances of waterboarding?

"Yasser tearfully described that when he reached the top of the steps 'the party began. … They started to put the [muzzle] of the rifle [and] the wood from the broom into [my anus]. They entered my privates from behind.' ... Yasser estimated that he was penetrated five or six times during this initial sodomy incident and saw blood 'all over my feet' through a small hole in the hood covering his eyes." – by Physicians for Human Rights' "
(visit the link for the full news article)

[edit on 4-8-2009 by Exuberant1]

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 01:43 AM

Where does one begin...

The safety of the Nation has been used to justify these hellish acts of rape and torture.

I do not have the words to convey my hatred of this sort of evil. It has been perpetrated in my name and the name of the Republic - that is unacceptable.

I have seen individuals attempt to justify repetitious-drowning and the various forms of psychological torture which we have inflicted on innocent men women and children.

How will they attempt to justify this....

(...those who try to justify this sodomy-torture will only show themselves for the Scum that they are; and that is good)
(visit the link for the full news article)

[edit on 4-8-2009 by Exuberant1]

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 01:53 AM
reply to post by Exuberant1

Yes, it is sickening.

War is sickening, and those who wage war lose all recognition of right and wrong.

War is evil and unnecessary, and the sooner the 'leaders' understand that, the better.

It all comes down to greed - another sin.

And if you are going to wage war, at least leave the innocents out of it.

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 01:55 AM
reply to post by Exuberant1

If a terrorist is endangering YOUR life and the lives of all of YOUR loved ones by withholding information, then do whatever it takes to get that information out of the *SNIP* mongrel and save those lives.

Too many weak, left-wing, politically-correct, do-gooders will be the downfall of this marvelous society.

Mod Edit: Hold off on the foul language please. Cheers -alien

[edit on 5-8-2009 by alien]

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 01:57 AM
reply to post by Exuberant1

I didn't address the issue of sodomy. That is evil - all torture is evil.

But each side keeps on doing it to the other, and mankind is very slow to learn, even tho we have had multiple lessons.

In fact we are so dumb, I can't believe we are also so intelligent.

I think aliens keep coming to observe us because our behaviour is unbelievable.

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 01:58 AM
heard worse stories from hockey practice.
thought these guys were hardened.

...shampoo bottles are mean for only one thing is how i heard it...

I can't help but feel we're being counted on to feel sorry for them. Look, i know it's bad, but how hard they seem and how weak they seem at the same time makes me think a bit is all.

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 02:00 AM
reply to post by Exuberant1

Blaming the whole for the actions of a few is absurd.

If true, yes its sickening, but it was action of a small group of INDIVIDUALS, not the whole.

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 02:02 AM
reply to post by heyo

dead right.

They think it's awesome and cool when they're out killing INNOCENT westernised people of the world, then they don't think it's so cool when our interrorgators want to save those INNOCENTS by getting info from mongrel prick terrorist scum like this guy.

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 02:02 AM
reply to post by Exuberant1


Sodomizing someone and rape was never a justified form of torture, and even thosewho were in favor of water boarding , cried out in anger over cases like this that came out into the public forum....

It is not objective to lump these two things together, because it is simply not the same thing and was NEVER advocated as a form of information gathering WHAT SO EVER.

that would be like saying that we think its ok to shoot innocent civilians and rape their women because we are trying to free them........WRONG again

Anytime any atrocities like this occur the people involved should be punished to the absolute full extent of the law, and never again shame the United States by wearing a uniform.

Attempts to put these two things in the same two arenas of thought just to try and prove a point of view on water boarding or other forms of information gathering is appalling.

Unless you are extremely anti military, you would know that it is NEVER acceptable under any circumstance to treat detainees or civilians in this manner.

That is, like i said, unless you are just trying to fling mud at the military. If that is the case then you would just be using this story to further YOUR agenda, and should be ashamed of exploiting this man and his horrible circumstance, for your own personal gain...

Not saying you are, just a side note.

edits for clarity
[edit on 4-8-2009 by ManBehindTheMask]

[edit on 4-8-2009 by ManBehindTheMask]

[edit on 4-8-2009 by ManBehindTheMask]

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 02:03 AM
Jeez that poor guy, I guess those guys got off lightly having their HEADS CUT OFF with a mere dagger. It's war, tit for tat, anyone remember the dead soldiers burnt bodies they paraded around the streets?? but oh noez!! a broom!! I admit it would be nasty as hell... but hey.... I'm not a follower of that crazy thing called religion

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 02:04 AM
Any society, especially one that holds itself up as the moral high ground and attempts to impose it's way of life on others, that dehumanises the enemy to this extent has lost and it is only a matter of time. There is little justification for torture, it happens, but when it is uncontrolled and demonstrates a clear mental imbalance in the perpertrators, as this does, it is the end of a slippery slope.

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 02:04 AM
reply to post by TheAftermath

The OP is saying the opposite - "How dare my country do this in my name?"

Thus acknowledging that a few do it, but the whole country is blamed for it.

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 02:06 AM

Originally posted by spellbound
reply to post by TheAftermath

The OP is saying the opposite - "How dare my country do this in my name?"

Thus acknowledging that a few do it, but the whole country is blamed for it.

Thank you Spellbound.

I am glad you are here.

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 02:07 AM
reply to post by NathanNewZealand

well i'm neither here nor there, but what i do know is that people i know got "initiated" in highschool in a first world country and they didn't whine nearly as much. There was some code built into them that allowed them to laugh about it, losing their pride....aka the men tht they were was not affected by this insignificant trial of their psyche.

don't get me wrong, the guys who did it we did fight, but at the same time it wasn't about the particular aciton it was more about their general actions towards us.

I mean, if we stood up for our beliefs and kept our mouths shut and our eyes forward like that in highschool it makes me wonder why these guys don't do the same thing when they're fighting for what matters most in their lives to them.

they sound like, gulp, flipflop -SNIP-.

Mod Edit: Profanity/Circumvention Of Censors – Please Review This Link.

[edit on Wed, 05 Aug 2009 12:38:56 -0500 by MemoryShock]

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 02:10 AM
reply to post by heyo

They ARE flip flop [SNIP].
Injure and maim and kill for allah, but take bit of water boarding or anal prodding to uphold his name? No way.

[edit on 4-8-2009 by NathanNewZealand]

Mod Edit: Profanity/Circumvention Of Censors – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 4-8-2009 by Gemwolf]

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 02:14 AM
reply to post by NathanNewZealand

Somebody has bought into the media brainwashing today. Do me a favor and think about how many westerners have actually been killed. 3000? 4000? 6000?

Then go look at the body count of civilians alone from these wars. If you still think their justified then you need to stop buying into the brainwashing, and need to start respecting human life a whole rather than just some pitiful us vs. them logic.

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 02:15 AM
Some more quotes from the article - enjoy:

"These brainstorming meetings at Guantanamo produced animated discussion. 'Who has the glassy eyes?' [Guantanamo Judge Advocate Diane] Beaver asked herself as she surveyed the men around the room, 30 or more of them. She was invariably the only woman in the room, keeping control of the boys. The younger men would get excited, agitated, even: 'You could almost see their dicks getting hard as they got new ideas.' "
-- Phillipe Sands, Torture Team: Rumsfeld's Memo and the Betrayal of American Values

There are known photos -- you can see them at -- of a female prisoner being raped, and a male. Not to mention the kinky, naked slave-stacking and forced masturbation -- and the prisoner with a banana up his ass.

The 'dunderhead response' (as seen on this very thread):

The inevitable dunderhead response, "they beheaded our people," is a sickness unto itself. From Abu Ghraib to Gitmo, we've suffered countless such humiliating comparisons, judging ourselves by the lowest standards current events can offer.

Sorry, but it is not enough to say we aren't as bad as Saddam Hussein or the scumbags that killed Daniel Pearl. The very idea that we should measure our own conduct by theirs is a total failure of self-respect. Only the worst kind of scumbag can excuse himself by saying, "I'm incrementally better than the Taliban."

..... Only the worst kind of scumbag can excuse himself by saying, "I'm incrementally better than the Taliban."

[edit on 4-8-2009 by Exuberant1]

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 02:15 AM
reply to post by NathanNewZealand

Either that or they're smart enough to take advantage of teh northa merican aplogetics association that seems to be running foreign policy. Guaranteed these guys expected this # but when it became clear they could use it against "the enemy", or us, they jumped on that bandwagon with a renewed soldierly duty.

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 02:18 AM
reply to post by Miraj

It's not us people like me that keep this us vs them attitude going. Einstien. It's the islamic extremists, isn't it?
They HATE you, yep, YOU personally. Because THEY buy into their own brainwashing techniques. They will keep on attacking, YOU know this to be true, brains.
So, to save our society, torture the mongrels for info. Torture them all.

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 02:20 AM
reply to post by Miraj

dammit, i've had a couple beers, so i feel like saying it.

or rather, asking it.

somebody please present to me a war that hasn't had civilian casualties.

A WAR, mind you, so no ghandi.

please, i'd like to have it as a reference.

and if one doesn supply, miraculously, a war without casualties, lets then look at the number of wars, count the number of wars with civilian casualties, then represent that total as a percentage.

as a north american, i wont be pushed into feeling bad for winning wars, sorry. i get screwed over here with my taxes. i work ten hours a day in freezing cold freaking canada and i DO pay healthcare contrary to popular belief. I just work, like a zombie, and that's how i succeed.
be a zombie or die.......
this is the world we live in.

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