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Photo - Obama's Kenyan Birth Certificate (political fraud)

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posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 02:50 PM
Question: Why is Hillary Clinton going to Kenya today??

PM depart Andrews Air Force Base en route to Nairobi, Kenya

Question: If the Kenya BC is a copy (Issued in 1964 for Obama's Mothers Divorce Lawyer)of the original, where is the original BC??

Question:When will some people take the time to carefully read the links, and stop saying "Birthers are nuts"??

Try reading:

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 02:53 PM
reply to post by pwrthtbe

Honesty is all good and well, but I see enough openly racist people on a daily basis without having to hear their crap online too. I respect your honesty **SNIP***Nothing personal this is just my perspective on all racism. It does no good to the advancement of America and your genes don't make you better than anyone else.

The racism thing is relevant to this discussion though as pointed out above there's no new facts here its just a pissing contest about the constitution and hoaxes. It doesn't need to be peppered with a racist eye but it is, and its something that can't be helped. Its problably 5 generations from now before someone can claim they're truely fighting so hard to prove this is real to uphold the sanctity of the constitution but for now everyone including myself is just pushing an agenda.

The differnce is, my agends is to not start rioting and possibly a civil war over something that doesn't matter. Some people want this to be real for less noble reasons but I perdict this is going to go away quietly because its losing its steam fast.

Admin Edit: removed unnecessary hateful comment.

[edit on 3-8-2009 by Crakeur]

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by MissysWorld

So Hillary is en route to Kenya.... how timely.

Oh well, I'm sure we'll not be hearing any news about the BC after that meeting - since as far as the party is concerned, it is a 'closed'' matter.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by infinite
reply to post by FlyersFan

1961 and the Birth Certificate does not have a British seal?

Kenya become independent of Great Britain in 1963. The Crown would be present still on a Kenyan birth certificate.

A very inaccurate historical fake

ROFL. This document was produced in 1964!

Did you really think you were on to something that millions of others had overlooked somehow???

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by MissysWorld

Question: If the Kenya BC is a copy (Issued in 1964 for Obama's Mothers Divorce Lawyer)of the original, where is the original BC??

Look more carefully. You are repeating the mistake of the blogger. The registrar certified it in 1964, not in 1961 - the year when Obama was born.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by GLDNGUN

Originally posted by XyZeR
I have to catch up with the threat, as it seems some of my research work has been challenged (always up for that) gimme time to respond

In the mean time watch this:

Fox News' O'reilly:

Damn, I hate it when he's right...

Some of YOUR research work?

So are YOU the one who originated the list of debunked problems with the BO BC on DemocraticUnderground? Or did you just copy and past the list from there or elsewhere, post it here without having a clue if any of it was true, and call it "research"?

I get where you are comming from Gun...but seriously you have to see the irony of the statement.

Virtually the entirity of the birther "evidence" originates from right wing blogs and is cut and pasted and then pronounced as gospel by the birther camp.

...and then they site that same blog as evidence...Repeat over and over, ignore evidence to the contrary.

I am suprised with your ability to research...if that ability was premised in objectivity rather than trying to support a pre-determined world view then I would be wholey impressed.

For what it is worth...the hospital in question, unsuprisingly, can't seem to find any records confirming this.

Officials at the hospital confirm they’ve been besieged with requests for information on Obama’s birth but haven’t been able to find any record of it.

“We do not have computerized records going back to the 1960’s and can only sort through our archives by hand,” Dr. Christopher Mwanga, an administrator at the Mombasa hospital tells GLOBE. “We have searched for all the names of babies born on Aug. 4, 1961, and have not found the name of Barack Hussein Obama. That is all I can tell you.”

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by serial
The racism thing is relevant to this discussion though as pointed out above there's no new facts here its just a pissing contest about the constitution and hoaxes. It doesn't need to be peppered with a racist eye but it is, and its something that can't be helped. Its problably 5 generations from now before someone can claim they're truely fighting so hard to prove this is real to uphold the sanctity of the constitution but for now everyone including myself is just pushing an agenda.

Agreed. I'm done with my racism argument.

I've just been saying that I believe there is a racial component in this whole movement. That's all. I don't know why that would be such a difficult thing for people here to imagine.

But now it's starting to bring out the children. So I'll just discuss the so-called document.

I couldn't properly end my participation here for the night without expressing my apologies to everyone. Really, just humble opinions no hard feelings.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by neformore

Isn't it about time the rhetoric was canned, and this was looked at carefully, taking the best parts of both sides of the argument and measuring them up against each other with a cold and detached eye. Partisan bickering is pointless.


Pointless and ridiculous to call each other names point fingers and start more threads on this topic that are unverifiable at this point,

Now we wait.

All we can do is wait.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 03:24 PM
OK, many here would place me squarely in the "birther" movement. For me, there's just too many unanswered questions surrounding Obama's past, for me to buy what he's selling.

That said, and regardless of my position on the issue, even I have a hard time assigning any credibility to this document whatsoever. As pointed out, there's a lot of inconsistencies with this document.

As far as I am concerned though, this changes nothing, except maybe damage what credibility the "birthers" (a term that i find quite derogatory by the way) had.

This issue is like religion. There's plenty of evidence for and against, but it can't be "proven" either way.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 03:25 PM

From World Net Daily (WND):

"An online copy of the Kenya Constitution, "adopted in 1963, amended in 1999," states: "CHAPTER I - THE REPUBLIC OF KENYA, Article 1, Kenya is a sovereign Republic. Article 1A, The Republic of Kenya shall be a multiparty democratic state…" "

So the Kenyan Constitution refers to itself beginning in 1963 as "THE REPUBLIC OF KENYA."

WND also notes that they examined additional Kenyan birth certificates and concluded they were identical in format.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 03:28 PM

The hospital on the Kenyan birth certificate is in Mombasa, Kenya. Mombasa is in what was is known as the "ten-mile strip", an area of land which was part of the British Protectorate. It was "special" land to the Brits, the soon-to-be Kenyans, and Zanzibar ALL WANTED in 1963-1964.

This same area would become part of the Coastal Province of Kenya, as shown on the birth certificate. On the 5th October 1963, more than 2 months before Kenyan declared independence, an Agreement was actually executed in the form of an exchange of letters between the Prime Ministers of Kenya and Zanzibar Messrs Jomo Kenyatta and M. Shamte respectively.

Simply put: it appears Obama was born in a region of Kenya that declared itself the Republic of Kenya before Dec. 12, 1964.

Please learn more -- it's a little more complicated that it appears:
[link to]

[link to]

NEWSPAPER CLIPPING STATING: "Both of the REPUBLIC OF KENYA students, Joseph Maitha and Titus Olembo....." printed in the Paladium-Times, Nov, 15, 1963:

[link to]

[link to]

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by hotrodturbo7
can you still not name the source FF?

No. He/She/They will have to come forward on his/her/their own.

Originally posted by netwarrior
The number on the certificate, 47,044. That's the only thing that can't be explained

Actually that's one of the more easily explained things. Here is the explaination ---- it means nothing. It's just a number. I can make any number on the planet 'mean' something. It's like seeing pictures in clouds. It's random and subjective and it's a forced fit.

Originally posted by Electro38
This whole thread just reaffirms my belief (my humble opinion) that there is a huge racial component to this movement, especially in this forum.

Buddy ... if someone here was _______ (fill in the blank with whatever you want) .. you'd think there was a racial component. Hang it up already.

Originally posted by Electro38
Was the lawyer who was mentioned many times in this thread even a real lawyer or person.

I've never heard of this lawyer that people are referring to.
I have no idea. You are free to look into it and report back.

Originally posted by Electro38
I'm done with this thread. Nothing more than a race rally, sickening.

My psychology degree is telling me that you've got some personal issues to deal with. How about you deal with them OFF the boards?

Originally posted by GLDNGUN
DemocraticUnderground? ...

That has to be the dumbest site on the internet. It's a non-thinking echo chamber. Some idiots there put a fake 'baby trig for sale' thing on the internet a while back. Just one of many stupid things to come out of that cess pool.

Originally posted by maybereal11
“We do not have computerized records going back to the 1960’s and can only sort through our archives by hand,” Dr. Christopher Mwanga, an administrator at the Mombasa hospital tells GLOBE. “We have searched for all the names of babies born on Aug. 4, 1961, and have not found the name of Barack Hussein Obama. That is all I can tell you.”

The name on the certificate that was posted here says Barack Hussein II. Obama isn't on the certificate for the baby's name. Father's name, yes. But I don't see it for the baby's name. (it could just be the way they do it .. I don't know) And considering the conditions the 'records' were kept in .... who knows if they have it or not.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by Unit541
As pointed out, there's a lot of inconsistencies with this document.

So does Obama's 'official' online document. I mean since when is Africa a race?

Besides, I think most of the 'inconsistencies' of Obama's Kenyan BC have been responded to with acceptable reason.

[edit on 8/3/2009 by WhatTheory]

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by Hastobemoretolife
So this thread is now labeled as a HOAX huh?

Why then can you do a people search and find people who's first name starts with an E and their last name is "Lavender"?

I think they are jumping the gun on this personally. The only way to tell if this is a real person or not is to obtain a list of the government employee's and what h registrars name was in 1961.

[edit on 3-8-2009 by Hastobemoretolife]

general tone of the site unfortunately. if you look at the mods posts and general actions, you'll find most of them are strongly biased toward the pro-Obama camp. it's sickening really, given the whole "Deny Ignorance" byline and all, but I'm sure there will be yet another spammy U2U on this whol ething. . Probably one of the spammiest sites that I've been on in years.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 03:37 PM
Found this in another thread. Thought it would benefit this thread too.

The document is just another in an increasingly long line of fakes intended to prove Obama wasn't born in the U.S. How do we know? First of all, Obama was born in Hawaii. He has released a copy of his actual birth certificate -- the same kind of copy anyone requesting their birth certificate from the state would get -- and it has repeatedly been authenticated by Hawaii officials. They've also said that they've checked the original record in their files, and that Obama was born in Hawaii. Those records are supported by two newspaper announcements from the time of the president's birth -- and those announcements weren't submitted by the family, but taken from hospital records.

Forged Birth Cert.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 03:38 PM
ON TOPIC - The document

Well .. there are now a half dozen or so threads going on this subject. At least on this thread we are verifying and debunking .. not just creating an echo chamber.

I'm sure the mods are busy trying to keep track of the info .. wading through the rubbish .... God bless their little hearts - I wouldn't want to be doing that.

What is there left to the document that is supposedly fake?
Has everything been answered that was raised?

The questions left now are about bookkeeping in Kenya, right? They dont' have a great record keeping system and the original would have been filed during the time of a country in transition ... a POOR country in transition. That's going to be tough to find.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by Electro38

To hear the Birthers tell it, their Holy Grail has been found: Over the weekend, de facto movement leader Orly Taitz released a photo of what is supposedly a certified copy of a Kenyan birth certificate for President Obama, which shows that he was born in Mombasa, Kenya and not in Hawaii.

The movement is, naturally, all abuzz. But even people who might normally be inclined to support it, like the founder of conservative forum and the Birthers' favorite self-proclaimed document expert, who declared Obama's Hawaiian certification of live birth a forgery, are calling foul. The document is just another in an increasingly long line of fakes intended to prove Obama wasn't born in the U.S.

How do we know?

First of all, Obama was born in Hawaii.
He has released a copy of his actual birth certificate -- the same kind of copy anyone requesting their birth certificate from the state would get -- and it has repeatedly been authenticated by Hawaii officials. They've also said that they've checked the original record in their files, and that Obama was born in Hawaii. Those records are supported by two newspaper announcements from the time of the president's birth -- and those announcements weren't submitted by the family, but taken from hospital records.

The Birthers won't care about that, of course -- they haven't yet.

Well, this doesn't help the partisan support much....

de facto movement leader Orly Taitz:

There is no 'movement'. It is characterized that way because so many people are asking 'inconvenient questions' which the partisans simply froth over.... Taitz leads no one.

supposedly a certified copy of a Kenyan birth certificate

I suppose that they can make this assertion since they spoke with Kenyan officials ... too bad they didn't say so - weak journalism

The document is just another in an increasingly long line of fakes intended to prove Obama wasn't born in the U.S.

I haven't seen any others from Kenya, but I'm sure many forgeries will be released to keep the waters of truth murky... the way it is meant to be

How do we know?

First of all, Obama was born in Hawaii.

Nice, circular logic.

actual birth certificate

'fraid not. Had this issue been resolved as this directly implies, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

repeatedly been authenticated by Hawaii officials.

Disingenuous characterization of facts, it was never 'authenticated' it was claimed to have been authenticated by ONE government of Hawaii official, TWICE - not 'repeatedly, unless you count the talking media heads and the partisan defenders of the faith.

They've also said that they've checked the original record in their files, and that Obama was born in Hawaii.

Again! Disingenuous characterization, it was by virtue of saying that 'they checked' that they claim it was authenticated; thus it does not follow automatically that it was.

supported by two newspaper announcements from the time of the president's birth -- and those announcements weren't submitted by the family, but taken from hospital records.

Oh well, if they say it was in the newspaper it MUST be true? No one gets away with that logic around here, regardless of the position you cling to.


It's only fair that the sloppy pro Obama effort is as lame as the sloppy so-called 'birther' effort. Seems like both sides slowly sink into an abyss of nonsensical crap now.... it's a shame really, because this is far too important to turn into a partisan game.

It is a tribute to the MSM and our now all but defunct 'free' press that this issue is not over and done with. I guess that's the whole point of the exercise....


No point in letting a good post go to waste.... since we're importing content

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by Electro38
First of all, Obama was born in Hawaii. He has released a copy of his actual birth certificate --

No he hasn't. He has released nothing. Jay McKinnon admitted faking the Daily Kos birth certificate. Immediately Daily Kos took their forgery down. Obama's 'fight the smears' site had that forgery up and listed it as 'real'. But they immediately took it down when their stooge squeeled.

Those records are supported by two newspaper announcements from the time of the president's birth -- and those announcements weren't submitted by the family, but taken from hospital records.

Those newspaper announcments are fake. The addresses on them go to a property that the Obamas didn't live at.

Better luck next time Electro.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 03:42 PM
reply to post by serial

First I meant this reply to you to go with quotes-but I do not want to waste space (and I do not want a "road sign" either).

Well the Constitution (correct spelling) is the Law of the Land. There is not much more to say than that. I guess you are willing to do away with some Freedoms and not others?

I would agree there are persons out there that have made this about race. I am not one of those people. I do not agree with his policies and I could not care if he was red with white spots. This issue that you are experiencing in Az is not unusual it depends on where you are at to what responses you are given. I had a simliar discussion with a friend in Colorado last summer. The President made a Promise about Open Government yet it has not appeared yet.

The President is answerable to the People. You know me and you. I do recall that President Bush has been vilified by persons that disagreed with his War and Domestic Policies and that was ok? So what is the difference?

Yes, I am unwilling to pay more taxes. Why should I have to give more so other’s can succeed? If you want something bad enough then why not work for it like everyone else. I have the house I live in because I worked for it. I bought my truck for cash seven years ago- the first new car I ever had. In 2000, I was homeless and no job- in fact I was in the hospital for two months and almost died. I came back from all that to where I am now- all those bills I paid off in full- and it took me sometime. I am responsible for myself- why can’t others do the same? Why can’t the Government make do with the money they have already collected? I am currently unemployed- laid off from my last job- I haven’t worked in months- yes I collect unemployment, but I paid into that system and I only reap a little for what I paid in. Yes, I compete against many others for certain jobs-but I haven’t lost faith or hope that I will find something.

I feel for you, because you are lost.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 03:45 PM
How many people really believe that the doc. we've been looking at in this thread will be accepted in court?

Haven't there been other documents found before this one, which had you all going nuts with orgasmic enthusiasm?

What happened to those documents? Any court trials going on with those?

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