posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 03:29 AM
Hi all,
for those of you who know of Drunvalo Melchizedek, here is a link to the Audio from his newest Webcast recorded on 29th July 2009.
In this webcast, he discusses what the Head Mayan Elder, Don Alejandro has told and shown him regarding 2012. (as well as lots of other stuff)
According to the Mayans 2007 to 2014 is what is called "the end of times" and its within this window of time that there will be a Magnetic Pole
Shift, Physical Pole Shift and a Shift in Human Consciousness!!
So fasten your seatbelts because the next few years are going to be amazing!!!
The webcast is 2.5 hrs long so its really long, but well worth the listen. It actually gets better and better as it goes on.
For any of you who have read Drunvalo's books, this will really appeal.
For any of you who dont believe any Spiritual side of 2012 and beyond, dont bother listening!!!
Hope you enjoy!!
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