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Racist Talk Show Host Is Admitted COINTELPRO Agent

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posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 06:13 PM
Kurt Nimo reports:

In a lame attempt to save his hide and stay out of prison for allegedly threatening to kill federal judges, the racist talk show host Hal Turner has admitted in court that he is an FBI informant, the Chicago Breaking News Center reports today.
Documentation emerged in 2008 exposing Turner as an FBI operative. “Hal Turner, rising in fame as the most blatant hate talk radio host, self-proclaimed neo-nazi, antisemite, racist who hinted at the need to eradicate Jews — turns out to have been fronting a typical FBI COINTELPRO sting operation,” writes Richard Evans. Hackers managed to gain access to his forum server and revealed correspondence with an FBI agent who was apparently Turner’s handler.

As documented by Brian Glick and others, under COINTELPRO, the FBI subsidized, armed, directed and protected the Klu Klux Klan and other racist groups, including the “Secret Army Organization” of California.

As the story points out, this is the same modus operandi that lead to the OK City bombing by McVeigh.

For those of you unfamiliar with the FBI's invovlement in the Elohim City militia that was responsible for the federal building bombing, you need to watch this interview with Jesse Trentadue. It will blow your mind.

After watching the Trentadue interview, I was so angry I couldn't sleep for a week.

There is no way this man is lying.

For photo evidence of the crimes committed against his brother, see his web site here. - warning for graphic images of the crime.

Completely criminal, completely unconstitutional, and out of control. The FBI, along with its cohorts at the NSA and CIA need to be shut down. The federal government has no business being in civilian law enforcement. Law enforcement is a function of states and local municipalities.

We see the huge abuses of power that occur when federal authorities are granted carte blanc power over the people.

[edit on 28-7-2009 by mnemeth1]

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 06:34 PM
Interesting. So, for me the big question is, just how many more of him are out there inciting unrest and planting lies amongst us?

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 06:36 PM
Disgusting. 'Divide and Conquer' Indeed.

Inflaming people and cultures to advance their hidden agenda...

Wasn't he arrested not too long ago for something?

I stopped looking at Zionist and White supremacist/ Black supremacist organizations as being separate entities not too long ago. It appears that the three groups walk hand in hand with each other.

Too bad most racist group members will never realize who they are really working for- the 'Divide and Conquer' crowd to distract people from the real danger- the Elite power players.

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 06:36 PM

Oh yawn - more of the same - when are people going to actually get off their asses, and go and take the government back?

Just everyone - stop what you are doing - go and start demonstrating at the White House or Congress - or whichever takes your fancy - and wait for everyone else to turn up armed to the teeth?

If everyone keeps going to work - the movies - stuffing crisps in their mouth while on the net - what exactly is going to happen?

I despair for America - I am not in America, and am not in American - but you guys really have the sharp end of the stick poking you in the eye - are you going to go blind, or jump up and stick the pointy stick in a deserving ass?


The government (or rather NWO) invented racism - they pass racist laws. What do you call a law that separates people based on faith, or race, or any such thing? Its unconstitutional - your own government is doing it PUBLICLY - the agenda isn't hidden. Kick their fat over bribed asses out of your government.

Your country is full of racist organizations - the Black this, or the Jewish that - don't you feel that it is racist, or religious discrimination? Churches can be of one type or another - but no organization has a right to discriminate against others by race! I can;t believe you think it is a hidden agenda?

I saw some thing in CONGRESS .. the Black something or other organization - I nearly spewed up a lung - I had no idea your country was so racially divided - not by the common people, but BY YOUR GOVERNMENT ACCORDING TO THEIR RACIST LAWS!!

Wake up - you cant have an organization that is okay by government that says the word BLACK or WHITE, or JEW or whatever the hell and say that the government isn't inciting racial hatred.

[edit on 28-7-2009 by Amagnon]

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by mnemeth1


I guess nobody will be talking to him anytime soon

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 07:40 PM

My comment on this thread was.

Turner is an FBI shill, racebaiter. He is there to get loonies to come out and act against the gov't so the FBI can nail them. If the locals press charges, the FBI will suicide him and move him to that island with Osama Bin Laden, and the JFK assassins."

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 09:03 PM

Originally posted by liveandlearn
Interesting. So, for me the big question is, just how many more of him are out there inciting unrest and planting lies amongst us?

Interesting indeed. Perhaps other seemingly fringe radio hosts will be arrested and we will learn the truth about their involvement in COINTELPRO as well.

*cough*Alex Jones*cough*

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 09:15 PM

Originally posted by NovusOrdoMundi

Originally posted by liveandlearn
Interesting. So, for me the big question is, just how many more of him are out there inciting unrest and planting lies amongst us?

Interesting indeed. Perhaps other seemingly fringe radio hosts will be arrested and we will learn the truth about their involvement in COINTELPRO as well.

*cough*Alex Jones*cough*

I hope AJ is not an NWO shill.

Could well be though. Get all the actual patriots to stand up and say "here I am, look at me!"

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 09:25 PM
I hope the NSA, CIA, and FBI read these posts and take the time to look at the evidence provided.

We can only pray that there are a few good agents left in those organizations.

They are criminal to the core and need to be exposed for what they are.

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 09:26 PM
Ah gee, why am I not surprised and wishing someone on here had taken me up on my bet about him being not so undercover?

One thing is for sure, he's a marked man now that he is officially an undercover AND a rat. Aryan Brotherhood will gun for him along with the nonaffiliated skins and racists, the Black Muslims and gangbangers won't want him breathing their air and the dense majority will simply see him as a rat and a "cop."

Wonder how many people's life this turdball ruined?

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 09:33 PM
reply to post by Amagnon

We have seperate groups representing nonwhites in this country because America is an openly racist country that continues to discriminate against and persecute blacks, Latinos, women and even lower income whites, to name a few groups. A chosen few of color are "allowed" to approach the glass ceiling by "acting white" or by being athletes. Ever wonder why rappers really are so popular? It is because they are a slap in the face to the white majority and its stereotypes, even if they personify them.

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 09:42 PM
reply to post by secretagent woooman

Racist organizations exist because government creates racism through its political agenda.

Racism can not exist in a free society.

Businesses can not afford to be racist because not hiring the best person for the job regardless of skin color puts them at a competitive disadvantage.

Private schools could not afford to be racist as they would be cutting off potential sources of revenue putting them at a competitive disadvantage.

In fact all private organizations could not afford to be racist in a free market society because any organization that must compete would eventually put itself out of business through racist practices.

Government is to blame for the racist agendas of both whites AND blacks. I would argue there is far more racism from the minorities than from the whites in this country. Their leadership has fomented a sense of entitlement and has used government to get those entitlements at the expense of white tax payers.

This can only lead to MORE racism, not less.

posted on Aug, 1 2009 @ 05:11 PM

Originally posted by Amagnon

If everyone keeps going to work - the movies - stuffing crisps in their mouth while on the net - what exactly is going to happen?

I despair for America - I am not in America, and am not in American - but you guys really have the sharp end of the stick poking you in the eye - are you going to go blind, or jump up and stick the pointy stick in a deserving ass?

You despair for America? No offense where do you live? Chances are if you live in Europe ,UK, Canada,or anywhere in the so-called civilized world you are just as much affected and have the same nonsensical madness as with the "Americans".

Am I to believe that America is the only country whose government pays provocateurs to stir up confusion so as to keep the people separated?

[edit on 1-8-2009 by Chai_An]

posted on Aug, 1 2009 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by mnemeth1
I hope the NSA, CIA, and FBI read these posts and take the time to look at the evidence provided.

We can only pray that there are a few good agents left in those organizations.

They are criminal to the core and need to be exposed for what they are.

There are good men left in the alphabet soup. It is compartmentalized to the point that a lot of the good guys have no idea what the bad apples are doing. Unfortunately some of the bad apples have gotten into very powerful positions.

posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 01:44 AM
The first time I saw Hal Turner's web site he was hinting at an assination attempt on Obama's life during the inaugration. I knew then that this guy is a phoney, and most likely a government paid shill to promote the devide and conquer agenda. I never thought I'd see proof of it though.

Thanks for the post, very good to know. Let's hope it shuts him down for good.

posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by mnemeth1
Kurt Nimo reports:

In a lame attempt to save his hide and stay out of prison for allegedly threatening to kill federal judges, the racist talk show host Hal Turner has admitted in court that he is an FBI informant, the Chicago Breaking News Center reports today.
Documentation emerged in 2008 exposing Turner as an FBI operative. “Hal Turner, rising in fame as the most blatant hate talk radio host, self-proclaimed neo-nazi, antisemite, racist who hinted at the need to eradicate Jews — turns out to have been fronting a typical FBI COINTELPRO sting operation,” writes Richard Evans. Hackers managed to gain access to his forum server and revealed correspondence with an FBI agent who was apparently Turner’s handler.

As documented by Brian Glick and others, under COINTELPRO, the FBI subsidized, armed, directed and protected the Klu Klux Klan and other racist groups, including the “Secret Army Organization” of California.

As the story points out, this is the same modus operandi that lead to the OK City bombing by McVeigh.

For those of you unfamiliar with the FBI's invovlement in the Elohim City militia that was responsible for the federal building bombing, you need to watch this interview with Jesse Trentadue. It will blow your mind.

After watching the Trentadue interview, I was so angry I couldn't sleep for a week.

There is no way this man is lying.

For photo evidence of the crimes committed against his brother, see his web site here. - warning for graphic images of the crime.

Completely criminal, completely unconstitutional, and out of control. The FBI, along with its cohorts at the NSA and CIA need to be shut down. The federal government has no business being in civilian law enforcement. Law enforcement is a function of states and local municipalities.

We see the huge abuses of power that occur when federal authorities are granted carte blanc power over the people.

[edit on 28-7-2009 by mnemeth1]

The FBI, NSA and CIA can't even properly do unilateral or cooperative operations. They haven't been able to work together for years. And even when they do usually its an egofest between the FBI and CIA. Also the FBI doesn't have "operatives". And informants usually inform, hence the name, to agents who are representatives of agencies thus the FBI.

posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 12:17 PM

Originally posted by mnemeth1
I hope the NSA, CIA, and FBI read these posts and take the time to look at the evidence provided.

We can only pray that there are a few good agents left in those organizations.

They are criminal to the core and need to be exposed for what they are.

No offense but I don't think anyone from said agencies and the bureau would actually take anything from a conspiracy website for its worth. The NSA might unless they let the CIA have a few packages but ECHELON is probably clicking and humming right now,


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