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Yet another thread teaching presence and oneness

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posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 12:32 PM
Can there be too many of these? I think not. They all speak to an aspect of the whole at some level in some way and do there part to heal the illusion of time and the concept of space for in reality there is only here and there is only YOU and it is always now.

The first step is a type of meditation used by Sri Ramana Maharshi called Neti Neti or Not This, Not that.

Look at an object in your awareness external to your body. Any object. Are you this object? No, because it is in your awareness and you can observe it.

Do this process with all that you can see, hear and feel around you.

Next look at your hand or foot or arm, etc.. Are you any of these? No, because they are objects in your awareness and can be witnessed objectively as such.

Feel the emotion or feeling of this moment. Happiness? Sadness? Anger? Are you any of these? No, because they are in your awareness and witnessed objectively.

Your thoughts too pass in front of your awareness like clouds in the sky, coming and going with no seeming end. Again, they are objects in your awareness and you are not them.

Once you have stripped everything down to nothing you may notice that there is still awareness. Just a witnessing observer seeing, feeling and hearing all in it's awareness without judgement or prejudice. It looks upon all with complete objectivity and total equinimity. This, this bare witnessing is YOU!

You can never see your Self because you are that which is seeing. You can never feel your Self because you are that which is feeling. You can never hear your Self because you are that which is doing the hearing!

Look upon all then and see your Original Face, the one you had before you were born. You will never die as assuredly as you have never lived. You are prior to both of these illusions just as you are prior to the concepts of Time and Space.

You dwell only in the present, unmoving and unseen silently witnessing all that is arising and falling in your awareness. At this stage of awareness you are at the Causal level of consciousness. The first is the Gross Physical, the second is the Subtle and the last is the Causal. This is the last filament of duality but it cannot last for long once the Pure Witness is aware of Itself. Soon comes, without warning it seems, the Great Catastrophe of The Pure Witness collapsing into all that is witnessed. No separation and nothing seen from this side of your face.

The eternal dance of Shiva and Shakti becomes prevalent with Shiva the observer eternally witnessing Skakti the emanating in a sensuous unending embrace that has never known a beginning. And this, this simultaneous collapse of the Witness into that which is witnessed, is indefatiguably YOU!

As Zen says; You can drink the Pacific Ocean in a single gulp, the mountains are your footstool and the Stars are your head. There is nothing that you are not thus ending time where it started and filling space where there was none.

You are the Great Uncreate, The Unmanifest, The Great Unborn. You very simply, are! And all there ever will be is just.....this.

More to come as questions arise. Fun!

My name is Erik, by the way and I, in this vehicle, will not hide behind the illusory safety of a nicknamed avatar. How can I be afraid of anything if I am everything?

= ) Namaste

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 01:17 PM
reply to post by redwoodjedi

Thank you for being and sharing Erik.

You have a beautiful Avatar.

One Arrow, One Life.


posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by redwoodjedi

Hi Erik

Can there be too many of these? I think not. They all speak to an aspect of the whole at some level in some way and do there part to heal the illusion of time and the concept of space for in reality there is only here and there is only YOU and it is always now.

You know I was only thinking the same thing today, about how there is an increase in these threads. So far they all offer something different so I agree with you there are not too many.

For me my reason for visiting ATS has dramatically changed over the last year. I joined in search of aliens ( My avatar is named after an entity I saw) but this search changed within me to a search for enlightenment and awarness. Now I occasionally check the alien forum but this forum has become my main source of information by far. Seeing the entity was the trigger for my awakening but I soon stopped searching for what the entity was and only wished to find out what change was happening to my inner being.

I have now become very aware of my ever watching conscious self, my being that is in The Now. Discovering this timeless realm that I previously was totally unaware of has been an amazing journey and one that still continues.

Thanks for another take on how to achieve oneness within the Now.

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 01:28 PM

Originally posted by maya27
reply to post by redwoodjedi

Thank you for being and sharing Erik.

You have a beautiful Avatar.

One Arrow, One Life.


And a Star and Friend to YOU!

Boundless Blessings,

= ) Namaste


posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by Mr Green
reply to post by redwoodjedi

Hi Erik

Can there be too many of these? I think not. They all speak to an aspect of the whole at some level in some way and do there part to heal the illusion of time and the concept of space for in reality there is only here and there is only YOU and it is always now.

You know I was only thinking the same thing today, about how there is an increase in these threads. So far they all offer something different so I agree with you there are not too many.

For me my reason for visiting ATS has dramatically changed over the last year. I joined in search of aliens ( My avatar is named after an entity I saw) but this search changed within me to a search for enlightenment and awarness. Now I occasionally check the alien forum but this forum has become my main source of information by far. Seeing the entity was the trigger for my awakening but I soon stopped searching for what the entity was and only wished to find out what change was happening to my inner being.

I have now become very aware of my ever watching conscious self, my being that is in The Now. Discovering this timeless realm that I previously was totally unaware of has been an amazing journey and one that still continues.

Thanks for another take on how to achieve oneness within the Now.

Good Morning, Mr. Green!

I too had a similar bent on things. I still delve into things paranormal only now I do not identify with them. They are just aspects of my Self. More beauty ever morphing, ever changing, ever shifting. As I Am, I love all things with perfect equinimity. As a vehicle, I am in awe of that which is created. As a fellow human, I marvel at the comraderie and fellowship that Self Realization brings to the present and only the present.

A star and a Friend for you, Sir.

= ) Namaste

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 01:53 PM
this is the kind of thread that leaves me with a thoughtful smile after i've read it.

enjoy the first s&f given by a new member

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 02:14 PM
Thank you, James for the kindness. It is reciprocated tenfold! Welcome to our thread and thank you for making the Light of it that much brighter. The brighter it is, the more that can see it!

It is always exciting to me to make the acquaintance of yet another aspect of my Self as you have just done. This is what fellowship is all about. Celebrating our differences and the uniqueness the we have each and all garnered along our perceptively individual paths while at the same time communing in our revelating commonalities that allow us to touch at multiple levels of union if but for just one eternal moment, ad infinitum...

Starred and Friended for when were you not?

= ) Namaste

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by Mr Green

Hi there Mr Green, i have noticed you around and can't think of a better opportunity than within the calm of this thread to introduce myself to you.

I look forward to finding out more about your experiences.

To Eric, thank you for the "Friend", "Friend" to you too.

To James420, Welcome to ATS, I look forward to seeing you around.

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 03:07 PM
Okay, so you want questions? I'll give you questions for answers.
Questioning and answering is always fun.

So, whats the difference between a nickname and a name?
Why is the nickname giving an illusory safety when the name is not?

Depending on how the answering goes, more questioning will come.

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by Geladinhu
Okay, so you want questions? I'll give you questions for answers.
Questioning and answering is always fun.

So, whats the difference between a nickname and a name?
Why is the nickname giving an illusory safety when the name is not?

Depending on how the answering goes, more questioning will come.

Good Afternoon, Geladinhu!

Welcome to our thread and thank you for shining your light on it. Most kind.

There is no difference in name and nickname and there is. From what level of understanding and reasoning are you asking the question? To some, my transparency is refreshing as so many chose to teach in complete anonymity. To others, it brings a line of inquiry which tinges with a bit of mistrust. Neither are important really, but this is a fun game, no?

Have I, the vehicle named Erik, answered your question to your satisfaction? I hope so as I see the catalyst that brought you here as much more relevant than bandying about the importance of chosen nomenclature disclosure.

I seek nothing from you. However, what dear One can I do for you? I am in utter service to you.


= ) Namaste


posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by redwoodjedi

I am asking the question from an advanced level of understanding which has no necessary reasoning. And yes, your answer was satisfactory, Mr. Vehicle Erik.

If you seek nothing from me, I seek nothing from you.
And I propose that we seek nothing together.
But what is nothing? Does nothing even exist?
We ought to know better this so called nothing if we want to find it.
Do we really want to find it? I guess we do if we seek for it.
Or are we seeking just for the action, for the adventure and it really doesn't matter if we find what we are looking for because we know that there will be much more to find that we can't even think of?

Such a fun game indeed!

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 04:58 PM
Or we could play the game of who knows more about nothing, we'll make it a competition..!

See who can out Buddha who?

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by maya27
reply to post by Mr Green

Hi there Mr Green, i have noticed you around and can't think of a better opportunity than within the calm of this thread to introduce myself to you.

Hello Maya27
Thank you so much for your introduction. It is lovely to meet you.

I find threads like these amazing places to learn from others.

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 05:13 PM
Okay, okay.
I have more questions. (But first answer the ones already asked!)
Now I'm all excited.

I'd like to understand better the notion of entertainment.
To be is surely entertaining - although a struggle for most. But is all entertainment being? Sometimes it seems that we use entertainment to forget about being? Don't know if that even makes sense! I have the sensation that sometimes I use the concept of entertainment to excuse myself from being indulgent.

So where do we draw the line between being and entertainment?
Is there such thing as abuse of entertainment?

[edit on 27-7-2009 by Geladinhu]

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by Mr Green

Yes, I always look forward to learning through my interactions with others.

I have always identified most with Zen/Chan buddhism, but that's just me, I am now experiencing my spiritual journey on a new and unexpected level. Back to beginner's mind, I guess.

These experiences have led me to look around the internet to find out more, this is how I found ATS and have kind of become interested in ET encounters & inter-dimensional beings.

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 05:19 PM
reply to post by Geladinhu

Being AS entertainment! Brilliant! Love it!

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 06:31 PM

Originally posted by Geladinhu
reply to post by redwoodjedi

I am asking the question from an advanced level of understanding which has no necessary reasoning. And yes, your answer was satisfactory, Mr. Vehicle Erik.

If you seek nothing from me, I seek nothing from you.
And I propose that we seek nothing together.
But what is nothing? Does nothing even exist?
We ought to know better this so called nothing if we want to find it.
Do we really want to find it? I guess we do if we seek for it.
Or are we seeking just for the action, for the adventure and it really doesn't matter if we find what we are looking for because we know that there will be much more to find that we can't even think of?

Such a fun game indeed!

Advanced. Elementary. It matters not.

In seeking, you will not find enlightenment for the source you are looking for is doing the looking. A trick of the ego.

Nothing is what you are. From that all illusory machinations arise and fall within your awareness. It's part of the game you made out of abject loneliness.

It matters not if one gets it or not. You are perfectly fine with whatever level at whatever mindset you entertain. There is nothing to become for you cannot become what you already are in all of your endless manifestation as a direct result of believing simply in another.

Seeking/Action/Adventure. Ego language. There is nowhere to go as you are always here; Serene, Still and Unmoving like a mountain.

You will never find what you are looking for until you surrender the search. Only the ego would try to dismiss itself. It is yet simply another object in your awareness. Collapse into all that is manifest and dissolve the world of opposites and pairs. Nothing to become because you simply are.

Great fun having a verbal and intellectual masturbation session that brings no thing closer to reality! Words are illusions twice removed. First you see the thing, next you give it a name. All is a lie including everything I/We/You wrote.

Rest in your current state and that is exactly it. Just this...

= ) Namaste


posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by OmegaPoint
Or we could play the game of who knows more about nothing, we'll make it a competition..!

See who can out Buddha who?

Great fun. But how does that teach the other aspects of your Self dwelling in fear the liberation of One's Self? *Edit* To re-member, re-cognize, re-collect?

This is where the vow of the Bodhisattva comes in. I know you two know of that which I speak. The honeymoon of awakening lasts for but a taste and then you witness the other aspects of yourself suffering in ignorance caught up tragically in the causative games of their own make-believe identities. Compassion bursts from Big Heart. Compassion immediately pours forth because the suffering at this point is almost unbearable to witness because it is without a doubt one hundred percent a by product of ignorance. Hence the gentle teaching. They/We are already battered, more battering is not as effective because They/We are numb to it. The Still-Small voice of the heart can be heard over the loudest roar...

This is my task. I put it forth to those that would hear. That is all because it promises all.

= ) Namaste


[edit on 22/JulpmMon, 27 Jul 2009 19:03:55 -0500/08 by redwoodjedi]

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by Geladinhu
Okay, okay.
I have more questions. (But first answer the ones already asked!)
Now I'm all excited.


So where do we draw the line between being and entertainment?
Is there such thing as abuse of entertainment?

[edit on 27-7-2009 by Geladinhu]

Your heart already knows the answer before the question was asked. Affect no thing unless it is an act of Lovingkindness. Right action is always the correct discourse. Nothing else.

=) Namaste


posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 06:59 PM
Wow! Keep on blowing me away, Mr. Erik!

I feel the need to talk more, to masturbate intellectually as you put it. I feel the need to question. Not because I doubt or don't understand, but because I embrace my duality and become the mirror. I am also a Bodhisattva. But not a gentle one. If I were to become gentle I wouldn't be a Bodhisattva anymore. And the day of my buddhahood will come, whenever I want it to. But I still feel for others.

I impose pain and confusion on purpose. I reflect what I feel to make them closer to understanding. I don't know if its the right or wrong thing to do. I just do it.

Let the rocks come.

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