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Secret Labour tax on having a patio

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posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 02:24 PM
I came across this while doing my nightly browse of the web, apparently it has been discovered through information gathered through the freedom of information tax, that the Labour Government, have been planning and are about to tax homes.
Nothing unusual there really until you read the article, because if you have a nice view, a bus stop nearby, a conservatory, a patio, or anything else they consider pleasurable, then we are going to pay for it.

Documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act show millions of homes have already been secretly assessed by Labour in preparation for council tax hikes expected to target the middle class after the Election. Read more: =1490#ixzz0MOWJKtUG

I could never imagine going back to a Conservative Government after the Thatcher and Major Governments, but what other choice do we have here in the UK? Liberals are well not going to do anything other than rip our Country apart.

Even those who have a mere glimpse of a river, hill or park - or any other pleasing outlook - stand to pay more under a special category for 'partial scenic views'. Read more: =1490#ixzz0MOWpnHN1

Now I remember American citizens reporting people calling door to door, marking locations and taking notes, marking down co-ordinates, could this be the same thing for both Countries? is this a plan to fill the coffers because of the crap that was dropped on us by those who cheated all of us?


I'm still searching for other sources, but if this is right, we are about to pay, for saving ourselves, by allowing these mongrels to Govern, this is not Government, this is plain and simple theft, I see real trouble coming out of this when people discover the truth.

To think I have in the past defended these thieves, I am sick to my stomach, this has to be the end of the Labour Government now.

Opinions anyone?


posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by azzllin

hi azzllin
no matter which party gets in, these measures are to be in place to maximise revenue. there will always be an assured income stream back to central coffers. privatise as many public services as is possible is just another stealth tax in the long term as we will come to understand in the not too distant future. furthermore are you aware of the retirement tax proposal as well as another proposed levy on health and age?
it seems that all policy from when they came into power in the 90's began to take on a lot of improvisation getting more prevalant as time went on.
btw tony will save the day when he becomes the new pope (president) of europe! all his chums out of office will probaby slide into a job across the channel with the added benefit of siso
keep yer chin up
regards cdi.

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 03:23 PM
If you are going to tax a home, you tax it on its value. To arrive at the correct value you need to factor in a nice view, a bus stop nearby, a conservatory, a patio, or anything else that adds value to the home.

We have always had property taxes in the USA, at least since I've been alive. I can't believe they are just getting around to it over there.

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by sligtlyskeptical
If you are going to tax a home, you tax it on its value. To arrive at the correct value you need to factor in a nice view, a bus stop nearby, a conservatory, a patio, or anything else that adds value to the home.

We have always had property taxes in the USA, at least since I've been alive. I can't believe they are just getting around to it over there.

In America, it's my understanding that the private Real Estate agents along with a city or county inspector will assess the value of your home based on many criteria. Gov't officials aren't generally allowed into the owners home where as a mortgage company financing a home loan might want a quick tour to assess.

In any event, property taxes levied in the states is, generally speaking, based on the free market value of a home and it's location and the govt.'s valuation. Govt.'s valuation isn't as anal as this proposed British version.

The 'painting' or 'marking' stories that *I think* that you are referring to are the US Census. Not the classical sense of the census either. GPS 'painting' of the front doorways of US citizens' homes is just damn spooky.

To claim that it's part of the census is an outrage. As is the long version of the census form. We're required to provide the number of people living in the home and that's it. Google Michelle Bachmann for a cool buzz.

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