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This is how they will take our guns.

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posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 01:19 AM
Was watching a Chris Rock HBO stand up last night. I think it was called Bigger & Blacker or something like's the one from 1999..

Anyways He was joking around about how to stop gun violence and he was like " Here is a solution..........Make bullets cost like $5,000 dollars ! You will think twice about shooting somebody knowing you will half to work overtime for the next 5 months just to make up the money for another bullet...." Or something like that...he went on and on about it but it was hilarious and actually a very logical smart thought...

I notice he tends to point out very amusing and obvious dumb "sh*t" that is wrong with society and how it makes Absolutely no sense..

I respect him very much for that and if you can get past the F-bombs and really listen to what he is saying it is very smart comedy...

So yea just thought I'd mention a situation when a good idea about gun control came up.

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 01:20 AM
reply to post by Helious

I see where you are coming from. People are waking up though, with the bailouts and all this legislation getting passed without the people reading them. There are enough people awake to see what is going on though. Maybe not every bill, but people will at least start being more accepting to what is being told to them.

We will see though critical mass is gaining though.

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 01:26 AM
reply to post by Ghriffin

No, Europe has the illusion of freedom. They are the most "watched" state on the face of the earth. They have no privacy and are afforded no rights by birth.

America, for at least RIGHT NOW is the only truely free nation on earth because we actually have a piece of beloved paper that gives rights to every human being that is naturaly born on American soil.

This document as we are taught in school and we grow to love as we mature in this great beautiful nation is something we hold dear to our hearts because it is so much more than a collection of words.

Our constitution is a story of human beings transending TPTB and overcoming tyranny and oppresion. It is a story and an outcome of bloodshed by men and women who loved there familys and there freedom.

It is a legacy born by free men, a right to those that choose to follow in there footsteps in a democratic, and free thinking world. We are free because we have been born into the ideal and as such are unwilling to let it go because above all else, that is and always will be the ultimate treasure of the human soul.

Keep your money, keep your morals, keep your ideals and power, Ill take freedom and I won't look back.

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 01:27 AM
reply to post by LucidDreamer85

The problem with that is people will just start stabbing people. Every time they ban guns or make them harder to get crime goes up. There might be less gun crime, but crime rises when you take a means of protection away from people.

It happened in Australia and the UK. The only thing you are solving is gun crime. You are not actually solving the problem of violence.

The "gun" is a straw man argument. The gun doesn't do anything unless somebody makes it do something. Same thing with knives, forks, spoons, airplanes, etc.

None of those things are alive, they are all inanimate object. So why would you take away a woman's right to defend herself, when she is only 4'11" and less than a 100 lbs?

The whole argument about gun violence is stupid. It is the person behind the gun. And the purpose of the second amendment is to overthrow a tyrannical government.

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 01:33 AM
reply to post by Hastobemoretolife

I see the bailouts as a contrived motion by goverment to become....... I don't want to say it but you know the word.

If there was truely a goverment bailout by the goverment that was in the interest of the American people it would be a bailout of the unfair credit debt that has plagued this country for the last 15 years.

I say this having perfect credit myself because I have never fallen into the trap but I see it happen to almost every person I know all around me. Bogus interest rates that rise with no cause. Houses that were overestimated in the market on purpose with a "guaranteed" payment option only to be withdrawn and re financed a year later because the property was below bank estimated value.

If there was a true goverment bailout that was to stimulate the economy and help the american people it would not have ended with goverment owning the majority steak in American automotive and in major financial instatutions that half of them didn't even want.

I am not ready to call for revolution but I am ready to say that pretty much eveything this administration has done thus far is beyond common sense.

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 01:43 AM
reply to post by Hastobemoretolife

And to define the assumption of the topic at hand. If I left my five year old alone in my care he may put the car in reverse or drive and end up injuring or killing somebody else or himself.

There is no evil or malice in objects, only in people. There is no flaw in accidents behind objects of machines, only in those who allow them to be misused or abused through stupidity or ignorance.

There can be no law issued in gun control that will protect the public from actions from those who are dangerous in a general sense. The law of human nature governs all and sadly it in and of itself is flawed.

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 01:46 AM
reply to post by Helious

That would have been nice, wipe the debt slate clean. That would have solved almost all problems.

Yes, we are turning into a some kind of pseudo corporatist communist type deal, or something, they all look the same in my book.

No it isn't time for a revolution its just time to stand up and tell the government, "No!". I don't see that happening though, people don't understand how much things would change if they would just stand up.

Edit to add -

Yep exactly. Objects are not responsible for crimes, people are responsible from crimes. Inanimate objects do not do things on their own unless they are manipulated.

The whole gun's are only designed to kill argument and then people trying to say knives have other utility, which is the truth, but the knives whole purpose is to cut.

There just happens to be more need to cut things then to shoot things, but the basic premise is there.

[edit on 26-7-2009 by Hastobemoretolife]

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 01:53 AM
reply to post by Hastobemoretolife

It is very sad but it is also very true. Without being overbearing I try to bring these issues up with alot of friends that are not so interested in the every day things that happen within our own borders.

Most can't be bothered about silly issues like the war in Iraq or Afganistan, or laws that restrict freedoms we have been guaranteed by our Constitution. Sadly, most of my friends are more interested who is heading to the local sports bar that night to watch the ballgame and eat wings and drink some beer.

Im not quite sure what it would take to wake those people up. I am never overbearing when it comes to the people I know, I detest people shoving ideas down my throat so I respect others I choose to be around but that also makes me wonder what the majority of America really cares about and what exactly it would take to make a difference right now in our country.

When I really think about it at night, to be really honest, it scares the hell out of me because I just don't know if we wont become scattered martyers that will amount to anything.

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 02:14 AM
hand guns in the hands of idiots.
pit bulls and other vicious dogs owned by idiots.
children in the care of these same idiots.
no way of an idiot ever realising thier an idiot.
can't tell the child they're in the care of idiots.
is there any way we can outlaw idiots?
make that idiots and morons.
one thing for sure, if something like this happens to a child in your presence, the verdict is in. immediate and absolute, you are an idiot and a moron. worthless beyond all measure. lock em up for life.
we have hate crimes. why don't we have some idiots and moron crimes?

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 05:02 AM

Originally posted by LucidDreamer85Make bullets cost like $5,000 dollars ! You will think twice about shooting somebody knowing you will half to work overtime for the next 5 months just to make up the money for another bullet...."

That's funny and all but when's the last time some ghetto trash idiot went down to the local sporting goods shop and actually bought bullets? They get ammunition the same way they get their guns and no law can effect any change on that market. That's why we say gun laws only harass the law abiding. That's the catch of law. Criminals dont follow it.

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 05:15 AM

Originally posted by Helious
reply to post by Ghriffin

America, for at least RIGHT NOW is the only truely free nation on earth because we actually have a piece of beloved paper that gives rights to every human being that is naturaly born on American soil.

Oh really? I have travelled in the US and you have WAY more censorship and less personal freedoms than Australia. You can't make sweeping statements like that. America is not the centre of the universe.

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 08:34 AM
reply to post by mikerussellus

You are comparing apples with oranges. Autos are a neccessity for the majority of Americans, guns are not. Very, very few people intentionally use cars to commit homicides, suicide or otherwise harm another person. You clearly cannot say the same for guns.

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 08:39 AM
I find it worrying that so many Americans talk about owning guns that are 'hidden', permanently 'loaded' and 'ready to shoot' but consider their actions safe.

I bet they would change their view if it was their child that had shot themself in the face. I guarantee that they would torture themselves with the fact that the weapon and ammo was not locked away. To merely say that their kids have been brought up around guns so they know how dangerous they can be is crap. If a kid is confident around a weapon he can become cocky which leads to fatal results. Believe me I have seen this first hand (with adults too !!)

Why do you need to keep your gun loaded, made ready and within easy reach? Where do these people live? A warzone?!! (plus it damages your springs!!)

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 08:55 AM
accidents do happen, and to think there is a remedy for every accident is foolish. You choose how to live, under law and regulation for everything you do, or freedom of choice.

But to the theme of article, gun control. Its rather simple. They will require a 1-million dollar insurance policy for all gun owners, handlers and sellers. Simple as that. The annual premium ought to be somewhere between 1500 to 8000 depending on your background. That will likely reduce gun ownership by greater than 50%. Or, you could keep the guns under the risk of 10 years or more in prison. Yeah....kinda stiff. You'd never see that kind of punishment for something our almighty leaders might do that is illegal.

Its a F up world. And its gonna change. The change will depend on us. But from what I see, I have very little hope. Too much dumbing down of Americans and it has worked well for the creators.

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 08:56 AM
When I was in basic (U.S. army basic training) we were required to break down and put back together a M-16 a2 in a matter of 7 seconds. We were trained to do it under high stress.
I was trained by both the army and the boy scouts to not have a weapon loaded AND kept in safe until absolutely necessary. A hand gun owner should be able to load a pistol in any situation in under that time.(7 seconds)

These parents should not be allowed to own these weapons. No that does not open the door for the govt to take away every one's weapons either. If I understand correctly there is a test that one takes to be able to own a weapon. These parents have obviously failed it.

Unfortunately the horrific events that happened to the children is a staple argument for gun control. And in this nation's (The U.S.) historical emotional nature parents are going to freak and make a big to do about it, and try to enforce more control.

The only effective control will be more education. Teach children discipline around the weapons and don't make them so special that the kids have to sneak them. Also each owner should maintain control of the weapons themselves and be able to say the state of the weapon (loaded, unloaded, safe, in fire, chamber open/closed) and where it is.

PLUS there are many other problems in the US that if they were fixed then the shooting deaths in the US will fall. Some of them are stereotypical. For example look at poor inner city gangs for example. Or how about the drug traffickers. What is the ratio of gun deaths of those groups vs. the suburban/'guy from the sticks' gun owner?

Don't let the typical frightened hysteria take over.

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 09:31 AM
reply to post by maskedkhan

An unloaded gun is a club at best, better to have a hammer. I don't think keeping a revolver loaded does much damage to the gun, but maybe I don't know what I'm talking about.

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 09:42 AM
reply to post by Helious

Violence in Movies, Cartoons and especially Video Games are the real culprit. Turn off the Idiot Tube and the X-box (X stands for death) or the Playstation (shoot em up, because it's just a game, hence the word: playstation).

All this violent propaganda in the name of entertainment has got to stop. When it takes 5 shots to kill a zombie in a game, or it takes 20 shots to take down the bad guy in the movies, how can you not expect our kids to be clueless about the real consequences. And in any shoot-em-up video game it takes many, many shots to kill your own character....

The other main culprit are the absent, selfish parents who don't educate their kids about the dangers. Show your kids the real danger of guns, that they are not "duck-hunt" nintendo gadgets...

Maybe go get a GMO turkey from Wally World, put it on the fence post and blast your magnum at the cadaver, while your kid is standing there watching.
Let the kid know that he/she's made of the same flesh as that dead turkey and unless he/she wants to die or go to prison for life, they better check with you first before touching a gun.
Or maybe show them a picture of a dead guy in the movies, then show them a picture of a dead guy in Iraq, who was cut in half by high-caliber bullets, the gorrier - the better. That should do the trick.

1. Turn off the idiot box
2. Trash all violent video games
3. Keep guns away from very young kids
4. Show them what a gun can do, not what the movies and games show, Educate!!
5. Keep a few bullets in your pocket if you're really paranoid and too lazy to teach your children about real dangers to their life....

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 09:43 AM

Originally posted by Helious
reply to post by Ghriffin

America, for at least RIGHT NOW is the only truely free nation on earth because we actually have a piece of beloved paper that gives rights to every human being that is naturaly born on American soil.

This document as we are taught in school and we grow to love as we mature in this great beautiful nation is something we hold dear to our hearts because it is so much more than a collection of words.

Our constitution is a story of human beings transending TPTB and overcoming tyranny and oppresion. It is a story and an outcome of bloodshed by men and women who loved there familys and there freedom.

I have to disagree that America is the only truly free nation on earth. Just because you have the right to carry arms doesn't make you a free nation. I happen to live in an country that is very free as well.

I personally will never understand why people in the United States love to carry arms so much. Especially with the amount of murders that you do have in the United States. It isn't just the "accidental" deaths but the real murders that makes me leary on owning one. Gun crime is very real. And from the posts I have read a few of you wouldn't be afraid to go out with a blaze of glory and that's why I am glad very few people in my country actually own a gun.

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 09:59 AM
taking their guns, that is fine with me, if bowling for columbine showed me anything it is that a violent history and guns is not a good combination

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by Helious

Without reading the whole thread, it has to be said immediately that the article on the BBC's site, is quite simply being used to further cement gun controls here in the United Kingdom.

The Government here needs an unarmed population to ensure that their plans go off without a hitch and that the criminal classes can go about their business unhindered by the self defending public.

Sick; totally sick.

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