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PROJECT ISIS: The KGB's Discovery of The Tomb of The Visitor

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posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by LucidDreamer85

Originally posted by zorgon
For thirty years I have been looking through Egyptian art looking for a particular staff that I believe to be related to acoustic levitation

I had this before...

Well today I found it
after all these years


When I found this video I was expecting the other KGB UFO files. Now I will have to check my CD set and see what else is on there. This story on the Russian Egyptian connection took me completely by surprise. Looks like I will be busy the next few months

Looks like a microphone for speaking certain frequency of vocals so you can use that energy to levitate things and move heavy objects such as stone to build pyramids.....

It's not alien might be though...but It's just hidden knowledge....

Hey its a Rock Star God!!

More Like this Lucid Dreamer 85 !!!

Enjoy !!!!
STEVEN HALPERN Cymatic Imagery of Sacred Chant recorded Inside the Great Pyramid

OR This
UFO Hunters, Resonance Frequency and Acoustic Levitation

[edit on 6-9-2010 by Wolfenz]

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by Wolfenz

Wolfenz...that's what I'm talking about!

Great videos, thanks for sharing. The chant from the pyramid was amazing!

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by Wolfenz

magic possibilities of acoustic waves have known for long years, but acoustic levitation is pure childish
for example, bombs can be exploded with freq. of infra-sound, that increases damage effect versus buildings & humans.

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 05:53 PM

Originally posted by SarK0Y but acoustic levitation is pure childish

Acoustic Levitation Chamber

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 06:14 PM

Originally posted by zorgon

Originally posted by SarK0Y but acoustic levitation is pure childish

Acoustic Levitation Chamber

same engines may generate too destructive wave & for aircraft itself, & for outside objects too
resonance is devilest enemy of planes

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 07:44 PM
I think what SarKOY meant to say is that it's child's play - a walk in the park - nothing compared to the far greater potential that it has.

Wolfenz: THAT FIRST VIDEO WAS AMAZING. I've been looking for something like that, but didn't know what to call it, so the search terms didn't quite give me the right results. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

heh I wonder what the Halo 3 theme song would do in there... just the vocals of course!

This certainly puts me on the right track though. I see a lot of research in my future, when I get the time for it!

Oh I recently got a great job, and want to take advantage of its educational benefits. Ancient Egypt is my main focus in life right now, but I don't know - is Egyptology an actual major, like for a 4 year program? Or is it something you'd do to specialize after general archaeology? Of course I also want to take Geology as a minor - that's EXTREMELY important when dealing with things that old. If you ignore the land around it, and the effects that the earth has had on it, you could misdate something by thousands of years (see: sphinx)!
Any other ideas/advice on what courses to take?

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 08:43 PM
reply to post by ktorvalds

I think what SarKOY meant to say is that it's child's play - a walk in the park - nothing compared to the far greater potential that it has.

effects of acoustic resonance can be used for power generators, but no for aircraft engines

Oh I recently got a great job, and want to take advantage of its educational benefits. Ancient Egypt is my main focus in life right now, but I don't know - is Egyptology an actual major, like for a 4 year program? Or is it something you'd do to specialize after general archaeology? Of course I also want to take Geology as a minor - that's EXTREMELY important when dealing with things that old. If you ignore the land around it, and the effects that the earth has had on it, you could misdate something by thousands of years (see: sphinx)! Any other ideas/advice on what courses to take?

exact sciences are the best choice
egyptology has too much heresy &, yeah, Sphinx is one of the best examples for

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 08:45 PM

Originally posted by SarK0Y
resonance is devilest enemy of planes

Resonance can be a destructive force or a constructive force... it is FREQUENCY that is the key

An orchestra may resonate in harmony while an opera singer shatters that crystal glass

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 08:47 PM

Originally posted by ktorvalds
Any other ideas/advice on what courses to take?

That is easy...


or its modern counterpart... Quantum Physics

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 09:14 PM

Originally posted by zorgon
That is easy...


or its modern counterpart... Quantum Physics

HAHAHAHA you know what affects synchronous resonance with comedy? Beer! Ya I'm drunk and so that was way funnier than it would have been were I to be sober at the moment.

Quantum physics eh? hmm.... that sounds like a 4-year in and of itself - I want to specialize in the archaeological side of things (although I do find quantum physics extremely interesting).

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 09:54 PM

Originally posted by zorgon

Originally posted by SarK0Y
resonance is devilest enemy of planes

Resonance can be a destructive force or a constructive force... it is FREQUENCY that is the key

An orchestra may resonate in harmony while an opera singer shatters that crystal glass

most powerful acoustic waves lays into range of infra-sound -- that's real problem to direct it in constructive riverbed for aircraft engines.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 12:39 AM

Originally posted by SarK0Y

most powerful acoustic waves lays into range of infra-sound -- that's real problem to direct it in constructive riverbed for aircraft engines.

Perhaps, but there are no aircraft in this thread, only pyramids and stones being moved by sound manipulation

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 09:55 AM
Quantum Physics available for 100 years now almost and can't
replace our dependence on energy from oil.
Like atomic energy, non radioactive, has no wear out.
We were so much concerned with destroying the atom we
do not realize its non destructive and recovery abilities.
Light from atoms caused by quantum jumps are used over
and over again.
Atomic vibrations focused into sound pressure might help
move things better than oil.
Yeah I think that was done already.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by zorgon

Originally posted by SarK0Y

most powerful acoustic waves lays into range of infra-sound -- that's real problem to direct it in constructive riverbed for aircraft engines.

Perhaps, but there are no aircraft in this thread, only pyramids and stones being moved by sound manipulation

Amicus, that's good remark

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 03:52 PM
So anyone find the pyramid stone levitating device yet.
I mean yeah all the way to the top some one is going to build that
without a hover craft of some sort.
And what record if any have the Egyptians left us with on their
pyramid building.
Did Velikovsky find anything in his reading of ancient texts.
The best bet is to lesson gravity by building the center first and
building outward.
Like the cranes we have now that sit on top of the building process.
So searching for an ancient levitation device seem naught as
why look as we have the best levitation device that man can make
right now.

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 04:09 PM
Personally, I think we should rediscover what the Ancients knew when they built the GP. That, and we should stop putting all our solar power research into the military - it would serve far better in the private sector. But of course, how are you going to profit from solar and seismic energy? They're both resources that will last until this planet is gone - once the sun dies, there's no more possibility for life here. Once the Earth's core dies, that kills the electromagnetic field, thus disabling the protective shell that keeps most of those cosmic rays out, and again, no more possibility for life here, except for the few species of one- or few-celled organisms that can survive those levels of radiation. My point: why not use something that will be there, ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED, for the rest of our lives and the lives of anyone else that lives on this planet until its end?

I was actually just wondering the other day, what kinds of secrets the pyramids that haven't been opened up may hold. Maybe the Bosnian pyramids are like the GP, but intact? How long have they been covered in soil and overgrown? Maybe, if they were placed there with the same function, they could still be operable with some minor repairs!

Zorgon, do you know of any others that fit the description? Same sort of construction, unmarked, no bodies inside, same kinds of materials, high quartz content? (especially if they happen to be built on the same kind of ground with the same amount of, or more, seismic activity)

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by ktorvalds

I have been wondering the same thing!

What other common features the pyramids around the world hold?

Here is a site that lists pyramids around the world - I haven't looked through it yet. If I find anything interesting I'll post.

World Pyramids

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 05:53 PM
Have you seen the video on the hand clap echo off the mayan temple. Examples of sound waves & resonance? What were the uses? The guide mentions that the leaders would talk from within the temple and the sound would be amplified.

Also at different places the sound is different. So think about the shape of the pyramid and how as it gets smaller at the top, how it would affect sound.

[edit on 7-9-2010 by Julie Washington]

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 06:33 PM
Interesting - so the Mayan ones DID have a sound-based use! I wonder if the guide's description of it is accurate though....

(more digging to do!)

posted on Sep, 7 2010 @ 06:44 PM

Originally posted by ktorvalds
I think what SarKOY meant to say is that it's child's play - a walk in the park - nothing compared to the far greater potential that it has.

Wolfenz: THAT FIRST VIDEO WAS AMAZING. I've been looking for something like that, but didn't know what to call it, so the search terms didn't quite give me the right results. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

heh I wonder what the Halo 3 theme song would do in there... just the vocals of course!

This certainly puts me on the right track though. I see a lot of research in my future, when I get the time for it!

Oh I recently got a great job, and want to take advantage of its educational benefits. Ancient Egypt is my main focus in life right now, but I don't know - is Egyptology an actual major, like for a 4 year program? Or is it something you'd do to specialize after general archaeology? Of course I also want to take Geology as a minor - that's EXTREMELY important when dealing with things that old. If you ignore the land around it, and the effects that the earth has had on it, you could misdate something by thousands of years (see: sphinx)!
Any other ideas/advice on what courses to take?

Let not forget not just Sand! but Liquid in Cymatic's The Possiblity to move along a Object as we may never know .. as ..

a lot of Secrets Died after the fire in the Library of Alexandria in Egypt ..

Your Welcome glad you watched as those chants
Sounds like to me Short and Long Version of Vowels AEIOU

Things i would like to see in that Cymatic Machine

1 Parts of Close Encounters Sound track AEIOU
2 Some Middle Eastern Chanting or Singing
3 Gregorian Monks Chanting
4 Tibet Chanting
5 Greek & Italian Singing
6 China Music & singing
7 Native American Singing & Chanting
8 Celtic Singing & Chanting
9 Japan drum music & singing

nothing happens until 1:32 min mark Amazing Lifelike Dancing Creatures
sam oak cymatic experimental sound music frequency vibrations

Well Audio Spot light directing sound
add that to the Formula mix of acoustic levitation! and Cymatics Ultrasonic ,Magnetic !! in Frequency's

Cymatics - Bringing Matter To Life With Sound (Part 1 of 3) Close

Encounters of the Third Kind

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