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UFO Orb with a Face ? Video

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posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 09:34 AM
Nice. This looks like your standard orb... apart from what looks like the face.... definately haven't seen that before.... but these orbs are a very common occurrence.

I like to try and see the debunkers explain this one away as a reflection or artifact on the lens.

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 12:38 AM
More Faces Found in the Video ?





More Pics in this Link

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 12:48 AM
The guy needs psychiatric help...seriously.

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 01:12 AM
reply to post by Chadwickus

maybe but if he was really being haunted by something it might explain some of his seemingly irrational behavior and i don't see how his actions debunk what's in the video.

i am not saying any of this is real or defending it but , it is what it is and if this a paranormal event then it's worth looking at. if it turns out to be hoax then oh well, i have no control over that.

[edit on 30-8-2009 by easynow]

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 01:52 AM

Originally posted by easynow
More Faces Found in the Video ?



Those first 2 pictures (as copied above) are a blatant hoax.

It looks to me as if someone is trying to take advantage of the poor guy by "beefing up" his pictures.

He already seems to be in a serious mess, so that won't do him any good at all.

Have a look at my post on the other thread about this, wherein I posted some of his on-line ramblings.

Chadwickus is right......the guy needs help.

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 02:00 AM
reply to post by Sam60

Those first 2 pictures (as copied above) are a blatant hoax.

obviously the pics have been somehow enhanced and some features may have been added to highlight things but claiming they are a Hoax is not accurate unless you examine the video and prove it.

the guy's irrational behavior does not debunk the video.

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 02:01 AM
Further to my post (above), here's one of stanley's posts from the 27.4.09.

"THIS MY STORY THIS IS WHEN I STARTED HEARING THEM, I’ve being getting attacked by these since 1996, it started in house I was living with a couple of mates. . I was 23 young, 1 of me mates ewes to play with electronics. I started hearing people talking when I was in me room but I let it go and then they just started tormenting me. I thoughts me mates had some bugs in me room, electronic devices that can hear u. and making sure I hear them, I was searching long and hard around to try and find them. But I couldn’t find them. So they would go out and I would stay home all the time thinking there parked up the road with the bugs. I was scared they were coming to get me. I could hear them talking about me and they would laugh, I decided to move. I had an enough got angry with them and said your bugging me room and #. So I said I'm moving and moved, heard them there is well. They made me bit more physic than I already was I mean I couldn’t move around people I was scared I just knew what people were going to say and do I was #ing me self I became paranoid I just stayed at home full on. I decided to move again and again till 9 year’s go I moved here. I was fed up by now so I got over blaming me mates and started thinking it was aliens or spirits. I just kept it quiet no 1 new only when it started so I just took it. But up till two years ago I hadn’t had an infrared web camera. I seen 1 in a shop and bought it .40$ I came home plugged it in and bingo this is what has been tormenting me all this time. That why I'm angry with them because they’re so tormenting I've tried every thing to get rid of them. I still aren't convinced what they are spirits or aliens because they change. Back and forth. There’s heaps more I could tell but I'm not much of a writer thanx. I have tried being nice but there are so many different entireties I don’t know whose whom. There’s to names they refer to some times. They are RAY AND PETER but I think ray is short 4 grey, & repeater short peters short 4 reptilian they r like there bosses. They r very repetitive thanx 4 listening. I'm trying to get rid of them from Paul. I need a sound wave detector to show you what I'm hearing and what they r saying to me. My you tube site is stanley03061973 and you will be amazed nothing like it any where I've got orbs on still frame camera to I will put them on when I get the cord thanx stanley03061973 is my you tube. They make my ears pop like when your going up a hill and stays like that till they do what they do. I don’t know what to do I'm dumb founded.They r like the lyre bird they can mimic anything ive tried every ...................I GOT HIS ONE YESTERDAY MORNING PERTH AUSTRALIA TIME IT WAS ABOUT 5.50 IF U GO TO VID 71 ON YOU TUBE THAT WILL EXPLAIN MOST OF IT ,BUT MORE QUESTIONS WILL BE ANSWERED IF ASKED THEY RECKON THEY IN EVERY VIDEO THATS WHAT THEY SAY PEACE TO ERATH WE ARENT ALONE LOOK FOR YOUR SELF"

What a mess......

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 02:07 AM
reply to post by Sam60

umm i think we all can go to the first page and read what he wrote.

is it really neccesary to quote all that ?

care to explain the logic of how the guy's words and actions debunk the Orb that is in fact in the video ?

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 02:12 AM

Originally posted by easynow
reply to post by Sam60

Those first 2 pictures (as copied above) are a blatant hoax.

obviously the pics have been somehow enhanced and some features may have been added to highlight things but claiming they are a Hoax is not accurate unless you examine the video and prove it.

the guy's irrational behavior does not debunk the video.

G'day easynow

I think his condition might "debunk" it somewhat or put another way, lessen the chances of it being real. I mean this in the sense that I think people might try to exaggerate & enhance what's going on by being able to take advantage of him by getting him to say what they want, perpetuate the "problem", etc... for hits on websites, etc...

I had a short dialogue with stanley in another thread. He really wants somebody to come & investigate this first hand. He invited me to do that, but I'm 5,000 k's away. I'm sure he invites many people to do that.

I felt his invitation was more about wanting to make friends & wanting to get people around him for support & help.

If someone does go to investigate, the last thing he needs is a lunatic who will just believe anything & amplify things in Stanley's mind, whether it's there or not.

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 02:19 AM
With all respect to the OP the title should be changed. This is about a Ghost Orb, this is not about a UFO Orb. They are completely different types.

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 02:24 AM
reply to post by Sam60

I think his condition might "debunk" it

only in YOUR mind it debunks it

lets look at some facts shall we ?

1- there is a video with possible orbs in it

2- even if the guy is a total space case , i invited him here to ATS to talk about it and he did. that was at least an honest gesture in my opinion.

3- from what you say...he invited you to come see for yourself and you might be wrongly twisting that to an invitation because he just wants a friend.

if this kinda thing was really happening to you and nobody believed you but you wanted people to see for themselves would you have done anything different then him ?

i am not defending this story as true so don't get me wrong here but i think it's wrong to throw out the baby with the bathwater here just because this might seem hard to believe and the guy might be off a little.

i personally have seen a real Ghost in my life time and i know things like this can exist so saying this is fake when it's clear that there is something weird going on in the video is, in my opinion, a cop out.

[edit on 30-8-2009 by easynow]

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 02:33 AM
reply to post by spacecowboy

With all respect to the OP the title should be changed. This is about a Ghost Orb, this is not about a UFO Orb. They are completely different types.


i can't change the title and i wouldn't if i could. there is a unidentified something in the video period.

so you know fort a fact that paranormal events cannot be Alien related ?

ever heard of the Skinwalker Ranch ?

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 02:44 AM

Originally posted by easynow
reply to post by Sam60

I think his condition might "debunk" it

only in YOUR mind it debunks it
lets look at some facts shall we ?
1- there is a video with possible orbs in it
2- even if the guy is a total space case , i invited him here to ATS to talk about it and he did. that was at least an honest gesture in my opinion.
3- from what you say...he invited you to come see for yourself and you might be wrongly twisting that to an invitation because he just wants a friend.
if this kinda thing was really happening to you and nobody believed you but you wanted people to see for themselves would you have done anything different then him ?
i am not defending this story as true so don't get me wrong here but i think it's wrong to throw out the baby with the bathwater here just because this might seem hard to believe and the guy might be off a little.
i personally have seen a real Ghost in my life time and i know things like this can exist so saying this is fake when it's clear that there is something weird going on in the video is, in my opinion, a cop out.
[edit on 30-8-2009 by easynow]

Thanks for your detailed reply, easynow.

I think you quoted me just a little bit selectively. Please notice I said...

I think his condition might "debunk" it somewhat or put another way, lessen the chances of it being real.

Then I tried to explain my postion a little further....

I mean this in the sense that I think people might try to exaggerate & enhance what's going on by being able to take advantage of him by getting him to say what they want, perpetuate the "problem", etc... for hits on websites, etc...

My hoax comment was aimed specifically at those enhanced pictures. I believe it is intentionally being left ambiguous as to whether or not those images are enhanced.

I haven't yet said I don't think it's real, either in this thread or the other thread regarding Stanley's video's.

Regarding my "friend" comment, that was meant in a positive way out of concern for Stanley. Perhaps I didn't express myself clearly when I wrote that. There was no "twisting" to anything insulting or negative intended.

As for you seeing a ghost, all I can say is "you lucky bastard!". I would truly like to see a ghost (or a UFO for that matter).

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 03:07 AM
reply to post by Sam60

i agree the images are suspicious looking and there's no doubt that some of these ghost hunting people would or might take advantage of this situation. at this point i would say there is some enhancement done to the pictures but, how much of a enhancement is the question ?

yes i have seen something that i call a Ghost and it wasn't the typical type of ghost you might be thinking. you know the kind that looks like somebody with a sheet over them floating across the

what i saw i have no explanation for and no i don't want to get into my story here but the only logical way for me to describe it is to call it a ghost. it may have been an Alien for all i know.

i have had a close encounter with a ufo and also seen that Ghost. both were at different times in my life. if you or anyone else has never seen anything like this then it's understandable why people are so skeptical when considering ufo and ghost stories.

if you ever do experience these kind of things i promise you , you would look at these subjects in a completely different way.

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 03:20 AM

Originally posted by easynow
reply to post by Sam60

.......if you ever do experience these kind of things i promise you , you would look at these subjects in a completely different way.

I'm sure I would.

However, perhaps I'm already not quite as "hard line" as some seem to think.

If you have already posted or decide to post about your experiences at some time in the future, I will be very interested to read about it.


posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 04:26 AM
reply to post by easynow

If you contacted him on youtube then you would have seen his channel.

He has over a hundred videos showing these things.

I've watched a fair few now and to me he is filming moths.

What makes me come to that conclusion?

Two things. The first is the flying characteristics is that of a moth.

The second is his use of a towel or stick or whatever to make the moths take flight.

Much like this:

I was actually considering paying the guy a visit, I think I've even found his address but after watching these videos I've come to the conclusion that A. He has a bad moth problem and B. Is truly in need of psychiatric help.

I don't know why his family and/or friends haven't tried to intervene but I assure you these things are not ghosts or aliens and they most definitely do not have discernible facial features. This is guaranteed by the low quality video that then is recorded off a computer screen to be uploaded to youtube.

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by Chadwickus

ok i can settle for that explanation since he does have alot of bugs flying around his place there. i will say that it's not an impossibility for a ufo orb to be in a place with alot of bugs just like at the Eceti , Gilliland ranch out there in the State of Washington. they also have many videos that have bugs and orbs as well. that doesn't make Stanley's video more believable , just makes me think about it some more.

i guess i am just gonna file this one under inconclusive for now until or unless Stanley ( aka the ) shows us some better evidence. thanks Chadwickus , always good to hear from you on these kinda things

reply to post by Sam60

i wasn't implying that you are "hardlined" i was just saying if you ever have a ufo encounter or see something that might be considered a paranormal event then you will look at things a little different. even if you are the most open minded person on the planet , having these kind of experiences like i did, would change your perspective. that's all i was saying.

and no i won't be sharing my Ghost story or my UFO story on ATS ever again because i have no proof and the few times i did bring it up, i was attacked and ridiculed and people tried to make it out to be just my imagination. nuff said on that

thanks Sam60 for your input here

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 02:15 PM
OOps looks like someone opened himself up to demonic entities and now he can't get rid of them, or maybe, he doesn't want to?

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 02:25 PM
why does he say he has more vids of faces? is he just faking the vids to get attention? seems.
or is he some kind of ghost face/ufo hunter/summoner/spawner?

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by stanley03061973

Go see a Doctor stanley03061973 I'm serious.

And I'm not commenting any more as this is Rubbish!


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