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The "What are you eating?" food conspiracy

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posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 10:58 PM
meat is murder.
your failing as a human being.

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 11:56 PM

Originally posted by STFUPPERCUTTER
meat is murder.
your failing as a human being.

Guess what happens when you jump into a pit of tigers. Hint: they don't roll over and invite you to scratch their belly.

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 12:28 AM
reply to post by vcwxvwligen

The same thing will happen if I throw you into a pit of religious extremists and tell them you think their religion is silly.

There is such a thing as evolution.

I still eat meat but I don't take pride in it, I may very well become vegan when I am more prepared.

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 12:36 AM
reply to post by george_gaz

As a vegan, I find I no longer have such a relationship with my food (energy source) as to feel proud or excited or even emotionally involved with the act of catching, killing, cooking, or even eating it.

Our whole group had to reallocate time once we changed to a vegan diet- as food simply became a source of energy- vs the emotionally charged activity that it had once been. Holidays, special events, celebrations and interaction required adjustment because food was no longer the defining aspect of the gathering.

This was possibly the most awkward aspect of going from a heavy meat and dairy diet to vegan. What do you do when you're not all up in the food and celebrating the act of eating, ha ha. What do you talk about when you're not drooling and praising and grinning? I know this sounds silly, but now when we go out to eat (very rarely)- it's so obvious the excitement flushing the faces of the people when their meat arrives and is cooked correctly. I don't know what that is, yet.

I have no interest in telling others their behavior is incorrect, I just quietly remember the giddiness I used to display because I was going to eat! and the love I held for my food. It's bizarre to me now, ha ha.

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 03:33 AM
reply to post by STFUPPERCUTTER

Industrial meat is murder. Imprisonment, torture, then murder in that order.

Hunting is nature, animal nature and humans are included in that.

If you're really living in harmony with your natural environment if there was any natural environments left you'd be taking a balance of small amounts of a variety of plants and animals.

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 06:07 AM
As my mother would say

"Choice would be a fine thing"

and the reality of a starving belly

Would find the best of us vegetarians gnawing on a bone
a person will eat just about anything when there is no other choice

yet the fact is at this moment I do have choice

I have the choice of organic foods to eat
And so I choose to eat organic ...and vote with my money

Which I may add is not that expensive to buy here
even when you are on a very limited budget

The organic supermarkets are growing and this in turn lowers the prices

Speaking as an ex-diabetic patient
and ex-fast and convenient food shopper

It is now imperative that I personally keep away from all chemically modified or taste enhanced foods
especially that industrial created "hydrogenated vegetable oil" Trans fats
as that stuff nearly killed me

I say .....Thank god I still have a choice !!!

and here is another saying of my mothers

"You can have all the money in the world ...
Yet when you no longer have your health ..
Your money is worth nothing "

so invest your money wisely natural food

Eating organic foods for me
is the best health insurance plan that my money can buy .....

shame the food industry ....cannot see this

edit ..for spelling

[edit on 15-7-2009 by xsheep]

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 08:14 AM
One person mentioned that they would not eat commercially processed meat if the protein content was under 20% because it would denote poor quality.

The problem occurs when the meat product is packaged and advertised as either "typically less than 10% fat" or "typically more than 20% protein".

The word typically is just a way of saying "this does not have ... more than 20% protein".

So not only are we up against a war of poor ingredients and animal conditions but a war against the marketing of the product too.

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 09:31 AM

Originally posted by STFUPPERCUTTER
meat is murder.
your failing as a human being.

Even when I take issue with the stance of someone who is opposed to the practice of consuming meat, I would never be so vulgar so as to cast the individual as being one who"failing as a human being" as you have so eloquently stated.

It's a PERSONAL choice.

Obviously, your choice of sticking to what you have determined is a viable "catch phrase" in continually barking "meat is murder" in response to statements that you find unappetizing is glaringly unintellectual, pathetic and juvenile.

In my opinion, it is the equivalent of putting one's hands over one's ears and screeching "LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA".

I feel that I stand on a far stronger foundation(in regards to my success as a viable human being) than you will probably ever.

The survival skills that I have amassed over my lifetime, enable me to live TOTALLY off of the land(if need be). Be it in high Alpine areas, or swamps, or deserts, or forest's of any type, on the ocean, or urban sprawl.

I do not merely "subsist", I prosper.

Grow up Grasshopper, the world has MUCH more to teach you...

That is, if you possess the intestinal fortitude to think these "grand themes" of life fully through.

I really look forward to the end of summer, when all the kiddies scamper back to school and their weary teachers can bear the brunt of this inane crap......

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 05:33 PM

Originally posted by bsbray11
reply to post by vcwxvwligen

The same thing will happen if I throw you into a pit of religious extremists and tell them you think their religion is silly.

There is such a thing as evolution.

I still eat meat but I don't take pride in it, I may very well become vegan when I am more prepared.

What specifically do you mean by "evolution," and are you implying that humans are a product of evolution in that sense?

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 05:44 PM
Killing animals is also good for protecting your home. I think that lots of vegans have become so spoiled with civilization that they've forgotten real survival skills.

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